New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Tuesday, 1 March 2016
New Thoughts On Marx.
Marx' insight into the future of industrialized life and the mechanization of labor may have involved a labor free society. It could be extrapolated from Marx' work. The recognition of this variable and reality is being proposed here all the same. Certainly, this possibility may have been addressed before. But, now there are machines that answer phones, build cars, watches, fly planes, drive cars and trucks and possibly construct homes and buildings as well. Labor will always remain but its need is being reduced. The need for the consumer remains and always will since robots and machines cannot contribute to the economy in buying homes or food or any other factor of industrial output. You may ask why formal or tertiary education would remain necessary if human labor is no longer required. It is always required to save our souls, our communities and the planet from the most negative aspects of the human soul such as jealousy and stave off the tendency for humanity to digress and to degenerate into barbarism. This is evident if we feed our souls and our families nothing else in terms of media consumption. We need it to understand the new technologies that influence our lives such as mobile phones. There are more mobile phones in the world than at any other time in history and we should remember to use them. But unfortunately, the mobile phones are reducing our fertility by 25% and expanding the hypothalamus such that some new movies can indicate new social phenomena involving non verbal communication and intuition if you like the other individual's perfume or cologne. As such, we will be able to manage our feelings and emotions intelligently and not with the first guttural, neanderthal response to negative emotions. This is the real purpose and function of education so that you don't kill your friends from grade 4 if they chose to understand or were beaten or threatened with abandonment by their parents if they did not understand trigonometry and get an A. The God fearing parents might have been polite about it and say there is nothing wrong with B+ but A is better. The individual and the state will be the benefactor as each citizen of the state will be paid for their consumption in this culmination of the times. Also, no matter what, everybody gets 5 minutes of fame when your personal photos and data are used without your knowledge via the Who's App. Marx` theory can be adjusted, in conclusion, to focus on the role of the largest segment of the population as consumers instead of the worker such that we speak of the consumers' rights instead of workers' rights. The consumer, in the end, is the most important person in the economic cycle. With respect to the mercantile system, gold could remain the basis of all financial exchange and property valuation. But, you really cannot buy anything with it. Can you go to the supermarket and buy anything with it? What can it do really? Gold is vanity. It is a material that is appreciated but is not necessarily exchangeable in itself except for how certain individuals decided to give it appreciation; possibly for comparative status. Do you know anyone who wears gold and who survived a subway ride? I don't. That is a status monger-er and they think they are better than you. Do you think you are better than him? But, it could be a gift so don't hurt them. It's not worth your freedom. There's a security camera. Maybe that sense of status free equality is the new gold for everyone. Has gold been replaced by some other substance, activity or endeavor that is appreciated soo highly by some vain human beings? It could be storge love or human touch. You have heard of touch devices. But, truthfully community and safe, viable economic activity free of racism is the true gold that everyone appreciates. We could be approaching a heaven in our babylon-like achievements as we reach the skies with multiple, gleaming symbols of success, a place where human ego is redundant with a unit for everyone, where machines do all of the work. There is no need to be racist when there is no reason for conflict. Everybody has a little something although your wife may lust after the bigger one and want the more. But, have you seen the new civic? It looks like the 2003 Audi A4. Wow! Who could ask for anything more. You have children with whom you choose, there is a stipend for everyone and you can be polite to maintain a safe shopping environment. There is no need to worry about competition for jobs and the "blue people" who had to work twice as hard in a world full of such diligent teachers who were white and who taught him that he could really do a great great job; you understand. Are you afraid he or she will do his or her work? There is no promotion necessarily or employee award. But, he would love to buy a new vehicle. He is very thankful actually and he prayed to honor those teachers in addition to his family. The new gold could be a hug with someone who is genuinely faithful to you with promises to see them again very soon if not every day. The real standard for economic valuation is human life, creativity and daily living as Marx pointed out. Education was free for a very long time. It may not be free any longer. There are insufficient numbers of individuals who appreciated it and sought to get as much free education as possible. A minimum degree of free education that is centred bilingualism and trigonometry for problem solving will be sufficient so that individuals can be competitive consumers and there will be fewer deaths due to the fact that someone actually owns his ten year old vehicle and bought it happily while you are making car payments.
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