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Monday, 7 March 2016

Mark 4, Matthew 13. So, with the parable of the four seeds, we understand that while it may be the reason why someone had the gall to write Mein Kampf based on the simple fact that 3/4's of the world will never understand the gospel but will want the peace of the gospel even if it is thrust upon them at the threat of death, it helps us to understand peace. The planet is like a space ship. Everyone is granted their private quarters and expects to be free from molestation. But, there will be those who will not wish to respect this simple agreement that grants everyone a certain degree of peace, order and good government while we enjoy the ride, orbiting in the galaxy for 3 score and 10; 70 years. They will want to break into people's homes and spaces (500 + sq. feet) and see how they live and maybe poison their food so that they won't feel jealous( the devil's agent). Who could believe that people like this actually exist and have lived longer than their 49th birthday. The bible justifies it's existence in light of human behavior as we turn every form of human endeavor and work into the enterprise of machines. These endeavors were based on logic for the benefit of the entire community as evidenced in the bible that includes the Torah. But, it seems that some have preferred the illogic of "me". You have heard of the "me" generation. That was really the Joker(Batman character) who justified his illegality as in "more for me." So, we need guns to save the 3/4's of the world population from themselves; the 3/4's who kill each other, break in, steal and destroy due to their inability to receive and perpetuate the royal law that says you should treat others as you wish to be treated.



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