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Friday, 9 May 2014

Misery loves company but civil society does not love misery. In a similar vain, art imitates life but one must slow down and reconsider this well quoted adage when the power of art( movies and other consciousness shaping, emotionally impactual media with the power to scar or heal souls) leads to a new reality where life imitates art but in an aberration of scared people who demand the movie stereotype of other individuals in a world that releases soo many movies such that there really could be no single stereotype to satisfy the limited, underead and ill-informed expectations of someone who only watches GI Joe box office greatest hits and spaghetti Westerns. The end result is that they are unable to be themselves, enjoy themselves functionally and enjoy life. They put soo much pressure on themselves to conform, make the well-timed appearance at the big party and then they go home to hide again. This is the life of the human mannequin and food presenter for every marketer but she is not necessarily under contract. But, she expects you to pay for her time because in her mind, she is always uh working. She might also be very afraid that you might love someone and get off her imaginary GI Joe doll shelf where she keeps all of her imaginary contacts and associations. She was in your last girlfriend's fridge for this reason. He or she already told everyone that he or she really needs company. Read 1st Timothy 4:1-4. He or she can check her local church for a bible study instead of attending naked organic apple growing festivals in hotel rooms.

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