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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

How do you feel after throwing out five good fish and two loaves of bread? How do you feel after refusing to feed your child as a form of punishment? How do you feel when you do it in the purpose of keeping the sabbath? How do you feel when you throw out your husband's favorite hanso sword, football shoes or Starwars collection just to get more attention failing to realise that his interests form the character that makes you think he is kind of cute? You can set a coffee date hour at any local restaurant. The point is that everybody has a lapse in selflessness and makes a mistake or sins. Read Romans 7. Are you going to sit home after every weekly worship service to try and determine if the worship leader fell(f.ound e.piphany in the L.ord's l.ove?) Read Matthew 7. The Lord is judging you too and does not need you to help the devil with condemning people in your version of what it means to live in the word. Read Romans 8. Read 1st John:1-9. Don't call your husband ill if he doesn't know that if you live or were raised in a culture that originates in a locale south of Florida, that it is communally acceptable when you are 36 + years old to have sex with anyone you want and this is tied to the belief that God is turning a blind eye. Is he turning a blind eye on the family separation or additional child support consequences. What about the other risks in that the other family may catch you being "culturally well" ,so to speak, with their deacon father? Do your best to treat others as you wish to be treated. Stay out of the rain in your public and private life as best as you can. Be sincere. But, God could be turning a blind eye you think; maybe? Read Malachi 2 and Matthew 19. Conclude with Hebrews 13; especially verse 8.

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