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Friday, 30 May 2014

The Movie Of The Week: Hunt To Kill. Life is about Kellogs at breakfast and how you keep the cereal bowls safe and secure. What you do on the home front to keep your neighbourhood neighbourly and civil is just as important as the the laser weapons on the new battleships. A free education can go along way.

Click the title.

Actra Visa Cards give you advanced seating and a sense of affinity to the industry that tells you excellent bed-time stories about the three pigs beating a female wolf with cock roach genes and also the story about how Moses beat the sorcerers. It's sort of in Lord of the Rings; a story that summarises many of our favorite morality traditions.

The cave meets the plains. Keep asking your friend in perfect Cave and Soap Opera tones if her friend of the opposite gender is good for her.

I am not likely to own an entire car and automobile company in this life but you never know. However, isn't the low probability enough to recognize a certain uh kind of uh hegemony or uh superiority if you want to see it that way or feel that way about your melanin starved self? It is getting rather hot around the planet; innit? Try the coffee; Colombian dark. It could help. Why don't you just get on with it? You don't need to destroy the planet( father earth) to feel powerful. Zero emissions fuels will certainly keep you whiter as well( The fuel works like Tide) if you have no other motive such as cleanliness you dirty sexually abused bastards who want to instill a culture of sexual abuse since you spent ten years of your life as your father's whorish first or third daughter. What does it have to do with anyone who does not know your experience and why you have not chosen to forgive? I do lament with you with respect to your lack of "oasis" ancestry. The caves are quite cold and it seems one gets anxious in the cave if his neighbor cave friend intends to live by the ten commandments and separate himself from the group by claiming a wife or the bunch of apples he collected to provide for the one wife with whom he wishes to have a settled existence. But, you could have a wife if you wish or member of the opposite gender with whom you could settle down and make some apple pie; innit? It's okay. Just choose one. When the cave dweller descendent met the settler descendent who had huts and farming and a few palm-like trees in vegetation from the south of England, there was civil war. It took a while for the civil war to ferment and thank God for the Roman and Norman intervention as a median group but Hobbes had to write something so both the cave dweller descendent and the settled farmer from the south could meet at a civil traffic light in peace in the distant future or enjoy commodious living on a civilized subway somewhere or a civilized pub for a pub lunch on the way to uh Debris( watch Gravity the Movie). You checkmated yourselves. There is need for commodious living and a brain emotionally equipped to celebrate peace with one's neighbor regardless of his ancestral origins( cave or oasis).

Born and conceived in iniquity but educated in civil society? Read Romans 7 and John 20.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Education and Civil Society.

A new mechanism is being designed to assist Online University-type programs and secondary educators who may be in need of additional supply teachers. It involves video modules designed in the 1970's with updates in the 90's. New teacher recruiting is required continually due to the high rate of teachers who leave due to stress. To confirm final graduation from High School, students will have to complete a computerised oral exam as designed in various American and international university studies( including Canada) that will ensure each graduate is a civil society graduate. If they do not satisfy the system filter, the student will have to complete two additional studies on Dickens' novels and Shakespeare's plays as contrasted with the ten commandments.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Galatians 6 (New Living Translation).

Many antichrists shall come as they do nothing but encourage conflict.

John 14 says the Lord prepared a place for you. It also says the Kingdom of God is at hand and the Kingdom is within you. But, there is no peace in the society
or the place prepared as paradise with hot and cold running water if you do not agree.There is only conflict. The antithesis of agreement is conflict. A society divided against itself cannot stand and as such there is an antithesis of peace on a micro-social and macro-social level. The Talmud, Koran, Torah and the bible command the saving of life as the person responsible for ensuring peace in society is to maintain the said duty of saving life. The antithesis is an absence of the desired peace. My grade 7 and 8 music teacher encouraged my reading of music and to strive for excellence in everything including my science projects.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Man is going forward technologically but backward emotionally. A corollary argument was made by Rousseau who said that " is born free but is everywhere in chains." This observation is summarised kindly in Ecclesiastes that says man was made simple but he has made himself very complicated.

This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes." Ecclesiastes 7:29.
While the dominant ideas found in Western model jurisprudence assume that all law is derived from the state or government only, "law" and legal systems rise out of the various inputs made by individuals, society and religion in addition to the state. To demonstrate this, a comparative approach will be used, focusing upon the historical and cultural development of law comparatively.

By Warren A. Lyon.
University of London, S.O.A.S. College, 1998.

DJ Ivore Clin and Friends Music Mix Of The Week: Enjoy Gospel, Jazz, Salsa and Jazz Fusion.

Click the title.
It was once claimed that Ellen G. White was the second coming of Christ. As this was a claim, whether Christ has come or is still coming, we are certain that Christians seek, feel and have authority, in Heaven and earth by loving the Lord, their neighbour as themselves and treating others as they wish to be treated. The Lord never sought to promote the gospel or further it by abusing anyone so that they would follow His denomination while claiming  He was defending the gospel or the faith.  Even Paul repented for his murders, so did David and so did Moses. As faith continues, whether  or not Christ has already come or is still to come, we know that in spite of the very best efforts of Christians ( including Catholics) racism still exists but is quite often hard to appreciate when your children were always corrected by a white(70% probability of being quarter black since 1701) school teacher who told them how to do it correctly. As such, they should not be surprised if the children end up as employee of the month for some other white people some where maybe more than once in their lives. It should not be a mystery now; not at all actually.
The only difference between Liverpool, Scotland, London and Russia is the cost of a bottle of Byblos and an appreciation of a mutuallly shared and enjoyed paradise. Those who appreciate paradise less, love their egos and speak with angry comparisons about their neighbours much more. It's rather unusual though when you are neighbours.
The terrorist is the one who breaks the rules to feel authority. The devil kills, steals and destroys. Some how, he feels authority on the earth. But, you could have a terrorist using a non-terrorist organisation carrying out terrorist activities. Hitler understood this very well. He killed, not only the Jews but the half-black African, Jewish and Italian doctors who spoke German and lived in Germany.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Video did not kill the radio star. The issue is not image but quality of music production. Look at the Red Hot Chili peppers. Now, tell the devil to leave your music industry alone.

Movie Of The Week: Wedding Daze(2006)

Click the title.
So,technological innovations become useless at the point where such innovations make humanity redundant or when there are insufficient consumers to allow economic activity to be viable. Efficiency in distribution, however, will always serve community and civil society; a society that not only provides virtually free education in safe school environments but that also ensures safe professions for graduates in their chosen field of work. If you are a fire fighter or store clerk, never argue with a Doctor or Avocat about his analysis of a matter unless you are trained and educated to challenge the opinion. Just celebrate your chosen profession. The Doctor or Firefighter is not going to argue with your opinion on the 2 for 1 deal. You are the store clerk and everyone
smiles with you and shows you courtesy.
In certain mountain dweller cultures, women expect a man to have sex with any female who asks. The expectation challenges the notion of fidelity when engaged in such activity. It challenges the notion of faithfulness in a married or dating relationships. The bible says to escape youthful lusts and being faithful to one person only provides satisfaction and also safety. No one is imposing a culture on you and if your culture is content with open copulation, then be content but do not try to impose open copulation on others. They are content with one partner, wife or girlfriend in France usually 99.9 percent of the time so leave that French or Latino Jamaican or American alone.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

So, in every economic endeavor and in the drive to greater economic efficiency, there has to be a balance that respects human beings as the only purpose of the market. There will always be a market but without human beings, there is no purpose to the endeavor but nullity. A toy store full of efficiently made toys as manufactured by robots will need families and consumers to enjoy them and to purchase them. The consumer needs cash and jobs to do this. So, you will either give them cash in light of human redundancy or you will find the balance in not making humanity redundant. In the old days, the Black guy was the first to die but not now. He is a GI Joe or something like that and is here to save the world with his quarter white, black and native Indian colleagues. Everybody was quarter something racially speaking by 1701.  It gets rather hot in the new world; innit?  

There will always be a movie as a media format. They are entertaining but they should not conflict with civilizing education.

Maleficent(The Movie ) is attracting a lot of bad publicity and reviews. It seems to be a "Disney put the devil mask on" type of movie that is rather contrary to Disney's usual expectations and finished product according to most reviews. Civilizing education is challenged by a "not so free" speech but a barbaric and enslaving speech and mass media. The end result is a nullity or zero. I enjoyed Band of Brothers but it would be good to have a more well-rounded account of an integrated World War II. I also enjoyed Super Man Returns and Wimbledon( the Movie).
In spite of the importance of free schools and free access libraries, they have not been sufficient to satisfy the importance of ego satiation. The resulting dissatisfaction has led to a duality in society that has caused numerous unbalanced equations in the application of rules that made ego-satiating free schools and services possible. Maybe if we honor the wisdom of our forebears and apply the legislated provisions they provided for social and communal peace in the towns and cities, there would be a country for old men; young men as well and we could focus on satisfying and serving God's ego in addition to serving our neighbours. Why would you want to rival God's ego? You are a joint heir in Christ. Submit your ego to His.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

There are "almost free" schools and there is "almost free" food in paradise. You can get enough calories to survive as long as the average nomad( approximately one week) in Ethiopia for $1.39. That is paradise when the generation after the baby boom generation is aptly referred to as the " Barn is Full" generation. Try Luke 12: 13-21. There is some research about milk marketing boards and grain and wheat boards achieving an efficiency that has led to the destruction of both surplus bread and milk to keep the price of food commodities on markets afloat so to speak. It's amazing but true. Read also Luke 16:19-31.
Where pineapples, salmon, and cocunuts are scarce, the concept of "mine" begins. There is less opportunity to talk about "mine" when everybody can afford or obtain a reasonable mobile phone. The TV is more affordable now for two reasons. There is a constant demand but cheaper robotic labour and less raw material required. They are also less likely to break down. As such, there is less general need as a result. Less general need equates to lower demand except for that which is bigger and uh "new".You need consumers for a market. It is one aspect of an overtly communist economy that means refusing to pay peopl more than enough to eat and maintain a necessary dignity will stifle that economy regardless of a company's or various producers' efficiency. Without consumers there is no point to economic endeavor but vanity and ego. You are not serving anyone or anything but ego.

There is a great deal of free education and it may be that there will be more free education up to a post graduate level to hedge against barbaric and less enlightened media influences that have taken up much of society's emotional band-width according to various studies. People are connected but not together. They are diffused as individuals and the result is that an incomplete half( a person who is not whole) cannot fuse well with a whole person or another incomplete half. It is time for more free education. Education helps us to appreciate our neighbour's creativity without coveting and attempting to kill and steal while also helping an individual to find and to appreciate one's own creativity without any sense of personal intimidation.

There is a great deal of free education and it may be that there will be more free education up to a post graduate level to hedge against barbaric and less enlightened media influences that have taken up much of society's emotional band-width according to various studies.  People are connected but not together. They are diffused as individuals and the result is that an incomplete half( a person who is not whole) cannot fuse well with a whole person or another incomplete half.  It is time for more free education. Education helps us to appreciate our neighbour's creativity without coveting and attempting to kill and steal while also helping an individual to find and to appreciate one's own creativity without any sense of personal intimidation.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Documentary Of The Week(The Real Story).

When shall the end come if you're serving your fellow neighbours? The purpose is to provide salt and light. Don't worry if he feels too good with a discounted pair of TJ Maxx( brand) socks. Your job is to be thankful for what you found on sale so don't steal the store brand socks...again.

There is no doubt about an "end" to the world. Pompeii and its demise, the San Francisco earth quake, in addition to WWI and WWII are examples. It's also amazing that some survivors of these historical ( "end of the world")events give up in faith and repent in the opposite direction. See Romans 8. The generation that witnessed these events with falling buildings and saboteurs or the generations that witnessed the rebuilding may have thought that the prophesied end of the world had come. Hobbes must have witnessed the aftermath of the English civil war. He also lived through part of it. "The book of Hobbes" is not unlike the Book of Eli(movie) but with one bible and possibly four humans consisting of two males and females at minimum, there is no end but only hope for a new beginning. Before Hobbes' time, man became used to civil virtues such as roads, toilets, steam baths, and "diner, dejeuner and petit dejeuner" fare served at table with chairs and glasses. The Lord knows when He has decided how the "end" shall come and what will constitute that "end"-See Matthew 24. Until then, occupy your time. Everybody, gets bad teeth eating too much chocolate and the grocery store runs out of your favorite bread every now and again. Why do you have grocery stores?; so that you can stock up again. Now, leave your neighbour's kitchen alone and just be thankful for civil society. If you want to be really close to people or if you are feeling a little lonely, join a chess club, bible study or a bridge club. Natural law will not change and nor will our obvious human nature. While there is a culture to every popular national and not so global sport, the culture of a sport and living by expectations of that sport and its culture will not amount to an alibi for one's communal misdeeds and incivility. Zombies, Vampires and the rich man seen in Luke 16:22 are from the same species. They are the living dead and are angry with the regenerate living( Strengthen what remains-Revelations 3:2.).  They are not human but aberrations of the living.  What wife has a right to getting her anger out and giving her family the disease she picked up getting her anger out on her husband while spending too much time 'vacuuming" an old boyfriend who got disease getting his anger out on his girlfriend? She used a PMS alibi. The boyfriend's alibi was that he was not a "boy".  See Romans 8. Try 1st Corinthians 13.  Salvation is commensurate with a soul that desires the fruits of the spirit and the mind that will be able to appreciate that letting Antwone Fisher(movie) know about ribtips (instead of bacon) and bed bugs with that female older cousin too early has nothing to do with cultural preservation on either side of the Atlantic but a serious need for more fruit of the spirit and not only on Sunday with a Hammond organ but every day so you won't be surprised about Antwone being able to get in to Harvard Medical School. He studied his chemistry three times so that he would only have to write it once and got consistent A's and B's in Senior High School chemistry. I still cry when I watch Leave it to Beaver or the other docudrama or comedy. Who would want to pillage a village or shire full of neighbours simply because they respected their school teacher and never failed to forget that the right answer is in front of you if you are doing a multiple choice exam designed for a reasonable student who is provided with reasonable materials?  A person who is jealous of such a village is not very civil and may be the descendent of Cain( as in Cain and Abel).  When humans no longer desire commodious living but something more arduous and barbaric,  then the season is upon you. Read Proverbs 14:1. See Matthew 24.    Most women like a Hoover Vacuum cleaner as a modern convenience.  The day may come when they hate vacuums and ironing. Until then, let salt preserve(Matthew 5) and let light show the peaceful way since life is not about a race track of egos amongst grade school, high school, sporting or professional colleagues. It is about service. What denomination cannot agree with Matthew 7 and Acts 2? Why do you spend so much time hastening the "end" of the world that you worry about by using four-ply toilet paper as you just "do"? Sing some Unities( not rifts).  Read Desiderata( as found in a church in 16th century Boston and written by a Christian Munk) and Romans 8 and enjoy your time without stealing someone else's art project or science project with the justification being that you stole car keys and felt that the artist did not respect himself.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

DJ Pears Soappe and Friends Music Mix Of The Week: Enjoy Gospel, Salsa and Jazz Fusion.

Click the title.

Cain did not realize that ego is not the province of professionalism. Service is the province of professionalism. Service, not ego, is the purpose of all human endeavor and this includes entertainment and the arts where the musician purposefully entertains and uses the correct notes to minister to the human soul. Everyone makes mistakes but even the sportsman trains and perfects his throw for service. It is no mystery that Lucifer was a music minister but he forgot the purpose of service and worshiped his own beauty, his God given ability and himself quite rebelliously.

Cain did not realize that ego is not the province of professionalism. Service is the province of professionalism. Service, not ego, is the purpose of all human endeavor such as education and this includes entertainment and the arts where the musician purposefully entertains and uses the correct notes to minister to the human soul.  It is no mystery that Lucifer was a music minister but he forgot the purpose of service and worshiped his own beauty, his God given ability and himself quite rebelliously. Lucifer failed the steps in Mark 4 and the parable of the seeds.  Everyone makes mistakes but even the sportsman trains and perfects his throw for service.Your ego is guaranteed a good jolt of esteem if you approach the result in that fashion. With rules and a referee, the result of the game is not guaranteed but you can bet on it if you wish. If you know who is going to win, then there is no time or chance( Ecclesiastes 9). There is no point in making a bet.  With most of life, you can worship yourself and live life comparing your running shoes to those of your neighbor or you can go out on the field of life, do your best and serve your society and community. There are so many people to be served. There is need for more than one baker with his own unique expression on the chemistry or recipe of various cakes, cookies and pies. There are rules to baking, advocating for the blind, lame and wrongfully accused and to chiropractic care.
 He became quite ugly after in essence but still attempts to appear as an angel of light only to kill, to steal and to destroy. Your job is to be sure of your master and take instructions from no one else. Read Matthew 4. 1st Kings 13 and John 5. Service is the answer to Mark 4.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Cain refused. See Proverbs 18:24. Join the Nationwide Christian soccer league and don't let your dribbling or your tackling take precedence over rubbing your injured opponent's knee just before the end of game handshake; bangers and mash and a half a pint with orange please!

The phemonenon of a home alarm system with 24 hour monitoring in the 1920's-It was never needed really. The dead bolt was enough and the windows had steel shutters. Every home had this design. Who needed an alarm system?

I have never studied the art of paying compliments to women; but I must say that if all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of woman were applied to the women in America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during this war( against the emotional zombies that lust pleasure instead of the word of God as first witnessed in New Orleans in the 17th Century and  who seek compulsively to share their misery with the living). God bless the women of America!

-Abraham Lincoln.

Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the revolution, never to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others( and zombies).   

-Abraham Lincoln.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The irony about culture is that, in spite of the various differences among them, there are certain habits or expectations that remain the same among humans. As a child, you would be upset if you saw your father kissing intimately the mother of the boy next door. She had a husband. This would be unfair to you and your mother. You would be upset if you witnessed accidentally your mother kissing intimately the father of the family next door while your mother's dress was undone. You would realize that it was unfair to you and your father. You would feel hurt if your mother gave your Christmas toys away to the children next door and they already had relatively nice toys and you had done all of your chores. You would feel sort of betrayed and abused. You would feel that a school was insulted if some person borrowed someone else's essay and handed it in as his or her own simply because they were too lazy to do research, find references and write the essay. It would have been okay to use it as an example of how an essay should appear. A magazine article would usually provide sufficient essay structure as an example or an article in an academic journal usually follows academic essay format. These experiences circumvent our expectations of how people should treat others, how we were taught to treat people and how we wish to be treated. This includes the manner in which free schools are treated. The fact that they are free lifts a tremendous burden off of a family and they can believe that hard work and education is the great leveler. Let us celebrate civil society in our homes and in society itself. Let us enjoy the hot and cold running water of civil society. Faith in God made it possible; the faith that is employed somewhat less often in a world where clothing and food is purchased by the majority and not made or grown. So one asks what he should do with the blessed hands that the Lord gave him or her. They should enjoy peace and use their faith to achieve the ultimate goal of faith above and beyond answering bodily need( such as food and clothing) and that goal is peace with oneself, with God and with one's neighbor; that we should treat others as we wish to be treated and use our power of prayer to preserve civil society( salt preserves and light helps you to see how-Matthew 5), our homes and ask God for the strength, with the same fervor with which we designed gas ovens and saws and drills for masonry, to treat our neighbors as we wish to be treated. This "civil society" is the Leprechaun's real pot of gold and without it, he will spend a lot of time trying to hide that big pot of gold and fearing that someone may find out about the big secrets. They may become a gremlin in the purpose( one who kills, steals and destroys as totally motivated by fear of what he has done and who may find out- all in the name of GOLD). Any culture or tradition that encourages you to have a sin, does not remind you of the consequences or the risks. It could really affect your peace or your neighbour. Why make a contract with yourself to hurt yourself, your neighbour or God? Sin is the antithesis of loving your neighbor as you love yourself. It is the antithesis of the royal law. It is the antithesis of loving the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, body and soul. If you make a mistake and sin, you can say sorry  and genuinely be forgiven(1st John 1:9) but a contract with yourself to sin is something  entirely different from a genuine mistake or accident.  Watch the City of God(movie) and Layer Cake(movie) and know that, with good example as to why you should not make it a habit of just "taking and going", you must have noticed the following by watching bull fights( get it?); that bulls may get stabbed in the arena if they are not faithful to the the one cow in the manger. Cows may get served for dinner when they lie about all the bulls with whom they never really had a "take me and go" wedding. If you want take out, call the "Wok with Spouse or boyfriend along river" Chinese Food restaurant.

Hebrews 10.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

There is always a need for acceptance of some kind but what type of dude or dudette that you like in a relationship? What does granny say? She thinks that a fish boat captain is the ideal and one who will just know it was you who left yellow egg yoke on his vehicle. Read Matthew 5. Vehicle designers are hard- pressed to please everyone but so are you. God made you with a unique personality. The vehicle designers and companies make sufficient vehicle types and designs to please the billions of personalities in the world. The Lord has provided a sufficient number of dudes or dudettes to provide for the needs in your personality. There is such a dude or dudette in your area. But, you can't have an opportunity to ask someone out if you don't go to co-ed lawn bowling, fishing or attend your Sunday service or the University classes. She is pleasant. He is pretty cool. They wouldn't mind going out for a unique new cola to talk about that new movie, the new Ikea line or the new Weights at the gym. It's not soo simple but they will ask you out for a second date. They certainly want you to call them again for the Shanghai Ponderosa Buffet.

Ephesians 1.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

DJ Ivore Clin and Friends Special Presentation: Enjoy Gospel, Salsa, House, and Jazz Fusion.

On the way to the promised land or in completing the various stages of Christian growth that can be exemplified in Mark 4, you meet all kinds; literally. Mark 4 is mirrored by Matthew 4. The last stage is submission to the word in the purpose and intention of service. This is how the Lord passed the test in Matthew 4 only to be tempted again. This is how the seed bears the fruit. Your goal is to become the seed that produces some fruit and if you don't quit, you will understand the verse that says "one waters the seed, one plants it but God causes the growth-1st Corinthians 3:6-9." But, maybe you will quit, take the cash envelope to throw the school chess or school ping pong championship or you can keep breathing and growing in faith. Salt just relaxes and moon light gracefully reflects inner light. I changed the channel and put it on the soccer channel or UFC channel. What is inside of you right now? What did you just listen to for an hour? What did you watch for 3 minutes. Yes. That music video is very uh au natural. Did you meet the female viagro addict who says you would have been lucky to tap her on the shoulder after church before the 68 year old retiree but she could not guarantee that she would be faithful to keep you at the front of the line for next week? Some people use weekly service as a fountain of youth(Psalms 92) while they remain in a wilderness seeking close encounters of a fornicating concupiscence and no commitment) kind. What's wrong with a commitment to the 90 year old or the other one where you attend church together and grow in grace as a God fearing couple and serve? Read Hebrews 1-4. Be patient with them in your denomination(... also referred to as your Messianic Jewish Fellowship. See Romans 9,10,11 and 12 and. Acts 15). Jesus exited the tomb as a Jew. Read Hebrews 9. Oh yes. What verse says that fornicators and adulterers shall not enter the Kingdom? Just choose one nice gentleman, grow, heal and be known while you enjoy safety in a faithful relationship. Maybe you will have a public ceremony some day to commemorate your private wedding(s) where you gave him a shirt with the French cuffs; the ones that really excite you(a ceremony is not a wedding but it is a public declaration of a physical and emotional commitment) and that make you feel close but you are not alone it seems these days in really enjoying natural bonding I suppose. What about commitment these days or are you just seeking decent and well dressed "roller coaster" excitement in a church lobby? We can fall down and get back up but is there a limit? Read Jude. Even Christ refused to tempt God and presume His salvation and position as savior in denying grace, common sense or safe footing. Everybody is afraid of disappointment but you should not take your fears and claim to successfully moderate the risk with what you have claimed as a pack of disposable husbands in the lobby.

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

To foster a global understanding of human diversity within the obvious truth of human universality, a new partnership is being arranged between various retired teacher associations and other organisations to enable to enjoy working vacations in Africa and Asia with the oasis of an all-inclusive room down the road on discounted rates for a period of six months during the low season. It is good for the resorts that are usually under-booked during that period. It's a brilliant vacation for everyone! Do not forget to bring a box of Gideon pocket bibles.

"Work twice as hard"-google this. If it is not for free, can you at least provide a 2 for 1 discount like Kroger?

I got a new cd in the Amazon for $4.99.  This included shipping. You can't beat that. The irony is that everyone can shop in the Amazon whether they respected their school teacher or not.  A lot of students uh were told to uh work twice as hard from certain back grounds.  But, working twice as hard did not mean that you should refuse to respect the teacher's syllabus or course outline as you fail to submit.  You were soo determined to work twice as hard but not submit to anyone or anything such that the teacher saw you for what you are; a rebel who wanted some authority above and beyond the authority of the person who would determine whether you attended their class; not your class. He said read chapter two for the exam. You read 1, 2 and 3.  The end result is that, with all the questions set on chapter 2, you only had sufficient time to digest enough to achieve your grade.  You did not feel the same as the other students who really worked twice as hard and respectfully  so as submitted students. But, afterwards, you could tell them about chapter 1. They read chapter one as well but that was after the exam and to this day, you want to resent that "feeling" you say they have as if they were favored or something.  They were favored; just like you. They had a free education.  Read Acts 4:13 and people will always know whether you are a student of your teacher. Drop by your girlfriend's  place anytime and see if you can judge your friends on how they dust so that you can have some authority in uh your class. You stole the keys left in their health club locker; remember?

Friday, 9 May 2014

Back by rather popular request! DJ Pears Soappe and Friends Music Mix Of The Week: Enjoy Salsa, Jazz, Jazz Fusion and Gospel( a fundamental aspect of civilization-see the royal law).

Click the title.

Movie Of The Week: Red Violin.

Click the title.

Since people are living longer, the generations in every nation have decided to play the Logan's Run game when citizens reach the age of 62 instead of 37.

Paul, in service to the Lord, suffered days when the sun uh shined and rain fell on everyone. He suffered ship wreck and snake bites. An old woman from some other denomination, maybe an Adventist/baptist( because she sometimes sang Amazing Grace) or just an Adventist said that Paul probably fell in the ship wreck. But, he obviously survived. She said he fell when he was bitten by a snake. But the old lady was bitten by a box of chocolate macaroons and now fell ill with diabetes. She forgot that the sun shines and the rain falls on most everyone on the average. She also forgot that, with illness, some are unto a sanctifying experience with the Lord. Others are unto death. Now, there are some pastors these days who are being bitten by burgers at restaurants where some unfortunate young person is afraid to get a real blood test so they spit on the burger provided to the genuine(oatmeal in the morning) pastor or christian who obviously feels like he eats oatmeal. Its in the tone of his voice; that tone that says "I love the Lord and life itself; thank God for another day!; that tone. So, after adulterating the burger, they hope to perceive the pastor's disgruntled disappointment when he tingles when he sprinkles( sometimes the old woman may spit her disease in a coffee served for the pastor at church to see if he is a real prophet) and he didn't tingle prior to showing up to the drive thru employee's restaurant on the next occasion or in this case. Now, if the Pastor keeps preaching after the snake bite or the drive thru employee's make shift self-blood test( you can get an STD test off the shelf soon so leave the pastor in Oklahoma and his happy children alone), then the pastor has not fallen but maybe he has new understanding of the verse that says " if they did this to the master, will they not also do this to the servants?" So, be a happy servant and maybe reduce the odds of snake bite and play some old rock or loud rap (cuss word variant) music so they won't test you.

Hit the key of C with your neighbours every now and again:

Misery loves company but civil society does not love misery. In a similar vain, art imitates life but one must slow down and reconsider this well quoted adage when the power of art( movies and other consciousness shaping, emotionally impactual media with the power to scar or heal souls) leads to a new reality where life imitates art but in an aberration of scared people who demand the movie stereotype of other individuals in a world that releases soo many movies such that there really could be no single stereotype to satisfy the limited, underead and ill-informed expectations of someone who only watches GI Joe box office greatest hits and spaghetti Westerns. The end result is that they are unable to be themselves, enjoy themselves functionally and enjoy life. They put soo much pressure on themselves to conform, make the well-timed appearance at the big party and then they go home to hide again. This is the life of the human mannequin and food presenter for every marketer but she is not necessarily under contract. But, she expects you to pay for her time because in her mind, she is always uh working. She might also be very afraid that you might love someone and get off her imaginary GI Joe doll shelf where she keeps all of her imaginary contacts and associations. She was in your last girlfriend's fridge for this reason. He or she already told everyone that he or she really needs company. Read 1st Timothy 4:1-4. He or she can check her local church for a bible study instead of attending naked organic apple growing festivals in hotel rooms.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A new term for communism is "active market intervention with the intention of safeguarding civil society." It is also referred to more simply as redistributive capitalism. Communism, also referred to as Redistributive capitalism, will provide a one bed apartment for every adult who completes high school. If you want equity, you can hope to get a job and buy the unit. Then, you will be a land owner.   After King John's bequeathal, no one has time for the abuse occasioned by ill-intentioned hedonists who fear someone may feel better than they do with less coffee on the shelf even if it is only for a few hours until you can go shopping again. That is really kind of churlish. Anyone has the right to feel good about themselves if they sincerely claim the offer of being a joint heir in Christ.
How do you feel after throwing out five good fish and two loaves of bread? How do you feel after refusing to feed your child as a form of punishment? How do you feel when you do it in the purpose of keeping the sabbath? How do you feel when you throw out your husband's favorite hanso sword, football shoes or Starwars collection just to get more attention failing to realise that his interests form the character that makes you think he is kind of cute? You can set a coffee date hour at any local restaurant. The point is that everybody has a lapse in selflessness and makes a mistake or sins. Read Romans 7. Are you going to sit home after every weekly worship service to try and determine if the worship leader fell(f.ound e.piphany in the L.ord's l.ove?) Read Matthew 7. The Lord is judging you too and does not need you to help the devil with condemning people in your version of what it means to live in the word. Read Romans 8. Read 1st John:1-9. Don't call your husband ill if he doesn't know that if you live or were raised in a culture that originates in a locale south of Florida, that it is communally acceptable when you are 36 + years old to have sex with anyone you want and this is tied to the belief that God is turning a blind eye. Is he turning a blind eye on the family separation or additional child support consequences. What about the other risks in that the other family may catch you being "culturally well" ,so to speak, with their deacon father? Do your best to treat others as you wish to be treated. Stay out of the rain in your public and private life as best as you can. Be sincere. But, God could be turning a blind eye you think; maybe? Read Malachi 2 and Matthew 19. Conclude with Hebrews 13; especially verse 8.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Did you know that your body is the temple of the living God? What about your mind? Read 2nd Kings 21 and Mark 7.

What comes out of your mouth verbally has to be inside of your consciousness first.  As Paul said, you know in part(1st Corinthians 13:9-12 ) and you see in part so edit your digestion from your 100000 channel cable network carefully every night. "Staying out of the rain" is a simple concept and quite sincere and genuine if you wish to protect your best suit from being ruined and affected by an acidic rain fall.  Respecting your consciousness and your eyes is quite similar ( see Matthew 6:22) as you let your sincerity lead you. Could you watch it reverentially and worshipfully (whatever it is)  alone or with a group of people in a church sanctuary on Sunday night? Is it contextual? Go and watch Shakespeare in Love(movie) and look away if your conscience offends you. It might. What about Thomas Crown Affair(movie) as it is arguably contextual? Look away if you need to. Your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or husband is always contextual emotionally as you communicate and respect each other.  With a boyfriend(pseudo-husband) or girlfriend ( pseudo- wife) the same rules of fidelity apply mutually although you only meet for burgers once a week and kiss at Make-out Mountain or  the beach. See 2nd Kings 21. Anyway, Batman is on; same Bat time and the same Bat channel. You have to run and watch it. It's not too bad and you can definitely sort of learn something that is also couched in some good Judeo-Christian humor.  

American Beauty...It's all relative.

In the old days, you would not change partners so much. This is because the law of averages was roughly the same. The law is still the same and one farmer may have obtained the better balance of the carrot roots for planting and his wife is happier. The other family has even more sheep and the wife is in some flurry of self-chastened disappointment every time everyone meets up for the barn dance or river walk.  The other couple is quite content with fewer sheep and they walk everyday. Who provided the expectations for each soul with respect to cohabited bliss? What was their formative experience? It may not matter how many cows or mountains one can move? It's all just Spanglish(movie) if you can't tell hIn the old days, you would not change partners so much. This is because the law of averages was roughly the same. The law is still the same and one farmer may have obtained the better balance of the carrot roots for planting and his wife is happier. The other family has even more sheep and the wife is in some flurry of self-chastened disappointment every time everyone meets up for the barn dance or river walk.  The other couple is quite content with fewer sheep and they walk everyday. Who provided the expectations for each soul with respect to cohabited bliss? What was their formative experience? It may not matter how many cows or mountains one can move? It's all just Spanglish(movie) if you can't tell him you had a husband before you spelled the word. In some cultures, this is a tradition to ensure that you can be given away as good family flock and everybody agrees on the betrothal day. But, did you agree as the family sheep. You will certainly let your husband know for a very long time if you agreed with this culture; right?  Matthew 19 is the best answer as twinned with 1st Corinthians 13. Otherwise, you could spend almost two hours arguing about under-ripe tomatoes. Your wife says that she can't trust you to pick the fruit and does not know what to think about life together after that revealing act of decisiveness in the grocery store while you were always trained to buy them slightly under ripe so that they would not spoil and become worthy only of compost in 24 hours. A whole hour and a half is wasted on an argument about fruit while you could have enjoyed a good discussion about that really difficult million dollar question on Jeopardy about Adam and Eve or the origins of 1st Kings 13. Now you are both contemplating the future of your blessed union and the grocery store is open tomorrow while he can use that tomato for his after 12 am snack while he stands watch at the front door for more of your cousins who want to know if you are having relations with their betrothed uh man by using the family soap or leaving a finger print on your high school diploma. What is that? What is not done in faith is sin and if you think someone is your husband, be thankful if you get as far as arguing about a fruit or store brand vs. national brand. You could lay a fleece everytime you disagree but relationships are agreeing and disagreeing but mostly agreeing on the law of averages and there is always a football star from your high school about to retire and return home as you hope to seize your chance to be first to his front door and no one owns you. It's hard to understand this but you can buy your own cologne and also decide to obey the rules of the road or just crash that hybrid. You can drive safely and please do. Your husband likes hanging out with you with a hug a day on average.  He told you that he does not own you so that you would be secure in your culture as you are not sure if you want someone to possessively tell you that you are his chattel with all of that controlling, possessive attention or if you want to be respected and feel safe while someone confirms that he is strong enough to be faithful and remind you that you are God's child.  Now, if you believe the Lord said go to Target or Walmart for an unadvertised two for one deal on Ivory(99.99% pure), then you are blessed when you show up and take and receive that unadvertised deal.  You will have to wait to go home and enjoy it. Patience is part of the process. So, keep trusting until you get home. The Ivory is now yours. It won't let you down and will lather UP every-time you open the uh package. It might even impregnate you with invigorating new life and purpose( It's a song that is not unlike the Song of Solomon only when focused and committed to that 99.99% brand) but don't be greedy with the water pressure. But, it's all yours.  The soap is focused and designed accordingly for the said purpose of washing and cleaning. But, respect the directions and add the blessed and kind water for use. It won't work as well or any other way.  Also, you could decide to lay a fleece and wait for an answer and by the time you get to that store, the sale is finished. Take the risk in what you heard.  Tell someone a little older as you hesitate and he or she might fleece you with a fleece although plans are established with much wise counsel. Counsel is employed with obedience. The question is not whether you should receive the deal but maybe you should use your debit card and get cash back to save on an ATM fee sometime. You can add some chips or the really red tomatoes you argued about with what you saved. Now, everybody wins!  Who sets the fleece anyway? Will it be you or the older person who loves to feel authoritative in your life just when it is time to receive? Does her name start with K as in "Kill your blessing. I am jealous. She dated him two years ago but was afraid he would have too many offers when he obeyed God and started working out and looked more like that firefighter I flirt with online ( facebook etc) who has two kids and three ex wives?"  Hmm. Take a step and maybe have a coffee with him and do not let a few sort of green but blessed genetically modified tomatoes rob you of a joyful evening and of rest. What did you really want anyway? What did your mother want? Her need for respect may not be the same as your need for someone who will understand your talents, your need for some experiential patience and the ear to say try the firefighter because you seem to really have a fire in you that you beg someone to fight every night. The red tomato will be just as perfect as you are when you wake up in the morning and the firefighter may have just what you want. Anyway, you got to go to the uh gym while the firefighter mistakes you for a drain pipe layer which you  certainly are not!   Read 1st Kings 13 for an idea in addition to 1st Corinthians 7 and 1st Corinthians 13 with Ecclesiastes 4. It gets cold at night. Stay together. 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

There are billions of people on the planet. There must be one man available for every woman who is interested in a faithful, covenant relationship of mutual commitment. Some people do not want such relationships, they do not know how to maintain them or are happy with or require, by virtue of work hazards, what is referred to unfortunately as disposable pleasures. Some people do want such relationships but have fallen victim to a dissociation that may make calling someone for a coffee a big emotional risk and so they put an ad in the paper and have joined the market of individuals looking for someone to keep promises to them. You could reduce the odds and attend a "promise" school( a Church, Mosque or Synagogue) in your area. Someone asked on Discovery channel about How one could turn domesticated(like cats) humans into undomesticated and angry inhabitants of urban jungles of habitually single people? It could be a twelve month subscription to some magazine maybe that generates a collective mindset and nobody can mention ironing as a joke without causing offence.  Cats usually like and gravitate to humans habitually but they certainly will run from a dog.  Men are not dogs. They are human and no media outlet should objectify or denigrate God's male or female children with a page three female collage or photo or the notion of men being unreasoning creatures. The result is evident and who knows why there are more crosses on the wall than fish in the sea but it is something for really smart people to think about.  The symbol for faith in the Way or belief in Christ was a fish originally. A cross, originally a symbol of death, is now included but ultimately both are now symbols of grace. When the cross hangs on your chest it is seldom perpendicular and moves and swings with grace. You could always deny someone close to you the same grace that you deny yourself but why be so shy? He might have asked you for a coffee by now but you might think he wants to marry you or something, so you ask those half decent men out and let him give you a hug good  night. You never know. He might hope that you never call again. But, he probably knows you are as gracious as he is and you can set a date for the big buffet dinner as a growing couple. There is so much to share and to work out to explain why you just want to be able to be yourself while he respects your cultural nuances and all of those expectations. You win! At least everyone can still understand a smile, text and a belief in a divine creator that stated the obvious truth; that there is a royal law. Take 1st Corinthians 13 and apply it liberally while he was trained to iron his own shirts and he will forgive the salty, burned salsa. But, how do you burn salsa; you ask? Why do people break up when it is soo easy to read and understand 1st Corinthians 13? 

Saturday, 3 May 2014

In furthering the discussion on the mutability of law since 1960, a new article will discuss how law is becoming more precise and more purposeful in safeguarding civil society.  No one needs a club of Jokers or Off-duty bank robbers who drive school buses undercover. These days, your phone is your "consciousness" and your precise location. It is a good summary of who you are so that one can say "We know what you did last night" and why your neighbor was afraid to call the police. In her fear, she, somehow, disappeared.Safeguarding civil society is just good commercial sense so that it is not an amazonian jungle on the drive to Target. You should uh get out more. In essence, do you have to be angry with your neighbour who loves you from a distance and knows nothing about your desire to assimilate him or her to hedonism?