It must be that you can choose hot chocolate or ice cold chocolate milk. What's on the menu? See Mark 4 and hold on. You will understand when you read Matthew 4. Which one are you? The Lord has to know.
Anyway, touch as an expression of intimacy is natural. Someone figured it out and asked you to divulge your entire sense of privacy to him with camera angles of your underwear available in back and front. It used be one camera. But now, there is ABC news in your underwear; everywhere. He is square pants and keeps you safe. He entertains you but S3 is too old in one year so you have to divorce him and get S4 or else you will feel left behind by your friends who will give you that look that says "...its the old one. Do something before everyone at this Pondarosa Buffet Restaurant has a "save face" break down."
So, your husband is not trying to use you. In some cultures known as "antebellum", a child is always wondering who her father is in the town. Someone other than the mother decided when it was time to produce another child and to improve the odds, more than one contributor would be used to prevent any waste of time. But, the mother was just as doubtful about the child's parentage. Hence, there was a tendency to be unsure of who you are with and who should come to help if the wagon broke down. With whom do you agree but yourself when the wagon breaks down? You have been so independent and there is only one way to push that wagon. It is your way down the highway. Who gave you the strength? You need to work it backward because you have no difficulty being friends and having conversations that enjoy mutual input until you get into the arena of a home and matrimony. This culture finds its origins in a time just after the Africans created Diasporic Africans, West Indians and North American colonialists (both free and indentured). They call it Afro-Cuban music for a reason but the musicians are quite professional(black and white) and do not necessarily look so African almost 500 years later. But, you do have third and fourth generation Africans today of all hues and colours and they drink Fanta sometimes or Mountain Dew; of course. This antebellum culture instills relational doubt and to address the fear that your husband may take his underwear off before he comes home from work, you might put some tape on it or may put some watered down virus on his food. But, you presume that the person with whom he is having relations( if there is such a person) is in your town or your twitter circle that you should hear about a cousin or sister who got a disease helping him while you live in your fear of being used. Well, he is obviously not with you for your discount brand-name undergarments and how you used to wear them to his house with only an overcoat while courting. He is probably with you because you seem to have certain values so just use him like a touch device every night ( he will respond sometimes with streaming) and it does not mean that you have to part the red sea or risk creating more "bone of your bone" etc. You must already have one child or possibly two children. Eric Clapton sung a song written by a diasporic person and everybody was encouraged to get out of the stupidity because you are about to be the 17th person charged for administering a noxious substance; so evil. Throw out your bible until you can respect ,with some faith, the man who bought you a ring or some flowers last month and stop watching those music videos that drive you crazy. Anybody can bounce up and down on a pogo stick. Watch the movie Redemption song. Aunt Jemima always put the best in her food. She is in your neighbour's kitchen, she trusts and is trusted.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Saturday, 30 November 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Well, a real faith results in repentance and reconciliation. Moses seems to have experienced and followed this pattern in his journey. Any faith that denies reconciliation and consequence( described as hell or aptly seen as a choice in permanent emotional and psychological separation from relationship in Him) is self-serving and one that entails a self-deity. Without consequence, you are only accounting to the God of personal appetite. You want to feel like you can, just about, do anything. That is not sincere. There is no reconciliation. What's on your menu?
Movie of the Week- Stolen (2009)
Movie of the Week- Stolen (2009)
Click the title. You might notice your old high school friend's tempestuous feelings of dependence. He's a little crazy maybe and wants you all to himself. Here; watch the Tempest. Click below. It's not about your high school friend but you will learn something timeless and somewhat biblical.
Click the title. You might notice your old high school friend's tempestuous feelings of dependence. He's a little crazy maybe and wants you all to himself. Here; watch the Tempest. Click below. It's not about your high school friend but you will learn something timeless and somewhat biblical.
There are many who have recorded the hope to be judged for their character and not their running shoes or tropicana tan. The day is coming. As a result of this hope, the schools, books, professional sports arenas and movies inspire the various generations to believe in those qualities that are referred to as simply "different class." Those various qualities inspire us to by soap, shoes, tech gadgets and also water. Shakespeare's Romeo was passionate but passion does not mean he should not pray about the best honey moon destination. He may argue about this with his betrothed and character shall win the issue. Romeo should concede although she will say she does not want him to say yes all the time. But, Romeo finds this a trivial issue since he won't be baking cookies and pies for the kids. He will buy the mix or requested ingredients. Romeo prayed and heard Seychelles and she just wanted her way( her suggestion was Goa).
Romeo will be inspired also by Ecclesiastes 4 in the long term, 1st Corinthians 13 in addition to the Song of Solomon; of course. Hopefully she will agree and will not be dissuaded by popular chatter with women at the well. He will also take prayerful inspiration from Abraham and Joseph who had some guidance when it came to dealing with Herod-like characters or a Pharaoh. It looks like Pharaoh had some trust in certain universal laws of communal living as well. The Pharaoh who encountered Abraham may have been Akhenaten. Akhenaten is known for having a faith in that which is greater than man himself and respected Abraham accordingly. But, not all Pharaohs will respond in the same way. Romeo, in spite of his good passion, could learn something from Joseph( husband of Mary) and Abraham. He may find, should he choose to accept the call, that reliance and preparation are innate family traits as seen in the movements of David and Moses. His girlfriend might learn something as well when reflecting upon her long-term intentions. If she wants a playmate( someone with trivial motives), Romeo may not be the right answer. The fact is that neither Romeo nor Abraham, in their sincere intentions, were hoping to be anybody's dream Ken Doll. Nobody is perfect. Do you owe your boyfriend for the last trip to Wet and Wild Water Kingdom where you promised to pay? Did you keep your promise? Ken does not get fatigued, his hair never changes, he does not get old unless you use and abuse him and throw him around and he can stand up for hours unless you knock him over. But, you must have appreciated this.
Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience He gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience He gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
UAV Drones can't see so well from 20,000 feet. But, what if they had a small peripheral drone that could assist the Guerrilla soldier know, using heat sensors, exactly where his hostage is being held? They can multiply the efficacy of manpower in that they can leave the drone to hover over targets for pinpoint accuracy while they move on to highlight the next bumble bee yellow pick-up truck just down the road.
Machiavelli and the Prince of Peace-updated!
If Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then does that not mean the state or Leviathan spoken of by Hobbes and set up by the people inhabiting any land to enforce the ten commandments or general rules based on those commands as a social contract to allow for peaceful habitation with common sense without resorting to hand to hand conflict is a tool of the Prince of Peace? Machiavelli in book 9 wrote and lamented of his need for a central power reminiscent of his ancestor's peace, order and good government over many centuries witnessed in the lands now known for Ital-design and well maintained roads. The empire was anathema to the opposite; that is anything opposite of a civil social order. Machiavelli inspired his reader, in the absence, fall and search for a re-birth of such an order to rely on the spirit of virtu( the Lord said he felt virtue leave Him when a woman with an issue of blood touched Him) This is not unlike Abraham relying on the spirit of virtue to lead Him to safety in a wilderness when there is no definite order except when you encounter a King of Egypt. What is clear is Machiavelli's lament for order and not a desire to write and suggest a life of self-preservation as if the jungle and its proliferation among the cobble stone streets and overgrown gardens and ruins of Rome was the purpose of his writing; quite the contrary. Saint Augustine wrote on this voluminously. Hobbes and his contemporaries such as Locke and Rousseau covenanted tacitly and helped to finalise the arrangement but if the populace surrenders oversight to Leviathan itself, any published answer may, very well, become the unquestionable official truth. This is the propaganda of which Teddy Roosevelt warned and which McCarthy used to great effect to put away the foreign employees of the continuing war effort where the state ends up fighting the state and all reverts back to hand to hand conflict if the purpose of peace is not upheld beyond the very cause of any social or civil breakdown. The tea crates from the Boston Tea Party are still in the harbour. It takes a while for wood to resolve and decay in salt water. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and people tend not to forget; especially when anyone in the employment of the people is going the other way. He is the good news, way, truth and the life. Read your local news paper more often and have a say. It's a free country. Browning, Smith and Wesson and Ruger agree with their 1911 research for the maintenance of peace that the farmer and banker should have a licence to carry any hunting rifle or anti-bear shotgun. Research for 1911 also demonstrated that a lack of common sense brings violence. Dr. Diesel read their posthumous reports and found it amenable to his research on energy efficient fuels(google algae based gasoline or diesel-diesel engines are twice as efficient as gasoline engines-why is it that not every vehicle with an internal combustion engine is powered by a good diesel engine on hydrogen as is possible or an algae based diesel?) and combustion engines. Also, do not forget that the Apple logo stands for "leave some for the future generations." Ok?
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
You could decide that it is your role to change the times and dates and decide how long this version of the world and its history shall last. I love the parks and promenades. It's great for a date( she will wear nice clothing purchased at TJ Maxx being frugal but in good taste of course) But, you should not use energy as a benchmark in deciding how long your world shall last. Energy is an unlimited constant and it may simply mean that you might have to respect it and then you can make better decisions on how to control and change the times. Thank you for your hard work. I can fly to Latin America in three-five hours and the service is consistent. I ordered a coke down there. It's the same type of coke purchased in Holland; Amazing!
Wallace D. Wattles, in his writings, provides three key lessons among many: 1. That the Lord is interested in sincere relationship and an experience with His children based on sanctification of the heart and sincere service, free of the vain motives of self-glorification or improper desires for social, earthly authority that is not in the heart of a true servant of the Lord; 2. That the avoidance of true study and learning leads to the development of souls that are never sure of themselves, their purpose or reason for existence as underdevloped in self-knowledge as to be any servant or of help to another soul; 3. That the scribe and pharisee may succeed in study and knowledge but he will fail with lesson number one and is of no use to the Lord and His service. A sincere student is a better master than an insincere master who is, in fact, afraid of the sincere student who seeks approval only from the Lord who sees what you are in secret. This is just a summary of three key lessons among many as also witnessed in the experience of Christ. See Mark 3 and Mark 4.
Monday, 25 November 2013
The Lord didn't ask Peter if Peter wanted attention in the very end. He asked about Peter's love. He didn't ask if peter wanted power and authority. He asked only about Peter's love. Peter confirmed his love and on that basis was commanded to feed, tend and care for the Lord's sheep. If Peter had answered in some other equivocal fashion, the Lord might have asked the next disciple seeking more fish (there are many for a little while longer anyway) in the sea. If the motive is social prestige or authority, this is the wrong motive of the yeast the Lord spoke of. How did He know about it? He knew because, quite likely, someone demanded that he wash his hands ten times before he sat at table, that he follow the law and let his sheep drown on the sabbath and The Lord, if this occurred had to think about it. Letting your sheep die or forcing people to wash their hands and live by the law only for social approval missed the point of living for the only approval that mattered; your heavenly Father's approval. As such, it fell short of the motive of loving your neighbour and the Lord with all your heart. mind, body and soul. Read Psalms 50 and Isaiah 61.You are a joint heir in Christ and marvel at the many ministries that the Lord has spawned. Ask the pastor down the road who has preached faithfully with one wife and no adulterous affairs for 50 years. His wife cheated though and he had to practice the Lord's forbearance in his pre-designed trials of life also known as the University of Heaven. Did you hear what the pastor had to say? On the day of Pentecost, they prayed with one mind and got a unifying inspiration by His power and no other. Some people get involved in programs, courses and lines of work for the wrong motive such as feeling better about themselves and get nervous if anyone could show up to take away their role upon which they are dependent for some sense of personal and social estimation. That is a covert scribe or pharisee and it could be a coffee lady in church or a head usher or a local church going youth basketball church. You should already feel good about yourself, know that God has a purpose and its tied to service( you can only live for a 100 years approximately) as in loving His sheep. There are so many professions out there for such a one. If you love His sheep, then you won't find yourself working so hard to feel good about yourself. You took so many degrees last year and you still covet every woman your second son tries to marry as if he is taking something away from you. Is there someone you have failed to forgive?
Sunday, 24 November 2013
The truth is that you have ten fingers and ten toes for a reason. Your mother counted them when you got out of the womb and said thank God. So, don't go and lose them doing something stupid. Life is precarious and so is incubation of precious life in the womb. Stay away from nuclear power plants and water with tritium as much as possible when trying to have a healthy child. Also stay away from mercury. Now, if God gave you ten good toes and fingers, is there anything that He will not provide for you to enjoy entirely for yourself like a husband; or do you perceive that you are lacking in some way that you should covet someone Else's(not having the faith to have your own? What did you do with your husband? Why is it that you urn after the covenants that you perceive someone is about to enjoy or enter as if you could not just be thankful for your own blessed union? You would be thankful for a husband and maybe even more so if you did not have ten toes and fingers so that he could dress and help you get to your job on time. You can have a husband because you received quite a blessed and complete being when He made you. You can have your own husband if you believe it. By wanting someone elses husband, you are confessing your lack of faith or worthiness in being able to have your own; always wanting what someone else is doing in faith and never receiving in faith what God has given you. Start the wheel again and spin it well because the issue quite often is not having the right man with the right heart motives for service, family and companionship with good education but the tendency to take advantage of the right man with double standards, one sidedness and a horrible selfishness that the right man could only tolerate for soo long. If he is the right man, he will not stay in an emotionally abusive relationship no matter how lovely your uh cushions. He is a graduate of some reasonably good school ( at least one). The priority though is companionship as the Lord has designed it so that you can enjoy God honouring companionship in a safe union without adulteration where, because of adultery, you can get two sets of cooties. That is no good and unfair to your partner who bargained for one set of cooties. Look at Elizabeth and Zacharias. God put the covenant first. Can you wait for the child? Also, don't worry about the offers of crazy sex in some news pamphlets or magazine shelf shopping catalogues. They are really offering you a singlehood. Who started the notion of copulation of more than one minute? It mught be possible but you might not be there every night with the man you love; especially after a workout or long day in the boardroom with his female boss( don't put your mind to the worse). Anyway, the offer of singleness via crazy expectations leads you to keep shopping to feel better in the aroma of shopping therapies because it is a little cold outside and the man who was with you last week( your boyfriend over the last year) to hold your arm in the cold wasn't android enough to keep up with the crazy expectation and neither is the next best offer who is a gym instructor or fire fighter; right? Anyway, now that he is gone with the crazy expectations you are back to shopping as you need to maintain some sense of cover and with one or ten fingers (for the remote control, that is) with a ring of union on it from the manufacturer, it should be okay. Who offered crazy expectations about copulation instead of encouraging thankfulness? While there can be ten reasonably right and suitable right persons, you can see that there could be a thousand since for every standard gauge garden hoe, there are thousands of pieces of wood in the bush that could just fit in to make that hoe work as designed( This hoe wisdom was gleaned from a good community elder). Remember that there is always a ram in the thicket. You laid a thousand fleeces on your couch purchased at Target and you couldn't trust that the first one as good enough with confidence but it would have covered you and that potential husband perfectly when watching movies. The reason why you did not trust it is because you deliberately, that morning, kissed your manager and stepped out of the nexus of trust and now you are not sure so you bought more and more and you keep hoping with every fleece to disprove your first confidence. Maybe he will ring my doorbell, you say. Remember that there is always someone prettier than yourself who is less conflicted and confused about the Lord. Receive in faith as God is providing and work out the emotion( unresolved) that you excuse as culture or as just the way you are; not really the way you are but the way you have chosen to stay as you would not deal with yourself in relationship if you ever had the chance; doggone selfish !!
Saturday, 23 November 2013
The day of Pentecost was a day of unity by the power of the Shekinah glory; the Holy Ghost. It was not a day of division and fratricide. Every believer is a joint heir as there is neither Jew nor Greek. Read Romans 16;21. Paul examined quite early, just a few short years of Pentecost, the tendency toward labels,fashions, groups and personal emphases. Simon in Acts 8:9-24 is such a divisive person and today his unwitting scribe-like descendants may be set on seeking, by using unusual social duress, authority over other more modest and service oriented adherents of the faith ; just to say she is right and this is with anyone who is unfortunate to have come into her presence. But, everybody is wrong sometimes. She will not admit this in the idolatry of one's self and self-protection. It is a life of many skeletons and also many guns, devices and other weapons of emotional subterfuge to fight anyone who could get close enough to unvail the sadness of that pitiful soul.
There was a woman who harassed the football team member. He was a running back or uh wide receiver. She used to put her gum on the top of his locker everyday. It was quite annoying and she would write her name in it with a pencil. The pencil was always brand new because she was a very pretty dunce girl. No one would have known since she found a way to get a copy of the school exams and answer table and mastered the art of apparent sophistication by watching soap operas and "silver forks only" If you asked her where is Saks Fifth Avenue, she would tell you it was beside Saks Sixth Avenue. But, she seemed authoritative just for her love of a gospel song about living water in John 4. Her duplicity in character continued throughout life and harassed anyone who felt as if he was humble enough to have read the ingredients on the cereal box by breaking into their homes, houses and writing her name on their Photo club camera lockers. She was found out though when she could not understand why she could not understand. Her Pastor explained that " know the Lord is to love Him and to study in school is an opportunity to discover and know yourself, your talents and interests. You don't know the two most important people in your life and you seem to be an emotional parasite on anyone who feels humble enough to read more than the cover of any book as you want to be known but they can't help you since it is not that people want to hate you and are afraid of your gun toting supporters that raped you at twelve in the guise of offering community safety but they just hate how you feel about yourself. You look ill and pretend well with your duplicity but they don't have to be your friend. You are really a pain and a picture of a church steeple with green copper, for example, is much more pleasant since it stands for something and will last for 100's of years to th glory of fostering community and family values. You have no real faith or conviction and its all to do with your fear of failure. That pencil was intended for work; not just scratching an itch when your fingers got too short or too old and wrinkly for the hole in your uh ear. Take the money from the gun toting people, Read John 1 when you get a chance and stay in your self abased shopping addiction if you want."
Friday, 22 November 2013
Movie of the Week-Hostile Waters (1997)-A repeat of last week's movie. Enjoy.
Did you know that Jesus had to learn and study. It says he grew in knowledge and wisdom. He even took time to think about how to respond. Otherwise, the temptations were not really temptations but just role playing like a little child playing with Ken and Barbie dolls; by yourself.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.-1st Corinthians 10:13.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
So the barren woman is not to be a strange woman. She is invited to be the Lord's wife and consort with a special role for closeness and service. He can certainly provide a male, earthly companion along with the Lord's purpose. There are so many humans out there who are of the opposite gender. There must be one in your church or town that is the prepared answer for companionship. But, you have to quit your habit that is hindering the answer. You might use too much yogurt or liquid soap in the kitchen maybe when you rub the utensils( colanders and cups etc) with your hands too frequently. It's not good for your health. You could adopt. While every true Messianic Jew(male or female) is the bride of Christ, she has a special invitation to be a servant of the Lord and to be close. She may volunteer to show up Early and ensure all he pews have hymnals. She may commit to volunteer with a reputable service organisation such as the United Way. Her prayers are heard but they may not be answered any faster. Any male or female preacher, regardless of race could tell you this. It's in Psalms 27:10. Sometimes the time in waiting is the time in preparation of the answer. Ultimately, you are trusting while waiting and you have accepted your special role as the Lord's wife( Isaiah 54).
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Called, Chosen and Predestined. React Well because, as they say, you are not undone by what happens to you. How did you react?
Shame, lust , existence, lack of acceptance, contentedness and thankfulness., depreciation., outer life and inner life. God gave many mansions and sufficient honor to all of his creation. There are enough mansions in Heaven and honor to go around. Cain and Abel were offered the same opportunity of sonship. Jacob wrestled with God and heard eventually while Cain did not. Solomon heard for a while but forgot to stay in the place of abidance. Shame is not natural and Abel would not have known this tendency. It is a factor of a lack of acceptance for the good that God has placed in you. It could be that someone has persuaded certain individuals that God was not telling them the truth about the goodness given to all. Jabez is an example of someone who was chosen, warped by abuse or named according to a parent’s desire that he should not know his goodness. Then there are some who never hear and some who hear and do not believe. There are some people who are just “contrary”. But Jesus was gracious. His wisdom of grace for all is found in many books of wisdom written in the present era. Lack of acceptance of one’s self is not natural. In shame, you have an outer and inner life. The inner life is in constant denial of one’s inner virtues and value. It is caught up in continual striving after what was given at birth without effort, certificate or award of any kind. The outer life, when in shame, is caught up in hiding the inner life; the life of self-devaluation. There is a social aspect obviously. Lust is the absence of not only self-acceptance and appreciation in the inner-life but thankfulness and contentedness. Nothing is ever good enough. A whole paradigm of life can be developed over many generations on the non-verbal cues and behaviours that begin in the home and can become generational or organisational. If you don’t know, you don’t know and you can’t find the answer in a book. It’s subtle and cultural. You don’t know because you were raised and socialised with a culture that said you are God’s child. Read Proverbs 1 and Psalms 82. Your life is spent choosing to react in acceptance of that belief; that you are good. Many will try to dissuade you. They may tell you to take the easier course with less training. It is better to get a C in the academic course instead of a B in the applied version. Trust their suggestions to take the academic version. Paul the Apostle reacted this way. He was born a Jew. Read Romans 8. If you are living in the duality caused by the shame seeded by a lack of self-acceptance, your behaviour and shopping is caught up in what is socially seen and valued outwardly. The newest screwdriver kit gives you a greater sense of respect than the screw-driver you bought last year simply because the girl at the gas bar chocolatier has an appetite for the "new". Has she ever called for lunch? She is seeking every body's attention; all of it really, and the little soldiers and all at attention, as if it is living water and she has a boyfriend. But, you feel her appreciating anything new in your work locker. It could be that people who are able to play an instrument or who can sketch reasonably well shop on the basis of intrinsic qualities not always appreciated by the lust generated by the fear of the lack of social (outward life) acceptance where the only virtue in that outward life is “new”. It might be new but what about the item's intrinsic value? This is a very good question when shopping for an android. It might be that the android with smaller biceps is the better choice in the long run whether you just intend to get pregnant in addition to having a meaningful relationship that lasts longer than six months. The android with regular size arms can probably pull the cart with your burden of make-ups, perfumes and soaps just as efficiently. The chemical reactions generated by lust (not really love; is it?) at first sight sags after six months. Eat some carrots( six of one or half a dozen of another) and know God still loves you both. Then, you need to figure out if you like his favourite bible verse and whether your sporting interests are worth really getting to know each other. Well, after six months and sharing so many Friday nights predicated on an android touch, you might as well grow and stay together, adding at least 20 minutes of church on Sunday where you can get a free lecture on how to apply 1st Corinthians 13. It is of importance for the mature shopper blessed with a knowledge of acceptance and one’s own inner worth. This is a very excellent question! It was asked once by the woman upon whom the character Maleficent was modelled. She did not read enough to answer the question, was a farmer's wife and sterile and never forgave God while attempting to inject her bitterness in others so that her only offspring, called bitterness, would live on in her unfortunate and unseeing victims. She could have adopted and understood Hannah and her prayer another way. Sometimes you wish you could choose your birthdate. But, only God knows. Whether it is possible is a very good question. Keep asking.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
You refuse to appreciate relationships when you have them so you idolise them with notions of how everything ought to be and then you call it romance. Romance is not necessarily friendship. "Friendship" cares but does not control. You can't own God's child but you can seek to agree. Every human is God's child and his creation although they may not acknowledge it and thereby disown that innate and inalienable status. To do this, you need to talk. It (friendship) knows you and you can have a romantic friendship with your wife, husband or boyfriend. Regardless of the height, good looks and education of your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or husband, every relationship can be reduced to the truth and simplicity in 1st Corinthians 13. The simplicity of sincerity may mean that you have to be as genuine in relationship as you tend to be when eating cereal that you respect as being good for you. It is not that you will fail to make mistakes(also called sin). It is expected(1st John 1:9) but you can endeavour to have a sincere and genuine relationship where a mistake is certainly a mistake and not a choice of habitual behaviour. Christmas is almost here so if Santa knows when you are sleeping, God knows not only when you are sleeping but when you are about to get a common cold and forget to get your children a reasonable gift to add to their Galaxy phone collection of accessories. Did you know Samsung helps to design and also supplies 97.7 percent of all Apple components?
DJ Ivore Clin Music Mix of the Week
Enjoy International DJ's playing reformulated jazz with remixed gospel, salsa, bossa nova and latin fusion; Jazz!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Human Absorption
Thus there is such a thing as human absorption. It appears in all the forms of conversion where ever the superior power of one person is consciously or unconsciously misused to influence profoundly and draw into his spell another individual or a whole community. Here one soul operates directly upon another soul. The weak have been overcome by the strong, the resistance of the weak has broken down under the influence of another person. He has been overpowered, but not won over by the thing itself. This becomes evident as soon as the demand is made that he throw himself into the cause itself, independently of the person to whom he is bound, or possibly in opposition to this person. Here is where the humanly converted person breaks down and thus makes it evident that his conversion was effected, not by the Holy Spirit, but by a man, and therefore has no stability.
Bonhoffer- from his book "Life Together"
Human love is directed to the other person for his own sake, spiritual love loves him for Christ's sake. Therefore, human love seeks direct contact with the other person; it loves him not as a free person but as one whom its binds to itself. It wants to gain, to capture by every means; it uses force. It desires to be irresistible, to rule. Right here is the point where spiritual love begins. This is why human love becomes personal hatred when it encounters genuine spiritual love. It nurses and cultivates and ideal(idol), it loves itself, and nothing else in the world. Spiritual love, however, comes from Jesus Christ, it serves Him alone.
Bonhoffer- from his book "Life Together"
Bonhoffer- from his book "Life Together"
Human love is directed to the other person for his own sake, spiritual love loves him for Christ's sake. Therefore, human love seeks direct contact with the other person; it loves him not as a free person but as one whom its binds to itself. It wants to gain, to capture by every means; it uses force. It desires to be irresistible, to rule. Right here is the point where spiritual love begins. This is why human love becomes personal hatred when it encounters genuine spiritual love. It nurses and cultivates and ideal(idol), it loves itself, and nothing else in the world. Spiritual love, however, comes from Jesus Christ, it serves Him alone.
Bonhoffer- from his book "Life Together"
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
There is a young person who went through a cycle of leaving relationships. Everytime she reached a point in relationship where a childhood hurt came to the surface, she would feel an emotional push to leave the relationsip. It was the fear of facing that childhood hurt and the residue of unforgiveness that was an undercurrent to her many decisions related to and affecting relationships. If she faced the residue of this childhood hurt, she would continue to enjoy the blessing of her relationship. If she left the situation, she would find that she would reach the same point of decision in the next relationship. By the time she was 56 years old, she decided to face the hurt and chose to grow beyond it in relationship. It is hard to face the hurt and grow while outside of a relationship. It's the same as running from an exam room but this time it is the exam room of life in the University of Heaven.
Monday, 11 November 2013
The petman robot could be programmed to serve parking tickets. It could be hacked as well to be a menace to society. Sentient, programmable beings are subject to one fundamental principle. If you put rubbish into the program or refuse, you will get dysfunctional and miscreant rubbish coming out to the detriment of other beings who decided to follow the program of ten rules of communal living. Any association that involves a deliberate ignorance of these simple principles while claiming to search for truth is opposed to civil society fundamentally. Let us enjoy Remembrance Day and recollect that thousands died for religious freedom and tolerance among the various children of Abraham regardless of colour, and creed.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
DJ Ivore Clin music mix of the Week
Enjoy international DJ's playing reformulated salsa, gospel and jazz; reformulated and remixed Jazz!!
Click the title.
Friday, 8 November 2013
Dorothy's Ruby Red glass of grapefruit will keep the blood sugar low. It's in Time(TM) magazine.
Wizard of Oz( the movie and play ) is a metaphor about a single semi-illiterate rural girl who was raised without a father and who idealises every potential husband as a toy male soldier doll who can come right off the shelf and be just everything she could ever expect in that idealised missing male figure in her life. He is objectified as a missing man in the same way a person would objectify a missing loaf of bread. You only know what bread would taste like while watching cooking shows or soap operas. She anticipates the day when she could uh cut and uh slice it. The other three characters represent the manner in which such a young woman would criticise a real, blood running in the veins, man as she never had to witness the frailty and humanity of a real man in life. He would have to tell her that he is "only human and flesh blood; a man" when explaining that she isn't perfect either. No one is perfect. It's a good realisation in one's self discovery. One potential husband is criticised as having no brain, the other is criticised as lacking courage and the third husband is criticised as lacking heart or sufficient emotions. She says he is a like tin man and does not show sufficient care. She will ask every day if he cares. "...Do you care?", she will ask. Yes; he cares and invited you to go to seminary college with him so you can understand how things work in the world. The journey to see the wizard is really a journey to see a baptist seminary college director who lectures in world history and cultures in addition to the gospel since respecting cultures is important. There is neither Jew nor Greek; remember so why tell anyone to take off their grass skirt( unless he is another character in the story about to become that young girl's husband)? No human is a stuffed lion, a toy scarecrow or a toy tin man. They are human and in need of the same understanding that you desire when you cry that there is " no place like home". The wizard asked you tell him who you are. The reason is because you do not know the answer and it's obvious since you leave everyone and you never asked yourself that question. Where is Auntie M? The witch represents the anger and confusion that you could enter into with impatience and unrealistic objectification of the opposite gender. How long is his coat and uh cigar? The cigar is not the uh right brand or shape. This is the oldest professional spiritual detour in the world and you never stay with the tin man, lion or scarecrow after walking down the road or the aisle with all three since you are finding the better man. She will chase you and hunt you, attempting to convince you that men are all brainless, heartless, cowards that do not take risks. They do but risks with understanding and also with self-preservation as the foremost objective since paid risk takers have very short life spans. Ok? Most importantly, notice the ruby red gaudy, bobble-like shoes that are a lot like high school on Sunday; no class and with it, you have a lot of attention! Dorothy went home or awoke from her enlightening dream of self-revelation but did not get the message. Instead, she decided to put an ad in the paper offering professional foot massages( why not although it could be more?) and decided to write the forerunner of the cosmo girl's perspective on relationships that fostered distrust of the opposite gender and a whorish outlook on life that turned men into a tool for one purpose only and a disposable one since you can get a ten-pack of disposable razors these days; a commodity. She is also commodified in this outlook. It was very subtle but widely popular in its influence. It was just a Monster in its impact on the young and impressionable minds of Ms. Crabtree's(exemplfied by Glenda the good witch) graduates. Marshall Mcluhan demonstrated that the medium is the message and every media outlet( station, pamphlet or magazine) has its own message. Horkheimer and Adorno confirmed this and demonstrated that every magazine is also targeted at various market segments or social demographics communicating specific messages from that target group and also other general messages found in every other media outlet possibly concerning 401k's ISA's, new travel fads or how to use your bank card to save money such as the cash back feature at the uh till to save bank fees. You will find an article communicating this little wisdom and feature in almost every magazine. Anyway, Dorothy should know who she is by now. She can deconstruct the various messages and make a choice this day about who she is and how she will relate to her community in self-acceptance, drowning out the cloud of doubting voices that beg her to stay confused, bitter and self-doubtful. Do you have Time(TM) to read a magazine?
The movie of the Week- The Business(2005)
This movie was chosen for its sociological, histological(as you would have it) and historiological value. If you can't get to the shopping mall, you might as well browse online and see what is not for you. This movie is produced with the same hard analysis as Revolver(2005), Traffic(2000) and Heat (1995). There are two sides to the story and like a buffet restaurant or life itself, you have many options as a student of life so choose what you really want and carry a bible in your breast pocket( this is just a good habit among soldiers) while walking down in the emerald triangle. You have a choice of sides. Read the book by Nicky Cruz if you like. His movie should be on next week.
There was an old story from Yuma that involved a young man missing the train set to arrive at 3: 09:59 seconds pm. He knew how to tell the exact time since he had an original Hamilton (designed for Brinks) chronograph watch. The stopwatch hand does not move unless activated and was designed for timing thoroughbreds. The second hand at the bottom of the dial moves continuously. I know it is hard to understand. He decided to buy a carriage and take the journey to Oklahoma; just 58 miles down the track although the journey took three hours. He may as well just get a carriage with two good horses for the price of the ticket. He approached a man who had two carriages standing close to his dental practise. The dentist noticed that the boy was quite able but not too bright though. The boy asked if one of the carriages were for sale. The dentist said, "...I just happen to have an extra one on hand as my partner just passed on." The man asked for the cost, they agreed to terms, the dentist took $70.00 and told the man to come back in an hour with the difference. The man came back, the dentist was still there but the carriage was removed by the actual owner; the dentist's friend who was the police commander( they used to say chief or sheriff before trains were designed). The man enquired about his purchase of the horse and carriage and the dentist said come back next week. It will be here. Just settle down and make sure you bring the difference. Your name is on the horse's hoofs by now or maybe my name is on it by now. You could check next week if you like but make sure you bring the difference. You should have noticed that the side of the carriage read "Exodus". The man came back and the horse carriage was there as promised. The man's wife just got out of hospital for an unusual inability to read and choose who she wanted to be in life (a self-induced and inflicted but unrecognised confusion of some kind) and arrived by train on the 10:10 pm train. The man's name was on the hoofs and they decided to attend the dentist's synagogue. They settled in that town, opened a houseware store called "Unbelieveable For Some" with a few Christian partners and lived happily ever after. The train driver showed up to buy some cups and some dish towels. He chose the set that had following saying printed on it positively, " is not only to show yourself approved in some course or discipline but to know yourself and your natural giftings. Sometimes, you won't know until you push yourself so think "balloonist-astronaut-circa 1877 or ambassador to the Philippines-circa 1877" for as long as possible. The train driver dropped a copy of his new baked snack design on the ground. His name was on it. They were called "Neighbours".
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Can a "lover" or "boyfriend" cheat? If so, you are in a de facto marriage. Fidelity is what you seek and your expectation is that it should be maintained. What happens if you say no to the invitation to attend their mother's home for thanksgiving without a really good excuse? Is any excuse sufficient without being told that someone needs time to think? Are you obligated to attend and there must be several other obligations and expectations that you are being asked to maintain. You may have had ten Ken dolls and may have decided to transfer choice of toy and the expecation of a new one every Christmas to your personal life. This is not what your Sunday school teacher or your home class teacher had in mind.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
There was a musical that suggested "anything goes" but this contradicts and militates against the human tendency to search out and have fidelity in relationships as much as possible. Adults and children like videogames, chocolate and a kept promise as much as possible. Trains might be late from time to time and the manufacturer may not make enough coveted stuff for the shopping seasons. Understanding must be a tied agreement with all Fidelity in relationship.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
What do you want in a relationship then? You want someone to share your emotional burden. While they share your emotional burden, whatever the cause or source, you must also share theirs. There is someone who, historically, offered a light burden in exchange for carrying any cares or burden you may have if you just throw it on him when the burden comes to the top of your heart again. What do you want in a relationship then; after all? This is a discussion of historical understanding. Your girlfriend knows. You are her de facto husband so give her pearls and don't look at the street lamps when that thinly clad fan of some popstar passes by while you shop for school shoes. Also, don't look down. The popstar fan is not saying with her gaze that she thinks you are attractive. She just wants anybody to look and give her attention. She was ignored at the breakfast table and really just wants a conversation. Once she realises this, she will be thankful for the guy next door that she was kissing last night and they will get married after they graduate after college. Just tell her you forgot to look at something in the store you just walked passed and turn around until that wanton girl passes by. In the alternative, look to the stores directly to your left or right and point your finger. There is nothing wrong with stepping into a dress shop to ask her if she likes something in the window. She is your de facto wife and expects you to be faithful and you expect the same. It's time to put away childish things and be home by 11:00 pm on Friday night so you can wake up early enough to watch Sponge Bob Triangle pants.
Moses is more likely to have had a drum as opposed to a hammond organ. This is just a matter of historical record. The law is juxtaposed historically with drums. But, when using drums to communicate, the message is one of the soul. The heart is truly the drum. Bonhoffer, German theologian, says that "where the heart is not singing there is no melody, there is only the dreadful medley of human self-praise. Where the singing is not to the Lord, it is singing to the honor of the self or the music, and the new song becomes a song to idols."-from the book "Life Together". This is just a matter of musicology and further review in this area will follow with a documentary about Samba from Brazil in the documentary series this week. Click the link below to see a combination of drums, organs and lyrics with meaningful purpose. Now the question is what does music have to do with the character that speaks of friendship that sticks closer than a brother. Moses had a drum or at least he wrote rules that obligated him to respect the drums owned by his friends, brothers and neighbours. targe
I need a man who... I need a woman who... I need a dog who.. I need... You may have what you really need right in front of you. The 80/20 rule is explained quite often by counsellors in various roles or positions that include the role of pastor. The rule says that you can meet 1000 people who may have characteristics that fit 20% of what you are looking for in a relationship. You can become strongly attracted to that 20% while you are having a momentary argument with the person who holds the true and meaningful 80% with whom you also share life problems like children with colds or a rickety fence that needs repair. In those moments of tumult, you can find a tempting and maybe long term escape with someone who holds that 20% and develop an emotional attachment that is just really surficial. You could call it emotional adultery when you start to forget to show up for dinner on time or forget your children's skating lessons while you have long texting sessions or tea breaks with this 20%. You are depreciating yourself and your family and it might feel hard to say no. Somehow you will only realise that they do not hold all that you need in this tea jingle until you have held that 20% person as a bargaining emotional gold chip to tell the 80% person that you don't care about how they feel. Well, the 20% might be less patient with fences and the children with colds. They may also leave you like they left their first wife for another woman just like you. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- As a corollary, the truth is that your new shoes may boost your self esteem. But, you would not want to be with someone who loves you for just your shoes. If the shoes get old, they might leave. You have to believe you have more to offer that can and will be appreciated. You have 80% of what someone else may need in terms of friendship as a mate. When walking through a subway tunnel with those expensive heels, you notice that you have a great sense of approval with those bright approving glances until you walk past a shoe designer who looks at the shoes in scorn. He designed the shame ( I mean "same" actually) shoes for another company. But your shoes were made with Southern Chinese leather instead of really Southern chinese leather. He would know; so pedantic. It only takes one glance of disapproval and you ran to a shoe store, bought another pair of shoes based on the comments of the sales person and left the first pair of shoes in the change room. Have you heard of something called Storge? Look at yourself and remember that somebody told you that you had the right to breathe air this morning and open your eyes, have a cup of tea and digest something positive for your personal joy and edification. The person who told you that you are alive, with those unique rights that include breathing, approves of you very much. You don't want to treat any man or woman like a pair of shoes that only have value when other people show approval. That person is your friend, spouse and mate. You can always get a new phone, tablet, shirts, trousers and shoes. Go shopping and feel good about the time you spend together because some people may just covet the time you have to spend together buying the mundane. They might have let go of their 80% spouse to end being jealous of yours. You are likely to have what you really need right in front of you. He or she looks great without plastic surgery. Tell them before they start spending all the "bed and breakfast once a month" family cash on a facelift. Fox Mulder said that it is only the vain and insecure who engage in such surgery if it is not for medical/reconstructive reasons. Hot water works great and a swim.
Monday, 4 November 2013
Designers can sketch any pattern they wish to see...
There was a man who believed in patterns but he could not see the forest from all the trees. If there was any pattern, he would have to be a part of it and so he tried very hard to pattern it. He had three children and the generational pattern in his mind meant that the youngest would have to be the tallest. But the family lived in a small but highly populated European metropolis. It was not so in this case so he rallied support from all the people in the town to help realise his belief in this pattern. But, the boy was conceived genetically with a unique design and good, centred frame. The father would not listen and put the boy on the rack, stretching to ensure that he would have the pattern in which he believed so devilishly(colloquial adjective); that it just had to be a certain way. So, he stretched him and pulled his arms and tried very hard to have others help him. The youngest ended up being stretched to death (almost). The father finally realised his fool hardy doubts and the certainty he placed in a vain belief since generational patterns last as long as someone decides to bring it to an end or to further the abuse by perpetuating the mistakes of a previous generation. So, keep killing with your evil and pay what you owe. Now, was it a pattern in the wife's family or the father's family that he was working so faithfully to achieve? Everyone saw how foolish and abusive he was in the end. The boy stretched only 1 centimetre but maintained his centre of gravity and went on to win the ballon d'or. The additional centimetre made him the second tallest. His name is Weah. Some parents have no understanding of their purpose as a parent and choose to express their insecurities by competing with children. Many latent homosexual fathers have this tendency and pattern. Watch American Beauty. A father kills a son. It is a movie about latent homosexuality.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
As a matter of historical record...
As a matter of historical record, Jesus showed some acknowledgement of cultural differences with respect to the Jews when speaking to the Samaritans. This is not ministry but a comment on historical fact. It appears in Matthew 15:21 as a matter of historical record. But, was he racist? He was not. He also corrected himself. What is it like to be racist?
Saturday, 2 November 2013
DJ Ivore Clin and Friends...
Enjoy the sounds of various international DJ's as they play new, reformulated gospel with Jazz and Salsa; Jazz!!
Resulting and Constructive Trusts...
The implication of a resulting trust or constructive trust when an express trust fails is not without limitation. There is a presumption of a resulting trust that arises in favor of a claimant in proportion to his direct cash contributions toward the acquisition of property. There is no need for oral agreement since it operates by-law as a legal presumption. These presumptions find their origins in ancient codes or rules of communal living. They were written on tablets a long time ago and now much discussion of such rules appear on television or your streaming PC. Buy your tablets for Christmas now and make sure you keep the receipt so that if you are searched on the way home, you can prove that you are not in possession of proceeds of crime.
National Pinata and the High School Athletic Directors...
Politicians and soldiers are quite similar in that they are both leaders. All leaders are also followers. As a matter of historical record, Christ and the apostles were leaders but also followers. When you are leading at a certain level, you remain a follower in some sense. As a matter of historical record, we can see that King David and Solomon had moments of wrong disposition. For Solomon, it seems that the historical record indicates that he acquired one wife beyond the number of covenants his faith dictated. The historical record alludes to his faith in God. It has something to do with acquiring a horse from Egypt and making a deal to marry the daughter of an Egyptian. The simple point is that soldiers are followers and leaders. This is also true of politicians and quite possibly, this is seen in the story of some historical leaders who, in spite of their absolute sovereignty in their socio-political realm, were also followers.
Politicians are sometimes scapegoats for economic phenomena and certain social issues such as drug use or youth unrest for which they are not directly responsible. As scape goats or national pinatas ( See Fahrenheit 911 for example), they may witness public criticism that is certainly unfair since they might not have had any personal experience with glue sniffing or selling glue for that purpose. So, how is it their fault? Presidents are not national pinatas. It's just the nature of politics quite possibly and it may start in schools when everyone wants to blame the High School's athletic director for failing to approve new bleachers. But, the school who won the tournament had the oldest bleachers in that locale. It had nothing to do with the athletic director's decisions with respect to bleachers.
Woodrow Wilson outlined 14 political points that helped to shape the world and direction after World War 1. War is not necessary if you can find a rational person on the other side of the bargaining table who can appreciate that if people are to co-exist, every discussion is based on rules to ensure common goals are safeguarded; that peace is safeguarded. The absence of such rules is the sum of all fears.
Politicians are seen as figures to be held responsible for the inexplicable emotions of others as if politicians are pinatas like the school athletic director or a pinata like a hockey coach. But, politicians are leaders and followers although they may be used by some as emotional outlets of frustration. Presidents in any country (including Chile or Russia) are not pinatas. This is seen in some documentaries that depicted citizens of various countries burning effigies of George Bush as if he was a pinata. He is just a leader and a follower as a politician; not to be treated as a pinata like the high school athletic director. But, every politician is berated at sometime. It is just a factor of the arena in which they have chosen to serve as leaders and followers. There was a horrible music video about riding Bam Bam. It was unbelievable. At any rate, in spite of the purile anger of the followers of Lord Humungous, the politician will martial the peace-loving to achieve the best rules-based result for the betterment of civil society on a micro and macro socio-political and economic level. Woodrow wilson's 14 points appear below.
Woodrow Wilson's 14 points
1.Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.
2.Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.
3.The removal, of all economic barriers and the establishment of equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.
4.Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
5.A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined.
6.The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy.
7.Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another. Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired.
8.All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.
9.A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.
10.The peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous development.
11.Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored; Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality; and international guarantees of the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into.
12.The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of all nations under international guarantees.
13.An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant.
14.A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Movie of the Week- Contract (2010)
Click the title. The question is whether you will let a bird build a nest in your head. You have to stand still long enough and uh watch or you can walk away and the bird will uh fly away I suppose.
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