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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

One of Aesop's greatest fables..

One of the greatest cons a woman pulled in a uh unique community was to claim popular and successful adults as her own children. She learned about this watching a movie produced in the 1930's about Roman wive's tales.  It was some form of retirement security if you were not fortunate to have 12-15 children by the time you were 28.  My; how the world has changed. Now, it seems to have happened to Wilt Chamberlain, although in the reverse, possibly since a lot of women wanted to be with a King( A King was defined by some as any man who would, upon request, break the commitment he made to the last woman he was with on demand or presentation of the uh offerings-you understand).  If you meet someone like this who claims to be your parent, recognise that they did not show up to help with tuition or books during your College or Univeristy career.  Know that you are a potential victim of a fraud if they request financial honor somehow playing upon your desire to honor your uh mother and father. What did Jesus say? Read Mark 3 and Psalms 27.10. You might be better off honoring the person( father or mother figure in the baby pictures) who paid for your Dishwashing liquid and boxed lunch snack that included Twinkies and the crackers with the cheese and red spread stick in the pack because that woman didn't buy her own kids any Twinkies. But, she did make sure they did their chores.  I know she is good looking and so was, some say,  Wilt Chamberlain who suffered this issue in the reverse with many a pretty young woman claiming to be his daughter. I think Wilt was uh generous when they might have asked for help with their Sunday or Saturday tithes and offerings. 

Now before you pay too mich cash to some stranger, forgive your parents and make sure you don't pass on some ancestral hurts by hurting your children and throwing out all the stuff you said they could leave there while they write their astronaut exams. You should be proud!  Invite them for coffee on Sunday afternoon as they thank you for making sure they ate good food and drank good water while growing up.  The freezies  and regular cheerios were great with the packs  of instant oatmeal that you prepared. 

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