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Thursday, 6 June 2013

Go on and see for yourself at KFC.

I have no doubt that there is a devil or Antichrist or that many Antichrists will come because the bible says so quite clearly. There are also many joint Heirs in Christ.  There is also an ego. It is the ego that Christ calls you  to put to death and if it is not put to death, then it is a pawn of this force or soul in the world that is the antithesis of Jehovah's creative power. The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy and God has acknowledged this; not to prevent you from being as creative as you can be because Jesus was a carpenter and I doubt he was a boring carpenter. I believe he was a creative one worthy of a design job with IKEA.  Christ said pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow Him. He said that if a seed does not fall into the ground and die, it abides alone.  But, clearly there is no war in Heaven. Everybody there has resolved to forgive and to live as consistently as possible with Romans 8 and 1st Corinthians 13.  Heaven is quite close and as it says, the Kingdom of God is within you. But, if the Kingdom of God can be within you, it is also possible to see the antithesis of God's kingdom in your inner most being. Hitler knows. This is an ego un-submitted to the truth of Christ and eternity as being a real place. While the Kingdom of God may be within you, the Kingdom of Hell may also be there but not both at the same point in time.  The question is whether you have prayed to hallow Jehovah's name in you, called for His Kingdom and also called for His  will to be done in you and upon the earth moment by moment. If not, can you say the Kingdom of God is within you while you must want God to be sovereign within you? If you want the Kingdom of God to be within you, then ask Him and make God sovereign within you.  Just forgive a little and you might see that being angry over a waiter taking 20 seconds too long to seat you might not be worth your health. He took 20 seconds too long with your boss as well yesterday. At the end of the day, if you are not pleased just tip the standard 15 %. If he gives you a free half-pint refill, then you know he picked up on your feelings about the 20 seconds. You live happier if you let it go. Anger is not needed. Just watch your hcat rub its head on your foot and lick the neighbors' cat's paw. Cat's do not design cars but they are quite magnanimous in how they treat each other and you too.  They will even rub their head on the foot of your white or black friend and you are Samoan.  Having a  magnanimous cat gene does not mean that you do not hunt or that you do not have the capacity to make problem-solving decisions. Humans will never lose the capacity to solve for x in an equation( 2+X.0 litre fuel cell hybrid=7. What is x?) Cats still hunt. There were a few humans like Colonel Sanders who possessed these magnanimous traits as did Abraham and Joseph.  Joseph was even fired once although wrongfully accused. Colonel Sanders was an annointed Holy Ghost Baptist in fact.  Abraham started with two goats and ended up with 7 or 8 goats and  more. 

The  truth is that if there was another equation to explain divorce rates, it would be that Approval and rejection are factors with "sex with anyone" vs. a "long term covenant with one mate" as variables. If you read cosmopolitan and go a job fair, you might see that "sex with anyone" may be higher on the graph as a determinant for Approval. 

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