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Saturday, 1 June 2013

Your partner is not a commodity...

Now its time to join or and find a new friend if you want. I'm sorted. The good thing about arranged marriages is that the recipients of the arrangement are wise  enough to know that nobody is perfect. But, you can hope for a good friend in the other recipient  who understands the mutual need for a few hot turnovers with milk around bed time every now and again.  This is not to be confused with a twinkie that has a cream center that gives your teeth a very selfless and generous straight look; you understand.  At the precise minimum, you can bargain for  a good friend in your arrangement and you must be one yourself. Also, bargain for a daily hug.  If anythinge else happens then think of it as an extra can of Schweppes or Coke in the pack of 12; wow! and Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

 It's tough out there finding the best shopping deals and purchasing decisively what you know you will really treasure.  You might have to go to one or two stores and who wants an open box of briefs or blankets anyway? If you want a perfect spouse, he  or she is always on the way while you depreciate the person you are with in search of "perfect"or you could appreciate that 80% that is just Seally(TM) comfy in your partner as arranged. Also, take God's leading because your parents may be renowned shoppers with the ultimate goal of  realising their hope and dream and remember the communities that they will never have an empty nest; for too long that is.  Every other potential partner will always  have a newer or bigger or faster 20% of something in terms of the usual criteria.  If you envision your partner as a commodity consciously or subconsciously, then shop and dispose of them well. If they are a companion and mate, then mate well. The entire world (not the devil although he may have his own input on your union in that he does not like them), may have its own vision for you and as you move from society to society or neighbourhood to neighbourhood as a couple, you will see that the various choruses of voices and opinions with various motives and inputs including jealousy will make themselves heard and for their reasons.       

Now, if your partner is commodity, then he or she is a doll and you will expect and demand that they fit into your IMAGE.  Make your expectations clear and go shopping for them. They weren't born with your IMAGE set out in their thought process.  Help them fit into your IMAGE and do not forget to also celebrate them as a child of God. 

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