Someone once asked about the condition of two people standing before their friend. One said, " I am glad I am not like other people who go to church on the wrong day and who drink a little wine that is good for the stomach." The other said, "..forgive me Lord for I am a sinner; a person who is not perfect and who is capable of errors or causing unwitting offence just while breathing although I am not sure how but I suppose someone decided I should breath, eat and survive grade 4. I am 21 and seven months old now." There are some people who say they do not sin but I wonder if they also deny being perfect. A perfect person cannot sin. They would have to be God's agent. It's just that Jesus talked a lot about forgiveness. If you are better than Jesus and God himself as to refuse to extend forgiveness, then also solve your family's problems. But, you are better than Jesus so your family does not have any problems. They would have to ensure to avoid all junk food. Perfect people never eat junk food and they never wear cotton or rayon blends. Perfect people always remember to use a recyclable shopping bag for anything they purchase. If you forget, then you are liable to be criticised. See Romans 8. Your God is watching. Perfect people have no computer or phone more than three months old. Shame on you for wasting 5 cents on a shopping bag; shame! They only wear materials that are natural. Perfect people never shop at discount stores as well. Also, they do not own anything that is not brand name or brand new. Also, they always make sure that they are in a relationship with someone as soon as they break up due to their friend's imperfection in buying top brand Tesco store brand whole foods. Only customers who are whole enough to accept their imperfection can buy whole foods. A retina scanner will determine if you can shop in that area of the store. The entry pass will appear as a bar code on your smart eye phone once you pass your Eye-phone's retina scan for wholeness and your acceptance of your personal imperfection. Your daily retina scan result will be updated and stored accordingly. It is good to be a part of the collective. You had to have the trendiest stuff; remember? You can also google any book of faith on the phone.
The irony of all of this is that you could not take a perfect picture from 70,000 feet anytime in the 19th century. But, someone believed they would fly long after Newton discvoered gravity and its relationship to waves. Why did someone torment himself with this belief? It was a perfect and persistent belief. Look at all the suffering it has caused or is it good? You can even do it with zero emissions. You did not have a plane from which to take the picture. You may not have had a perfect 17 inch megapixel camera but by faith, now people or humans can take a perfect picture from quite an amazing height at a speed that is close to the speed of sound or 5 times that speed. What is the speed of sound? Is it possible that the more man is able to do collectively, the less man believes to the point of collective nullity and a total doubt in the possibilities of the collective future? See a case called Rylands and Fletcher about the "collective" because your distant cousin's poisoned farm is affecting his neighbour's and the other neighbour's collective good. The neighbour's didn't sign those tortious rights away. Now, apparently they found enough salt and magnesium to grow potatoes and carrots on the moon. So don't worry. But, there isn't enough sun light. I am sure they will find a solution.
The Reality of Jesus
When People ask me whether I've been "born again", I say "Well; maybe so. But if so, it was a very prolonged labour and difficult delivery." There were all kinds of milestones on that journey, but perhaps the most important was reading the gospels for the first time at the age of forty. It was after I had written the first draft of The Road Less Travelled. I'm one of those people who tend to do their writing first and their research afterwards, so having quoted Jesus a couple of times, it seemed incumbent upon me to check out the references. It was a very graceful time for me to come to the gospels. Had you asked me a dozen years before whether Jesus, obviously a pretty wise chap who was executed in the manner of the day for speaking out about (lead in paint and fuel-apparently lead poisoning destroyed the Roman Empire even though the Romans built Synagogues for which Jesus would have showed gratitude); then for some reason or another people began to build a religion around him(Jesus was a Jew-See John 17. His disciples were Messianic Jews). That's what I would have replied, and I would have left His reality at that. I knew, you see, that the gospel writers were not contemporaries of Jesus, that they were writing thirty or more years after His death. But, when I did finally come to read the gospels...I was absolutely thunderstruck by the extraordinary reality of the man I found in the Gospels; a man who was prejudiced on one occasion. although He was able to overcome that prejudice and transcend it in healing love. I discovered a man so incredibly real that no one could have made Him up.
M Scott Peck-Further along the Road Less Travelled.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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