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Monday, 6 May 2013

"If the earth was a river, I would..."

A new essay contest to finish the above sentence is now in play! Write your submissions of no more than 250 words and the winner gets their submission published.  They also get to hug their mother and be thankful because most of us only have one or maybe a whole village of them who are Scots Irish or who have some Hebrew genes. Every entrant must also subscribe with a minimum $2.00 subscription. 

Submit your entry on how you would conclude the following sentence that begins as follows;
" If the earth was a river, I would..."

Write today as the contest ends on September 30th, 2013!

Now, too much heat means less food so we need moderate temperate zones and there is more than enough space for people to live. Environmental degradation to melt polar ice to increase current potential inhabitable, additional space is just mad. Polars Bears depend on the arctic environment as do many diverse species in addition to man.  The earth is slowly moving closer to the sun and we don't need to help God in his amazing and miraculous foresight.  I thought the people who built massive subways in anticipation of a great future urban population might be the same people who decided to let oil wells burn for days in Iraq and elsewhere. Air, Ozone and a balanced ecological environment is the goal. Our mad, inefficient input is not required so save the breathing apparatus inclusive of rain forests. Who are we to decide how long the earth shall remain inhabitable to humans? Be assured that regardless of any decision we make, the earth's capacity to heal and rejuvenate is timeless.  The whales will be here along with many other microorganisms deep down in the greatest depths or upon the ocean's floor.  Read Psalms 92.  The earth is in God's temple every day and Sabbath or the day you have chosen so as to keep it holy. 


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