Whales are monogamous and so are uh humans ( Now why did Jesus say you are going out among ravenous wolves?). There is also a romanesque saying that makes a similar point. So, what does that mean? It means that God was aware of this tendency if we fail to just hold on to that God gene within us. It's like an invisible living water( read John 4) and without it, you shall surely die and start judging yourself and others to the point of habitual unforgiveness and self condemnation. It's hard to love yourself and your neighbour in that condition. You are not your true self. Humans generally revere their own creation such as a Porsche or Corvette but what about the capacity to enjoy that creation in an environment that is as commodious as possible? Humans, when behaving, are monogamous by default lest we change ourselves and make our lives and world complicated and dysfunctional. When we do, God gives us rules to ensure we can live together since our higher brain brought us out of foraging and being nomadic to settle buy nice, still waters. You don't need ten commandments living in isolation and in the occasional squabble over a coconut or apple. You need ten commandments for settled living and for markets when you are no longer nomadic in the case of Jacob and Isaac. You are in a promised land now so settle down. Now God will intervene( an external market intervention) at any time to protect the most important economic actors which are the billions of fundamental buyers and sellers. Computers and androids do not care much about spending time on beaches and they do not buy computers. Humans do. The Devil is anti-life and probably hates the beach. He is also anti-human, seeking to take you out of the garden. Now, every one knows the pain of abandonment or rejection (perceived or real however slight or imagined) Higher functioning brains are equipped to create but not to as to cheat. Go buy some intelligent, creative utensils at Ikea to see it in action in your home; so intelligent! Why hurt yourself or someone you love who makes nice toll house cookies or good hours as a KFC manager? Love them. You are innately monogamous and so are whales ( you might want to think you can have ten women or "sex in the city" partners but how do you think you would feel if you were to turn around right now and witness the person you were just with kissing another man? ) Choose that good friend of the opposite gender to make a big family. Buy ten of everything in blue and pink. They may need to heal concerning previous hurts although they are a good friend and so might you. To the healing, this is where you apply patience, the kindness and prayer. See 1st Corinthians 13.
As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. Get it? You went back to zero. There is no firmament on which to grow good wheat and no water in which fish can spawn. You know its in the time of the end when you figured out how to erase everything God has done by your human genius. You had a choice in that there garden Mr. Adam and Mrs. Eve. So, here we are watching movies that remind us often of the threat of our human, yet destructive power on a personal level with a 1911 or with big nuclear fire crackers. Can't the more interested men and women play global strategic chess another way because personally, my ego is not so big to think that I have to live long enough to witness the end of the world. If we are doing our job as salt and light to the world, when shall the end come? While there shall be an end, Light does not run from darkness and where there is light, there is no darkness so submit you need for attention to Jesus and give Jesus your attention. You have all the attention you need sharing the gospel. You are the light of the world or like a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14) with the gospel of Luke uh vibrating in you. The last colony is your mind. Make God sovereign. The only other contender is your Ego. The advertising guru is working hard to sell you the pursuit of pleasure and some life and liberty of course. What is on your desktop computer or hard drive or your face recognition android phone ( now retailing for $159.99)? Make sure it's HP( not the sauce). HP stands for Healed and Purposeful. I agree with the pleasure but with balance so save the beaches and lets extend our time for pleasure with some good, clean hydrogen fuelled vehicles. You may disagree and you probably also use the most inefficient washing machine, oven and Whirlpool Fridge( the one that is not (ISO 2001 ) and Energy Saver(TM) compliant). Its a fuel cell Mustang Black Cobra and its lots of fun to drive with double wishbone suspension and tiptronic gear shifters with steering wheel gear shifting paddle's. You can have a standard or automatic centre console shifter as well. Aunt Jemima once said that she would rise with a hydrogen fuel station in her living room that converts oil into hydrogen gas. There is nothing wrong with that setup. You have to buy the oil well or hydrogen station from someone so long as it's yours; Ok? Everybody has an ego of some kind but just deny yourself and it will all become clear as Jesus said and follow Him. Your need to rise should endure beyond outmoded technology. The beach and the garden is eternal. That is why your cat or dog gets excited to run out of the house. Design vehicles and fuel supplies that agree with the beach and the garden. Bring a fishing rod as well so you can sit down and give your fat ass some rest. You need to eat; remember? Salmon is good with HP. This way you and Adam can name the animals God created, the ones that are extinct and the machines that God gave you the technology to create. It all began with the wheel. What if you never used it? Who would bear your family's burden? You are so pretty and smart. A fat ass in a bikini is a commodity ( see the Brazil Butt infomercial ) so keep the fat ass alive for at least another few generations or just hasten the Lord's coming with a collective agreement to use the most inefficient appliances and consumer goods. A collective agreement that threatens our collective enjoyment of the garden or beach is collectively Asinine and non beneficial. You can still shake it and then mourn on Sunday morning singing that you fall down and get up if you want. There is nothing wrong with good fuel and all the passion you crave in one simultaneous happening. With God, all things are truly possible. It's progress. All I know is that everybody switched to LCD, Plasma or LED Tv's from Cathode Ray Tube televisions and no vote or legislation was needed. Also, nobody was offended. There is probably an LCD flat screen TV in your church right now. Go take a look and its used to scroll the words on the worship songs. We have relationships with what we create and what is created and we give them names like Le Sabre or Le Genesis but no such relationship should threaten the common good wealth. We will always drive fast cars passionately and rebelliously on leaded, unleaded gas or some other fuel type but it would be nice to be able to stop at a beach if they exist and enjoy a picnic. Efficient fuel does not mean a reduction in passion or pleasure or else we could have settled with a 1930's Bugatti( so beatiful and inefficient) if it is that inefficiency or saving the beach means less pleasure. Pleasure is important and that is why God made Eve with curves that emulated a Hyundai Genesis. The Genesis coupe has a fattish backside that shakes when doing donut holes; get it? Watch Stand Up Guys or Killing Me Softly. To avoid spilling coffee on your suit, just use coffee in a gaseous form. The cost of clean-up and damage to the wool makes it quite selfish to actually drink liquid coffee. Your mother had to bail you out on the dry cleaning. BP stands for Be Purposefully Passionate about life in the long term. A fool never learns from his mistakes but surely BP has now switched to algae oil production only. That is why the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company and others are suing for the shock and industry loss they endured at witnessing oil spill over in the gulf for 80 days while on CNN live video footage for 80 days and it only took two hours to fix it with a vacuum hose cap sealed with underwater robotic submarines; so smart that it hurts! The Bubba Gump motto is that God may not come exactly when you call him but when he uh comes he is right on time! Robots and the algae fuel say that God has enabled man to do greater things than Jesus would do in being good stewards of His habitat. The word according to our better, more interested men is that Cell phone signals will be used to fuel vehicles very soon. It has something to do with the energy to transmit communication. Roaming charges will apply though but at least its clean and passionately smart with facial recognition with nation-wide long distance and driving included and a better bottom line (that means more calculated profit); get it? It's a fun way to drive. You already trust your house, Tiffany vases and precious Wurlitzer piano with gas central heating so let us just keep calm and save the beach. Wolf Blitzer and John King are in control with their touch screen info devices which are so impressive and Santa Claus knows when you are uh coming. It's obvious. Those cameras could be two-way; I was told as Apple already has complaints about personal underwear photos miraculously on the internet. There is a job for everyone so stay well trained as you convert the car companies into bomber factories or the Louisiana refineries into an algae fuel production plant. All you need is some desalination of the salt water and some spit from the bottom of your Heineken glass bottle, shake it a little and then you have algae oil in a few days. I got to go and make some Duncan Hines Brownies for the family. I just add uh water.
Warren A. Lyon
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Thursday, 2 May 2013
God is not counting the thickness of the crystal in your wedding glasses so feel good for you and yours about your ceremonies. Some may frown on slip-on welted shoes in preference to laced brogues. They may also want a merlot instead of a Shiraz ( I should have said white wine but...) with the chicken breast yet they can't control the time it takes to get to work every morning. That depends on the London Underground.
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