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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

They think you should feel like a Saint to them...well, the ten commandments make it clear that you and your neighbor are okay having a wife and 500 horses or horsepower in a hydrogen fuel cell engine.

The ten commandments say that you should not covet your neighbour's wife or his possessions or his 300 horses.  This means that it is contemplated that the average person in society living outside of the nature state as a nomad or hunter-gatherer who can pick from the fruits and trees in common will be living in a settled place or homestead with other settled people on either side of him. Those people are your neighbors.  You could also read the parable of the good Samaritan. 

Your friends heard you were a Christian and want to see you as a saint that may take abuse or something but that is not what the bible says. Those people aren't friends really. Tell them what a saint is and that you won't take your pants off when they tell you ( See the movie: Stand up Guys). It also does not mean you don't anticipate or should not have a wife and children or possessions. Abraham was a saint and so was Noah. Peter, the first Bishop, of all churches was a  Saint. He had a wife and some rabbinic children. He had a temper as well.   The ten commandments are for peace and settled living and you are guaranteed that no one wants a neighbour or friend that does not agree with the ten commandments in principle.  You might not agree with the worship of God only but most people want neighbors that will  not covet or steal from them.  God helps us by his Spirit to keep the commandments and to have a heart that sees Him as Lord of all. See Romans 8 and Psalms 50. Without a social contract as seen in the ten commandments, it is every man for himself if we do not mutually agree to abide by the principles as contained in the ten commandments.

God give our communities peace and may we be safe and free from molestation by powers and authorities charged with the duty of keeping peace and upholding the Charter.  King John said it best in his seminal publication. Read an excerpt here:

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