You need to think about something. Why do you have ten toes and ten fingers and the ability to solve for X on a triangle where only two of the other angles are known properties. It is because nature follows certain rules and principles. This is "caveman" common sense to which everyone can claim heritage regardless of colour. If two angles are 90 degrees in total, then what is the third angle? Whether or not you can answer that question, you are to be adjudged as a human being and worthy of respect and some dignity. The Usual Suspects did not fail to bury their mumbling friend on the beach even though the sand was dry.
Jesus said there would be troubling times and rumours of troubling times(wars). He also said that the Kingdom of God is within you. If you believe this, you could make sure that what you digest emotionally and psychologically in terms of media( music and movies etc) is consistent as much as possible with that Kingdom within you. You will know when you have offended that Kingdom if you agree to be at peace with it.There are certain things that you would not watch in your Uncle's 500 seat church sanctuary whether he knew you were there watching it or not. You revere your Uncle at least. Someone once said that they don't believe in God but they fear him. If you believed in God but did not fear Him, then you would not make choices in keeping with His existence.
So what's on TV? There are lots of stories called shows, movies and the like.
The bible is a collection of stories for the purpose of edifying us to some point or objective and it would be to make good choices at the supermarket if nothing more. Tide Cold Water is three times more efficient and Hydrogen fuel is three times more efficient than gasoline ( 2 times more efficient than diesel).
The book 1984 was a story and it was about nice people being told to deny the obvious answer to a simple truth (such as 2+2= 4) in fear of some consequence. See the movie Promised Land with Matt Damon as a good and reasonable example. The consequence was real and evident. 2+2 does not equal 5 but in the book 1984, the people had to OBEY or else bad things happened some how. There is a clothing line with a Buddhist lookkking face as the logo called Obey Clothing but I think the logo should be an oil well maybe, a Clown like the Coffee Shop or a Nuclear warhead or maybe some metal emitting mechanism with the number 1911 on it. There are so many of these 1911 mechanisms and they can really really hurt people if not used in a secluded area and away from old people and children whether there is money around for stealing or not.
Jesus had foresight or a gfit of some kind and said that after He goes to Heaven, He would leave a comforter and that you would be able to do greater things like sale(its a steal,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.b2I&fp=15c8962cbfc5c664&biw=1333&bih=665 ) across the ocean and give nice people bibles or fly-emissions free at five times the speed of sound. This is the virtue of collaboration. Here is a quote from a graduation ceremony that you did not want to attend with one of your sons but you are starting to heal for the 9th time. Marriane Williamson said that we were afraid of genius or light but, personally, I would always buy the vehicle that burns the most efficient zero emissions fuel (when a new drug comes out, what drugstore chain sells or distributes it? When a new zero emissions vehicle fuel type comes out with higher nitrous boost, what gas station sell it?) and buy the most efficient laundry soap. That is, I am not afraid of that. Read John 17. Marriane Williamson must have been a part of the NRA or a motivational speaker to all Politicians who can change or pass some laws that makes nonsense answers to equations illegal. Robert Macnamera encountered this when a Splinter Cell( see Tom Clancy video games) of his government started some war manoeuvres in South East Asia without any knowledge of this in his office or his employer's while he was secretary of State and training Kissinger. Who were they?; and it seems that Macnamera was tearfully unaware of the answer in his last interviews but they had the right colour flag to call him on the phone after the fact. Read John 17. I am going to get some popcorn at .99 cents for three bags( 50% less salt and cholesterol). Then, I am going to watch Sum of All Fears with Oblivion Star Morgan Freeman and Tom Cruise with a download from
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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