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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Human nature is a constant and is not influenced for good or bad by increasingly efficient technology. Jesus told you! As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end. It would be like Noah's day so don't worry.

Whether hiking, travelling by Camel or stallion with a wheeled chariot, steam engined train or truck or horse drawn carriage, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and so is His heart toward His creation.  Human nature is also the same and we prove it time and again with wars, jealousies, adulteries and murders.   That is why Jesus did not come to change anything but to fulfil the law and the prophets. He spoke to water and produced wine. Most struck a rock and produced water. Read Isaiah 61 and the verse in Jeremiah where the Lord gave us His prescription for our struggle with our ability at choice. Choose the garden everytime because it is hard to rebuild one. Knowledge as given to Eve did not mean peace, understanding or wisdom or the ability to re-create life. You can play with it but you cannot recreate it from scratch. Trying takes a lot of research and cash. Ozone layers and Ice bergs take a lot of cash to re-create as well.  Try to recreate a dodo bird.  They did exist once.
Try to recreate a biosphere as diverse and beautiful as the earth with varied seasons and temperatures. It seems that we are aiming for a steady 75 degrees Fahrenheit where everyone will be brownish. Lord give us the wisdom to control the things we can and to pray about the other stuff in the hands of better, more interested men. Our deepest theories determine our practise. Our practice markets air or signs to our deepest theories.  With better technology for vehicles that focuses on the purpose of transportation instead of  the purpose of damaging the ozone layer and the earth as it is and consuming fossil fuel as much as possible (the issue is not extraction if its on land or sale but the method of consumption-turn the fossil fuel oil into hydrogen, don't drill offshore and use as much algae crude oil as possible if you like oil so much) there will be as much and more  opportunity as history can afford for more ferocious unchecked human nature with all the selfishness and unbridled lust and greed that one can afford and anticipate.  Mobile phones are great and  air time can be as much or more than a gallon of gas if you are roaming so why not have people pay for air or hydrogen to fuel their vehicles? Think of the profit margins; They would be astronautical since North America is averse to building subways through the promised land.  You just might have as much and more opportunity  as some recollected and imagined time in history where there was less fear of the end. But, then again there was always a fear of the end. So, why not let us humans be as greedy as we want and selfish with the cleanest air and as much ozone as possible. Ozone is a finite resource unless God gave you the power to recreate it.  You are soo smart!! You  had plasma tvs since 1936.  I guarantee that good technology such as a microwave with faster roasts and  potatoes will not mean that we will be less selfish or hurtful to our brothers or neighbours.  It is quizzical; this equation. Toilets, dishwashers and twinkies did not reduce envy or greed or unfortunate adulterous feelings; nor did the unleaded fuel or the fuel injector so let human nature get on with it. Efficient and  non-ozone depleting chariots pulled by horses or hydrogen fuel cells will not delay nor stall our human passions to kill, steal and destroy. Read John 8.  I know a Pastor who bought a gold chariot with Corinthian leather seats because it made him feel respected.  The issue was the two horses and a field large enough to keep the horses happy enough to impress his wife with the speed. He got some additional tithes and offerings, the church was impressed with the gold chariot and bought him a larger field for the horses as a gift.  The labourer is worthy of his wages.  The chariot was brand new with regenerative chariot breaks on two wheels and a good carbon fibre yoke for the horses that is rust and dent resistant. The regenerative breaks provided enough energy to charge the radio and chariot lights for those late nights by the crystal blue fresh water lake. It's hard to recreate a natural fresh water lake.  It comes in charcoal black that is really sexy with a bikini girl bending over beside it in the ads for the chariot and the wheels come with standard 18 inch Yokohama chariot tires.  It's orgasmic and he sips on gin and juice. So, sip it and do not be drunk with wine or anything  including those Hefner veggie tales about Amnon and Tamar but be filled with the Spirit.   

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