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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Snow Capped Mountains in Kilimanjaro-You were washed white as know on that African Mountain.

RankHeightNamePrimary factorCountry
1**5895 Kilimanjaro5885 Tanzania
24543 Ras Dashen3990 Ethiopia
34095 Mount Cameroon3956 Cameroon
45110 Mount Margherita3952 Uganda/Congo Democratic Repuplic
55199 Mount Kenya3825 Kenya
6**4167 Jebel Toubkal3757 Morocco
74519 Volcan Karisimbi3324 Rwanda
84565 Mount Meru3170 Tanzania
93011 Pico Basile3011Island Bioko, Equatorial Guinea
103415 Emi Koussi2904 Chad
114400 Sante YeTerara Chaf / Batu2527 Ethiopia

Height is measured by metres- The term "...washed white as snow" appears in the old testament and is not a racist epithet or "King James" edit to the word of God as many hiphop kids born in the 1930's would tell you. I say 1930's quite deliberately since they have not read much history but they fail to realise that many orthodox rabbis recognise Noah and many other biblical figures as black men. You cannot be a blessed subject of the word of God and a blessed writer and also a victim unless you misunderstand the context. Why would you make yourself a victim? That was your family pushing up on you( as you say it in your language); not God so forgive and read about Amnon and Tamar.  The writers may not have diversified genetically yet or migrated north to mutate or intermingle with what mongol northerners there may have been at the time of writing. Read about climatic adaptation of man.  Some other writers like Paul the Apostle had a lot of opportunity to meet some Europeans many thousands of years later but Isaiah who used the term "white as snow" did not. He was just looking at a mountain in Africa it seems and thought of his gowns free of wine or juice stains. Don't be ill and so ridculous to suggest it had something to do with race.  Do you mean Le Mans 24 race or ethnic difference as in Samaritan and Jew but both with Abraham as their father? That is all. It has nothing to do with your mental slavery hip boy boys and girls and your work as hustlas on the plantation or street corners.  Read Romans 12.  This is what Bob Marley was trying to tell you before he was taken out by an angry fattish Jezebel woman and her extended family to whom he told, "..Jah said you would be one wife too many."  If Isaiah had known, the Africans would sell each other into slavery and that this verse would have been an impediment to your recovery and trust in your Noah, your father's, writing, he would have said "...washed as pure as good coal turned in to a diamond." Black is good. Kenneth Cole makes a lot of money selling "Black"; get it? 

 Isaiah 1:18
New International Version (©2011)
"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. New Living Translation (©2007

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