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Thursday, 21 March 2013

Fables and Cul de Sac Proverbs

Now, it does not take a doctorate to see the truth of the above fables. Jesus spoke in parables to get the point across in the same way.  You saw the truth at work, in school and on the playground.  Sometimes, we can reject wisdom because it was not  in the gold wrapper or because of the speaker as he may not have an uptown or posh accent.  Paul the apostle went through this. See 2nd Corinthians 10:1-7.  He was judged for his appearance but those individuals judging you on your coat from DKNY as opposed to Perry Ellis have chosen their preferred designer but they do not have the key to Heaven and the choice of coat should not lead them to reject wisdom as you may write it or speak it with a little accent or not. Watchman Nee made many recordings on Christianity as his chosen faith in 1920's China.  He may have been criticised by some but his approach to teaching has stood the test and many people still listen today.  There are others. I knew a man who ran a growing church and his writing was quite instructive. But, sometimes his printer may have made errors or maybe his apprentice.  He taught often on Jeremiah who proclaimed the "...Lord is my righteousness." You can google that. Even if there was a spelling error, the lesson or truth was not diminished. We put on Christ's identity in exchange for our own identity and our own sense of right, accepting what He did on the cross. To say, the "..Lord is my righteousness" is to cast sincerely your cares and burdens on Him and receive grace as explained or set out in Romans 8. After that, reading Matthew 4,5,6,7 is a good foundation. The bible holding the wisdom might be old with an old cover but the truth inside is younger than anyone you know. Jesus is the youngest person you know. Read Psalms 92 and by staying close to Him, you are young and vital even in your old age.  I was not the apprentice but I certainly went back to visit. It was good teaching to hear but more importantly to receive.   If you are sincere in Christ, then everybody is a journalist concerning the good news. There is no competition in that popularity contest since we are joint heirs in Christ and everybody receives equal reward. He said His father has many mansions and His promise to be with you and provide is evident. Do not forget that the earth is His footstool.  He also said the Kingdom of God is at hand. Read Mark 4 to also be reminded that not everyone will agree nor will they receive. 

Written by Warren A. Lyon and appearing previously on .

Now, if you were in a relationship with someone who does not want to let you go or respect your wishes, make sure that if they call you, just remind them it is harassment. That is a serious issue. If they wanted to be in a relationship, they would have said so. They would have offered to make you a sandwich.  Now, leave that future young seminary masters graduate alone.  He asked very nicely.

These zombie movies were actually designed as warnings by  the protestant church; that there would be wheat and chaff in latter times.  See the trailer for World War Z. Google it.  These movies are very popular with weekly tv shows in the current tv era and big box office movies(2013). Chaff, according to these churches, are people who failed to "...strengthen what remained and was about to die." They chase those who walk in the life of Christ.  See Romans 9.

The chaff are the living dead( see the book of  Jude) but be careful as they might do things to see where your mammon is like cut your mail box door to see if you have sufficient pride to repaint it for them. I know it makes little sense  but I would rather be a brother's keeper and a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  The honest advice of a friend is faithful. He might not tell you that you make sense buying 500 cases of pop for a variety store online that you just started when you already have 500 as collector's cans as special edition designer collectible coke and ginger beers when you have no other place to put the new 500. Sell what you have first and there is always more soda with straws for sucking at the shop.

You took pride for impressing people with your ability to give them pleasure with foot massages and you would bow down to them to do that and they gave you a little appreciation($40.00). You liked the sense of thankfulness and the $40.00 so you learned that bowing to please someone has a dividend.  You do it so well they say. They say You are a Smith and Wesson and how you make the foot shoot with tingles of pleasure and the foot jumps up.  So why not bow and please Jesus? Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ  is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If you have any doubt about this, join a local church and have a scripture discussion. His yoke is easy and his burden is very light. It's time to trust Him that you don't have to abuse yourself to impress people as if that is the only thing you could do well. You could be a photo studio manager or the manager of a coffee shop making calls to your cousin in Minnesota to Cheer her up about her break ups.  She had 5 children and husbands and the sixth husband is not her own( John 4).  Run for your life. It is not that hard to be a wife and friend. There is always a moment of disappointment. That is why you have a new toaster this year because the other one made you wait 2 minutes. The new one comes with pre-toasted bread. Abraham's wife had to wait nearly ten years for a child when she decided to take matters into her own hands. Abraham got her the child she desired. Hannah seems to have waited and dedicated the child to Her Lord's service. She learned from Sara and Abraham's experience. Read Psalms 27:14.  Your cousin will send you $20.00 for your time and the other cousin in Dakota will send you $25.00 when  she calls you to get some Godly inspiration and you be a good Christian life counsellor while you make $7.00 per hour selling coffee. That is positive. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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