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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Celebration of Life...

Many movies and book are a celebration of life and a eulogy for what is known as the common sense.  What percentage of XB 71 Heat shielding and very light Valkyrie jet plane technology went into the the space shuttle program?

Daniel Goleman's book on Ecological Intelligence is just a few years and months old and certainly made a bestseller list.  You must have read it to fit in at the Starbuck's conversation table or work water cooler for the conversation that follows the football or other pro-sport pools like the LA Kings pool.

We should not be upset if LIFE outlives us.

Daniel Goleman affirms in his book on Ecology that "...Our world of material abundance comes with a hidden price tag.  We cannot see the extent to which the things we buy and use daily  have other kinds of costs-their toll on the planet, on consumer health...a web of impacts left along the way from the initial extraction or concoction of its ingredients.  Our manufacturing technologies and the chemistry they deploy were largely chosen in a more recent time, one when shoppers and engineers alike had luxury of paying little or no attention to the adverse impacts of what was made.  Instead, they were understandably pleased by the benefits: cheap and malleable plastics made from a seemingly endless sea of petroleum; a treasure chest of synthetic chemical compounds.  They were oblivious to the costs of these well-meaning choices to our planet and its people.  Though the composition and impacts of things we buy and use daily are for the most part the outcome of decisions made long ago, they will determine daily practice in manufacturing design and industrial chemistry-and end up in our homes, schools, hospitals, and workplaces.  As utilized in yesterday's business environment, today's industrial chemicals and processes made utter sense, but all too many make little sense going forward. Consumers and businesses alike can no longer afford to leave invisible decisions about those chemical and processes...unexamined."

After reading such a great book, you often end up going to the I Touch or You Touch machine to feel close to something in your brain's chemical and hormonal composition such as a picture of Lulu or Lola  the Ferrari or Lola the Ferrari and Porsche. Google that.  It was on ET news.  The end result is that there is a loss in the transference of intelligence.  It is a wash.  So, go wash your hands.  Your soul is impacted but unable to affect real change. The Wizard  who was really a Baptist minister in the Wizard of Oz said that if you want to go home, have courage or receive a new brain (Romans 12) then kill the witch( the bitter woman hiding as your grade 8 racist history teacher who gave you a grudgeful B in History and who had a dumb 1/4 black disabled daughter pretending to have graduated with out needing to imitate a vacuum cleaner). The wages of sin is death. The Hebrews encountered this when the unconverted moabites sent ladies of the night to lay in the Hebrew camp on that decisive night. How did Moses' contemporaries and their guard respond?  Find out more on "Girls gone Bible wild" television. Its on your cable box. 

All of creation cries out for the Sons and Daughters("son" means children evidently and obviously like Mary  and Martha but you want to be angry about something) of God to be revealed. Read Romans 8.  The Shekinah glory is the breast or feminine heart of God.  Rest on the breast of God. I as in
I-Gadget used to stand for um ignominious. It could stand for a lot of things like Smart. I will now stand for intimacy. God is intimacy.  Don't worry about Romans 8. Many Romans went to Ireland to settle many many years ago in a century far far away. Watch the movie King Arthur and follow Hadrian's Wall and also the movie Grey.  Some of them were sort of full or half Moorish as well but many centuries later their 1/6-1/7  black children are looking kind of Welsh or um....Scots-Welsh Jersey or  Isle of Whitish? Read the last Chapter of Hebrews 13.

Warren A. Lyon.

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