New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Saturday, 30 March 2013
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Full Life scopes: January-December
How do I accept Jesus as my Savior?
By Dr. Charles StanleyDo you yearn to experience the Lord’s comforting presence, power, and wisdom? That’s good, because God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you forever.
The problem is . . .
. . . one thing separates you from a relationship with God—sin. You and I sin whenever we fail to live by the Lord’s holy standard. In fact, Romans 3:23: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Furthermore, Romans 6:23 explains that the penalty for sin is death—separation from God in hell forever. No matter how hard we try, we cannot save ourselves or get rid of our sins. We can’t earn our way to heaven by being good, going to church, or being baptized (Eph. 2:8-9).
Understanding how helpless we are because of our sins, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us.
Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (Rom. 5:8). Three days later, He rose from the dead—showing that He had triumphed over sin and death once and for all.
So how can you know God?
It all starts with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ provides a relationship with the Father and eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection (Rom. 5:10).
Romans 10:9 promises, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you have not yet begun your personal relationship with God, understand that the One who created you and loves you no matter who you are or what you’ve done. He wants you to experience the profound depth of His care.
Therefore, tell God that you are willing to trust Him for salvation. You can tell Him in your own words or use this simple prayer:
Lord Jesus, I ask You to forgive my sins and save me from eternal separation from God. By faith, I accept Your work and death on the cross as sufficient payment for my sins. Thank You for providing the way for me to know You and to have a relationship with my heavenly Father. Through faith in You, I have eternal life. Thank You also for hearing my prayers and loving me unconditionally. Please give me the strength, wisdom, and determination to walk in the center of Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.
If you have just prayed this prayer—congratulations!
You have received Christ as your Savior and have made the best decision you will ever make—one that will change your life forever!
For more, please see the following:
Please let us know by emailing us at so we can rejoice with you.
Monday, 25 March 2013
Four new condos in Oklahoma(where there is a whole lot of nothing!) is worth twice the capitalist expansion in a small Eastern European or Eurasian country. All we need to do is get excited about the colour of green in Oklahoma and not worry so much about the colour of the bearer of the notes. It's the American way as everybody, without regard to colour or ancestry, drinks Nescafe.
What holds us together is the common expectation that men with good commercial intention will be able to open their Green coffee shop with Green signs in any town or city. This is good commerce. Sze Sze. Connie Chung ran an expose on this in Boston some years ago to great aplomb. The wisdom and the inferences from the movie GANGS OF NEW YORK are quite pungent. This message was echoed in the movie DRAGON: The Bruce Lee Story and in the movie REVOLVER or was it Rush Hour? In fact, it was the movie REVOLVER with Jason Stamos that acts as a sort of sequel to GANGS OF NEW YORK. This sequel of sorts has a pungent and vibrant, moralistic ending. Watch it now on youtube. The other key undertext is that the clothing did not make the man and nor did his vehicle. It does not beat the movie the Gospel of John, Oceans 12 or Superman Returns on this point but it's close. My neighbours just invited me over to explain how a young man down the road cut his tire to see if my neighbour had money or wanted to impress people with what he would spend. My immediate neighbours are mature enough to disagree with that type of mentality. The young man down the road comes from an Island culture or some subculture to which I am not accustomed or privy. I like the islands though very much and also Kentucky Fried Chicken and Bank of America in South Central. Most others with which we attended school concur.
The special documentary of the week is centred on the respected words of wisdom as provided by several of the most powerful men on earth next to Jesus Christ( Jesus the Christ to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess). Remember that Adam's assignment and that of Noah's came from the same engineer and architect. Read Isaiah 1 and Psalms 50 on that and its okay to have a laugh and save money. Call and get a quote on your 2000 kms per tank hybrid because it's an honour to save 15 % or more.
Click here for our documentary of the week:
The special documentary of the week is centred on the respected words of wisdom as provided by several of the most powerful men on earth next to Jesus Christ( Jesus the Christ to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess). Remember that Adam's assignment and that of Noah's came from the same engineer and architect. Read Isaiah 1 and Psalms 50 on that and its okay to have a laugh and save money. Call and get a quote on your 2000 kms per tank hybrid because it's an honour to save 15 % or more.
Click here for our documentary of the week:
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Do you want to start something? There is a song of similar title.
A popular song uses choruses that sound like a strange tongue. The artist is of African American heritage. His last name is Jackson but not Joe Jackson.
It sounds African or Asian. Now, the bible talks about speaking in tongues. See 1st Corinthians 14. Paul, the zealot and murderous Rabi who became an apostle heralded this gift and the gift of prophecy. The chapter also makes clear that Jews of varying colour and shade but certainly of direct Hebrew ancestry and not necessarily dark and comely in complexion were the first to speak in tongues. Maybe they looked blonde with blue eyes or maybe they had complexions that were common to the equatorial weather and temperatures of that region. They had complexions that were common to the equatorial weather and temperatures of that region. Paul was not West Indian or African American but he did speak in tongues. That should shed some light on the stereotypes. Speaking in tongues is a gift that does not discriminate in terms of racial, colour or gender categories because it is a Heavenly phenomenon. Many are called. Read Mark 4 and Romans 8. Its your choice( red pill/blue pill-they cut the hard line Apoc!). It's your decision such as a "do what you like" phone or "eternal contract." Jesus' requirements(they used to say YOKE but that throws off some people because you think of an egg or a beast of burden) are easy.
It sounds African or Asian. Now, the bible talks about speaking in tongues. See 1st Corinthians 14. Paul, the zealot and murderous Rabi who became an apostle heralded this gift and the gift of prophecy. The chapter also makes clear that Jews of varying colour and shade but certainly of direct Hebrew ancestry and not necessarily dark and comely in complexion were the first to speak in tongues. Maybe they looked blonde with blue eyes or maybe they had complexions that were common to the equatorial weather and temperatures of that region. They had complexions that were common to the equatorial weather and temperatures of that region. Paul was not West Indian or African American but he did speak in tongues. That should shed some light on the stereotypes. Speaking in tongues is a gift that does not discriminate in terms of racial, colour or gender categories because it is a Heavenly phenomenon. Many are called. Read Mark 4 and Romans 8. Its your choice( red pill/blue pill-they cut the hard line Apoc!). It's your decision such as a "do what you like" phone or "eternal contract." Jesus' requirements(they used to say YOKE but that throws off some people because you think of an egg or a beast of burden) are easy.
Friday, 22 March 2013
Jesus is the light of the world...but so are you! Your neighbour is the Light of the world as well. Read about how John the Baptist and Paul the apostle died. Read Mark 4 and choose what type of seed you will be.
Now, the thing about being the light of the world is that you are truly a mirror just to reflect Jesus' light so trying really hard is not the goal. The Lord is your(my) righteousness-Jeremiah 23:6. Google that!
Little did you know, but Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were born in the West Indies before emigrating to the US. Uncle Ben wears a bow tie and is a university graduate from a midwest university. He builds orphanages and is called "father" by many children. Aunt Jemima wears pearls with her coiffured hair and is quite the Sunday School teacher and gentle but disciplined choir master. They are an excellent couple. Enjoy some rice and chicken and some chicken and waffles today. All you need to do is add water to feed the multitude so thank God for the miracle of five loaves and two fish and also the miracle of turning water into wine. You turn water into pancakes and potatoes every day!
Little did you know, but Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben were born in the West Indies before emigrating to the US. Uncle Ben wears a bow tie and is a university graduate from a midwest university. He builds orphanages and is called "father" by many children. Aunt Jemima wears pearls with her coiffured hair and is quite the Sunday School teacher and gentle but disciplined choir master. They are an excellent couple. Enjoy some rice and chicken and some chicken and waffles today. All you need to do is add water to feed the multitude so thank God for the miracle of five loaves and two fish and also the miracle of turning water into wine. You turn water into pancakes and potatoes every day!
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Fables and Cul de Sac Proverbs
Now, it does not take a doctorate to see the truth of the above fables. Jesus spoke in parables to get the point across in the same way. You saw the truth at work, in school and on the playground. Sometimes, we can reject wisdom because it was not in the gold wrapper or because of the speaker as he may not have an uptown or posh accent. Paul the apostle went through this. See 2nd Corinthians 10:1-7. He was judged for his appearance but those individuals judging you on your coat from DKNY as opposed to Perry Ellis have chosen their preferred designer but they do not have the key to Heaven and the choice of coat should not lead them to reject wisdom as you may write it or speak it with a little accent or not. Watchman Nee made many recordings on Christianity as his chosen faith in 1920's China. He may have been criticised by some but his approach to teaching has stood the test and many people still listen today. There are others. I knew a man who ran a growing church and his writing was quite instructive. But, sometimes his printer may have made errors or maybe his apprentice. He taught often on Jeremiah who proclaimed the "...Lord is my righteousness." You can google that. Even if there was a spelling error, the lesson or truth was not diminished. We put on Christ's identity in exchange for our own identity and our own sense of right, accepting what He did on the cross. To say, the "..Lord is my righteousness" is to cast sincerely your cares and burdens on Him and receive grace as explained or set out in Romans 8. After that, reading Matthew 4,5,6,7 is a good foundation. The bible holding the wisdom might be old with an old cover but the truth inside is younger than anyone you know. Jesus is the youngest person you know. Read Psalms 92 and by staying close to Him, you are young and vital even in your old age. I was not the apprentice but I certainly went back to visit. It was good teaching to hear but more importantly to receive. If you are sincere in Christ, then everybody is a journalist concerning the good news. There is no competition in that popularity contest since we are joint heirs in Christ and everybody receives equal reward. He said His father has many mansions and His promise to be with you and provide is evident. Do not forget that the earth is His footstool. He also said the Kingdom of God is at hand. Read Mark 4 to also be reminded that not everyone will agree nor will they receive.
Written by Warren A. Lyon and appearing previously on .
Now, if you were in a relationship with someone who does not want to let you go or respect your wishes, make sure that if they call you, just remind them it is harassment. That is a serious issue. If they wanted to be in a relationship, they would have said so. They would have offered to make you a sandwich. Now, leave that future young seminary masters graduate alone. He asked very nicely.
These zombie movies were actually designed as warnings by the protestant church; that there would be wheat and chaff in latter times. See the trailer for World War Z. Google it. These movies are very popular with weekly tv shows in the current tv era and big box office movies(2013). Chaff, according to these churches, are people who failed to "...strengthen what remained and was about to die." They chase those who walk in the life of Christ. See Romans 9.
The chaff are the living dead( see the book of Jude) but be careful as they might do things to see where your mammon is like cut your mail box door to see if you have sufficient pride to repaint it for them. I know it makes little sense but I would rather be a brother's keeper and a friend who sticks closer than a brother. The honest advice of a friend is faithful. He might not tell you that you make sense buying 500 cases of pop for a variety store online that you just started when you already have 500 as collector's cans as special edition designer collectible coke and ginger beers when you have no other place to put the new 500. Sell what you have first and there is always more soda with straws for sucking at the shop.
You took pride for impressing people with your ability to give them pleasure with foot massages and you would bow down to them to do that and they gave you a little appreciation($40.00). You liked the sense of thankfulness and the $40.00 so you learned that bowing to please someone has a dividend. You do it so well they say. They say You are a Smith and Wesson and how you make the foot shoot with tingles of pleasure and the foot jumps up. So why not bow and please Jesus? Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If you have any doubt about this, join a local church and have a scripture discussion. His yoke is easy and his burden is very light. It's time to trust Him that you don't have to abuse yourself to impress people as if that is the only thing you could do well. You could be a photo studio manager or the manager of a coffee shop making calls to your cousin in Minnesota to Cheer her up about her break ups. She had 5 children and husbands and the sixth husband is not her own( John 4). Run for your life. It is not that hard to be a wife and friend. There is always a moment of disappointment. That is why you have a new toaster this year because the other one made you wait 2 minutes. The new one comes with pre-toasted bread. Abraham's wife had to wait nearly ten years for a child when she decided to take matters into her own hands. Abraham got her the child she desired. Hannah seems to have waited and dedicated the child to Her Lord's service. She learned from Sara and Abraham's experience. Read Psalms 27:14. Your cousin will send you $20.00 for your time and the other cousin in Dakota will send you $25.00 when she calls you to get some Godly inspiration and you be a good Christian life counsellor while you make $7.00 per hour selling coffee. That is positive. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Written by Warren A. Lyon and appearing previously on .
Now, if you were in a relationship with someone who does not want to let you go or respect your wishes, make sure that if they call you, just remind them it is harassment. That is a serious issue. If they wanted to be in a relationship, they would have said so. They would have offered to make you a sandwich. Now, leave that future young seminary masters graduate alone. He asked very nicely.
These zombie movies were actually designed as warnings by the protestant church; that there would be wheat and chaff in latter times. See the trailer for World War Z. Google it. These movies are very popular with weekly tv shows in the current tv era and big box office movies(2013). Chaff, according to these churches, are people who failed to "...strengthen what remained and was about to die." They chase those who walk in the life of Christ. See Romans 9.
The chaff are the living dead( see the book of Jude) but be careful as they might do things to see where your mammon is like cut your mail box door to see if you have sufficient pride to repaint it for them. I know it makes little sense but I would rather be a brother's keeper and a friend who sticks closer than a brother. The honest advice of a friend is faithful. He might not tell you that you make sense buying 500 cases of pop for a variety store online that you just started when you already have 500 as collector's cans as special edition designer collectible coke and ginger beers when you have no other place to put the new 500. Sell what you have first and there is always more soda with straws for sucking at the shop.
You took pride for impressing people with your ability to give them pleasure with foot massages and you would bow down to them to do that and they gave you a little appreciation($40.00). You liked the sense of thankfulness and the $40.00 so you learned that bowing to please someone has a dividend. You do it so well they say. They say You are a Smith and Wesson and how you make the foot shoot with tingles of pleasure and the foot jumps up. So why not bow and please Jesus? Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If you have any doubt about this, join a local church and have a scripture discussion. His yoke is easy and his burden is very light. It's time to trust Him that you don't have to abuse yourself to impress people as if that is the only thing you could do well. You could be a photo studio manager or the manager of a coffee shop making calls to your cousin in Minnesota to Cheer her up about her break ups. She had 5 children and husbands and the sixth husband is not her own( John 4). Run for your life. It is not that hard to be a wife and friend. There is always a moment of disappointment. That is why you have a new toaster this year because the other one made you wait 2 minutes. The new one comes with pre-toasted bread. Abraham's wife had to wait nearly ten years for a child when she decided to take matters into her own hands. Abraham got her the child she desired. Hannah seems to have waited and dedicated the child to Her Lord's service. She learned from Sara and Abraham's experience. Read Psalms 27:14. Your cousin will send you $20.00 for your time and the other cousin in Dakota will send you $25.00 when she calls you to get some Godly inspiration and you be a good Christian life counsellor while you make $7.00 per hour selling coffee. That is positive. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 18 March 2013
Your microwave is burning and polluting your home with smoke...but it was meant to do that. However, there is a zero emissions free fuel cell variant available right now and has been around since 1967. There is nothing to be afraid of. It just heats up your food and is like breathing air emissions free.
The truth is that all of the various facets of human nature are depicted in the first 6 chapters of the book of Genesis including envy, disobedience, competition with God ( wanting to be like Him) and jealousy.
The truth is that you might have had a culture handed to you that worked quite well for your pagan ancestors and all you can say now as a Pastor is that there are a few things that you recognise as not fitting into your calling. It does not matter how someone feels to you or how they present to you in terms of their mammon. You are a pastor. Mammon comes and mammon goes. You are pressing on to that great goal that transcends storing up gold and silver; right? There are several verses on that and on not respecting people on their fashion labels and fine pottery collection but it is good to be prosperous while "..rendering your heart and not your garment." So, amen! You might want to believe that you are right about something and you will do everything you can to bring it to pass; including the writing of a suggestion or idea about someone but then you realise God has his own idea about that person and his plan and that you were right about his wife being a bad woman. Well, Michal was not so nice to David but at least he had faith and they stayed together until she said nothing he could do was good enough. Sara was impatient and then jealous and controlling. Eve wanted to compete with God andLot 's wife looked back to the direction of death and stagnancy. She was holding up the movement forward while she talked all day to her old boyfriends and admirers. She was told to let go or at least to communicate her purpose. She also judged her husband and compared him to others in their house like a young male cousin who was, on most occasions, also victims of her bitter tongue. You are not married to your cousin or son. Who are you anyway? At least, you floss your teeth and brush once if not twice a day. Most nice people brush twice but no one is judging you on something so pedantic.
A lot of people had little to say to Colonel Sanders or that other franchisee who worked with the burgers and red hair when they opened the first of many outlets. Some shunned the idea of fast fried chicken and fries prepared by a Baptist colonel. Some loved his vehicle and thought he was an A grade military graduate when it was free from damage. Some suggested he was a D graduate as soon as those other people down the road decided to take their feelings out on him and his '57 chevy doors for suggesting that they should not throw their burger wrappers in the pond near the Colonel's ancestral home. Home is important if you only have one with running fresh water from mountain streams. After it was given to you, you could always depreciate it while not believing yourself to be a worthy person. You can communicate this self rejection to a million and one people and they may join you while trying to find another or better home. It might be somewhere over the rainbow. You will say this is just the way we do it I suppose. I know it seems counter intuitive but the world has to end sometime, you say, so why not. What about being a better "self" because there is always something wrong somewhere and what did you really need? You might have needed a confidante and mate that you can call a friend essentially that can say thank you for the apple pie you baked and you can be safe with his kisses and you can covet that affection because he does not intend to give his apprection for apple pies to anyone else or your any of your female friends. You are reminiscent of a woman who felt a loss of approval quite early and never received self-approval. Without self-approval, how can accept anyone? You have not accepted yourself. How dare anyone even suggest that your ironing of clothing could fall short? Don't worry. It is so contentious that most men jus bargain for a happy movie on Friday night at home with the wife and if she cooks, that is a fringe benefit so long as you don't call all day suggesting he is cheating. That is just your emotional dependence. Can you depend on God? It is such a community now since you have company in this that you walk with others finding reasons to reject and deject. Look; there is a thread lose on that Hugo Boss shirt one day old. Do you have a sowing kit from Prada or Cole Haan? use the scissors to cut the thread and love the man wearing the shirt. He has a male Prada sowing kit anyhow and would have cut the thread when he gets a chance at his home or(sorry) your mutual home. You can rip the car doors to prove he was not worthy or a union after you got engaged but you broke up because you wanted to sleep around as you confessed. You did not feel sufficient approval to be yourself and explore until his ring anchored you. This is quite amazing but there is no marriage in Heaven and the experiences of the patriarchs are good to keep in remembrance. When batteries run out, nice men dispose of them. There is always more opportunity for this treadmill of approval so long as your chosen pinata is alive one more day to prove you right in your fear of disappointment or wrong for that day's alotted chores and tasks but he is not thinking about your feelings. He does not even know you but you do feel quite burdensome to someone who knows how much time you spend rejecting your own reflection in a mirror or in your thoughts and it shows in how you treat those closest to you. Disappointment is part of the equation and so is forgiveness and an apology. It is a mutual agreement. You were disappointing to someone and they never let you forget it and you made sure you found someone on whom you could vent that horrible sense of being ostracised. Was it your husband or one of your children? So now declare God could be eternally disappointed but He has given His forgiveness for your sins past, present and future because if you were perfect like your neighbour who hates your curtains and your shoes, you would not spend so much time seeking their glance of approval as you shop every evening after work at TJ Maxx. Find a better man, son, life and planet because you are on someones treadmill of approval as much as you would like everyone else to be on yours. You asked for something and you could also appreciate it in thankfulness. Look very closely. Now, let go because you need a hug for your burned rice, salty food and under cooked quiche or do you need a man who will make sure you know you are working-working for approval? Let go and let someone be content as his imperfection did not mesh with your evident perfection. You are without sin and the bible says such a person who claims to be perfect is a liar. There is no truth in such a one but you can be self-forgiving and forgiving of others. You can also let go of a person who is abusive with double standards and expectations. You want people to wait on you. So wait on them. Just because you had to wait a few times for your ex to finish a call, it does not mean you won't be waiting for your husband to revise his teaching plans for his grade 1-10 class or for your fire fighter to get home from an emergency fire. At least you have someone that can share his grace with you as you learn to comprehend sharing and receiving grace but right now, you are in God's healing shop so stay alone and enjoy walking with Jesus because you called three times last night unknown number. Do not call again and leave that nice future seminary graduate alone. Let go now and enjoy walking on your own with Jesus. Jesus appreciates life while the devil with cosmopolitan rules and yardsticks depreciates life. This is why you are single. Just be happy with whom you will be with or with whom you enjoyed a fling last night because you need to look very closely. Look very closely because it just might have become your entrenched culture. In undoing this entrenched culture, it may take some time but let those people go to whom you have no claim and who wish to take their faith journey. Let them appreciate the little God has given them but there will be those who wish to engineer a sense of failure over them and who might steal a cheque leaf or a favorite bible devotional to feel as if they have control over such a sojourner. I have no idea really. It was not in any school book or bible passage I could find but the first few chapters of Genesis must give us some idea as to why people would want worry about another human's fridge or stove or wardrobe( mammon) so much and you don't even live with them as a spouse, mother or father. You just met your new pinata online or at the Starbucks. Let go. It is better to have a little with thankfulness.
The truth is that you might have had a culture handed to you that worked quite well for your pagan ancestors and all you can say now as a Pastor is that there are a few things that you recognise as not fitting into your calling. It does not matter how someone feels to you or how they present to you in terms of their mammon. You are a pastor. Mammon comes and mammon goes. You are pressing on to that great goal that transcends storing up gold and silver; right? There are several verses on that and on not respecting people on their fashion labels and fine pottery collection but it is good to be prosperous while "..rendering your heart and not your garment." So, amen! You might want to believe that you are right about something and you will do everything you can to bring it to pass; including the writing of a suggestion or idea about someone but then you realise God has his own idea about that person and his plan and that you were right about his wife being a bad woman. Well, Michal was not so nice to David but at least he had faith and they stayed together until she said nothing he could do was good enough. Sara was impatient and then jealous and controlling. Eve wanted to compete with God and
A lot of people had little to say to Colonel Sanders or that other franchisee who worked with the burgers and red hair when they opened the first of many outlets. Some shunned the idea of fast fried chicken and fries prepared by a Baptist colonel. Some loved his vehicle and thought he was an A grade military graduate when it was free from damage. Some suggested he was a D graduate as soon as those other people down the road decided to take their feelings out on him and his '57 chevy doors for suggesting that they should not throw their burger wrappers in the pond near the Colonel's ancestral home. Home is important if you only have one with running fresh water from mountain streams. After it was given to you, you could always depreciate it while not believing yourself to be a worthy person. You can communicate this self rejection to a million and one people and they may join you while trying to find another or better home. It might be somewhere over the rainbow. You will say this is just the way we do it I suppose. I know it seems counter intuitive but the world has to end sometime, you say, so why not. What about being a better "self" because there is always something wrong somewhere and what did you really need? You might have needed a confidante and mate that you can call a friend essentially that can say thank you for the apple pie you baked and you can be safe with his kisses and you can covet that affection because he does not intend to give his apprection for apple pies to anyone else or your any of your female friends. You are reminiscent of a woman who felt a loss of approval quite early and never received self-approval. Without self-approval, how can accept anyone? You have not accepted yourself. How dare anyone even suggest that your ironing of clothing could fall short? Don't worry. It is so contentious that most men jus bargain for a happy movie on Friday night at home with the wife and if she cooks, that is a fringe benefit so long as you don't call all day suggesting he is cheating. That is just your emotional dependence. Can you depend on God? It is such a community now since you have company in this that you walk with others finding reasons to reject and deject. Look; there is a thread lose on that Hugo Boss shirt one day old. Do you have a sowing kit from Prada or Cole Haan? use the scissors to cut the thread and love the man wearing the shirt. He has a male Prada sowing kit anyhow and would have cut the thread when he gets a chance at his home or(sorry) your mutual home. You can rip the car doors to prove he was not worthy or a union after you got engaged but you broke up because you wanted to sleep around as you confessed. You did not feel sufficient approval to be yourself and explore until his ring anchored you. This is quite amazing but there is no marriage in Heaven and the experiences of the patriarchs are good to keep in remembrance. When batteries run out, nice men dispose of them. There is always more opportunity for this treadmill of approval so long as your chosen pinata is alive one more day to prove you right in your fear of disappointment or wrong for that day's alotted chores and tasks but he is not thinking about your feelings. He does not even know you but you do feel quite burdensome to someone who knows how much time you spend rejecting your own reflection in a mirror or in your thoughts and it shows in how you treat those closest to you. Disappointment is part of the equation and so is forgiveness and an apology. It is a mutual agreement. You were disappointing to someone and they never let you forget it and you made sure you found someone on whom you could vent that horrible sense of being ostracised. Was it your husband or one of your children? So now declare God could be eternally disappointed but He has given His forgiveness for your sins past, present and future because if you were perfect like your neighbour who hates your curtains and your shoes, you would not spend so much time seeking their glance of approval as you shop every evening after work at TJ Maxx. Find a better man, son, life and planet because you are on someones treadmill of approval as much as you would like everyone else to be on yours. You asked for something and you could also appreciate it in thankfulness. Look very closely. Now, let go because you need a hug for your burned rice, salty food and under cooked quiche or do you need a man who will make sure you know you are working-working for approval? Let go and let someone be content as his imperfection did not mesh with your evident perfection. You are without sin and the bible says such a person who claims to be perfect is a liar. There is no truth in such a one but you can be self-forgiving and forgiving of others. You can also let go of a person who is abusive with double standards and expectations. You want people to wait on you. So wait on them. Just because you had to wait a few times for your ex to finish a call, it does not mean you won't be waiting for your husband to revise his teaching plans for his grade 1-10 class or for your fire fighter to get home from an emergency fire. At least you have someone that can share his grace with you as you learn to comprehend sharing and receiving grace but right now, you are in God's healing shop so stay alone and enjoy walking with Jesus because you called three times last night unknown number. Do not call again and leave that nice future seminary graduate alone. Let go now and enjoy walking on your own with Jesus. Jesus appreciates life while the devil with cosmopolitan rules and yardsticks depreciates life. This is why you are single. Just be happy with whom you will be with or with whom you enjoyed a fling last night because you need to look very closely. Look very closely because it just might have become your entrenched culture. In undoing this entrenched culture, it may take some time but let those people go to whom you have no claim and who wish to take their faith journey. Let them appreciate the little God has given them but there will be those who wish to engineer a sense of failure over them and who might steal a cheque leaf or a favorite bible devotional to feel as if they have control over such a sojourner. I have no idea really. It was not in any school book or bible passage I could find but the first few chapters of Genesis must give us some idea as to why people would want worry about another human's fridge or stove or wardrobe( mammon) so much and you don't even live with them as a spouse, mother or father. You just met your new pinata online or at the Starbucks. Let go. It is better to have a little with thankfulness.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Celebration of Life...
Many movies and book are a celebration of life and a eulogy for what is known as the common sense. What percentage of XB 71 Heat shielding and very light Valkyrie jet plane technology went into the the space shuttle program?
Daniel Goleman's book on Ecological Intelligence is just a few years and months old and certainly made a bestseller list. You must have read it to fit in at the Starbuck's conversation table or work water cooler for the conversation that follows the football or other pro-sport pools like the LA Kings pool.
We should not be upset if LIFE outlives us.
Daniel Goleman affirms in his book on Ecology that "...Our world of material abundance comes with a hidden price tag. We cannot see the extent to which the things we buy and use daily have other kinds of costs-their toll on the planet, on consumer health...a web of impacts left along the way from the initial extraction or concoction of its ingredients. Our manufacturing technologies and the chemistry they deploy were largely chosen in a more recent time, one when shoppers and engineers alike had luxury of paying little or no attention to the adverse impacts of what was made. Instead, they were understandably pleased by the benefits: cheap and malleable plastics made from a seemingly endless sea of petroleum; a treasure chest of synthetic chemical compounds. They were oblivious to the costs of these well-meaning choices to our planet and its people. Though the composition and impacts of things we buy and use daily are for the most part the outcome of decisions made long ago, they will determine daily practice in manufacturing design and industrial chemistry-and end up in our homes, schools, hospitals, and workplaces. As utilized in yesterday's business environment, today's industrial chemicals and processes made utter sense, but all too many make little sense going forward. Consumers and businesses alike can no longer afford to leave invisible decisions about those chemical and processes...unexamined."
After reading such a great book, you often end up going to the I Touch or You Touch machine to feel close to something in your brain's chemical and hormonal composition such as a picture of Lulu or Lola the Ferrari or Lola the Ferrari and Porsche. Google that. It was on ET news. The end result is that there is a loss in the transference of intelligence. It is a wash. So, go wash your hands. Your soul is impacted but unable to affect real change. The Wizard who was really a Baptist minister in the Wizard of Oz said that if you want to go home, have courage or receive a new brain (Romans 12) then kill the witch( the bitter woman hiding as your grade 8 racist history teacher who gave you a grudgeful B in History and who had a dumb 1/4 black disabled daughter pretending to have graduated with out needing to imitate a vacuum cleaner). The wages of sin is death. The Hebrews encountered this when the unconverted moabites sent ladies of the night to lay in the Hebrew camp on that decisive night. How did Moses' contemporaries and their guard respond? Find out more on "Girls gone Bible wild" television. Its on your cable box.
All of creation cries out for the Sons and Daughters("son" means children evidently and obviously like Mary and Martha but you want to be angry about something) of God to be revealed. Read Romans 8. The Shekinah glory is the breast or feminine heart of God. Rest on the breast of God. I as in
I-Gadget used to stand for um ignominious. It could stand for a lot of things like Smart. I will now stand for intimacy. God is intimacy. Don't worry about Romans 8. Many Romans went to Ireland to settle many many years ago in a century far far away. Watch the movie King Arthur and follow Hadrian's Wall and also the movie Grey. Some of them were sort of full or half Moorish as well but many centuries later their 1/6-1/7 black children are looking kind of Welsh or um....Scots-Welsh Jersey or Isle of Whitish? Read the last Chapter of Hebrews 13.
Warren A. Lyon.
Daniel Goleman's book on Ecological Intelligence is just a few years and months old and certainly made a bestseller list. You must have read it to fit in at the Starbuck's conversation table or work water cooler for the conversation that follows the football or other pro-sport pools like the LA Kings pool.
We should not be upset if LIFE outlives us.
Daniel Goleman affirms in his book on Ecology that "...Our world of material abundance comes with a hidden price tag. We cannot see the extent to which the things we buy and use daily have other kinds of costs-their toll on the planet, on consumer health...a web of impacts left along the way from the initial extraction or concoction of its ingredients. Our manufacturing technologies and the chemistry they deploy were largely chosen in a more recent time, one when shoppers and engineers alike had luxury of paying little or no attention to the adverse impacts of what was made. Instead, they were understandably pleased by the benefits: cheap and malleable plastics made from a seemingly endless sea of petroleum; a treasure chest of synthetic chemical compounds. They were oblivious to the costs of these well-meaning choices to our planet and its people. Though the composition and impacts of things we buy and use daily are for the most part the outcome of decisions made long ago, they will determine daily practice in manufacturing design and industrial chemistry-and end up in our homes, schools, hospitals, and workplaces. As utilized in yesterday's business environment, today's industrial chemicals and processes made utter sense, but all too many make little sense going forward. Consumers and businesses alike can no longer afford to leave invisible decisions about those chemical and processes...unexamined."
After reading such a great book, you often end up going to the I Touch or You Touch machine to feel close to something in your brain's chemical and hormonal composition such as a picture of Lulu or Lola the Ferrari or Lola the Ferrari and Porsche. Google that. It was on ET news. The end result is that there is a loss in the transference of intelligence. It is a wash. So, go wash your hands. Your soul is impacted but unable to affect real change. The Wizard who was really a Baptist minister in the Wizard of Oz said that if you want to go home, have courage or receive a new brain (Romans 12) then kill the witch( the bitter woman hiding as your grade 8 racist history teacher who gave you a grudgeful B in History and who had a dumb 1/4 black disabled daughter pretending to have graduated with out needing to imitate a vacuum cleaner). The wages of sin is death. The Hebrews encountered this when the unconverted moabites sent ladies of the night to lay in the Hebrew camp on that decisive night. How did Moses' contemporaries and their guard respond? Find out more on "Girls gone Bible wild" television. Its on your cable box.
All of creation cries out for the Sons and Daughters("son" means children evidently and obviously like Mary and Martha but you want to be angry about something) of God to be revealed. Read Romans 8. The Shekinah glory is the breast or feminine heart of God. Rest on the breast of God. I as in
I-Gadget used to stand for um ignominious. It could stand for a lot of things like Smart. I will now stand for intimacy. God is intimacy. Don't worry about Romans 8. Many Romans went to Ireland to settle many many years ago in a century far far away. Watch the movie King Arthur and follow Hadrian's Wall and also the movie Grey. Some of them were sort of full or half Moorish as well but many centuries later their 1/6-1/7 black children are looking kind of Welsh or um....Scots-Welsh Jersey or Isle of Whitish? Read the last Chapter of Hebrews 13.
Warren A. Lyon.
It's not a bad idea...
In a new movie plot, you handed over your right to kill the burglar after being burgled. This was done on contract sometime long ago in a galaxy far away so you won't be anxious about the time (longtime ago/galaxy far away-get it?). If you kill the burglar without being able to establish clear self defence, you may be arrested for assault against that sorry member of the band of merry thieves. You see, you signed over your right to defend yourself against breaches of the ten commandments. Even if someone took your fiance or even if your fiance kept a ring as bait to catch adulterous men who would covet the symbol of union, you do not have the right to seek your vengeance and you don't want to because it was good to find out now that she was a proverbs and/or revelations 2 woman. Call the peace officer on contract as hired by you and your neighbours in the Leviathan or state YOU created. If you can't defend yourself against an invasion of your Abrahamic tent or home, you can muster the right to at least demand good water and food free from bisphenol A. That would be foods contained in plastics not marked with a <1> in the chemical looking triangle at the bottom of the bottle. Bottles marked with a <2> should be ok and they only cost .02 cents more to make. But on mass production, it will be the same cost as the bottles marked with a <1>. Don't worry; it was expected that the chemical or nuclear family would start looking a little different. It was Mom and Dad and 2.5 kids but the Me generation found their children to be a threat to the Me which is really YOU. Some parents fed their kids a little softener(parent's ego protectant) around 14 or so. It could be sounding absurd but "..Go ahead and make us gay" said dirty gay or at worse "a little light in the Timberlands" Harry. The hope is that the babyboom generation also called the faithless and perverse generation by many repentant pastors who smoked with them and quit to grow their hair long and burn the light of the word of God instead of weed will produce a faithful and productive generation. Otherwise, this is NO STATE or COUNTRY FOR young men or OLD MEN(or old people). The day that men sat down at the table of brotherhood was in 1501 on the east coast of Africa when Africans sold their broddas into slavery and in 1775 when Crispus Attucks died in America with other colonists for a second cup of Stardoe tea. He used the filtered Tetley bag. The day of brotherhood came in 1942 when black Americans dug fox holes with their Jewish American colleagues while mating with french nurses. The day of the table of Brotherhood came when Alexander Dumas and Saint Augustine wrote something introspective and calming for everyone, intelligent and memorable. Last but not least, Ken and Barbie were just better inroads to your conscience and idyllic notions of self rejection or acceptance. They were modelled on Ward and June Cleaver. I can finally comprehend Chaz Bono's pain and that there is a more intelligent solution to this equation for the long term good if the answer is human survival or longevity. Read Daniel Goleman on Ecological Intelligence. He is a distant cousin of Dr. Diesel who was the secret son of Bizmarck who was a descendant of the Roman Centurion Cornelius. Anyway, I have to go and watch a nice family movie about an android with a bad motivator and also part 5 that reminds you to run from the devil even if he says he is your father(John 8: 44) and promises you the whole galaxy(see Matthew 4 and Christ's temptation with masonry when offered all the Kingdoms of the world if He bowed down) but not to strike him down though in God's time. My wife with measurements of 33, 24, 35 and a latino "bouche " and chinese eyes is making the popcorn. She is 5' 3". Ferme ta bouche. Sze Sze.
Friday, 15 March 2013
The Impact and enabling affects of the Rise of Starwars(movies) in the emergence of McWorld, Mc Computers and Mc mobile phones...
In a new movie docu drama, Jimmy Carter had solar panels on the White House in 1976-1977. He also funded the beginning of an algae field for algae oil production. But, something happened in the Middle East or was it Middle Earth and he was atacked by horrible war mongering trolls sent by Saroman who allowed the capture of nice Americans and worked to prevent Jimmy's good Presidential efforts to send help. He does not run the radio in the deserts but can ask someone nicely to keep them on. He also can't keep the helicopters in the air all on his own but can ask nicely that his Chiefs on the reserves or of the reserves or forces will uh help him out. Who are they working for really? They are working for uh YOU. Don't forget Uncle Sam loves YOU and wants YOU. Have a nice day. Jimmy would have been the most conscientious McDonald's franchise owner and ran his country as President as he did everyone one of his soybean farms so to make a profit. He sought to be energy efficient and to make his country so. God bless his almost alien-like energy policies of 1976 in terms of sheer energy intelligence. Do not forget that the Valkyrie xb-70 Jet airliner/bomber(youtube it) was designed and flew at mach 3( three times the speed of sound) 57 years after the first plane flight recorded at Kittyhawk in the U.S. These are exciting times. All technology is an expression of life and cumulative human ingenuity. We are to respect it in respecting and preserving life; hydrogen fuel cells for your passenger and all transport vehicles. Starships were made to fly. Jesus will always ask you what is in your hand at your time of need. Give it to Him and He will multiply it. Read the miracle of the five loaves and two fish. Now, go and disregard the wheel as a piece of technology. You have cellulite on those jelly legs and you and your friends are in need of a long walk. Your goal is a Brazil butt and less grandchildren with gay(bisphenol A) happy children; right? Nothing is perfect and if it was, you would not need faith. There is always something faster or more efficient at any given moment in time conceivably. You have a space age kitchen but it takes you 6.5 hours for intercontinental flights on 1950's jet designs. Try a blended wing passenger jet and save 2x-3x the fuel designed in 1939 and save 2x the fuel with a cheaper ticket price. Everything is imperfect including yourself but you can be thankful. Any man who says he is without imperfection or sin is a liar and there is no truth within them. Go google that or just look at your laundry and underclothes. You sweat and need Tide coldwater (3 x more efficient).
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
The issue is not access to information...the issue is the way in which you choose what information to digest.
Any fruit that your Father in Heaven says is bad for you in that it will bring separation from Him which is death as He is life is no good no matter what the devil tells you. You see, the knowledge of good and evil is not necessarily understanding or wisdom. God is wisdom and all knowledge. Stay close to God and never trust any other voice than God's first voice to you. He loves you and will provide so many nice fruits and soap brands for you in the peace of the Holy Ghost to enjoy in the bubble bath and shower; remember? If he made you and you recognise that, never mind what your 90210 addicted friend says about your 9 West shoes while they suggest Prada. There is nothing wrong with Prada. It's at TJ Maxx for $29.99. He loves you; remember? Are those Jeans Wrangler, Gap or Levis? Well, there is no logo on the pocket of the more expensive pairs anyway so do what you know makes you feel good about yourself and that engenders self-respect while not keeping double standards and failing to treat others as you wish to be treated. That would be to demean yourself and see another good man leave your "mammon addicted" pathetic self. Did you grow up in a mammon depraved home and now see yourself resenting others who grew up in nice tiny towns with farms around them but you now have to work with them on the big town's transit service as an accountant or something sort of like that? Why are you soo upset? You hold the same transit tickets or monthly passes that say cga or cgta; right? "T" is for travel. Now "Have" is a verb. It is not a God. So, throw out Uncle Tom's cabin if you missed the point. God made us all equal in spite of your current Mammon in that trunk you carry on the horse drawn carriage to freedom. Harriet Beecher Stowe was a mixed race black woman. Read the update called Souls of Black folk by Du Bois. It's like Uncle Tom's cabin 4s or Cabin 7 ( I phone 4s or Windows 7) Ask Abraham. Put out that cigarette. Also, do not agree with your mother or father's sin against you any longer. As you agree with it by not denouncing it as wrong, you end up abusing yourself as he abused you. You reject and abuse people who love or loved you and gravitate to those who will abuse you. Part of the sin was that he also allowed the school janitor and male secretary to touch you and your brother every day. You were asked to pretend to be a cat or dog licking his wound in that secret place where he kept his wallet every day in that school. What do you do now? Put out that lollipop. It's a bad habit for your teeth. The reason why your father did it is because he had to do it when he was growing up in New Vermont on Nova Scota street. He felt respected and you were prized graduating students. You were special.
Now if you don't like editing, get angry at the Aston Martin designer who works for its corporate investment group owners. He edits until he feels his teacher is pleased.
Now if you don't like editing, get angry at the Aston Martin designer who works for its corporate investment group owners. He edits until he feels his teacher is pleased.
The woodchuck(TM) fund...
In a new movie plot, you see yourself ( "like a first person shooter video game") asking your neighbor about the woodchuck fund company and its first special community investment fund called the "pass the ball" fund that invests in non profit churches and gay community organisations. The fund benefits from fees collected from consultation on how to turn a synagogue, mosque or church's Sunday or Saturday school into a private school where the student fees to attend the schools are tax free donations to the faith based organisation. Call 1-877-460-4884 for more. These schools usually teach lessons on the traditional family and general respect for life and one's neighbour. They discourage hatred on issues of gender, race and orientation and encourage tolerance in an environment of urban sprawl where the innate need for community is often not met except in small community groupings such as a community coffee shop or book store where your wife or husband or jealous needy same sex partner in loneliness might forget when you are coming home and kiss the cashier of the same gender contrary to Romans 1. It was the lack of community in urban sprawl and the bisphenol A that made mating with anyone anywhere feel normal whether you had a mate at work or home waiting for you or not. The divorce rate since 1980 has come to an average of 50/50 (50% stay in the union for more than 5 years whether in a faith based union or not). Try the "Pass the Ball" fund today.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Bisphenol A-Is love enough to justify equality on every ground?
In a new movie plot, Love is enough to justify pollutent free foods, drinks and waters for your family. It is enought o justify gay marriage. But, then again maybe your son thinks he is gay because of confused gonads caused by bisphenol A as research shows. If gay marriage is such a critical issue for equality, then human equality protected by law in the employment sphere and in education is just as important and is defended by the work, time and energy spent on gay marriage and the law to uphold it. If there is gay marriage, then human equality as protected by law is achieved and upheld. You are a dark haired white woman with a black moorish or cuban great grandfather and its not your fault. You love him. You also love your 1/2 black son ( at least in appearance).
Human equality protected by law in the employment sphere and in education is just as important as every other argument for equality and is defended by the work, time and energy spent on gay marriage and the law to uphold it.
The movie of the week is Black Hawk Down.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Human equality protected by law in the employment sphere and in education is just as important as every other argument for equality and is defended by the work, time and energy spent on gay marriage and the law to uphold it.
The movie of the week is Black Hawk Down.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Snow Capped Mountains in Kilimanjaro-You were washed white as know on that African Mountain.
Rank | Height | Name | Primary factor | Country |
1** | 5895 | Kilimanjaro | 5885 | Tanzania |
2 | 4543 | Ras Dashen | 3990 | Ethiopia |
3 | 4095 | Mount Cameroon | 3956 | Cameroon |
4 | 5110 | Mount Margherita | 3952 | Uganda/Congo Democratic Repuplic |
5 | 5199 | Mount Kenya | 3825 | Kenya |
6** | 4167 | Jebel Toubkal | 3757 | Morocco |
7 | 4519 | Volcan Karisimbi | 3324 | Rwanda |
8 | 4565 | Mount Meru | 3170 | Tanzania |
9 | 3011 | Pico Basile | 3011 | Island Bioko, Equatorial Guinea |
10 | 3415 | Emi Koussi | 2904 | Chad |
11 | 4400 | Sante YeTerara Chaf / Batu | 2527 | Ethiopia |
Height is measured by metres- The term "...washed white as snow" appears in the old testament and is not a racist epithet or "King James" edit to the word of God as many hiphop kids born in the 1930's would tell you. I say 1930's quite deliberately since they have not read much history but they fail to realise that many orthodox rabbis recognise Noah and many other biblical figures as black men. You cannot be a blessed subject of the word of God and a blessed writer and also a victim unless you misunderstand the context. Why would you make yourself a victim? That was your family pushing up on you( as you say it in your language); not God so forgive and read about Amnon and Tamar. The writers may not have diversified genetically yet or migrated north to mutate or intermingle with what mongol northerners there may have been at the time of writing. Read about climatic adaptation of man. Some other writers like Paul the Apostle had a lot of opportunity to meet some Europeans many thousands of years later but Isaiah who used the term "white as snow" did not. He was just looking at a mountain in Africa it seems and thought of his gowns free of wine or juice stains. Don't be ill and so ridculous to suggest it had something to do with race. Do you mean Le Mans 24 race or ethnic difference as in Samaritan and Jew but both with Abraham as their father? That is all. It has nothing to do with your mental slavery hip boy boys and girls and your work as hustlas on the plantation or street corners. Read Romans 12. This is what Bob Marley was trying to tell you before he was taken out by an angry fattish Jezebel woman and her extended family to whom he told, "..Jah said you would be one wife too many." If Isaiah had known, the Africans would sell each other into slavery and that this verse would have been an impediment to your recovery and trust in your Noah, your father's, writing, he would have said "...washed as pure as good coal turned in to a diamond." Black is good. Kenneth Cole makes a lot of money selling "Black"; get it?
◄ Isaiah 1:18 ► |
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
The reason why...
The reason why Mighty Mouse wore yellow is was because if you have faith the size of a banana or anise seed you can move mountains. Check the verse yourself and keep your clothes on at work. Just tell your boss or teacher that you have to go to choir practise. They will respect you.
News and exciting ingenuity -The urine from the astronauts will be used in a special hydrogen fuel cell to power the rockets needed to maintain the international space station's orbit. Also see a sexy film on on plasma rockets that is as exciting as a sexy 70's lava lamp at the weekly bible study. You have to attend and learn something about life but you do want to prospect for gold on Mars of course. But, you need an Ok Corral in space oh wise immoral majority since right now it's a 7 month journey to Mars but 39 days with a plasma rocket that your mother is afraid for you to use since she wants to see the end before her ego in heaven passes away. Yes; oh wise immoral majority who tells your children to watch the xxx and yyy channel or butts to feel manly; right? Now grow up. Well, you told us. I saw your movies like Flight, Blow, Traffic, Savages and Swagger Wagon(Bring your cups in-youtube) . Can't you get over the fact that you have an Olympics and a World Cup of soccer for a very good reason? You want to celebrate diversity and excellence and spend time sharing chocolate with the Ethiopian long distance runner whose ancestors had pyramids and gold chariots while you were angry with God in caves some where wondering how to get back to the mango and coconuts. Now, you remember beating all those skulls in there with bones to make fire and then bigger fires with chinese gun powder; boom! You did this. You are soo smart with Rubix cube mobile phones and apps. You can control it like a train network but you can also be smart and design nice stuff and gadgets for your long journey to explore the next mining colony on Pluto.
Monday, 11 March 2013
The beds on the Holiday Star Galactica by Apple with retina scanning to recognise you as the passenger( its to make you feel like you are in the top group) will be supplied by IkEa.
There was that lovely poster of a muscular woman's hand reaching out to touch the hand of God from the Renaissance . She should really stretch out to touch God's hand and get a little closer. Do you recall? She can also recite with Mary and Elizabeth that "..with God, all things are possible."-Please google that. She should also stay away form the YYY channel at night.
Its not too difficult in terms of our fruitful imagination. the movie on the inaugural flight will be Book of Eli- 2010 with Matt Damon and Leonardo Di Caprio, Gary Oldman, Daniel Day Lewis and Denzel Washington.
The thing about Jezebel is that she tears her own house down. She does not respect our uh home. As long as it remains that we can explore the ocean, the arctic or southern poles or send probes out to the edge of Pluto with Telus or Vodaphone phone links, the earth is our home. You enjoy driving home and seeing your ocean or white picket fence as you land or uh pull up in the drive way and you appreciate your hard work to preserve and also enjoy your mortgage and the precious extensions in time to your investment.
You see, Chernobyl has many profound lessons for the nuclear age. It takes a while for the civilised town and city to heal(24+ years) again.
About hydrogen, the reason there are so many bread brands at the supermarket is because people like bakesale variety. They could bake bread themselves. Hydrogen means jobs although you could do a little modification in the front of your vehicle's fuel supply at home. See the youtube videos. Buying it on mass saves you time like Wonderbread for a $1.20 and also money. How much does it cost you to bake your own loaf? Hydrogen will certainly create jobs and they just released a new mobile phone company nation wide with stores at every big box shopping mall and regular retail mall within 3 months and it feels good. Call T-mobile Canada today with nation wide coverage for $35.99 with all incoming and outgoing calls, data and nationwide long distance included.
A three day cruise will be $3000.00.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
This just in...there used to be life and water in the Grand Canyon. They are trying to find Martians there and sent a 1 Trillion dollar probe to dig up fossils. It is soo hot that they have hydrating oxygen suits fo the work. It is the third such mission in twelve years with three parties and three different administrations. Call your Senator to find out the results from the last mission in 1997.
Click here and call your Senator for updates on the rock and soil quality for soybeans, corn, subdivision for homesteads and irrigation on Mars.
Would you rather have this?; or
Would you rather have that?
Would you rather have this?; or
Would you rather have that?
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Argo and bad movies...
Millions of movies are made every year of varying success and qualities. One reflection on Argo-2012 and also that other good movie with the same theme in the 1990's called the Sums of All Fears is as follows: Bad movies and also the really really exciting ones with slick suits and pretty girl explosions are made to bolster or uh manufacture consent. Now if you saw the movie and never complained to your senator or congressman because you were too busy with the football, all you can do is say it was too late and lament with a budweiser with your friend at the bar and also listen to the hearings on Larry King when they come on to tell you what went wrong and that everything is being repainted and buffed to make sure no one feels ashamed of sitting in such a strange formula of democracy. Democracy is an on-going experiment,by the way, and Duncan Hines got it right. You save money with all efficiency on eggs and milk for mom and dad, make it taste in such a way as to please 90% of the cake buying and eating public, provide simple instructions that even a child can understand like the gospel ( love your neighbour etc blah you know blah blah charter etc, bill of rights constitution) and package it well so that there are no unnecessary spills that will take a lot of clean up and just add good water.
Setting the time according to God's order...
Have you set your time according to God's order?
Have you set your time according to an oil lamp?
Have you set your time according to a hydrogen lamp?
You could set the time according to God's order...
Hydrogen never runs out. Read Matthew 24. Ok?
If we are salt and light, when shall the end come? No one knows the day nor the hour so set better calculations for your flat screen TV to turn on and off at more logical times and with common sense. Your children need to get some rest with your bellowing and the tv playing all night on the YYY channels. Try ABC; get it?
Have you set your time according to an oil lamp?
Have you set your time according to a hydrogen lamp?
You could set the time according to God's order...
Hydrogen never runs out. Read Matthew 24. Ok?
If we are salt and light, when shall the end come? No one knows the day nor the hour so set better calculations for your flat screen TV to turn on and off at more logical times and with common sense. Your children need to get some rest with your bellowing and the tv playing all night on the YYY channels. Try ABC; get it?
The first Bishop of every church was a devout Jew who recognised Christ as the Messiah. That would mean he is a Messianic Jew; innit right?
The first Bishop had no Saint to pray to and only one instruction on prayer; the Lord's prayer. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. When you confess you say "forgive us our sins and our trespasses against you AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASSED AGAINST US..." Your Priest will tell you and it appears in the weekly universal sermon guide in your pew.
Read Matthew 6:9-13. It is the best Wang and IBM DOS computer template on prayer. It now runs on Windows 7 in your life with the energy saving batteries and desktop power manager. John Calvin concurred on this tenet of faith. As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Who said that?
Read Matthew 6:9-13. It is the best Wang and IBM DOS computer template on prayer. It now runs on Windows 7 in your life with the energy saving batteries and desktop power manager. John Calvin concurred on this tenet of faith. As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Who said that?
Whoring preacher
Read John 5. There was a male preacher who lived in Arizona who thought he would preach with his athletic prowess in the bedroom. He never married simply because he was so harassed by females who thought he was too nice to be with just one female. They kept on suggesting that he was too nice to be with one person. But, he was a preacher and should be uh nice. So, he decided to fit in and share his fruits. Some people said he fell but he was just trying to fit into the prevailing fallen culture of a faithless, perverse and adulterous generation. But, he forgot God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and there are no United Cultures of Heaven that include 31 variations, flavours of the month or Heavenly gates as to enter into God's blessed eternity. However, there are United Cultures in terms of one faith. Read John 17. Jesus was born, lived, died and rose again for something very important. After that, reject the blood transfusion for your child, say Christ died by hanging on a tree instead of a cross, demand Saturday attendance before you respect a Sunday church goer's humanity and right to dignity, eat shrimp or choose not to and either hate or love your self, neighbours and enemies. On marriage, read 1st Corinthians 7, Romans 1, Matthew 19 and a book on friendship where you don't use the other person to overcome some childhood issue or lack such as your father not buying anything you wanted at the cash register like a $10.00 watch at the grocery store or Walgreen's Pharmacist. They are not responsible for how you were raised. Come now? or "Come on now?" If you are an American soul and intelligent like Reagan, then there is nothing to worry about. He got the job done. Carter was quite the same evidently. Let's not go there Peter. There you go. We're good now. M. Scott Peck saw the world as a celestial boot camp and found Christianity as his faith after some time studying Buddhism. John 1 and Romans 1 confirm wisdom was given to all men in common and clearly three wise men came from the east to celebrate His promised coming. Your husband or "man" is not your God and maybe that is all you learned from your final marriage since you idolised the notion of a "man", objectifying them.
How did you treat that man, accusing his faithful ways and always saying you could never find a better one? That is contradictory. Did he ever cheat? No. You are just ill. How did you devalue his time, wanting him to wait on you but you could not wait 2 minutes before saying you would call someone else? Why is that you have someone else to call on your rolodex? You are a cheating whore of a preacher( your attention fix). He was patiently doing his job to see if you would heal from your addiction but you did everything you could to see if he would hurt you as you hurt your stepfather and family or if he would hurt you as you hurt the fathers of your three children and you always begged this husband to come back as you broke up right after preaching your sermons crafted to seek attention and not God's glory. It was so impressive to see this former tarot card user toy with alcohol and self deceit while preaching the word. We conclude confidently that tarot has no value. We already knew this but it was nice to see you come to this conclusion in your recorded sermons. It was a nice yet blessed shock since you were still cussing like Buffy the vampire. We conclude confidently that tarot has no value. This is your conclusion. Your friends can see that now since you used to swear by it. Phew; that was close. But, now you said you would preach. So who is leading you? You can be certain that if you read the bible( that includes the teachings of Moses), horoscopes or bio-rhythms, something is leading you but the question is whether it is wisdom from above or below? Read John 8 and James 3:17, John 8 and Romans 8( the spirit of the flesh or life and peace). Your work is not God's work. It is clear because God told you to name your new dog Salvation but you chose Aston instead. It is your work if you mistreat the people closest to you in your private life. When they test to see if you can take a little of your own confusion by calling you by the same unusual pet names you use for them, you fail to accept your illness. You live a deceitful double life of shame and deceit and that man needed to be more than an object on the shelf to be put back at your shifting sense of social approval for his tie, shirt or suit of the day. Most people really like his dress sense. See his new wife. So, grow up and choose this day which God you will serve. You failed to realise that the person who was approving of you one day or the next is now his new wife. It's just that she knew you were an approval addict ( the one addiction you have failed to overcome-see Cain and Abel(Abel chose God's approval as did Joseph; get it?) and simply prayed that your true heart toward God and His work would be seen. You are false, unregenerate and have a heart for your own glory and not His (Matthew 12) since your sense of approval is externalised. Your God is the "new gadget" page or the "hottest new cologne" display. Your God is the creature of lust as you worship the created above the creator. Thank God for a praying God fearing wife so take your bible studies with your ex because he waited long enough to see if you would stay beyond his sense of approval. He said you graduated. You might have remembered the names of Christ's ancestors and the parable of the builders where one built on sand and one on rock but DO YOU UNDERSTAND? There are several examinable facts in the bible and you can get a Seminary student's degree or a Pastoral degree of some kind. Read Mark 4. He never said you understood. So now read Jeremiah 9:23 and Psalms 1. Life is the University of Heaven- a little saying by a blackish germanic( genetic Mediterranean buffet) boy from Cuba. Read John 5.
How did you treat that man, accusing his faithful ways and always saying you could never find a better one? That is contradictory. Did he ever cheat? No. You are just ill. How did you devalue his time, wanting him to wait on you but you could not wait 2 minutes before saying you would call someone else? Why is that you have someone else to call on your rolodex? You are a cheating whore of a preacher( your attention fix). He was patiently doing his job to see if you would heal from your addiction but you did everything you could to see if he would hurt you as you hurt your stepfather and family or if he would hurt you as you hurt the fathers of your three children and you always begged this husband to come back as you broke up right after preaching your sermons crafted to seek attention and not God's glory. It was so impressive to see this former tarot card user toy with alcohol and self deceit while preaching the word. We conclude confidently that tarot has no value. We already knew this but it was nice to see you come to this conclusion in your recorded sermons. It was a nice yet blessed shock since you were still cussing like Buffy the vampire. We conclude confidently that tarot has no value. This is your conclusion. Your friends can see that now since you used to swear by it. Phew; that was close. But, now you said you would preach. So who is leading you? You can be certain that if you read the bible( that includes the teachings of Moses), horoscopes or bio-rhythms, something is leading you but the question is whether it is wisdom from above or below? Read John 8 and James 3:17, John 8 and Romans 8( the spirit of the flesh or life and peace). Your work is not God's work. It is clear because God told you to name your new dog Salvation but you chose Aston instead. It is your work if you mistreat the people closest to you in your private life. When they test to see if you can take a little of your own confusion by calling you by the same unusual pet names you use for them, you fail to accept your illness. You live a deceitful double life of shame and deceit and that man needed to be more than an object on the shelf to be put back at your shifting sense of social approval for his tie, shirt or suit of the day. Most people really like his dress sense. See his new wife. So, grow up and choose this day which God you will serve. You failed to realise that the person who was approving of you one day or the next is now his new wife. It's just that she knew you were an approval addict ( the one addiction you have failed to overcome-see Cain and Abel(Abel chose God's approval as did Joseph; get it?) and simply prayed that your true heart toward God and His work would be seen. You are false, unregenerate and have a heart for your own glory and not His (Matthew 12) since your sense of approval is externalised. Your God is the "new gadget" page or the "hottest new cologne" display. Your God is the creature of lust as you worship the created above the creator. Thank God for a praying God fearing wife so take your bible studies with your ex because he waited long enough to see if you would stay beyond his sense of approval. He said you graduated. You might have remembered the names of Christ's ancestors and the parable of the builders where one built on sand and one on rock but DO YOU UNDERSTAND? There are several examinable facts in the bible and you can get a Seminary student's degree or a Pastoral degree of some kind. Read Mark 4. He never said you understood. So now read Jeremiah 9:23 and Psalms 1. Life is the University of Heaven- a little saying by a blackish germanic( genetic Mediterranean buffet) boy from Cuba. Read John 5.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
"Pirate" gene and other strongholds...
Do you have three sons and the one with the darkest and naturally tanned complexion is always being asked to clear the table. He is also the youngest. Do you find that when you ask them all to paint the fence the darkest one put an extra coat but when giving them treats, you gave the other two kids three milk duds but the dark one only got two? His tan is the product of your liaison with a Cuban called Carlos. Your name is Myra. The other two kids are the product of your liaison with a white Brazilian on the 1970 Brazilian world cup soccer team.
Your father had a "Pirate" gene and its just that he showed you in little ways that he just had to feel superior based on superfluous notions of difference. He was also a little Spanish and German but the sun works on the genes and their expression. He always thought the youngest was a good son and his favourite actually. He was just so playful really and loved to dance a lot. He was so thankful for the ice cream and that was all the validation he needed to respect himself in senior kindergarten and beyond. Read Psalms 50. God gave you icecream too and so seek His approval. You are His favourite along with every other child. Seek His approval.
Now, your brother was also influenced by this "pirate" gene and did not want to let you know how he felt about your art work. He told you it was uh cute. He resented your creativity but broke into your house and thought you would never figure out the issue. He was a "pirate" and wanted everyone to doubt you and your creative work. He wanted to compete somehow so he lithographed them and said he would show you he was better somehow by selling seven of your lithographed paintings and judging you every day, treating you as if you were as good as dead. That is a pirate. He does not create it but is so turned emotionally to stealing and TAKING and he has a bible in his coat pocket. He always felt conflicted and had asked you for sex a few times. You said yes one time too many and finally he gave you aids. He left his two wives because he thought they were there for his gratification really and not friendship and the truth is, a good relationship takes two. It is friendship in the very essence. It is not about finding opportunity to devalue or depreciate as if you need to find a better washing machine or dryer with the long long long enduring rinse cycle. 15 minutes should be good enough and that machine has never failed to please so why get upset if your new love shows up two minutes late with the dinner from Belive in Chu Thai food. Never call a man a "dog" again. You see, dogs mate with dogs(right?) so you are only accusing yourself when you say men are "dogs"and shooing the Holy Ghost out of your life and his blessed answer for a manly God fearing husband. Your father is a man so is your grandfather. Be thankful and read Psalms 50. When did that saying start anyway? Rosie the Riveter has an idea on that. She was unique to her husband's neighbours.
So sit well on a commuter train and you might find there is a woman or two who gets on at the same time who likes to sit beside you because you are just cosy. You are cosy because you learned God is your father and loves you very much. You might have thrown eggs at a school with your Irish Buddies at 11 years old when you snuck out of your mother's house to hang out after she went to bed around 11.30 pm , but that was sort of fun. It wasn't your school. You got to an age of responsibility at 14 and decided that the word was more than a story and the Lord himself made it real to you just before you had a chance to be asked to get a girl pregnant at 14 in your first semester of new High school or asked to take drugs. You confessed throwing eggs. Read Proverbs 1. There is nothing wrong with pregnant but you felt it was so stereotypical like an afterschool special and you chose the word that now felt real to you at that critical time. That pastor at Christian camp finally hit home with his $100 glasses and cool golf shirt. He must have been an insurance salesman because Jesus and the gospel felt like a good template from 14 years old and beyond. It was a good deal so you followed. If she wants to get pregnant now, that's ok because you already graduated from High School and being a McDonald's crew chief at this stage is pretty good. You can get a new Kia on that salary or a nice SEAT made by Volkswagen. If you are a "Pirate" Jesus knows you so do what you are doing and do it quickly.
Your father had a "Pirate" gene and its just that he showed you in little ways that he just had to feel superior based on superfluous notions of difference. He was also a little Spanish and German but the sun works on the genes and their expression. He always thought the youngest was a good son and his favourite actually. He was just so playful really and loved to dance a lot. He was so thankful for the ice cream and that was all the validation he needed to respect himself in senior kindergarten and beyond. Read Psalms 50. God gave you icecream too and so seek His approval. You are His favourite along with every other child. Seek His approval.
Now, your brother was also influenced by this "pirate" gene and did not want to let you know how he felt about your art work. He told you it was uh cute. He resented your creativity but broke into your house and thought you would never figure out the issue. He was a "pirate" and wanted everyone to doubt you and your creative work. He wanted to compete somehow so he lithographed them and said he would show you he was better somehow by selling seven of your lithographed paintings and judging you every day, treating you as if you were as good as dead. That is a pirate. He does not create it but is so turned emotionally to stealing and TAKING and he has a bible in his coat pocket. He always felt conflicted and had asked you for sex a few times. You said yes one time too many and finally he gave you aids. He left his two wives because he thought they were there for his gratification really and not friendship and the truth is, a good relationship takes two. It is friendship in the very essence. It is not about finding opportunity to devalue or depreciate as if you need to find a better washing machine or dryer with the long long long enduring rinse cycle. 15 minutes should be good enough and that machine has never failed to please so why get upset if your new love shows up two minutes late with the dinner from Belive in Chu Thai food. Never call a man a "dog" again. You see, dogs mate with dogs(right?) so you are only accusing yourself when you say men are "dogs"and shooing the Holy Ghost out of your life and his blessed answer for a manly God fearing husband. Your father is a man so is your grandfather. Be thankful and read Psalms 50. When did that saying start anyway? Rosie the Riveter has an idea on that. She was unique to her husband's neighbours.
So sit well on a commuter train and you might find there is a woman or two who gets on at the same time who likes to sit beside you because you are just cosy. You are cosy because you learned God is your father and loves you very much. You might have thrown eggs at a school with your Irish Buddies at 11 years old when you snuck out of your mother's house to hang out after she went to bed around 11.30 pm , but that was sort of fun. It wasn't your school. You got to an age of responsibility at 14 and decided that the word was more than a story and the Lord himself made it real to you just before you had a chance to be asked to get a girl pregnant at 14 in your first semester of new High school or asked to take drugs. You confessed throwing eggs. Read Proverbs 1. There is nothing wrong with pregnant but you felt it was so stereotypical like an afterschool special and you chose the word that now felt real to you at that critical time. That pastor at Christian camp finally hit home with his $100 glasses and cool golf shirt. He must have been an insurance salesman because Jesus and the gospel felt like a good template from 14 years old and beyond. It was a good deal so you followed. If she wants to get pregnant now, that's ok because you already graduated from High School and being a McDonald's crew chief at this stage is pretty good. You can get a new Kia on that salary or a nice SEAT made by Volkswagen. If you are a "Pirate" Jesus knows you so do what you are doing and do it quickly.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
History is a vital supplement...
It was black history last month and this month is history month. It's all the same.
To celebrate History month, the United Notions of Equality has announced that there will be a UN heritage declaration outlawing antiquated terms of human difference from less knowledgeable and affluent times such as "white" and "black" that really make no sense or provide any benefit to human understanding in this post modern era. The declaration from the United Notions will appear on the first flight of the Holiday Star Galactica early prototype that is really a large Hercules transport plane designed for at least five days orbit with extra thrust to get into orbit and enough remaining fuel for re-entry and good heat shielding. The second prototype in design is a large blended-wing passenger plane. It is done. The day has come for men to continue to sit down at Pondarosa restaurants or some other steak restaurant and discuss intricate plans on how to rob a bank and who will drive the getaway vehicle. The officers of various ethnicity will plan on how to eavesdrop, beat up people of various ethnicity, break into nice people's homes, get arrested for it and kill the bank robbers after stealing the loot if they do not carry out the robbery themselves with dispatch saying ".. that's one of ours." Oh. I thought it was a bank robber using cruisers for getaway. "One day" as mentioned by Martin Luther King came in the 1860's somewhere out west after the civil war. Ned was not killed because he is black in the movie "Unforgiven". Ned was killed because he was a nice guy and wanted to believe in his friend. That was Ned.
"One day" came when Doctor George Washington Carver designed plastics from plant oils for use in automobiles at Ford motor company with a six figure salary. "One day" came in WWII when white and black infantry and pilots died liberating France. "Vive le Microsoft". "One Day" came in the Korean war when white and black navy officers helped patrol the south seas in keeping Korea half democratic. "Vive le Samsung."
Enjoy documentaries on history and new culture on the food, fashion and travel channel.
Also, enjoy it right here in the documentary section.
This week, please enjoy documentary segments on South African vineyards.
To celebrate History month, the United Notions of Equality has announced that there will be a UN heritage declaration outlawing antiquated terms of human difference from less knowledgeable and affluent times such as "white" and "black" that really make no sense or provide any benefit to human understanding in this post modern era. The declaration from the United Notions will appear on the first flight of the Holiday Star Galactica early prototype that is really a large Hercules transport plane designed for at least five days orbit with extra thrust to get into orbit and enough remaining fuel for re-entry and good heat shielding. The second prototype in design is a large blended-wing passenger plane. It is done. The day has come for men to continue to sit down at Pondarosa restaurants or some other steak restaurant and discuss intricate plans on how to rob a bank and who will drive the getaway vehicle. The officers of various ethnicity will plan on how to eavesdrop, beat up people of various ethnicity, break into nice people's homes, get arrested for it and kill the bank robbers after stealing the loot if they do not carry out the robbery themselves with dispatch saying ".. that's one of ours." Oh. I thought it was a bank robber using cruisers for getaway. "One day" as mentioned by Martin Luther King came in the 1860's somewhere out west after the civil war. Ned was not killed because he is black in the movie "Unforgiven". Ned was killed because he was a nice guy and wanted to believe in his friend. That was Ned.
"One day" came when Doctor George Washington Carver designed plastics from plant oils for use in automobiles at Ford motor company with a six figure salary. "One day" came in WWII when white and black infantry and pilots died liberating France. "Vive le Microsoft". "One Day" came in the Korean war when white and black navy officers helped patrol the south seas in keeping Korea half democratic. "Vive le Samsung."
Enjoy documentaries on history and new culture on the food, fashion and travel channel.
Also, enjoy it right here in the documentary section.
This week, please enjoy documentary segments on South African vineyards.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Approval addiction and searching for Mr. Perfect ( The real battery operated GI Joe-he does whatever you want).
Your relationship with God….
You might make mistakes. Everybody does. Everybody makes mistakes. So Read Romans 7 and 1st John 1:9. There is a sense of peace that you will have walking in the Spirit ( see Romans 8). There is also a point beyond which you cannot go. Honest mistakes are forgivable and no one can know the limits of God’s grace and a deliberately honest sin wherein you presume God's forgiveness is also in the realm of his capacity for grace. It is said the unforgivable sin is denying the power of the Holy Ghost as in denying His power to forgive. But, would you trample on His grace daily and deliberately and expect His spirit to remain close? To him who knows what is right and does not do it, to him it is a sin-bing that. Here; Read this:
“Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” ( Hebrews 10:28-31 )
Your heart says there is no remorse or sorrow when you keep doing the same thing over and over again as if God's call on you was just to make you feel good while you do as you please without any fear or shall I say respect for Him. Read Romans 8 verse 1 and if you cuss your hockey coach, forgive yourself. You will be upset if you are not asked to play next game and if you are a Born again believer, you will feel disappointed that you let God down in your example of Him. You will aim to never do it again and you won't, by God's grace, as you grow and ask for more of the Holy Ghost. You never cared before about how God might feel. You don't want to lose that sense of caring about how God might feel as if you never knew such a presence of God where your heart becomes cold and insensitive to Him as if you never felt Him before in your life. You will lose that sense of peace and it may take some time for it to return. In fact, you might have to wait a little while as you doubt your faith in this sense of separation from God but if you are truly in Him, you will wait while living in the knowledge of the word and what you know of as that expectation of you as a real disciple( see the movie the Book of John 39 times and feel real) instead of the God given emotions of peace. Here, you will learn that your faith is not just emotions of joy but choice to live for Him even when you can feel that separation from Him. Peace will return. Read Romans 8: 28-39. Wait and the peace will return. Have a gentle discipline and why would you deliberately plan to sin anyway? Did someone tell you that you would be the chief representative of the fire brigade if you take their evil suggestion to cheat on your wife? You like the peace that faith in Christ has given you. Hold on! You never know when God might send you to a library to help an old Anglican minister down the steps somehow or a young Wesleyan minister find a book on a shelf for his doctrinal theses. You just happened to be there to help him look and hand him a book right off the shelf. God loves you and what you need is right down the road. God loves you so hold on. Read John 17 and enjoy being conformed into the image of His son.
“Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” ( Hebrews 10:28-31 )
Your heart says there is no remorse or sorrow when you keep doing the same thing over and over again as if God's call on you was just to make you feel good while you do as you please without any fear or shall I say respect for Him. Read Romans 8 verse 1 and if you cuss your hockey coach, forgive yourself. You will be upset if you are not asked to play next game and if you are a Born again believer, you will feel disappointed that you let God down in your example of Him. You will aim to never do it again and you won't, by God's grace, as you grow and ask for more of the Holy Ghost. You never cared before about how God might feel. You don't want to lose that sense of caring about how God might feel as if you never knew such a presence of God where your heart becomes cold and insensitive to Him as if you never felt Him before in your life. You will lose that sense of peace and it may take some time for it to return. In fact, you might have to wait a little while as you doubt your faith in this sense of separation from God but if you are truly in Him, you will wait while living in the knowledge of the word and what you know of as that expectation of you as a real disciple( see the movie the Book of John 39 times and feel real) instead of the God given emotions of peace. Here, you will learn that your faith is not just emotions of joy but choice to live for Him even when you can feel that separation from Him. Peace will return. Read Romans 8: 28-39. Wait and the peace will return. Have a gentle discipline and why would you deliberately plan to sin anyway? Did someone tell you that you would be the chief representative of the fire brigade if you take their evil suggestion to cheat on your wife? You like the peace that faith in Christ has given you. Hold on! You never know when God might send you to a library to help an old Anglican minister down the steps somehow or a young Wesleyan minister find a book on a shelf for his doctrinal theses. You just happened to be there to help him look and hand him a book right off the shelf. God loves you and what you need is right down the road. God loves you so hold on. Read John 17 and enjoy being conformed into the image of His son.
Mary said to Elizabeth that "..with God all things are possible."
Emission free propulsion with 150 horsepower let alone 600 horsepower is not an easy feat. Flight in 1901 as to defy gravity was not an easy feat. But, now you can fly in a BAE Typhoon fighter jet at Alton Towers for 5 pounds on Saturdays only after you take time out to have a little time to recognise the sabbath and after that, get a 2 for 1 apple pie deal at McDonalds for one pound 33 pence.
The truth is that hydrogen is proof of the fact that I and YOU can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Hydrogen is older than stove top popcorn and tang for use on a lunar lander. It's almost as old as the Gettysburg address. In fact, it is older so relax and breathe.
The truth is that hydrogen is proof of the fact that I and YOU can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Hydrogen is older than stove top popcorn and tang for use on a lunar lander. It's almost as old as the Gettysburg address. In fact, it is older so relax and breathe.
Apologise to the loggers and miners from the years 1887-1911.
It was the year 1911 and Dr. Diesel presented his new efficient engine to the world to supplant the role of the steam engine that ran on coal or wood. The logger and miners were upset. Diesel was a devout man of God( a Christian) and developed many patents to save us time washing cars, dishes and making microwave chocolate souffles. He did not live long enough to see the the blessed future results of his engine that we enjoy today. There are some diesel engines that can achieve 2000 kms per passenger vehicle tank of gas His descendents improved on his work concerning fuel cells and hydrogen combustion as represented by the diesel fuel cell. Christ was marvelled at for his miracles but the tension in our human souls renders us temperamental. Christ did say that we would do greater things than what He achieved and Diesel's work is evidence of this as a believer. It is not to say that it could not have been done by a non believer but faith is intelligent and Einstein believed in God as well. The power to turn wine into water is immense as exemplified by zero emission vehicle propulsion prior to the beginning of the 20th century. Hydrogen fuel for this purpose has been around since 1807.
Os Guinness has written an excellent book on the tensions in our humanity that oscillate between awe in the creative power of our faith and the trust to employ it to have the full social benefit of such technology. We do not have to use it ( the technology) and could just please those who feel left out by the human movement toward progress. The steam engine was great but it was just time to save some trees. Coal was great as well but it was just time to save some human lives, trees, plants and whole cities from the smog that burning coal would produce. Gasoline and Fossil fuels are great as a raw source from which hydrogen can be produced but they are not so great if you burn them as a fuel itself. Os Guinness, in his new book with excellent research, demonstrates that "...there is no God but God, and there is no rest for anyone whose God is anyone but God. So the answer to mammon once and for all, without reservation, is no." He points out the stark contrast economically between the cry of Mammon and the call of Jehovah, the God and father of Christ. He is your God and father as well since you are a joint heir in Christ; right? Christ prayed and communicated with God who He also recognised as His father. He says, "...the spirit of calling counters this spirit of commerce by knocking holes in the ice. Thus there are, if you like, two economies-a "calling economy" as well as a "commercial economy." He concludes that Calling has always introduced and enabled a different style of operating that directly counters the market mentality. They are not incompatible and our survival is dependent upon the respect and balance in life that Calling leads us to have in ensuring there is more than enough. There will always be those who have more than their neighbours by the fact of certain virtues including family cooperation and good work as a middle man or better designs but everyone can enter the race. It is just that inequality is not necessary for capitalism to exist as some have explained as if it is a tenet of capitalism. Capitalism is human nature at work and shall reflect competitiveness as well as creativity and ingenuity. Competition is not to kill or to seek hierchies of respect( you might feel too respected) based on vehicle engine size and car seat surface options but to build a better bakery or fish hook. Some will wake up earlier to catch the fish and some may catch just as many with better fish hooks or manipulative technology that routes all calls from a junior lawyer to some other phone system using computer switches. It is possible. They may also break laws and do wrong under the guise of officialdom with dyslexic employees (confess again with more junk in your colleague's fridge)
who are not sure of anything except but what they were told to do by some other bitter person who was too timid to face down the devil in court or on the market floor and knock the ball out of the park so that ball knocker ( they were serving the court and market in society and not your insecurity) does not feel so Northee or maybe so bible thumping with one soccer goal a week and he had a permanent tan to begin with. Any culture that forestalls melting-pot Brazilian , Australian or American social unity, creativity and human ingenuity on any basis including racism or fear of change is a society that is shunted by self doubt. It may not have been possible to fly at 3 times the speed of sound if there was doubt in the power of God and faith that man can do greater things than Christ did himself. You can afford universal health care and still have more leather interior than the nigger white or black female patient whose son or daughter female combat soldier is in Afghanistan unifying you with flags on coffins on ANN( or 4.0NN) news making them democratic ( crying out democracy when he rapes and kills) who will never afford a private room with the private insurance upgrades. She has an oozzie like your sister and office secretary named Shaneeqwa(^%@# you!) at the DMV. He transcended gravity and ascended. He is King of Kings and Deborah in the bible was a Judge as well as David and Solomon. The Queen of Sheba acknowledged this as she adopted honourably the faith of Solomon and returned home with his son and some books and support for her son's tuition and studies so their son could show himself approved. He had no room for her to stick around and distract him with her insecurity and incessant attention seeking that was without abatement although he told her to read Psalms 42 until she got the point. Jesus told the woman at the well the same thing( John 4). You are soo caught up in being traditional that you have fictionalised the notion, never having set foot in a church where you have much ancient tradition. Your ancestors would tell you. But, bitterness is also a tradition for many. Church is a good place to hide an adopted tradition of bitterness. Love is traditional and so is porneo for some so why not film virtual love or porneo in its expressions? The reason that you should not is because it damages the psyche and renders you nontraditional in the real expressions of love and a failure in life-long, mature and healthy expressions of committed intimacy that are reciprocal. There is always another fleeting moment of intimacy around the corner. Your pet prized female doberman will tell you with panting and druel. No one is ever good enough for commitment(every man or woman has a thread or hemn that could be better or newer on their Hugo Boss attire after the third day of brand new wear-I love Boss for men) but only for the chase where you can justify a life with the soundtrack " how will I know if he really loves me?" Invite him to dinner and he will probably stay and will change the light bulb when it blows and he will also come back tomorrow night to ensure that you don't feel used for your lusty predelictions. He is faithful and commitment is always fresh. You see, there is no place else to express the joy of faith if a faithful man except with your one woman. Your culture might idolise the notion of the King with many wives. See the reluctance and humility David had in entering one covenant with one of Saul's daughters. He chose a union that he felt was befitting. Go on; read it. He did not start with 30 wives and if you are going to be build anything, then see the cost. How many fridges can you afford in your coffee shop or how many cell phones can you maintain on a network? If the goal is to have many women to be with many, then say yes everytime you are shown a woman's tongue on the subway platform. Ask her " do we go from your tongue in the corner of your mouth for 4 seconds( was that a come on or are you on a med?) while I look at the subway map with you standing in front of me to us getting back to your apartment right away or what about tomorrow? You see, I don't and I am not ill. You grew up in a farm town and a chance meeting with someone you fancy must have been rare so you were trained not to hesitate. You seem really nice but if you are serious, then call for dinner and then we can jump on your couch. I will bring the bottled waters and some dark chocolate and we can do this as often as you would like but it would be good if you are faithful if we do because I AM a faithful person and one might be hard to find. I am also friendly but not a cheater.
Rousseau said that a people gives life to a state by social pact or contract. He went on to conclude that "...what was good and in conformity with order is such by the very nature of things and independently of human agreements." All justice comes from God who alone is its source. There is a universal justice that springs from reason alone and if it is to be acknowledged as such it must be reciprocal-See Rousseau Chapter 6. There is also a natural justice that is unavailing among men according to Rousseau. In a civil society all rights are determined by law. But what about human progress if law is natural and universal? Human progress is a function of natural justice as human progress is inherently natural. Natural justice is the arm of life itself and any work to thwart such human progress as a result of a fear of change or momentary loss is covenanting with death itself. "The Call" by Os Guinness is an excellent addition to your laundry room bookshelf where you can sit the book beside a bottle of Tide Cold Water-3X more efficient and that is good for everyone.
Also, be a good neighbour and pass the ball.
Os Guinness has written an excellent book on the tensions in our humanity that oscillate between awe in the creative power of our faith and the trust to employ it to have the full social benefit of such technology. We do not have to use it ( the technology) and could just please those who feel left out by the human movement toward progress. The steam engine was great but it was just time to save some trees. Coal was great as well but it was just time to save some human lives, trees, plants and whole cities from the smog that burning coal would produce. Gasoline and Fossil fuels are great as a raw source from which hydrogen can be produced but they are not so great if you burn them as a fuel itself. Os Guinness, in his new book with excellent research, demonstrates that "...there is no God but God, and there is no rest for anyone whose God is anyone but God. So the answer to mammon once and for all, without reservation, is no." He points out the stark contrast economically between the cry of Mammon and the call of Jehovah, the God and father of Christ. He is your God and father as well since you are a joint heir in Christ; right? Christ prayed and communicated with God who He also recognised as His father. He says, "...the spirit of calling counters this spirit of commerce by knocking holes in the ice. Thus there are, if you like, two economies-a "calling economy" as well as a "commercial economy." He concludes that Calling has always introduced and enabled a different style of operating that directly counters the market mentality. They are not incompatible and our survival is dependent upon the respect and balance in life that Calling leads us to have in ensuring there is more than enough. There will always be those who have more than their neighbours by the fact of certain virtues including family cooperation and good work as a middle man or better designs but everyone can enter the race. It is just that inequality is not necessary for capitalism to exist as some have explained as if it is a tenet of capitalism. Capitalism is human nature at work and shall reflect competitiveness as well as creativity and ingenuity. Competition is not to kill or to seek hierchies of respect( you might feel too respected) based on vehicle engine size and car seat surface options but to build a better bakery or fish hook. Some will wake up earlier to catch the fish and some may catch just as many with better fish hooks or manipulative technology that routes all calls from a junior lawyer to some other phone system using computer switches. It is possible. They may also break laws and do wrong under the guise of officialdom with dyslexic employees (confess again with more junk in your colleague's fridge)
who are not sure of anything except but what they were told to do by some other bitter person who was too timid to face down the devil in court or on the market floor and knock the ball out of the park so that ball knocker ( they were serving the court and market in society and not your insecurity) does not feel so Northee or maybe so bible thumping with one soccer goal a week and he had a permanent tan to begin with. Any culture that forestalls melting-pot Brazilian , Australian or American social unity, creativity and human ingenuity on any basis including racism or fear of change is a society that is shunted by self doubt. It may not have been possible to fly at 3 times the speed of sound if there was doubt in the power of God and faith that man can do greater things than Christ did himself. You can afford universal health care and still have more leather interior than the nigger white or black female patient whose son or daughter female combat soldier is in Afghanistan unifying you with flags on coffins on ANN( or 4.0NN) news making them democratic ( crying out democracy when he rapes and kills) who will never afford a private room with the private insurance upgrades. She has an oozzie like your sister and office secretary named Shaneeqwa(^%@# you!) at the DMV. He transcended gravity and ascended. He is King of Kings and Deborah in the bible was a Judge as well as David and Solomon. The Queen of Sheba acknowledged this as she adopted honourably the faith of Solomon and returned home with his son and some books and support for her son's tuition and studies so their son could show himself approved. He had no room for her to stick around and distract him with her insecurity and incessant attention seeking that was without abatement although he told her to read Psalms 42 until she got the point. Jesus told the woman at the well the same thing( John 4). You are soo caught up in being traditional that you have fictionalised the notion, never having set foot in a church where you have much ancient tradition. Your ancestors would tell you. But, bitterness is also a tradition for many. Church is a good place to hide an adopted tradition of bitterness. Love is traditional and so is porneo for some so why not film virtual love or porneo in its expressions? The reason that you should not is because it damages the psyche and renders you nontraditional in the real expressions of love and a failure in life-long, mature and healthy expressions of committed intimacy that are reciprocal. There is always another fleeting moment of intimacy around the corner. Your pet prized female doberman will tell you with panting and druel. No one is ever good enough for commitment(every man or woman has a thread or hemn that could be better or newer on their Hugo Boss attire after the third day of brand new wear-I love Boss for men) but only for the chase where you can justify a life with the soundtrack " how will I know if he really loves me?" Invite him to dinner and he will probably stay and will change the light bulb when it blows and he will also come back tomorrow night to ensure that you don't feel used for your lusty predelictions. He is faithful and commitment is always fresh. You see, there is no place else to express the joy of faith if a faithful man except with your one woman. Your culture might idolise the notion of the King with many wives. See the reluctance and humility David had in entering one covenant with one of Saul's daughters. He chose a union that he felt was befitting. Go on; read it. He did not start with 30 wives and if you are going to be build anything, then see the cost. How many fridges can you afford in your coffee shop or how many cell phones can you maintain on a network? If the goal is to have many women to be with many, then say yes everytime you are shown a woman's tongue on the subway platform. Ask her " do we go from your tongue in the corner of your mouth for 4 seconds( was that a come on or are you on a med?) while I look at the subway map with you standing in front of me to us getting back to your apartment right away or what about tomorrow? You see, I don't and I am not ill. You grew up in a farm town and a chance meeting with someone you fancy must have been rare so you were trained not to hesitate. You seem really nice but if you are serious, then call for dinner and then we can jump on your couch. I will bring the bottled waters and some dark chocolate and we can do this as often as you would like but it would be good if you are faithful if we do because I AM a faithful person and one might be hard to find. I am also friendly but not a cheater.
Rousseau said that a people gives life to a state by social pact or contract. He went on to conclude that "...what was good and in conformity with order is such by the very nature of things and independently of human agreements." All justice comes from God who alone is its source. There is a universal justice that springs from reason alone and if it is to be acknowledged as such it must be reciprocal-See Rousseau Chapter 6. There is also a natural justice that is unavailing among men according to Rousseau. In a civil society all rights are determined by law. But what about human progress if law is natural and universal? Human progress is a function of natural justice as human progress is inherently natural. Natural justice is the arm of life itself and any work to thwart such human progress as a result of a fear of change or momentary loss is covenanting with death itself. "The Call" by Os Guinness is an excellent addition to your laundry room bookshelf where you can sit the book beside a bottle of Tide Cold Water-3X more efficient and that is good for everyone.
Also, be a good neighbour and pass the ball.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
I am just as human as the rest of is some blood just in case you need it for something...who knows. To be sanitary, keep it at the Redcross. Now, love your neighbour as you love yourself and the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, body and soul. But, you have been loving two models dressed up like Barbie dolls kissing in pictures or mpeg4 videos on your phone or computer ( naughty jack off boy and girls) . So, you are not loving yourself and therefore you are unable to have sufficent emotional breadth to love your neighbour. I get it now. Well, at least you go to church and you smile a lot with whitebacked and retro thinkpad looking phones, gadgets and other stuff that makes you feel uh,,,approved.
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