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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Mark Driscoll

Mr. Driscoll, what is marriage according to Matthew 19?  I understand that in the day of Joseph and Mary, you were entitled to have conjugal rights during betrothal and this was also true during the days of Shakespeare, the 16th century writer, who had a child during his betrothal and had a ceremony some months after his child's birth.  It seems that Jesus was born to Mary during her betrothal.  If I have a ceremony for a marriage with black suit and cake and the wife has dress and flowers, am I married in that alone?  Am I married if we never consummate?  If consummation is necessary for marriage documents and signing to be valid, then isn't consummation the actual marriage(there is an implicit covenant in what you do-if not acknowledged, then it is porneo and fornication-proverbs 7 )?-like in the old days innit mate?

Masturbation-If I am single, can I masturbate without conjurring an idea of two grapefruits in a bra in my imagination?  Well, they are not really grapefruits.  See this picture from page 3 in the British Sun news.....   understand my emphasis.  The answer is no.  Essentially, my understanding of the motors in this engine is that for men or women, there is mental vision and imagination involved to achieve the goal as it may be; so I have been told and I used to watch Dr. Ruth on the learning channel in the 80's along with Nova.  The truth is, I would not argue with a woman on this. They are very delicate creatures and very interesting actually but I think I have noticed that pretty women will choose half or 1/4 good looking man who does not masturbate over 100 % good looking man who looks at stuff and masturbates.  Really good looking man gets lots of attention but if he does not have the right frequency, he will attract certain type of female (Sex in the City fans maybe) for two minutes and then she goes home. Good looking man who does not look finds woman who will commit to him and be good help in the family bakery.  Is it a sin?  Masturbation is idolatry.Too many dirty and dirty picture cause very bad brain function and will mess up your ability to make good fast stir fry or hold good vodka in little cup  Just watch Ultimate fighting if you are struggling with anger or the best Joyce Meyer video of the week.  God is not in your head but the grapefruits and the good single person should say he is not single habitually but ready for nice girl who sings in church choir or youth group as he could have many offers or old friends and then he finds nice Catholic and city girls at 17 who are more disciplined and mature as he tells friends to put away the thing that seperates him from his Creator(John 17).  Sin shall not have dominion over Him as he confesses that he or she is walking in the faith of Abraham and then they feel rest.  You could also say you are a Messianic Jew. To say Jew is ok. It is a faith and not a race. Forgive the accent y'all but John 17 is understood in many language like good smile and good music. Opa! Check out  A better life by Ian Pooley-Youtube it now.  Punch!

Mark Driscoll is very nice pastor who knows God has no colour (Moses married a moabite(Ethiopian) Joseph married an Egyptian). Mark will give thanks for the hotel sales rep (little did he know she was black over the 1-800 number with a Jewish, Dutch Mennonite manager with a goatee. His favourite group is Human league and the other is Harry Connick Junior singing jazz standards written by Nat King Cole) who gave him and his wife excellent customer care for the very efficient Scandinavian rep who weighed his suitcases precisely to the 1/6 lb and charged him for an extra night because he left the three day room booking five minutes late.

Now, you want to know why the moral majority is the moral majority. read Catcher in the Rye for clarity on that.  Be that as it may, your conscience is God and yourself alone.  We may be acceptance junkies but what is morality now? Ask the Starships fly artist nice poli-sci graduate girl with the voice of a southern gospel worship leader and what a video? I know I am not confused. What a video?  So here is the moral majority.  Daddy said "...Do as I say. If you chopped down one of my trees, you better fess up or else." You revered Daddy for this.  You did not feel the reverence for his bible toting ways, whether he was a Mason or not, when you found his vhs collection behind the Green Door near the family's blue lagoon so you just about threw out your bible as well but you had a praying Grandmother named Corrie Ten-Boom and a pretty balanced track coach and music teacher and a long-suffering mother.  She taught you about the meaning of long suffering because you were sure to hedge on any belief in God when you also witnessed your father's adulterated behaviour. But, you counted the cost of being in his clutches once again as he was always searching for his respect behind the double doors of that wooded banister home. His authority was evident and his influence in the home was unquestionable.  Mother was right about everything since if you chopped down the Cherry and told her, you got one spoon of honey instead of two but with him, the truth never had a reward, so who do you follow then?  Its a good thing she(Mom) had a bible as well and if she didn't, you would probably just trust your calculator which was always consistent in Seattle, California and Washington.  Try to tell your son that you don't approve of him and he will tell you to read Psalms 27.10. He found his moral majority.  Somehow , he avoided the resentment that made his old grade 2  and a half male friend  undecided about a lot of things with lip gloss from Mac in his knapsack at 19.  The young man with the praying Grandmother had chap stick if anything. 

Mark Driscoll is a brilliant pastor and I thank him for his anointed ministry.  Like most Good Pastors such as Chuck Swindoll, they tell their children to remember that God loves them and to be strong even if they don't make it home because of a bad storm or a train accident in which he does not survive. The Pastor knows he has survived many times already but if it is time to go home in an unwelcome world, it is time to go home.  God knows.

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