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Sunday, 16 September 2012

A good start then or...?

All I can suggest a book with complex relationships. It might help you see yourself. The bible is a good start. All I can suggest is that you remember one thing: many children die while they are on the way out of their mother's wombs either by suffocation or by being strangled by the umbilical chord and this is after a healthy nine month gestation. So more than likely there is probably a good reason for you being alive. You can fight that and be negative about anything but many successful people like Abraham Lincoln had to teach themselves how to read or they were abandoned and left for dead by their families like the character Joseph in the bible so carry on then. Eat something you like and which isn't too unhealthy, read a little every now and again and there's nothing wrong with Jane Austen or Shakespeare and don't complain. You can get an Apple I-Touch for less than $200.00 at one of those "end of stock" places in your city or online right so have some fun but I don't own one. You are alive.

If you want a tip on a good book to read, then the bible is the easy answer and there are several million dollar athletes, Judges and good, empathetic teachers who read it. It will show in how they treat you. But you could also read "The Road Less Travelled"by M. Scott Peck for at least twenty minutes a day or for maybe no more than that. It is quite profound in how it can unravel you in a few paragraphs. After that, if you want some Napolean Hill or Og Mandino fast codes or strategies for your big tire store( there is almost a tire store on every corner these days), please do call. It would be my pleasure to assist.

Payments are received at this time by interac email money transfer ( email:, by Western Union or by Paypal standard credit card.

Have an amazing day.

I know a young woman who never accepted Psalms 82, Romans 8 or John 1:12-13. She was a prisoner of negative belief patterns sown in to her by her father. She now intimates that she receives instructions from this dead father and talks to him daily. It seems that he said she would never have a regular family because she had too much "mouth", she fears loss and perpetuates it. She is a prisoner of fear and has rejected Psalms 27 and Psalms 27.10. In light of this, she has sought to turn anyone close to her into a "Prisoner of her insecurity" (copyright November 10th 2011). The key word is "receive." The reason is because she victimised herself and would manipulate situations to manifest the rejection she conceived time and time again as being the end result of many interactions with anyone who seemed to challenge that self-notion and self-expectation. She was born in Chernobyl. They just reopened a Hilton Hotel there recently apparently or there are plans to re-open such a hotel. I used to counsel this young woman ( she's 40 now) on a pro-bono basis but now she is a paying client once a week for not being grateful and for failing to apply the simple lesson concerning discipline especially in terms of her use of language before her children and with those she calls "her man"; there are at least two that she calls "her man" and it is rumored that one may be a woman and that is why she always felt like there was another story behind everything she was saying. The devil told the first lie and was a deceiver from the beginning. God is not a man that He should lie. So, who created lying and deceit in all rebellion against the God of truth who made him?; the answer is the devil or Lucifer. He is the first to lie and the Father of all of them. Read John 8 and there was a teaching on this within that good text. If you do not understand it, search for a concordance article for understanding of all things. Why sit there and dispute the chapter and what is Jesus' teaching or did you want all the credit for your most creative lies you tell about being a studio representative to get into the club ( "Did the radio station call you to say I was coming or to put me in the list?; you say"). I am sorry but an entire life founded on that pattern of behavior is inherently unstable. Read 1st John 1:9. Remember Lot's wife and read this little incy wincy verse: How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?-Hebrews 10:29 (

But if you confess your sins and turn away you are not insulting the spirit of grace ( 1st John 1: 9) and submit to God.-James 4:7 (

Remember Lot's wife. Remember also the parable of the man who put his hand to the plow and looked back. Remember also that after Jesus healed people, He said "..go and sin no more." Not even Jesus can help such a one because your faith, your choice makes you well such that the wages of sin is death so choose life.-Deuteronomy 30:19("Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!")

Choose ye this day which God you will serve and fear Him. His name is Jehovah.

Remember nothing is perfect but you can work really hard and tell them all you know in your exam answer keeping in mind the time you need to answer all four questions and get an A!; Excellent!

Also, there are many gifts of the spirit as outlined in 1st Corinthians 12:7-11: "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."

But, these gifts do not come in right and submitted manifestation without the power of the Holy Ghost to grant them.  It is when we receive the Holy Ghost and find that God himself has bridled our tongues, then we are regenerate.  Jesus said in John 20 to ask for the Holy Spirit and the disciples did not start their ministry after Christ's resurrection until they received the Holy Ghost in the upper room. Reads Acts 1-5(It will take just 3.5 minutes).  Otherwise, our desire to teach or preach may be propelled by self-aggrandisement with a lack of sanctification and submission to discipleship or simply the need for money. Anybody who can act, can act. But only those who are submitted to the Holy Ghost can be a vessel of the Holy Ghost through which the Holy Ghost shall speak.

If you are already teaching, then You will know where you really are in terms of consecration and dedication after you read Psalms 50. Your brother or ex-husband knows as well. Remember what you said about his mother and family or his Cuban culture when his mother brought you a bible devotional hurriedly in her kindness. Are you regenerate? If you are not, it will show.

Patience and regular submission to a Christian leader will garner attention all on its own because it will make you shine even if you are not the worship leader. You can tell him or her  how you provoked people to be like you. Then they observed the pattern of your provocation and refused to join you in that form of emoting or that uh umm culture. 

You will shine as along as you show up every Sunday if you simply hand out the pamphlets while you are discipled  or if you join the choir and get a solo or if you follow the bible study manual the pastor gave you to teach his members.  He(Jesus) already told you that you are a city set on a hill; a light to the world( Matthew 5:14). That should be all the attention you should crave.

If you know anyone who has chosen to grow up and who recovered like this from an abusive, controlling home environment which made them habitually abusive and controlling, you can suggest they read "Caring enough to Confront"-by David W. Augsburger.
The above mentioned book was recently referred to in the following video between minutes 13 -16 and is re-posted here for you.

Enjoying Everyday Life – Television Show | Joyce Meyer Ministries

Here is an additionally interesting video from Joyce Meyer. If you are a single God fearing man, you might enjoy seeing all the like-minded women in the audience at her conferences; Proverbs 31.

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