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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

G.I. Ken Joe

G. I. Ken Joe.

Now you want to know why she is single.  When she was growing up, she had a profund relationship with her family but most of it was spent playing alone; with dolls; Ken and Barbie. She found a GI Joe at the park and took it home, keeping it.  She said its "mine".  She was not allowed to spend a lot of time playing with other kids after school and had babysitters. In this early isolation,  she controlled the actors and figures with which she had a healthy childlike playtime.   She did have one friend at school who always seemed to want her stuff or her shoes.  She always thought this was strange since the shoes were the same design but only a different colour. Actually, her friend's shoes didnt have the sparkle paint on the logo., there was no difference so why did her friend want her stuff?

She had only one sibbling and she was very different. She socialised much more for some reason and preferred the baking toys and spending time with Mommy doing little things around the house and had a toy ironing board as well.  They were both sort of cute but you can't marry "cute." What if "cute" is shouting at you all day for nonsense?  If "cute" is the only factor, then you may as well marry a picture.  It is better to opt for "cute" who is considerate and honest about her "healing" curve in relationship. If after four years of courting, if you leave your phone at home then you left your phone at home and don't think anyone is going to come looking for you until 24 hours have passed in this brave new world.  You are an adult and GI Ken Joe is not being twisted this and that way in your infantile contortions.  He might come running to look for you, if the rest of your character is consistent and if you never said "F--ck you" so often just after your gospel sermon on the sabbath and confess to committing adultery the night before. It was a power play unseen except in the 1972 Hockey series between the U.S. and Canada or was it Russia? Spejulste and Speceba.

When the eldest sister grew up, she related to friends or men in relationship in the same manner.  She tested everyone and created constructive breakups with her boyfriends similar to a constructive dismissal when the usual terms of considerate relating are abrogated to the detriment of the other party without notice.  The end result is that no matter how many hours and days would pass, she held on to the notion of their love if the previous boyfriend could no longer provide whatever sense of anger outlet for which she had hoped to use them.  The idea is that "...every man is going to fail or disappoint me."  So, lets see if we can do something to push his rational buttons, she would say, such that he would have to think hard about his God and how his God could have him involved with anyone so confused after all. Moses said you could divorce. Jesus said, do not divorce except for the cause of adultery. Adultery is a rational reason to leave or any consistent behaviour that is just not the behaviour of a friend; not a perfect friend  or person but a good friend much like yourself.  Fashions change and it is believed that the shopaholic who is at T.J. Maxx three times a week may not be satisfied with just one GI Ken Joe.  Once you propose, you will see she starts to recognise it won't be appropriate to take the yearly Christmas card and gifts from those other hopefuls and little did they know, you had her up against the basement wall near the bottom of the stairs in passionate embrace almost every night but she told you about their cards.  They stopped coming or calling after the public and official shiny betrothal with the ring from Rings R us.  There were the rays of sunshine from many suitors and you were GI Ken Joe at church, at her parent's home and all the relatives for years. Don't forget the couch.  You even cut the grass and had a tooth brush in the bathroom. After proposal, comes honesty and it becomes claustrophobic in her lack of personal honesty about  her abusive behavior and she would have to be honest really about herself.   She might tell you she needs some air.  Just take the ring back. She will be upset but maybe she will be alright again when the other suitors start calling. The only thing is that if they do not call again, she is going to hope that you are the next anger outlet like the last one and guess what? There are always a few new suitors down the road for this type of woman because GI Ken Joe does not suit only.  He reads and responds in kind. He will find a friend who can be buttressed by God alone when the suitors are no longer there to provide her all that adoration to which she has been accustomed since she was maybe 12 at her school for valentines.  That woman is a good friend and wife because she knows Jesus and certainly Jehovah holds her as the apple of His eye and in this she loves her friend who is also a man( GI Ken Joe).  It was quite an undertaking on her part. Undertaking is a word with very plain meaning and the only individuals who would deny its meaning and obvious cross-generational ethnocultural portability in any forum, both public or private, are above the law somehow but that would be anarchic.
"Anarchic" is not a word to describe someone from Antarctica ( They should get out of their own sandbox more where such a suggestion  or denial in meaning unveils the identity of the party purveying the suggestion. The issue is that, and dont take this to heart, you should know the difference between equivocation and unequivocal. Love the one you are with and this time, when in need of the rays of adoration from many new suitors or the new fans that come to covet your ring finger once kitted out, just read John 4 and or Psalms 42.  The red string bearer gave you the string and to no one else.  But, he did see someone who had the same corvette curves yesterday and she was smiling and turned her head; wow! He saw this notion of providing string in a book or in a movie once like the Count of Monte Verde or Cristo I think it was.  Go on now. He's busy helping someone as best as he can.  Ok?  As you have believed it, then so shall it be for you but he already has a new wife; right? She will understand if you call to just say hello. Last, you need to want and love more than an idea of a man or a man who eptimoses the idea.  The idea is not enough.  You want the man to have and to hold and to cherish above beyond his perfections and imperfections.


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