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Sunday, 30 September 2012

Naming children

It is true that the name of the thing determines the purpose of a thing; google.  I heard of a story once of a young woman who named her child Lucius Maximus.  I also heard of another woman who named her son Judas Randolph Pinochet.  There was more than one Judas in the bible and it wasn't clear what she was trying to get at with respect to the purpose of her son. The mother was the Octomom; I think maybe. We have also heard of the story of Jabez in the bible. I suppose Jabez repented and had a good prayer.  Google "The prayer of Jabez."

One of the benefits of reading these old but good parables is to be edified by timeless and universal truths with current and immediate applicability.  If you never has a father, you can get a good idea of what a good one is like by reading Christ ( also read Psalms 27.10-David was a good father role model too) and remember; He said that if they did these horrible things to me, then how much more will they do them to my servants?  Read John 1 and remember that " the many that believed, to them he gave the power to become children of God."  The most important prayer of all is to say"..thy will be done, thy Kingdom come." You and your way mucks it up man! Here, this is another prayer for one to avoid although it has, somehow, become incorporated in the modern culture in a nuanced fashion. Read Isaiah 47:5-13.   From David, we learn that a King can make sincere mistakes and sincerely repent.  Read also Psalms 50.  He can also be a pretty good father to all his children in due season.

Now if its a father, wife, girlfriend, husband or a friend, remember that if the only thing that is consistent about them is that they are inconsistent, it speaks volumes.  When they tell you to throw the word of God behind your back and just live, the first thing to do is just run!  When sinners entice you, do not consent. The only thing that is consistent is that they are inconsistent. 

James 2

James 2 shares three key lessons. They are as follows, Ok?;

1.  The sin of partiality-treat others with dignity regardless of their choice of fashion designer.  Some prefer Prada or the Gap over Tommy Hilfigger and Kenneth Cole;
2.Fulfill the Royal law- Do you know what that is?; and last
3.The dichotomy between faith and works-Abraham believed God-and it was reckoned to him as righteousness-he was called the friend of God.

You see, there is always protocol about how to waltz or using the right dessert spoon but there is also a universal protocol of humanity. It is called magnanimity.  You learned at the gym when you share the towel to wipe down the community treadmill ( you know someone is going to use it after you whether they do or not but that is how the treadmill is offered or presented anyway) and while queueing for your weekly travelpass on the underground. You also may have learned it watching the 90's docudrama "Baba Blacksheep"-the gulf war years.  It is to be followed by a new set of episodes called-the Afghan years. Everybody treated each other just so nicely with a protocol that was akin to the bible.

Friday, 28 September 2012

These new ideas-

This just in,

Two new ideas colliding at once gives way to new in-roads in vehicular design.  The wankel rotary engine running on hydrogen fuel  a marvel and its technology will feature in the new drone helicopter gunships to help out in various theatres of war and save on unnecessary other drones and manpower.  The gunships fly lower with more ammunition to get at whatever the drones are looking for in Virginia or Aghanistan.  It is reminiscent of the story told about the Last Samurai but the Japanese government did not have drones of course and still maintained control of their low lands of Japan while the Samurai could be content in the mountain passages and still are today I hear.  Now, who would hand one of the last Samurai a gun as a new Afghan officer?  You never know what he might turn around and do with it. Everybody needs to heal and you have to trust sometimes. They gave Indians in the midwest guns quite early on because there was no one else out there to help with settlement and they were brilliant but there were some who may , in remembering wrongs done to uncles and brothers, just turn those weapons on the innocent who may have insisted that shoppers get their  pennies worth at the general store when buying his sugary cubes and seed. He was nice  in expecting the monies worth, but he shouldnt have to be told to be any nicer in expecting his pennies worth because, then, it would mean everything is broken.                                                        

This is not unfortunate since there is always work to do and with empty stadiums Monday to Friday, many of the young voices who were excellent pass rushers can now get a job at Sonics. Those drone gunships are job stealers.  They may also get jobs in the NFL2 league playing on Tuesday nights instead of Sunday; NFL all year round! Aaaaaah OOOOOOh! So, pass the ball.

This was an idea based on the obvious development of the Premier league in Britain with three lower football leagues and a population as big as The United States.  It is possible.

Another neat idea to help us reach out and touch each other like AT and T instructs us wisely is the Satphone Mobile Network (Trademark by Angel Ronan S.L.R.P.).   The various other service providers are following suit on existing satellites currently running at minimum capacity.  It provides global coverage seamlessly without roaming charges and switching to different networks where data may or may not be available.  Have it now.  Call 1-877-460-4884 for more details and to participate in the new product offering; if you like that is. But, you don't have to.
Next is using existing large radio towers such as the CN Tower on which various network providers can provide their signals for various mobile networks.  This saves in installing small little cell signal towers every 100 miles.  Did you ever wonder why you can hear one radio station over a span of almost 300 miles without interruption? Check it out.

Looking forward to the development of space tourism with the building of a large modular space station is quite exciting.  The last part to be installed is ze engine.  It always goes at the front and propels it forward or backward as need be.  Nuclear fuel and hydrogen gas from the atmosphere makes it all possible as propellants.  It is called Holiday Star Galactica! The Holiday Star is also a large satellite; sort of like ten satellites for one.  These are exciting times.

Our feature of the Week is The Hunt for Gollum.-
Faith is the substance of things unseen. It is the evidence of things that you hope for.

Also see, the Action Movie of the Week 1.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Turks and Kaikos.

Someone said the Turks and Kaikos Islands  are not too far from Heaven and not too far from hell.  I don't know the people there so I wouldn't understand the "hell" part but any paradise, including the bountiful beauty and truth of the earth itself, remains as a silly putty or plastacine or lego blocks with which we can create whatever hell or heaven we create collectively.  It can be a beautiful rose garden to honor Jehovah's footstool or it can be a fastfood garbage /rubbish rubbish/garbage bin.  Just remember that you will never be able to find enough water in space to surf on the moon or manufacture the same for your continual thirst quenching satisfaction.  Mars looks very hopeful but by the time it starts raining there so you can grow crops, you have found your atheistic faith and or truth.  Don't you worry, because as you have believed it then so shall it be (  - Matthew 8:13). Mars will work for all of us in due season. You will find a way to make it work and be thankful this time.

G.I. Ken Joe

G. I. Ken Joe.

Now you want to know why she is single.  When she was growing up, she had a profund relationship with her family but most of it was spent playing alone; with dolls; Ken and Barbie. She found a GI Joe at the park and took it home, keeping it.  She said its "mine".  She was not allowed to spend a lot of time playing with other kids after school and had babysitters. In this early isolation,  she controlled the actors and figures with which she had a healthy childlike playtime.   She did have one friend at school who always seemed to want her stuff or her shoes.  She always thought this was strange since the shoes were the same design but only a different colour. Actually, her friend's shoes didnt have the sparkle paint on the logo., there was no difference so why did her friend want her stuff?

She had only one sibbling and she was very different. She socialised much more for some reason and preferred the baking toys and spending time with Mommy doing little things around the house and had a toy ironing board as well.  They were both sort of cute but you can't marry "cute." What if "cute" is shouting at you all day for nonsense?  If "cute" is the only factor, then you may as well marry a picture.  It is better to opt for "cute" who is considerate and honest about her "healing" curve in relationship. If after four years of courting, if you leave your phone at home then you left your phone at home and don't think anyone is going to come looking for you until 24 hours have passed in this brave new world.  You are an adult and GI Ken Joe is not being twisted this and that way in your infantile contortions.  He might come running to look for you, if the rest of your character is consistent and if you never said "F--ck you" so often just after your gospel sermon on the sabbath and confess to committing adultery the night before. It was a power play unseen except in the 1972 Hockey series between the U.S. and Canada or was it Russia? Spejulste and Speceba.

When the eldest sister grew up, she related to friends or men in relationship in the same manner.  She tested everyone and created constructive breakups with her boyfriends similar to a constructive dismissal when the usual terms of considerate relating are abrogated to the detriment of the other party without notice.  The end result is that no matter how many hours and days would pass, she held on to the notion of their love if the previous boyfriend could no longer provide whatever sense of anger outlet for which she had hoped to use them.  The idea is that "...every man is going to fail or disappoint me."  So, lets see if we can do something to push his rational buttons, she would say, such that he would have to think hard about his God and how his God could have him involved with anyone so confused after all. Moses said you could divorce. Jesus said, do not divorce except for the cause of adultery. Adultery is a rational reason to leave or any consistent behaviour that is just not the behaviour of a friend; not a perfect friend  or person but a good friend much like yourself.  Fashions change and it is believed that the shopaholic who is at T.J. Maxx three times a week may not be satisfied with just one GI Ken Joe.  Once you propose, you will see she starts to recognise it won't be appropriate to take the yearly Christmas card and gifts from those other hopefuls and little did they know, you had her up against the basement wall near the bottom of the stairs in passionate embrace almost every night but she told you about their cards.  They stopped coming or calling after the public and official shiny betrothal with the ring from Rings R us.  There were the rays of sunshine from many suitors and you were GI Ken Joe at church, at her parent's home and all the relatives for years. Don't forget the couch.  You even cut the grass and had a tooth brush in the bathroom. After proposal, comes honesty and it becomes claustrophobic in her lack of personal honesty about  her abusive behavior and she would have to be honest really about herself.   She might tell you she needs some air.  Just take the ring back. She will be upset but maybe she will be alright again when the other suitors start calling. The only thing is that if they do not call again, she is going to hope that you are the next anger outlet like the last one and guess what? There are always a few new suitors down the road for this type of woman because GI Ken Joe does not suit only.  He reads and responds in kind. He will find a friend who can be buttressed by God alone when the suitors are no longer there to provide her all that adoration to which she has been accustomed since she was maybe 12 at her school for valentines.  That woman is a good friend and wife because she knows Jesus and certainly Jehovah holds her as the apple of His eye and in this she loves her friend who is also a man( GI Ken Joe).  It was quite an undertaking on her part. Undertaking is a word with very plain meaning and the only individuals who would deny its meaning and obvious cross-generational ethnocultural portability in any forum, both public or private, are above the law somehow but that would be anarchic.
"Anarchic" is not a word to describe someone from Antarctica ( They should get out of their own sandbox more where such a suggestion  or denial in meaning unveils the identity of the party purveying the suggestion. The issue is that, and dont take this to heart, you should know the difference between equivocation and unequivocal. Love the one you are with and this time, when in need of the rays of adoration from many new suitors or the new fans that come to covet your ring finger once kitted out, just read John 4 and or Psalms 42.  The red string bearer gave you the string and to no one else.  But, he did see someone who had the same corvette curves yesterday and she was smiling and turned her head; wow! He saw this notion of providing string in a book or in a movie once like the Count of Monte Verde or Cristo I think it was.  Go on now. He's busy helping someone as best as he can.  Ok?  As you have believed it, then so shall it be for you but he already has a new wife; right? She will understand if you call to just say hello. Last, you need to want and love more than an idea of a man or a man who eptimoses the idea.  The idea is not enough.  You want the man to have and to hold and to cherish above beyond his perfections and imperfections.


Monday, 24 September 2012

RiteAid girl of Beanhall does New Work

A teledrama is coming out that will depict the story of a woman who comes from the new yet old country to the big city in North America.  Her experiences in the old yet new country were quite troublesome as a child but certainly she paid attention to most of her lessons and could count. She was good with data but maybe not in controlling it or those who had control of it and this made her feel threatened; a feeling that she hated most viciously and which lined up with her earliest memories.  Her education was predicated on the outcome she desired and that was to have freedom from feeling threatened.  It was also mandatory but she was sure to graduate. No one could have control so as to make her feel threatened. She grew and used this almost innate talent forged in her formative years to climb through the various layers of her heart's desires and by the time she was in her forties, the city to which she migrated changed quite a bit.  The fire hydrants, a symbol of civil society and commonwealth, stopped working and either no one noticed or they were too happy marvelling at her apparent success to even complain. The connection between her and the fire hydrant is not so clear.  The old men from her country had pretty happy family lives and were content with their wives until her aspirations affected their contentment.  The old men, inflamed by her presence, remembered their old ways in the old country such as their first sons not being able to have a wife or girlfriend all to themselves, socially killing their first son as a sign of their manhood in the old country. Some sons may have died unusually early.  Before her arrival though or the increasing maturity of her viral aspiration, "Leave it to Beaver" was a sufficient aspiration for most families from the old yet new country and the Disney movie on Sunday. Everybody from the old country could look up to a family like that and they did.

There is more to come and most frightening of all was her aspiration to use the floor of the state legislature as a yoga floor for two with robust roman clad designer pyjamas on or off.  It is rather frightening actually. In fact, it beggars belief (

You may have thought that no man would uh "get you"; that is understand you.  You can't help yourself to say it because you never had a father, you say. But, God is a father and do want to have that sense of approval so take not only discipleship in the word of God and ministry but maybe some counselling on being an orphan.  David was an emotional orphan. Read Psalms 27.10 and you see how he dealt with it.  The man to whom you say " you don't get me" is a man that you love and who loves you but your hurt in being an emotional orphan leads to just take a child, getting pregnant and then your behaviour and hurt in unhealed emotions leads you to throw the three months of joy down the drain or off the happy track because you were programmed not to expect fidelity but to be left.  So stay with God alone for nine months, being faithful to Him alone and you will let the next man you truly love and cherish uh umm "get you" and you won't give the ring back this time.  What was wrong with a three stone 1K total diamond weight ring in a cartier setting anyway( 50% off but it shouldnt matter since its a gift to you innit love)? Did you see the rings on the hands of women from your mother's generation who are still married today and happy with their modest sign of commitment?  In spite of a ceremony and registry documents for a wedding, you can leave anytime and so can he. It's a choice to be together.  Speak to each other in Psalms, hymns and spiritual things. Avoid the spirit of adultery in Cosmopolitan.  Try Vanity Fair or Real Simple for your airplane reading.  He reads Esquire or the Atlantic Monthly.  The only difference with ceremonies is the cost and the pictures and the public embarrassment since you sent everyone a piece of cake and they will think what a stupid couple to break up after all I or we spent to keep them cuddled at least for five years.  He must have figured out her cousin had sex with her the night before the ceremony since it was her last night as a single woman and that was ok in her culture since her future husband was just a man in her culture; not a human being to be treated with the courtesies one affords a friend or loved one.  For instance, if you or your spouse leave your Motorolla android III phone (with universal dock included with small speakers and for charging)(sexy!!!) at home by mistake, you would think that a well-meaning adult spouse over 35 would use a pay phone or office phone to communicate the mishap.  You have been together for at least nine months.  She can't stand the mobile phone not being answered when she calls her uh man and has breakdowns if he leaves it on the car seat while driving to Hatfield where his office is located ( 20 minute drive).  Staying together is  a choice every minute.  Marry the good friend and pray as well (Proverbs 3:5-6) about your choice but you must know a good friend to whom you are sincerely attracted or does your brain shut down because of his eye lashes or that v6 -0000- vehicle or BeeEMMDouble U and so long as he looks at you with those eyes, any thought of his qualities as a friend are voided?  Steaks are best barbecued and not cooked in a microwave  although microwaves are faster.  Your relationships should follow the same logic as purchasing and preparing a good steak.  Take your time in getting the best result. Have patience.  You grew up with microwave popcorn but there is a generation that knows stovetop popcorn in those little foil containers.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Amos 9:12.

Many scholars confirm that there is coherence and consistency in what is called biblical prophecy and that the ministry of Paul the Apostle is fulfillment of Amos 9:12 along with the work and ministry demonstrated by the Apostles in the book of Acts.  In the early part of the book of Acts, the Apostles decide to share the message of Christ more so than rules and requirements of their culture when speaking to the gentiles. See Acts 11:1 and Acts 11:17-18. 

Amos 9:12 says "...that they possess the remnant of Edom, and all the Gentiles who are called by My name," Says the Lord who does this thing.  The book of Amos is in the Old testament.  Amos is a recognised Jewish Prophet.  He was a prophet during the reign of Uzziah king of Judah.

See the movie The Old Testament listed under Movies and views for more and also the Action Movie of the Week 2. 

At any rate, some devout Christians believe that a dramatisation of the bible is as bad as a dramatisation of a Shakespeare play or is it just a good learning tool?  What about the Little Rascals( sitcom) or Leave it to Beaver(sitcom)?  Ultimately, we celebrate and enjoy news, movies, music and views that do not contravene the spirit and purpose of the ten commandments or that insight its contravention and that do provide a moment for edification like a good fable or proverb from the desert or an ancient land with present life application.  We enjoy these in addition to the most enjoyable overt worship music, recorded sermons and videoed gospel based messages.  I am going to go and dust off Giant Steps by John Coltrane and Rose Rouge by the Eagles.  Ultimately, its a choice to be in a relationship with God and if the Kingdom of God is within you as Jesus said( see Romans 12 ), why would you ingest anything emotionally or spiritually that deliberately and purposefully offends that Kingdom in your private and leisure time, that is, as you might have a job as a film editor or story writer. 

Last, the journey from Egypt to the promised by the Israelites involved the crossing of deserts and  a move away from an inhabited place with a sure meal although one that came with  a cost being of abuse and bondage.

The story of the passage into the promised land continues to be a moral every day because you are a person, young or old, and you are going to choose to have relationship with God or not.  You might be offered money for intimate relations including lots of hugs without your shoes on.  You might also be offered money to sell narcotics or illegal gummy bear candies called "exciting" I think.  But, your Heavenly father believes in you and He will never offer provision for your needs in a manner that involves you leaving His house or your relationship with Him or hurting your neighbour or hurting yourself no matter how easy it may seem.  The moral is to trust Him to provide in a way that is consistent with your relationship with Him as did the people Israel.  Here, read Proverbs 11 and most importantly Proverbs 1.  When sinners entice you, do not consent.  God approves of you.  You don't need  to leave his House child to seek approval.

What to do...?

Love your neighbour as you love yourself and love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.  I attended a most amazing church recently where everybody with a sin, not just some sins, were welcome.  If they were a cheating husband or a cheating wife, they could attend. If they were a struggling addict of some kind, they could attend as well.  You could also attend if you were a homosexual or heterosexual.

The point is that the Pastor also made it semi mandatory for everyone to participate in a ten minute bible study on deliverance from hurts, unforgiveness and habitual sins that were predicated on some issue in the person's life such as recollections of  having their trust  betrayed at an early age and then also having an issue with gratefulness when God gave them a husband or a man to love and with whom they already had children in New York or otherwise.  In one scenario, by the time the child's father was inflamed with bitterness at the mother's rejection of his efforts to be a presence in her life, the mother was already semi-involved with someone at her job, at her church and at the local grocery store.  She could attend the deliverance ministry as well because the issue was that her dreams were driven by ungratefulness. But, she was big chested and never read "Kiss the Girls and Made them Cry" by  M. Scott Peck or Lisa Bevere but someone prayed she would heal one day and sent her the book by Lisa Bevere which she apparently misplaced. Lipstick on a Corvette bumper can cover a multitude of self-deceit and the cyclical patterns of unforgiveness but eventually, we will know the truth and the truth will wipe the bumper clean and open up our understanding.  The Father of that woman's child was always a preacher. He is preaching now and so are you but you are single but not so credible only with your Masters of Attention-seeking or Greatness-seeking but you are single and your husband, not the child's father, knows you are single as well.  Your husband is the drummer you have been eyeing for years but you struggle with physical intimacy running concurrently with emotional closeness. Hence, the male presence in your life is a Navy Officer studying to be an accountant and who speaks to you every day by calling card from his ship's posting in Guam. You are so happy with him and life itself when you rendezvous in Four Corners Virginia near his family's farm but when you meet in your home town of DoinaNewwork, he is broken down into constituent parts in the fragmented state of the infantile emotions you carry and nothing is ever good enough.  How do you fix that?  It may not be your eyesight or your eyes or your glasses or your emotions but the way in which sunlight or moonlight reflects upon everything in that city but you.

The movie of the week is Reign over Me.

After watching this, remember that Isaiah 61 says Jesus came to heal the broken hearted, to bind up their (emotional) wounds and to set the captives free.  If you want to preach and teach, that's fine but know the Lord saw you and the other million like you a long time ago.  He had 72 disciples initially but finally only twelve remained.  It says go out into the world and preach the gospel so go but don't do any damage to the message by lying to your husband or punching your daughter in the quiet of your home. Most  daughters do not expect that of their mothers. Lastly, Even Joyce Meyer ( author of Battle Field of the Mind), stayed in a church for 19 years supporting a pastor and ministering under him or her, being discipled before starting a new ministry in submission to the Lord's calling.  Here, read this from 1st Timothy.

Peter who saw Christ's ressurection was also told that he would be tested and but that after Satan sifts him, he shall turn back and strengthen the others.  Here,

The truth is that, childhood unanswered questions can continue to compound upon your adult mind and seemingly well-contructed behaviour.  No matter what, your behaviour is constructed but is it well in its construction?  You have some education and you could have more; for free.  There are one or two free colleges in the U.S. and your only concern would be the travel costs, books and food. In spite of this free education that only requires an application to obtain the free tuition slip, you say God will provide. Now, you want to see God's grace in your life but you are like a Burger King client where the King, in light of your recalcitrance and stubborness at his wisdom, says have it your way. It could be that you are seeking an approval and provision that seems to have been absent early on in your education.  You are looking for that good looking Grade 3 teacher to comeback and make you feel love again but she or he went somewhere else and you feel abandoned.  Why did he leave; you say? Everyone else in your life is tested to the point of leaving you because essentially, you are asking in your behaviour "..will you leave?"  The new teacher feels pretty good and seems to have had his own set of abusive issues but the issue is not his abuse.  You are still wanting to know why the first teacher left and as God provides you opportunity to enter rest with your talents, you want to stay on the treadmill where you keep on saying God will provide but maybe his grace is that you will take something (a course for free) that will help your talents grow and multiply and you will be able to really provide for others as well; over and over again.  This is not unlike a girl born or planted by the seed of a northern Mongol man in the Himalayas but the mother lives in the Hakka region of China.  The mother's neighbors have a house and after delivery  of the child she asks the mother in the neighbor's house to raise the child in assistance. The child had freckles and brownish hair.  The neighbor's obliged and had faith.  Read Psalms 27.10.  The girl with the brownish hair never met her mother's inseminator but she can see God is her real father. When presented with grace, she finds away to stay in a certain type of dependency(Egypt) instead of walking in true dependence on God to a Godly interdependence where God can trust her with great resources.  If God gives you a million souls in ministry, he is counting on you to manage those resources well. You got the gift to drive but you won't take the keys to a free vehicle or is it because everybody can do it and you don't have the unique feeling of a special miracle all for you.  The miracle is the wisdom and the knowledge (Proverbs 3:5-6) you have now at this crossway in time in this door of opportunity; the red sea has opened so here; step in walk faithfully innit and get to the otherside. 

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Mark Driscoll

Mr. Driscoll, what is marriage according to Matthew 19?  I understand that in the day of Joseph and Mary, you were entitled to have conjugal rights during betrothal and this was also true during the days of Shakespeare, the 16th century writer, who had a child during his betrothal and had a ceremony some months after his child's birth.  It seems that Jesus was born to Mary during her betrothal.  If I have a ceremony for a marriage with black suit and cake and the wife has dress and flowers, am I married in that alone?  Am I married if we never consummate?  If consummation is necessary for marriage documents and signing to be valid, then isn't consummation the actual marriage(there is an implicit covenant in what you do-if not acknowledged, then it is porneo and fornication-proverbs 7 )?-like in the old days innit mate?

Masturbation-If I am single, can I masturbate without conjurring an idea of two grapefruits in a bra in my imagination?  Well, they are not really grapefruits.  See this picture from page 3 in the British Sun news.....   understand my emphasis.  The answer is no.  Essentially, my understanding of the motors in this engine is that for men or women, there is mental vision and imagination involved to achieve the goal as it may be; so I have been told and I used to watch Dr. Ruth on the learning channel in the 80's along with Nova.  The truth is, I would not argue with a woman on this. They are very delicate creatures and very interesting actually but I think I have noticed that pretty women will choose half or 1/4 good looking man who does not masturbate over 100 % good looking man who looks at stuff and masturbates.  Really good looking man gets lots of attention but if he does not have the right frequency, he will attract certain type of female (Sex in the City fans maybe) for two minutes and then she goes home. Good looking man who does not look finds woman who will commit to him and be good help in the family bakery.  Is it a sin?  Masturbation is idolatry.Too many dirty and dirty picture cause very bad brain function and will mess up your ability to make good fast stir fry or hold good vodka in little cup  Just watch Ultimate fighting if you are struggling with anger or the best Joyce Meyer video of the week.  God is not in your head but the grapefruits and the good single person should say he is not single habitually but ready for nice girl who sings in church choir or youth group as he could have many offers or old friends and then he finds nice Catholic and city girls at 17 who are more disciplined and mature as he tells friends to put away the thing that seperates him from his Creator(John 17).  Sin shall not have dominion over Him as he confesses that he or she is walking in the faith of Abraham and then they feel rest.  You could also say you are a Messianic Jew. To say Jew is ok. It is a faith and not a race. Forgive the accent y'all but John 17 is understood in many language like good smile and good music. Opa! Check out  A better life by Ian Pooley-Youtube it now.  Punch!

Mark Driscoll is very nice pastor who knows God has no colour (Moses married a moabite(Ethiopian) Joseph married an Egyptian). Mark will give thanks for the hotel sales rep (little did he know she was black over the 1-800 number with a Jewish, Dutch Mennonite manager with a goatee. His favourite group is Human league and the other is Harry Connick Junior singing jazz standards written by Nat King Cole) who gave him and his wife excellent customer care for the very efficient Scandinavian rep who weighed his suitcases precisely to the 1/6 lb and charged him for an extra night because he left the three day room booking five minutes late.

Now, you want to know why the moral majority is the moral majority. read Catcher in the Rye for clarity on that.  Be that as it may, your conscience is God and yourself alone.  We may be acceptance junkies but what is morality now? Ask the Starships fly artist nice poli-sci graduate girl with the voice of a southern gospel worship leader and what a video? I know I am not confused. What a video?  So here is the moral majority.  Daddy said "...Do as I say. If you chopped down one of my trees, you better fess up or else." You revered Daddy for this.  You did not feel the reverence for his bible toting ways, whether he was a Mason or not, when you found his vhs collection behind the Green Door near the family's blue lagoon so you just about threw out your bible as well but you had a praying Grandmother named Corrie Ten-Boom and a pretty balanced track coach and music teacher and a long-suffering mother.  She taught you about the meaning of long suffering because you were sure to hedge on any belief in God when you also witnessed your father's adulterated behaviour. But, you counted the cost of being in his clutches once again as he was always searching for his respect behind the double doors of that wooded banister home. His authority was evident and his influence in the home was unquestionable.  Mother was right about everything since if you chopped down the Cherry and told her, you got one spoon of honey instead of two but with him, the truth never had a reward, so who do you follow then?  Its a good thing she(Mom) had a bible as well and if she didn't, you would probably just trust your calculator which was always consistent in Seattle, California and Washington.  Try to tell your son that you don't approve of him and he will tell you to read Psalms 27.10. He found his moral majority.  Somehow , he avoided the resentment that made his old grade 2  and a half male friend  undecided about a lot of things with lip gloss from Mac in his knapsack at 19.  The young man with the praying Grandmother had chap stick if anything. 

Mark Driscoll is a brilliant pastor and I thank him for his anointed ministry.  Like most Good Pastors such as Chuck Swindoll, they tell their children to remember that God loves them and to be strong even if they don't make it home because of a bad storm or a train accident in which he does not survive. The Pastor knows he has survived many times already but if it is time to go home in an unwelcome world, it is time to go home.  God knows.

Sony's Universal Dock!

As we get farther away from HOME where we can surf and find green leafy vegetables, genetically modified or not, we will encounter a slight faithful feeling associated with the sense of awe and majesty that one obtains while sailing far away from the safe shore of dry land; dry land.  There seems to never be a wave too tiny to sink almost any boat or at least big enough to shake your sturdy vessel of hope that sails along waiting for the calm to return once more.  It is not that Sony has suffered falling sales of its own consumer products including tv's.  You will have to check the news for that to be sure.  To celebrate this respect for a dock, and not just the uniformity-dock currently used on the International Space Station's design, it is rumoured that Sony is about to announce a universal dock for its products that will fit both i-products(Apples) conclusively with its own products for docking such as the Sony U-Walkman mp3 player(,r:1,s:0,i:140) and also Sansa mp3-sexy!  It also comes in white!,r:5,s:0,i:83You can also connect the various mp3 players from different manufacturers to the exciting Sony products via usb cables to the Sony Sanyo car stereo, to the desktop radio, clock radio, portable stereo and other various consumer products that we just love-The Universal Dock from Sony-to fit its own products and it will go up yours as well. It is a We-dock and now I-Home(TM) is making docking products for universal docking with various android devices.  Common sense wins again.

Planet GoldenRule and Common Sense 9 just south of here.

It is clear that Jesus always had an alternative way of looking at problems.  We also know that He just felt like He was from another planet. It would have been natrual to ask him or state exploratively, " are not from around here; Are you?"  Jesus would have asked, "...where do you think I am from?"  His disciples would have been placed in the position of providing an answer.  Jesus would have said, "...resistance is futile; as every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."  On that note, if Jesus could have been from an imaginary planet called GoldenRule and Common Sense 9 maybe just south of here, then this place called earth where there seems to be little golden rule and common sense must be known as planet "Mason Divisive self-destruct Covet Envy No Sense Get Mines".  I am not really sure but some days, you have hope as did 6 million Jews and five million other Europeans that Planet GoldenRule is not that far away and as Jesus said, "...the Kingdom of God is at hand."  He also said, "...The Kingdom of God is within you." So then, just like I had to believe I could play an instrument before I tried or believe, without hesitation,  I could climb a tree before I set foot on the first branch, he also says, " the many who have believed, to them he gave the power to become sons of God even to those who believed in His name."  Here is an analogy.  After your first encounter with your grandfather who gave you some icecream and who implored you to believe in yourself at five years old and to love God, you did not see him ever again but your whole entire life revolved around that experience for a very long time and you believed in Granddad's words. Then you heard Granddad past away and then your sense of concrete faith in all granddad said is shaken. His words provided an emotional hub around which your life and faith revolved. For a long time after his passing, you had no emotive sense of love for God and you could have gone the other way and did the things you know would displease Granddad but which you were encouraged to do by men or women your age; girls gone wild and the local strip club or a line of coca cola on Friday night after exams and there is more down that way obviously since you are an adult now and you put away childish things; right?-1st Corinthians 13. What is wrong with that?-being an adult; right?  Anyway, you choose to hold on to the way you always followed with wisdom but it seems that you are doing it not out of heart felt emotion but obligation and from a sense that it is just obligation or recitation without any real concrete intellectual faith of your own beyond emotion as you lived this way from such a young age but now you actually prayed that God would restore your sense of emotional connection and you realise during this time that you had many intellectually challenging moments to your faith but that now your faith has grown and it is not just what Granddad said and the emotions as planted by those early experiences of reassurance and his care but a strong intellectual feeling that supersedes emotion in that Jesus is Fact and on that fact you can have your Faith and on that faith you can have your Feeling whether Granddad could come back and tell you again or even if  he did not. It could be that you had to see it for yourself and have an adult faith, putting away childish things and see your own wilderness, Matthew 4, 5,6 and 7 when the comfort zone and comfort providers and cheerleaders are not there.  How do you treat your neighbour? How do you treat that young woman or young man?  This is very very important.  Did you return the trinket he gave you after you realised you had no belief for a wedding as a runaway bride or for children in fear they would have the bad teeth or good bow legs with which you were born?  There are dentists and orthodontists for children's teeth; remember? It could also be you were afraid you would not have five children but you can only start with one; right? No one asked you for five children.   Don't forget that he proposed with the intention to stay for life in spite of your bow legs and you said yes. But, that's ok.  Joseph and Mary went from the manger to the mansion.  It takes partnership and faith-Psalms 127.  How do you treat that man on the street who asks you for empathy and spits in your face after you gave it to them. You can learn to pray for those who persecute you, steal from you and despitefully use you and this is so even if they hide behind Fuji or Olympus video cameras with lots of dirty second hand make up-Proverbs 2,5,6,7,9.  Its a good thing you only kept a pound in your wallet and bought bottled water for her and popcorn or even a bag of cucumbers-that's all she seemed to really want; a cucumber a day and it worked for you too because you just knew to test the spirit of this person as she told you all about herself and you were dubbed the good good friend but the one who also realised she is a sincere seeker of empathy but just unstable to the point of having a very sincere disorder who thinks a friend is also a vending machine and robotic comforter and if she does not get her own way with the first friend she switches and pulls out the next friend or, should I say, man-toy? But I brought the cucumbers and gave it to her at least 2x a day initially as she just wanted it and I play scrabble as my other passtime for 90 minutes usually. It could have been happy in the end if she was not soo selfish or sincerely disorderd and God reigns over you and me. See the new action movie for the week 3.14- below.  My favorite scrabble player is quite Mesi or Henri.  The second hand make up could have been humility but it is really greed and hording.  There is just soo much of it.  Run and find a woman from the planet GoldenRule and CommonSense 9 just south of here as resistance to the God of that planet is futile and apparently He sends His presence here quite often.  I saw it in the creation this morning; Romans 1 and Romans 8.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

A good start then or...?

All I can suggest a book with complex relationships. It might help you see yourself. The bible is a good start. All I can suggest is that you remember one thing: many children die while they are on the way out of their mother's wombs either by suffocation or by being strangled by the umbilical chord and this is after a healthy nine month gestation. So more than likely there is probably a good reason for you being alive. You can fight that and be negative about anything but many successful people like Abraham Lincoln had to teach themselves how to read or they were abandoned and left for dead by their families like the character Joseph in the bible so carry on then. Eat something you like and which isn't too unhealthy, read a little every now and again and there's nothing wrong with Jane Austen or Shakespeare and don't complain. You can get an Apple I-Touch for less than $200.00 at one of those "end of stock" places in your city or online right so have some fun but I don't own one. You are alive.

If you want a tip on a good book to read, then the bible is the easy answer and there are several million dollar athletes, Judges and good, empathetic teachers who read it. It will show in how they treat you. But you could also read "The Road Less Travelled"by M. Scott Peck for at least twenty minutes a day or for maybe no more than that. It is quite profound in how it can unravel you in a few paragraphs. After that, if you want some Napolean Hill or Og Mandino fast codes or strategies for your big tire store( there is almost a tire store on every corner these days), please do call. It would be my pleasure to assist.

Payments are received at this time by interac email money transfer ( email:, by Western Union or by Paypal standard credit card.

Have an amazing day.

I know a young woman who never accepted Psalms 82, Romans 8 or John 1:12-13. She was a prisoner of negative belief patterns sown in to her by her father. She now intimates that she receives instructions from this dead father and talks to him daily. It seems that he said she would never have a regular family because she had too much "mouth", she fears loss and perpetuates it. She is a prisoner of fear and has rejected Psalms 27 and Psalms 27.10. In light of this, she has sought to turn anyone close to her into a "Prisoner of her insecurity" (copyright November 10th 2011). The key word is "receive." The reason is because she victimised herself and would manipulate situations to manifest the rejection she conceived time and time again as being the end result of many interactions with anyone who seemed to challenge that self-notion and self-expectation. She was born in Chernobyl. They just reopened a Hilton Hotel there recently apparently or there are plans to re-open such a hotel. I used to counsel this young woman ( she's 40 now) on a pro-bono basis but now she is a paying client once a week for not being grateful and for failing to apply the simple lesson concerning discipline especially in terms of her use of language before her children and with those she calls "her man"; there are at least two that she calls "her man" and it is rumored that one may be a woman and that is why she always felt like there was another story behind everything she was saying. The devil told the first lie and was a deceiver from the beginning. God is not a man that He should lie. So, who created lying and deceit in all rebellion against the God of truth who made him?; the answer is the devil or Lucifer. He is the first to lie and the Father of all of them. Read John 8 and there was a teaching on this within that good text. If you do not understand it, search for a concordance article for understanding of all things. Why sit there and dispute the chapter and what is Jesus' teaching or did you want all the credit for your most creative lies you tell about being a studio representative to get into the club ( "Did the radio station call you to say I was coming or to put me in the list?; you say"). I am sorry but an entire life founded on that pattern of behavior is inherently unstable. Read 1st John 1:9. Remember Lot's wife and read this little incy wincy verse: How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?-Hebrews 10:29 (

But if you confess your sins and turn away you are not insulting the spirit of grace ( 1st John 1: 9) and submit to God.-James 4:7 (

Remember Lot's wife. Remember also the parable of the man who put his hand to the plow and looked back. Remember also that after Jesus healed people, He said "..go and sin no more." Not even Jesus can help such a one because your faith, your choice makes you well such that the wages of sin is death so choose life.-Deuteronomy 30:19("Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!")

Choose ye this day which God you will serve and fear Him. His name is Jehovah.

Remember nothing is perfect but you can work really hard and tell them all you know in your exam answer keeping in mind the time you need to answer all four questions and get an A!; Excellent!

Also, there are many gifts of the spirit as outlined in 1st Corinthians 12:7-11: "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."

But, these gifts do not come in right and submitted manifestation without the power of the Holy Ghost to grant them.  It is when we receive the Holy Ghost and find that God himself has bridled our tongues, then we are regenerate.  Jesus said in John 20 to ask for the Holy Spirit and the disciples did not start their ministry after Christ's resurrection until they received the Holy Ghost in the upper room. Reads Acts 1-5(It will take just 3.5 minutes).  Otherwise, our desire to teach or preach may be propelled by self-aggrandisement with a lack of sanctification and submission to discipleship or simply the need for money. Anybody who can act, can act. But only those who are submitted to the Holy Ghost can be a vessel of the Holy Ghost through which the Holy Ghost shall speak.

If you are already teaching, then You will know where you really are in terms of consecration and dedication after you read Psalms 50. Your brother or ex-husband knows as well. Remember what you said about his mother and family or his Cuban culture when his mother brought you a bible devotional hurriedly in her kindness. Are you regenerate? If you are not, it will show.

Patience and regular submission to a Christian leader will garner attention all on its own because it will make you shine even if you are not the worship leader. You can tell him or her  how you provoked people to be like you. Then they observed the pattern of your provocation and refused to join you in that form of emoting or that uh umm culture. 

You will shine as along as you show up every Sunday if you simply hand out the pamphlets while you are discipled  or if you join the choir and get a solo or if you follow the bible study manual the pastor gave you to teach his members.  He(Jesus) already told you that you are a city set on a hill; a light to the world( Matthew 5:14). That should be all the attention you should crave.

If you know anyone who has chosen to grow up and who recovered like this from an abusive, controlling home environment which made them habitually abusive and controlling, you can suggest they read "Caring enough to Confront"-by David W. Augsburger.
The above mentioned book was recently referred to in the following video between minutes 13 -16 and is re-posted here for you.

Enjoying Everyday Life – Television Show | Joyce Meyer Ministries

Here is an additionally interesting video from Joyce Meyer. If you are a single God fearing man, you might enjoy seeing all the like-minded women in the audience at her conferences; Proverbs 31.

Friday, 7 September 2012


One thing that never changes is that information helps you to make good investor decisions.  It is evident that a number of people with newsworthy tips made sales of stock or decided to shortsell airline stocks on the eve of 9/11.  But, you know this.  You saw the documentaries and the beheading movies like Redacted with the cute plot lines.  Some people call this nicety to use information or early headline news insider trading.  You can do it with market instruments called derivatives.

Its hard to think that anyone other than the Usual Suspect made money on something soo horrible; gross, disgusting, gag me!

But, we are enjoying currant juice and not much has changed really; just a few dead and the cost of their death can be calculated against the potential for gain if we take this action because its just common.  Sense and the many people who were in the news confessing to have known, even at the White House, can tell you that they made money in spite of the memo that was overlooked by the Security Guard Agency or Intelligent Pharmacy or Federal Bureau of Tobacco so they just said it was the President's fault as his office overlooked it as well but they knew.  So, who else made money on that day and how much and how did they know? They are too busy with opening new things and new books and new stuff; new! Now, change is a constant and change is good such as the change in the way in which we receive our news and the way in which we travel, the jet designs, the fuel we use, the fuel we use on mass and the way in which we believe in ourselves to change.  It is said that the older you get, the more resistant you are to new ideas.  That's okay! Ultimately, there is change; slow, steady, clean and believing. We can even change our names and run from an angry ancestry  as we dishonour them with a public name change with little to explain it except maybe survival in a land hostile to that evident ancestry for some unknown reason (unknown!) but genes speak loudly.  An example of this but of a happy and meaningless name change is the change of the last name for the Anglo-Saxon Royals.  There seems to be more than one. They are sometimes referred to as the Common wealth Royals. But, they are certainly royal and we praise them for their diligent efforts in ensuring we have calm streets most days with little fear of being molested by anyone, anywhere where they appear on the money.

Now it was thought that J. Edgar Hoover was a possible dyslexic and got angry at Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy for the attention they received for their good writing and good speaches or spinach.  They both grew spinach as well apparently and Hoover found this as cause to investigate them for communism in addition to their lack of involvement in secret stuff but the country was founded in freedom of religion. It was just too much not to be part of something; even the Rotoary Club or Shriners since all the founding fathers, or most of them, were working with Benjamin Franklin to have some masonic religious freedom. Masonry was once outlawed as seditious in Britain. Masonry was like City TV or News 24 in Toronto; everywhere-get it?

Now, the only result you get when reading the Torah( Deuteronomy 8 and 11 and Jeremiah 11) beside the masonic book every day is dipsuchos ( double mindedness), confusion and essentially a negatived result. of who God intended you to be. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Won't you trust Him?  Won't you come? Read the Psalms of David and see that he read one book from one source. Read the Proverbs or Malachi 2.  A double minded person is unstable, two-souled and you are negatived.  You are short-changed.

Change, therefore,  is constant.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

John 4-

We have already established that many of the biblical stories are too good that anyone should just make it up.  Jesus said no person can have two masters.  They will either hate the one and love the other.  Here read it;

Matthew 6:24-34

King James Version (KJV)
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
That is a lot of trust for a God you cannot see.  But, a lot of people seem to do it including basketball coaches and soccer players.  Don't think they trusted only when they got the big tv contract.  They probably trusted  a long time before that when they were six years old and had the choice between the "trees and fences" wallpaper or the "athletic team" wallpaper with pucks, hockey sticks, basketball, baseball and soccer balls on it.  Some chose the biblical wallpapers with Joseph and Moses on it.

The point is, this stuff is just too good to be made up!  We will always meet people who seem to do what they want and get by with that lifestyle because you see them have stuff but do you really know what keeps them going when they  are alone?  Can they handle being alone? Do they start evil arguments with their girlfriend, boyfriend or baby father; don't forget husband or wife?

Well, maybe they(some people you know) envy the people who seem to do what they want with no fear of Father God and they still get by and they have enough money for some endo or crack-cocaine too?

If you are feeling fatigued and you have had many husbands and you are on to find perfection, you have made the right choice.  The last man wasn't perfect nor the one before him. But you are about to find your perfect answer in the one who always satisfies.  His name is Jehovah. He has a perfect office clerk or junior corporate officer called Jesus who always did what He was told and impressed Nicodemus (John 4-being born again!)so take a drink from Him in Psalms 42 or John 4. Mary Magdalene was also a good junior corporate officer or Jedi initiate.  We have to give the ladies some recognition for their discipleship or they may start an angry women's studies program at the local Uni-short for university.  Read it (John 4) and feel the refreshing effervescence associated with a nice tall can of Mountain Dew. Believe it!  Go ahead. Just try some! The alternative to reading John 4 and Proverbs 31 is to read Proverbs 2, 5,6,7,9 which is a depiction of the"always" thirsty, hungry and dissatisfied with their addictive lunches, dinner and breakfast.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Collateral 2

In 2004,  Michael Mann  produced the movie Collateral with a menagerie of A-list stars humbly gelling together a very introspective piece with many a moral befitting Aesop's fables or something Shakespearean.  Story telling is more than likely the oldest profession out there contrary to popular rumours because God told the first story. He said, let there be light.  We enjoy stories and rely on them for entertainment and edification and its a pretty good business these days with the help of Lights, cameras and lots of action from Lucas Arts and other special effects gurus.

Collateral 2 hopefully will continue the stoic morality tale as we adapt and understand our unfortunate appreciation of dying millions in other lands like Rwanda. We also know where Miles Davis learned how to play the trumpet or where he was educated. The answer to where he learned how to play the trumpet and  where he was educated may bear two results and the cost of not listening to the question might be very heavy indeed.  Answering the risky question must be commensurated with reasonable reward.

Collateral 2- The Return of  Vincent gives us a few prequel scenes of Vincent flying in from Costa Rica where he lives with his wife and three beautiful girls.  He is a former U.S. something or other and now works for the "Fast and Furious"  drug chains in this 21st Century version of 1920's style prohibition. 

Vincent is healed and patched up in L.A. buy an underground Chinese Hospital and then spends time on small jobs in Hawaii when he is asked to finish the job in L.A. for the re-trial and the second-string witnesses to be called by the D.A. The first set of witnesses were removed successfully and the previous D.A. assisted by the Taxi Driver is now a Judge in Ontario, California.

The taxi driver is arrested for having a gun after saving the D.A.'s life and the D.A. refuses to corroborate the Taxi Driver's story as she is too afraid to be involved, to make a statement or to put her own family's life at risk because Vincent did not die and ran away from that L.A. transit train.

Max buys a fleet of Audi A7 E-Tron hydrogen vehicles for his limo service with a law suit settlement  as a victim of serious crime and also in light of his cooperation called Sinai Limo after his charges are withdrawn.  The security video in the train, the DA building and the subway stations corroborate his story.  He sees Vincent returning from  Hawaii at the airport and follows Vincent to his hotel.  Vincent discovers he is being tailed and, by suprise,  follows Max into an elevator where he scruffs him up like new or old 19th or 21st century friends.  They sit down to  catch up in the hotel bar to some good good french wine.  Vincent tells Max not to call the police and to really decide to just get on with his damn life.  Max is torn between being charged with aiding and abetting someone or being a good citizen.  He chooses good citizen. By the time Max gets back from using the payphone to call the local L.A. county police, Vincent is gone.  He did not actually check in.  This is a very good story! You never know who you will meet in a taxi cab, the underground parking garage or in your law office. This time, Vincent borrows a parking attendant driver and his vehicle to get to his various work or job sites.  The parking attendant is a West Indian and his dream job is just to be able to have one girlfriend and not be typecast.  He really wasn't West Indian anyway but born there of Cuban and Chinese Scots-Irish ancestry.  Well, really his dream job is to have his own fleet of Hydrogen delivery trucks for Mountain Dew already delivered by Hydrogen powered trucks as is the case with other Pepsi products. Vincent brings a tablet computer with touch screen running on Android software just like last time and designed by Samsung.

It ends with the Parking attendant fighting Vincent for the parking attendant's vehicle which is driven to the boarder by Vincent who gets into a waiting plane with his wife and children for their planned vacation at Disneyland in Brazil.

Vincent meets Felix in Brazil and then takes on the job of grooming new loopers like himself for work, not only in Brazil, but also Africa.  They train in mixed martial arts and Vincent is a good good trainer.


Self-addiction or narcissism is a heightened sense of vanity.  Do you know anyone like this in your life who knows they are very pretty and people tell them all the time and they just lie about everything to get in to the clubs, never give to  others except total strangers and some people whose good opinion they wish to have but abandon old friends or family members or even their pets or children if they do not allow them the lease of approval they are soo afraid of loosing?  They will even change mobile phone manufacturers after a few headlines criticising the phone they use so as to be on the next hot phone bandwagon back in  the day or in the current day as in tomorrow morning when they realise android or robot phone, as they are called, are no longer approved of like "Linux" software phones or "wolfram alpha" software phones or  Jude 1 software phones.

See Ravi Zacharias below on the proclivity to have bad phones but sacrificing the desire for a bad old phone in the service to Christ.  In fact, I think Ravi said something else and I will have to watch again; two thumbs true!!  I will have to watch it again as it suffered a certain degree of digital clarity in balanced and agape-like reasoning.

Don't forget that the spirit of agape or the Shekinah ( feminine heart of God) is depicted as a breast or the female breast of God.  It is not that God is a woman or man but we respect the duality of God's nature in that Man as Adam and Eve were both made in God's image.  Some men who were estranged from their mothers very early may find that they spend time trying to understand the backend of a Porsche in the same way they look at the bras section and bra size chart of the Sears-Roebuck catalogue more than looking at golf clubs, wedding rings, suits, all-inclusive vacations and kitchen sinks for his wife.  They should come to know their heavenly father's Shekinah glory with healing as described in Romans 1.  They should also be a friend or spouse to someone with the same thoughtfulness and respect they expect to receive in return.  If your partner says he or she is working on a project and they are almost done and only need ten to twenty minutes to call you back, also they have not had lunch and have been working since 10 am (now its 1.30 pm), let them call you back.  It does not help if you take it personally and they are happy that you called. But, if you keep them on the phone after they have asked nicely five times and they aren't sixteen years old ( the current age of your emotional patternings are that of an 8 years old), then you have made it clear that you do not love them.  This is the continual habit of your behaviour.  Find what you need because if you loved them, you would give them the time required so you could rest together as a couple would.  Then, they make it clear that it is time to cut this call short, they indicate you must be having some sort of breakdown and they ask you not to call back until you heal.  You say "F--k you."  Then you hang up. Did it matter what part of town he is in if he said he is at the Kindos copy centre and you can hear photocopiers in the background and you won't let him get off the phone until he tells you what part of town he is in?  Then he tells you he is in Surrey out of frustration to see if you know where that is. But, you should since you grew up in Reading(its a place and not just something you should do with sincerity, more determination, diligence, faith, more honesty, less confusion and patience).  The point is to know yourself. Google "know thyself".  Google that and you should see this. Read to the bottom as well( under commentaries until you see some hebrew or greek.  Don't be afraid.  What did you really want to know or are you just confirming again your trust issues and your emotional instability with wavering self-belief and a  breakdown? He asked if you would like to come and help with the WORK. Leave it at that and they will send a donation for your new ministry. Find what you need and welcome to the next stage of your preaching ministry. Your lack of appreciation for their prayers is evident.  This is the next stage of your preaching ministry.  The next stage involves your own personal honesty with your own family or partner.  You say you cannot trust but essentially you are projecting the deceit that belies your own character.  Walk through the other door this time and feel the healing, the fresh air and the authority that comes from honesty instead of the feigned sense of authority that comes from doing something secretively and refusing to confess it to your betrothed.  This is hard to do isn't it. Because now you think they will take the upper hand in some power pull but you are the only one playing the power game.  The reason why he feels good is because he is praying for you and he is sincere; also sincere when he realises you are not giving the courtesy he or she affords you in your endeavour as it is. 
See Ms. Scott Peck-The Road Less Travelled at p.96 for more on knowing yourself.
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