New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Wednesday, 30 November 2016
So, the real question is why Germany was the host nation for the incubation of several protestant reforming denominations and also a number of modernizing Jewish congregations prior to the emergence of mechanized warfare.
So, the real question is why Germany was the host nation for the incubation of several protestant reforming denominations and also a number of modernizing Jewish congregations prior to the emergence of mechanized warfare. The next question is why was Karl Marx' social commentary and analysis for socio-economic policy not implemented prior to World War 1? Why was Karl Marx a German with his thinking emerging in Germany? The last question is why did anyone write Mein Kampf and why was it written after World War 1 in the German language? Why did anyone find it necessary after the various lessons of the pre and post war years heading into World War 2? It could be that there was a resistant strand of emotional mentality that could not hear peace regardless of race so the answer would have to be the manufactured antithesis to bring peace since they did not hear.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
The Making of Saving Private Ryan. When the times comes, you will wake up and get off the sauce. You were drugged the first time when you watched WW2 recruiting videos in movie theatres to be heroes but there was also evident bait that the Christian soldier had to answer so that Europe would kill its fear of big Biff from Idaho. a haha ah ahahah ha ha. You were duped but they had to get the sin out with lots of death since without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins and then you cuckolded and divided your Christian homes with Trudy on a Playboy cover with a spread in the centrefold. Do you see how amazing that is and then you say God bless America? Does it make any sense that Trudy would be spreading it in the shelves in Walgreens? Then, when you came back you noticed they must have nuked the U.S. with all of that Los Alamos testing since there is an atmosphere and the wind blows. So, you killed yourself and then you had to use the gametes of Black people from the West Indies or the Black dudes who you decided would stay home as Coastguards men. But, you don't remember and you can't respect yourself as one nation so you bring Hussein since you are afraid the Black guy in class with glasses could be your father's or your grandfather's. But, you could be that black guy's grandfather's son; Oh!..same thing. Get over it. Just put a little Scottish mineral water in the 3rd trimester and then you get a white dude who looks like Brad maybe or Tatum maybe. I don't know. What are you trying to tell the world about what you did? Could you really be nervous about a black dude from North America who graduated in Vermont or the international equivalent? Are you a claustrophobe?
The Making of Saving Private Ryan. When the times comes, you will wake up and get off the sauce. You were drugged the first time when you watched WW2 recruiting videos in movie theatres in small towns and big cities that chastened you as Christians to come and to be heroes but there was also evident bait that the Christian soldier had to answer so that Europe would kill its fear of big Biff from Idaho....a haha ah aha hah ha ha. You were duped but they had to get the sin out with lots of death since without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins and then you cuckolded and divided your Christian homes with Tootsie rolling on a Playboy cover with a spread in the centerfold; so I am told. Do you see how amazing that is with Tootsie and then you say "God bless America?" You are profaning your atmosphere but you bring Hussein to pray and take lots of cash. Then when the time comes, you chase him around Brooklyn and treat him like a boogie man on CIN ( 24 hour manufactured news). Can't you just report on paint drying on the finally finished portrait of George Washington? I know the U.S. is boring. But, it should be. Have you been to downtown Maine or Massachusetts? It should be boring. It's the Brexit Milah! Exciting! Excuse me; I meant to say the Brit Milah. The Brit Milah should be quiet. So, report on the paint drying. Does it make any sense that Tootsie would be spreading it in the shelves in Walgreens after 1948? You were the Christian soldier before the war. Who do you think you are? Who are you trying to be as the God fearing nation? Who are you now after the war? Who do you make yourself out to be? Are we not now equal? What moral authority do you now have? Then, when you came back you noticed they must have nuked the U.S. with all of that Los Alamos testing since there is an atmosphere that everyone has to breathe and inhabit while the wind blows. So, you killed yourself and then you had to use the gametes of Black people from the West Indies or the Black dudes who you decided would stay home as Coastguards men. But, you don't remember and you can't respect yourself as one nation so you bring Hussein since you are afraid the Black guy in class with glasses could be your father's or your grandfather's. But, you could be that black guy's grandfather's son; Oh!..same thing. Get over it. Just put a little Scottish mineral water in the 3rd trimester and then you get a white dude who looks like Brad, a Jimmy Dean, Weissmuller, Reeves, an Alyn maybe or Tatum. I don't know. What are you trying to tell the world about what you did? Could you really be nervous about a black dude from North America who graduated in Vermont or the international equivalent? Are you a claustrophobe?
The phone, any phone, will connect by Usb to the Polaroid and then you can print your pictures from any phone.
The phone, any phone, will connect by Usb to the Polaroid and then you can print your pictures from any phone. This is an evolution of solid state technology to achieve greater connectivity in the move from the semi-conductor to the integrated circuit. It is just another product on the market satisfying consumer choice in how you enjoy family photo reproduction. All rights reserved in this concept involving a cellular phone with photo computer information memory files with .jpg or .bmp being connected by usb cable to a polaroid type camera for printing belong to Warren Augustine Lyon.
But, use the durable plastic coated paper from the 1980's since people may want to put them in a photo album under the plastic shielding and the captiva paper would smudge.
In 2017...
This man from 1939 to 1945 would have been a Navaho code breaker working for the U.S. Military and working to The Navaho had an unusual gifting. But, dyslexic people do not seem to understand the concept of a Navaho code breaker of German code. In 2015, this man in North America is likely to be working in any profession he chooses such as law, medicine or as the average gas station attendant or family owner of a station.
This man is a South Asian and in World War 2, he would have been helping the Allied Forces in Asia. Now in North America in 2015, this man in North America is likely to be working in any profession he chooses such as law, medicine or as the average gas station attendant or family owner of a station. Sometimes, he has to wear winter hats and gloves with a parka and also he may drive.
Do you understand?
So, you are not coming to the Brit Milah to magnify Jewish and Christian culture. You come to enjoy it. Those are two separate intentions. You come to enjoy Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus where you will be appreciated for being a child of God with a special present and a McDonald's special burger meal as if it was your own birthday. Thank you but what will you do when there is nothing left of the Brit Milah but the meanness in that previous culture of Arabian nights about which you complain while living in the Brit Milah in addition to that feeling of toughness and harshness as you are to apparently work hard to change the atmosphere in the land of Arabian nights. Have you seen Dubai? Just ask Uncle to build some low rise condos of beautiful glass and steel and stucco that reflect the geometric architecture that heralds the ancient powers of your Babylonian and Ottoman fathers of great wealth, administrative wisdom, strength and communal wisdom. Ask for a Festival that may already exists in your culture that shares what you teach in the Koran about the prophet and creator Isa/Yashue/Jesus. He could have a red gown just like Saint Nicholas but you could call him the Imam Nicholas and his wife could wear really painted eyes and a red head covering. Thank the Lord! Ishmael! Can you perpetuate the psychology of a single parented child for 3000 years to oblivion although you want comfort and nice things..but you don't think you should have to work too hard and don't think you should have to understand anything. The world owes you; you say. I don't think so. But, all you need is.... It's a four letter word. You want the efficiency of reliable public transit and the commitment to your safety that says you should not be molested. Isn't every society committed to your safety no matter where you are in Africa, the Middle East or Europe? Are you not superior to the children of the host nation? You want the Virgin train with a little lady with a Midlands accent asking if you would like tea or coffee and always saying "love" doing her Christian best. You can finally be yourself and start reading Cosmopolitan as a family. But, why would you? It brings the atmosphere of infertility in 1 generation with lots of plastic in the uterus; plastic not rubber. Plastic is not soo good for having children. That includes the Ken Doll and Barbie Doll. There is something else. Someone programmed all the smart devices to reverberate a command to the White hypothalamus that says you cut your self and your throats, have only one child and you kill any second generation immigrants while only showing Christian virtue to second generation immigrants. They put a rat virus in the water and now the frequency can only be heard by people who have that rat dna in them. They put a sufficiently potent antibiotic in the water in the EU, the Ukraine and Virginia but the UK won't hear. But, you can say Merry Christmas. Do you understand?
Someone is lying to you about being a King. Hotel frontdesk manager...or any job with the salary of $70000.00 but you don't have to take a job to work outside of your home..say what you want and you can build your big dream after working 9:00 pm-3:00 pm and you also have the weekend. Hire an attendant or only open from 4:00 pm for dinner until 10:00 pm.
You have big dreams. It has nothing to do with attention or being Baptist. You are a woman and someone is lying to you about being a King. You were given a request by a very discrete man who owns half of all of the cereal companies in the world. It was to deliver something to one citizen in your town and if you fulfilled his request, you would have his favor and a stable income to fulfill those big dreams. The income was for full time work as a Pharmacy manager with a guaranteed contract. It ran automatically. When the pharmacy ran out of milk, you simply ordered from the official supplier and head office would effect payment for delivery to the pharmacy. You decided not to take the favor. But, to pursue your dreams since necessity, you say, is the mother of all invention. It is. But, see how God answered your need for seed money to build your big dream. Build the dream part time. It does not mean that you will not get attention. You will. You will have all the attention that you can say you did it and everybody will see you. But, what was the point of big dream? Was it to gain attention so that the world could what you could do all on your own or was it to make Money. How do you fulfill the big dream? Even if you were going to build the first airplane, you would need Money to buy the materials. There are some startup costs. Your job offer was to do something; maybe to sit in a building and provide a public presence from 9 am-3 pm. You could develop your idea in the evenings and hire someone to be your assistant at your airplane factory or your gourmet ice cream shop. There is nothing wrong with seeking attention and you can't be fired from the job since you have the favor. You cannot fail but you can grow, learn and gain new skills and experiences but not only in gaining attention but in earning an income.
Cold Fusion water filtration to clean and cool water being released into the world's oceans will help to reduce the rise in water temperature currently affecting the health and viability of the earth's oceans. The earth does not have to die. It can regenerate with the use of simple technologies with the commitment to regenerate ocean viability.
We have laser weapons available in our current weapon arsenal.
This capability evidences our ability to solve any problem and build any technology some man can conceive or bring to inception. This technology emerges in the evidence of a thinning atmosphere that is no longer capable of supporting insects such as Bees, grass-hoppers and crickets. This is happening under the evidence of a dying ocean but we are confident. The underlying theory is that the planet will die although we could find technologies to ameliorate our current environmental dereliction.
Paulino GA Graziani.
Edited and written by Warren Augustine Lyon.
This capability evidences our ability to solve any problem and build any technology some man can conceive or bring to inception. This technology emerges in the evidence of a thinning atmosphere that is no longer capable of supporting insects such as Bees, grass-hoppers and crickets. This is happening under the evidence of a dying ocean but we are confident. The underlying theory is that the planet will die although we could find technologies to ameliorate our current environmental dereliction.
Paulino GA Graziani.
Edited and written by Warren Augustine Lyon.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Regenerate vs. Attention Seeker.
In 1948, the state of Israel declared a reunification of the people Israel and the historical nation of Israel in putting aside the notion of a divided kingdom. Caiaphas, the High Priest who confirmed Yeshua1 as a Rabbi, also confirmed the unity in the nation of Israel. This is the unification of the twelve tribes of Israel as the children of Jacob. The purpose is regeneration; to regenerate. The name Jacob means Israel. There is also a city and country by the same name but if someone wants a city for Abraham and all of his children they can say so. Maybe it's a city in regenerated Syria. Why covet Israel? Do you believe in regeneration; that is to regenerate? The notion of a remnant to acknowledge David's ministry was only for a time but not as a permanent signpost of national dis-unification in perpetuity. Yeshua, his most noted Descendant, confirmed that a house divided cannot stand. The house is Israel. Caiphas confirmed the importance of a unified nation and house. If there is continuing notion of a remnant, it is not for David but the tribe of Judah. There is no tribe of David. There is also the notion of a remnant for All the tribes of Israel in the 144000. Every tribe has a remnant. How would we identify them? Is it physical beauty or commitment to getting what you want regardless of rules. Is it the commitment to saving human life as Abraham taught in practice like Yeshua? Abraham begged God to save life. There is only one house of Israel. The probabilities of a particular identifiable humankind and human behavior that had its origins and fermentation in the 400 years in Egypt with kindness from and intermarriage with a Moabite people means that the complexion of a child of Israel could be quite varied if not just very very sunburned since Je ne sais pas dire the word in stupid static terms of irrelevancy. Have you seen "Munich"? Well, it was all fiction except for the attack by the children of Abraham on the children of Jacob(the Israeli athletes) at the beginning of the movie in Munich who are also children of Abraham two generations removed. Does that make any sense? May this never happen again among the children of Abraham. Isn't your right to circumcision in Germany equivalent to the right of a hijab and the pleasure of Hilal? Everybody be friends now and love your cousin. Play nicely.
1: Yeshua is Hebrew for Jesus.
1: Yeshua is Hebrew for Jesus.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Saturday, 26 November 2016
A young man was working at the post office. He was a management trainee and a graduate. He was asked to deliver a package to a citizen.
A young man was working at the post office. He was a management trainee and a graduate. He was asked to deliver a package to a citizen. The management trainee wasn't sure what was in the package but the contents were irrelevant. He was not the recipient. The recipient was Black like the management trainee. Somehow, the management trainee decided to bring the package to the sender hoping to have it for himself and asked the sender accordingly. He said " Can I have it?" It seems the management trainee did not want to feel "under" the recipient or allow the recipient to be above him if it involved some kind of opportunity. When he was a child, the management trainee was never satisfied with his own balls( sports balls). He was always asking to have other people's balls to play with. There was no difference with the balls. They rolled and bounced like all other balls. What is the moral to the story? The management trainee was a de facto terrorist and was never satisfied in the opportunities he obtained in the Brit Milah.
Friday, 25 November 2016
The medium is so intelligent that it will Obfuscate the simplest issue in any culture.
The medium is so intelligent that it will Obfuscate the simplest issue in any culture. That issue is perpetuation while you strangle yourselves in racial capitulation although you admit that the big busted 25 year old latinoish chick with thick curly hair and with the Afroish textured hair when her hair is not "pasteurized" or processed and with a medium brown complexion reminds you of a photo of your great great grandmother two generations ago. She has pentapartite dna leaning to the Africanish side instead of the pentaprtite dna leaning to the same Africanish side although with straight Blond hair. Bueno Nova impresion. But, how can it be that thou shouldst die for me in Afghanistan? You are white now. You also seem to be afraid that she will be with someone other than you and she needs to eat so maybe everybody will have their cake and eat it too but your wife; she...she says she can't take it and the sorority alumnus are talking although your Dad kind of did the same thing and you should see the answer by now in the current round of "As The world Turns" in the days of our lives since there is only one life to live. You have diseases and cannot have any children since you used too much and the Latino Afroish chick may have had it from birth to prevent it happening again. The sorority nurse gave it to her to kind of help you since....atmosphere. You need atmosphere and many women regardless of complexion or culture do not believe they can have their own family or husband or maybe they were subconsciously trained to attack what Grandma says is the "them" while she identifies her kind as the "us." They seem to want people to hurt as if they are owed something from someone in spite of free school. They also ask Kamal Johnson from Robert Kennedy High School to join the mosque that is two blocks long just after he got into the military. Look at the sword on his waist. But, he usually has to cut his balls with one of his communities and his Muslim family will hand him his children. Without remembering this bottom line of perpetuation and reproduction, the idiocy of your current paradigm and socio-economic juncture is blurred by the television medium in the culture's evident capitulation to a more stringent and overtly religious culture who usually denies brotherhood while declaring all others to be infidels but they own 60 times as many store fronts in North America. According to their own testimony, it is not that they do not sin but they spend less time in rejection which is not the case with the Christian. They also make themselves more accessible like McDonalds. There was discussion once of a Jihad vs. McWorld but it could be that the Jihad is working like Mcworld with kebabs in Jersey with fries and a drink for $6.99 and they have hired a few forward landing media icons to be close to us and show us how it could be on uh Paper. It is the intimacy....not my brother but my friend. Let me show you under neath. It works. Paper could be objectified but it has a purpose. Without that purpose, it is useless and just chaff to be burned. I don't think you understand what I am trying to say to you. I never saw it except for the CNN soundbite. So, what Tzatziki sauce have you had at McDonald's lately or on your Oscar Meyer Wieners? If you do not feel happy, what can I say while Kamal and Jamal's 5th generation Christian mother must feel a tour guide and host all day long while you do the "billion dollar junk in the Benz Trunk" hijab swagger. So, who is God's child now when you are singing Dixie with the KKK who has already cut his own throat in the name of Scotland to get out of your way when you both look at Jamal and Kamal's mother like she is an inconvenience? It's not going to work but if you wish, you could find paradise on earth. It feels like Marrakesh. There is no crown here. Solomon sent the Crown and the ark to North Africa with the Queen of Sheba. Muhammad could have been their descendant and that is why he had his vision of angel Gabriel. In any case, it is meaningless if you are just as inhumane as the infidel you claim to exceed and surpass in holiness. So, thank you for being followers of the people of the book. What have we learned? We have learned that there is an appreciation of peace but no real peace without a continued, mutual commitment. Look at those John Lewis Christmas videos. That feels like something you need to experience with a hijab on and snow falling outside of your window. You have snow in Lebanon and cedar but you want to see Hans' snow in the mountains or the snow of John Dickens in Cumbria. That peace we appreciate must be global now in the micro and macro or in the rita and dharma. You can't just run to the Brit Milah to run from your brother or uncle in Algeria who does not like the way you make him feel when you can see he may have lost his peace watching the wrong satellite channel. Maybe you watched a little with him since it seems the mobile phone makes it impossible not to click the warm, hot and crazy circumcision videos. You cannot just copy essays and expect peace; as if it is an instant bag of popcorn that enables you to eat; eat understanding. Wait a little. Boil the egg. Bake a cake from scratch. Wait a minute. Take your time. It is an affront and war on the Brit Milah since peace needs die hard enforcement. So, in spite of what book you read with Abraham and Isaac's name in it and regardless of the language, peace needs commitment and enforced commitment. But, in North Africa or Iraq or where ever it may be where there is blessed peace upon the earth and good will toward men where there is no truth but the truth, maybe people run away as everybody put his own version of his own Kingdom as a King before the communal legislation as they wait to see who will show up and hence the sense of polemic anger and anarchy such that you ask who will you run to to share that special place? Who will you run to when you need love? Maybe someone can translate Hobbes' Leviathan and Rousseau's Social Contract into Arabic to see that when the musket became a consumer "must have" in the 1600's, the Brit Milah had a proverbial fallback into a technological tower of Babel as they had to remember the safety of their collective souls with the joy of walking for miles along the riverbank without any molestation; that this was more important than their own personal kingdom and power. But, I don't think you understand what I am trying to say to you. The world is not enough; you need the Brit Milah. But everyone understands you need attention. Go to the toilet and see your name is on the bathroom toilet roll since the world is not enough. You need the Brit Milah. No one is arguing about what peace feels like. It feels like the High street in South London or in Birmingham where there is a Primark Store. That is peace but it could be that there is a quiet assertion as to who has more authority to feel more social acceptance and position in public or private spaces in terms who is truly King in the Kingdom; that the Brit Milah is not the impregnable, legislative super-fortress of one quiet legislated peace for all but a socio-economic trinket that can be swiveled in any direction toward anarchy in the new population's influx with the sufficient Euro sticker price in hand to the purchaser regardless of his good English but without question as to his good fluency in some other financially liquid language regardless of faith. English is not a faith. Arabic is not a faith. Faith is not the issue but the Brit Milah provides an instinctual tolerance and is only amorphous and flexible because of its rooting in love as seen in the ten commandments and its underwriting principle to love your neighbor and save human life; the Pikuach Nefesh. The Sharia is welcome in private divorce along with the civil divorce where the Sharia document signed by your Imam if you want that can be appended to the civil documentation. Just bring it. Attach your family photos as well. It will add 1000's of kgs to the weight being holed up by existing building infrastructure and will take up 100's of kgs of staples and 1000's of litres of ink. But, you are welcome. I am not sure if the Hindus have any need to append documents. Say TalaQ three times in public and private. Presto: you have your divorce. But there is no need for the Brit Milah to adopt a court structure for the recognized and respected Sharia. It is recognized as an additional confirmation of your divorce. It's not needed. You will only achieve a subversion of your ultimate goal which is to achieve the love of the Brit Milah. It is evident that the Uncle in the Tale of Two Cities was an orphan; much like Cutter and Ward who seem to be afraid that they will either be found out or that they their position or favor will be taken. This phenomena is just a Black hole of communal disintegration or family obliteration; a war on the horizon. Write the exam and see who you are; the hole in the dam, the broken link, the hole in the bucket. You say you did your best but you only turned off your phone and never got on the bus to deliver the UPS package of supplies. There is consequence in your evident intention since your mother told you to always try and half what they are trying to do. You are a second generation subversive living on the public purse; Ton est! Did you know some Jews have blond hair and their first names are Gilmore? The national fretful isolation over linguistic limitation can be quite humorous. Carrington spilled the Grey poupon. But, of course. You can't fail and you can't just circle one answer on the test; CCCCCC! But, it could be that for the last two years, the global supply of tampons was improved to hasten fast pregnancy to the delight of the growing western population. They used to cause temporary infertility and forestall any pregnancies with a full termination as seen in many cases. But, you need to know you are loved. Peace my friend!
I think he used his tuition and picked up the phone....
You met someone in public school who thought you were a cute and nice girl. You went to the same High School. You may have expected to be married at 14 years old. He decided that time will tell as to what will be. You needed a certain standard of life and there were many dreams as instilled by the White School teachers who smiled and showed so much care that you would not only participate but show up every day. He was finished his training by the time he was 29 and he might have been a police officer early if.... that is another story. You decided that he was to invite you to his house at 14 years old after a soccer game and that you would never marry him unless he invited you to his house. It was a bit early at 14 years old to give your grandmother that kind of covenant to hold in her bible. While believing these notions, you emanated an emotion in high school that said " did not want me in public but now you want me in high school and I do not want anyone to know terrified I am of rejection..I am sooo tall and if I make a commitment I may not be able to leave since the modelling agency may want me to travel and I spray lysol in my Vag--- once a week on Sunday and actually videoed it once so that the agency would finally say yes....and I tell the world I had his son at 23 but now I don't want to share my life with him since I had sex with a Steven Morr-- and a Steven Sp-- and both were terribly disappointing and Steve Morr-- barely got up that just wilted my soul and need for acceptance so I got a small penis as suggested by a doctor and now I just want to impersonate him since I cannot accept a Black Law Graduate who went to public school with me and I want people to know my culture during a Presidency, now concluded, as my Grandmother had a penis as she was from West Haiti and West Jam----. It seems Obalmy was born as a girl and wants to get attention more than reproduce. Now I want you from public school to rescue me at 45 years old. We are both 45, but I will never believe I can be with you....that you might see how angry I am and that you might leave me and I don't anyone else to have you but I cannot accept a Black graduate from my school; maybe another school because I am competitive as the raisin in the sun. I have not had sex again since High School. This is who I am. Can you use your tuition and rescue me and show up at the hotel or the foot of the bridge at the time of day I write on a piece of paper? Is there a God? Did yo hear my soul? Did I tell you everything? My name is Tanny Dontreallyknow-ostrolestupidus with Playgirl Subscriptionus and equally disappointed with the biiiig plastic. Plastic does not hug you."
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
In 1948, the state of Israel declared a reunification of the people Israel and the nation of Israel in putting aside the notion of a divided kingdom.This is the unification of the twelve tribes of Israel as the children of Jacob.
In 1948, the state of Israel declared a reunification of the people Israel and the nation of Israel in putting aside the notion of a divided kingdom.This is the unification of the twelve tribes of Israel as the children of Jacob. The notion of a remnant to acknowledge David's ministry was only for a time but not as a permanent signpost of national dis-unification in perpetuity. Yeshua, his most noted Descendant, confirmed that a house divided cannot stand. The house is Israel. Caiaphas confirmed the importance of a unified nation and house. There is only one house of Israel. The probabilities of humankind and human behavior that had its origins and fermentation in the 400 years in Egypt with kindness from and intermarriage with a Moabite people means that the complexion of a child of Israel could be quite varied if not just very very sunburned since Je ne sais pas dire the word in stupid static terms of irrelevancy. Have you seen "Munich"? Well, it was all fiction except for the attack by the children of Abraham on the children of Jacob(the Israeli athletes) at the beginning of the movie in Munich who are also children of Abraham two generations removed. Does that make any sense? May this never happen again among the children of Abraham. Isn't your right to circumcision in Germany equivalent to the right of a hijab and the pleasure of Hilal? Everybody be friends now and love your cousin. Play nicely. Build more Hilton quality condos in Morocco and other parts of North Africa. Let the people stay in North Africa since there is no point bringing hard working people to Europe to work hard when they are leaving an area bereft of the people necessary for revitalization. Hire the people of Dubai to run and build Syria but employ a genuine child of Israel to administer the education and other bodies of civil administration so that it feels like Santa Claus everyday. Bring some Iranians and their oil wealth worth 700 years of consistent payments from the United States at $10.00 per barrel which was much cheaper than the war on Iran proposed in the movie "W" with Richard Dreyfus which would have wasted the oil. Iran does not need it as they switched to Hydrogen for vehicle transportation and save ten times as much as the United States. I sent a suggestion to the White House; no I sent it to the Museum of Art in Georgetown to make a deal with Iran to buy all of its oil. No. I proposed that Iran should actually offer the oil for free to the United States before the crazy Americans blow Iran to kingdom Iraqi Highway of Death. Do you understand? The world is multi-lingual and CIN( Central Information and News Network) is not. But, you can read bra sizes and nothing else in any language and then you get angry " a whole lot of nothing" and then you want to take it out on your Babylonian and Assyrian relatives to maybe save you in your ickiness as you stuff a $20.00 bill in a waste band worshiping infertility and adultery while you blow them up in the Middle East, waste the precious oil, throw out Korans and then bring them to occupy North America and the High streets of Europe to pray in front of you since you thought your Brit Milah Atmosphere should be a private matter for the interior being in the overt separation of Brit Milah atmosphere from not only the state but also the church also it seems these days but you are working on it to get the church back to feeling like Santa or Santo Claus 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
In the mean time, Euro designed appliances, furniture and gadgets will herald the Brit Milah in our consciousness and also in our surficial consciences as you will soon watch people die in the streets in front of you at the hands of other citizens and no one will respond. Yet, you know the world will never be enough. You need the Brit Milah. So, join them on the prayer rug in the public spaces at work in the washrooms or bring your own prayer rug. Hebdo had a misdirected anger since he forgot how to occupy his own atmosphere with overt signs of worship. He died accordingly in his immature psycho-fancy and putrid hypocrisy since the Brit MIlah protects human life in its commitment to the principle of Pikuach Nefesh and you cannot threaten any people or any child of Abraham publicly and hatefully in a publication and expect to have any value or worth except in sensationalism and controversy. We are sorry for Hebdo's untimely demise and his misguided life experiences since he had something to contribute although it was emotionally skewed and bent on the negative and hateful. Yet, he expressed so much anger in seeing Muslims all over his Brit MIlah like moss on the sacred Celtic rocks of Ireland. There is nothing wrong with a second or third generation of Christian or Catholic immigrants such that Muslims will not be needed for filler in the gaps of negative population growth and insufficient community establishment in the 2-3rd generations of some non-Muslim communities but who refuses to help a refugee? It is the law. You have to look humane in the face of International scrutiny in terms of how you treat such vulnerable new arrivals. Continue to help the 2-3rd generations although people love the feeling of desperation and humility so that they may feel POWER. Let us read 2nd Peter slowly and be reminded of what is most important. It is saving life and not the personal feeling and gratification of POWER. The Bridges in Paris are painted in the worship of the Brit Milah atmosphere; not human ignorance, hate crimes and divisiveness. Muslims have the oil wealth of untold generations for thousands of years or the convertible value of hydrogen except oil and dollar equivalent should not mean that the Brit Milah will provide the wrong answer to the three temptations of Christ. This would be a tragedy to all involved; including the Muslim since who would they run to for refugee relief but they don't need relief. They are so wealthy; so wealthy! They build islands out of thin air. Look at Dubai; beautiful! Who leaves a land full of mangos and dates to go to the public housing of Paris before his Uncle in Dubai builds glass and steal public housing in Damascus and Benghazi with his American and Chinese international partnerships? Je ne sais pas mais il na pas bon idee sur vous. Penser s'il vous plait apres ton alle'. Demande ton Oncle. Sometimes, we will never know our underlying and subconscious theory that is expressed unwittingly as policy until we see the end result of our practice. There is significant collateral damage and the extermination of certain cultures slowly but surely. Everybody seems to be working for the same result no matter how White or Spanish or Celtic they may be as you tell your graduates that they should not have worked soo hard while the occupiers copy journal articles or the essays of graduates and pay three times the tuition while expecting socio-economic preferred status with a lawlessness in a world of disservice and no protection with taxes and a lack of civic duty with no legislative enforcement.
In the mean time, Euro designed appliances, furniture and gadgets will herald the Brit Milah in our consciousness and also in our surficial consciences as you will soon watch people die in the streets in front of you at the hands of other citizens and no one will respond. Yet, you know the world will never be enough. You need the Brit Milah. So, join them on the prayer rug in the public spaces at work in the washrooms or bring your own prayer rug. Hebdo had a misdirected anger since he forgot how to occupy his own atmosphere with overt signs of worship. He died accordingly in his immature psycho-fancy and putrid hypocrisy since the Brit MIlah protects human life in its commitment to the principle of Pikuach Nefesh and you cannot threaten any people or any child of Abraham publicly and hatefully in a publication and expect to have any value or worth except in sensationalism and controversy. We are sorry for Hebdo's untimely demise and his misguided life experiences since he had something to contribute although it was emotionally skewed and bent on the negative and hateful. Yet, he expressed so much anger in seeing Muslims all over his Brit MIlah like moss on the sacred Celtic rocks of Ireland. There is nothing wrong with a second or third generation of Christian or Catholic immigrants such that Muslims will not be needed for filler in the gaps of negative population growth and insufficient community establishment in the 2-3rd generations of some non-Muslim communities but who refuses to help a refugee? It is the law. You have to look humane in the face of International scrutiny in terms of how you treat such vulnerable new arrivals. Continue to help the 2-3rd generations although people love the feeling of desperation and humility so that they may feel POWER. Let us read 2nd Peter slowly and be reminded of what is most important. It is saving life and not the personal feeling and gratification of POWER. The Bridges in Paris are painted in the worship of the Brit Milah atmosphere; not human ignorance, hate crimes and divisiveness. Muslims have the oil wealth of untold generations for thousands of years or the convertible value of hydrogen except oil and dollar equivalent should not mean that the Brit Milah will provide the wrong answer to the three temptations of Christ. This would be a tragedy to all involved; including the Muslim since who would they run to for refugee relief but they don't need relief. They are so wealthy; so wealthy! They build islands out of thin air. Look at Dubai; beautiful! Who leaves a land full of mangos and dates to go to the public housing of Paris before his Uncle in Dubai builds glass and steal public housing in Damascus and Benghazi with his American and Chinese international partnerships? Je ne sais pas mais il na pas bon idee sur vous. Penser s'il vous plait apres ton alle'. Demande ton Oncle. Sometimes, we will never know our underlying and subconscious theory that is expressed unwittingly as policy until we see the end result of our practice. There is significant collateral damage and the extermination of certain cultures slowly but surely. Everybody seems to be working for the same result no matter how White or Spanish or Celtic they may be as you tell your graduates that they should not have worked soo hard while the occupiers copy journal articles or the essays of graduates and pay three times the tuition while expecting socio-economic preferred status with a lawlessness in a world of disservice and no protection with taxes and a lack of civic duty with no legislative enforcement.
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Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Someone who was not actually British may have wanted to think that British equated with "white" but it equates with an intention.
Someone who was not actually British may have wanted to think that British equated with "white" but it equates with an intention. There is need for legislative enforcement in the institutions of the Global Brit Milah to ensure the atmosphere of the Brit Milah is not just a past historical phenomenon in treasured reminiscence in our homes and in our treasured public spaces. It will be a continued, lived, treasured and preserved experience.
Monday, 21 November 2016
How many bastards could there be named Julie who only wants to ask how people graduated when she did not? She became psychotic when people would ask how she graduated; that is with what result! She's the daughter of Black bartender from Peckham. She's a B girl. Look at her music collection. She has no respect for classical music and is a Heroin addict and small dealer who money launders for ISIS. She was raped and molested by an A. Huxelby when she was 2 years old.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Racism began when two orphan violinists approached the chariot of the patron Duchess in France who attended the concerts and sponsored the promising orphan students. One boy was North African and the other boy was White from the northern part of Calais. They were told by the concert director to approach the Duchess' chariot after the concert to see if they know! Several of her children, all 9 of them born from her womb climbed into two chariots as these two boys watched. They looked at each other and motioned forward to climb in. She motioned that they should not approach any further. She mentioned that the seats are for her children only and they were not related. She also said that they should be thankful for patronage and always remember that everybody sins. If you do, you will be a good Christian or a Catholic if you please but that you do not have to "have a sin." The boy from the north of Calais who was very pale understood and was thankful for her speech while the boy from North Africa said Sarcastically "so cozy" and decided to manifest resentment; that it had something to do with his complexion; that it was because he was a little different and black haired; that he was black, whatever that may have been in his imagination in the year 1501. North Africa is soooooo beautiful; full of apricots and dates. He became a polite seditionist. When the Director of the school noticed his change in demeanor, he castrated the boy. By the time the boy was old enough to think of having children, the women noticed he was different but brought children to him. They never asked what happened and he decided to ensure the children would pass on his genes by scratching his favorite musical numbered notes on the back of their heads where no one would notice; 2007. The French King trumped his anger since there was an unusual spate of young people found dead with this number on the back of their heads. The children scratched "Rameses" on a piece of paper and placed in their shoes before they passed out so that someone would know who killed them. He was kinda dud. But, the children had the African's eyes and his little nose. It was sad; very sad!
A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition. Typically, sedition is considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another.
Hello Joan!
A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition. Typically, sedition is considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another.
Hello Joan!
Friday, 18 November 2016
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Dreams. the same dreams. .the Brit Milah dream needs protection and security in its legislative framework to ensure that the Brit Milah is not only understood as taught but manifested as people grow and seek to enjoy their dream.
Dreams.... the same dreams. .the Brit Milah dream needs protection and security in its legislative framework with 24 enforcement to ensure safety; that the Brit Milah is not only understood as taught but is manifested as people grow and seek to enjoy their dream. They need a legislative framework that is jealously and vehemently safeguarded with the same diligence and integrity as a mobile phone network.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
CETA: Carte blanche for the private sector?
CETA: Carte blanche for the private sector?
Published: 02. 04. 2015
3 2
States are to have less regulatory powers, whereas foreign investors will be able to file suits against legislative changes. The new free trade agreement between the EU and Canada is alarming.
The European Union (EU), a giant with 500 million people, has negotiated with Canada, a dwarf in population terms with 35 million inhabitants. Yet in the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), the first of the new mega- deals on which negotiations have ended, the Canadian model has prevailed. And CETA could well pave the way for the ongoing negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the USA as well as the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA) in which 23 members are holding negotiations, outside the World Trade Organization (WTO) framework, on the far-reaching deregulation of services. CETA represents nothing short of a radical paradigm shift for European countries in trade and investment. The result could well be a two-speed world trade: strict rules for rich countries amongst themselves and other rules for countries that are still developing. And it could sound the death knell of multilateralism in the WTO framework.
But we are not quite there yet. The 28 EU Member States and the European Parliament must first ratify CETA, and this is by no means certain. This process could take years. The new Greek government has already announced that as with the TTIP, it will not ratify CETA. But who knows how long Syriza will stay in power.
Foreign individuals to have a say
CETA contains many obligations of a kind never before assumed by the EU. First there would be the trade in goods, for example: whenever new technical regulations are to be introduced – e.g. environmental standards, rules on occupational safety or toy safety – the EU would also be required to consult all "interested parties" in Canada and to reply in writing to their objections.
In the case of trade in services, the EU and its Member States would for the first time be accepting "negative lists" in an international treaty. To date, bilateral accords and WTO arrangements – under the GATS, the General Agreement on Trade in Services – have been confined to positive lists, which designate the sectors and subsectors to which an agreement applies. Under a negative list system, in contrast, all service sectors are liberalized. In other words, foreign firms have access to all sectors, except where they have been expressly excluded. This means that during the negotiations, each party must know precisely what restrictions apply to which sector and must determine which regulations could be important in the future. Canada has made an exception of the entire cultural sector, whereas the EU has done so only for the audio-visual industry. There is an enormous risk of forgetting a sector – in particular one that does not yet exist!
As regards investments, the definition is a very broad one. It is not definitive and is based primarily on the concept of capital. This distinguishes it from traditional definitions, which refer to real investments, for example the purchase or acquisition of a company. What is more, the new definition is meant to protect even investors merely intending to invest.
Standstill and ratchet clauses: the cog wheel of deregulation
A binding standstill and ratchet clauses have been built into no less than five chapters of the agreement. They are:
- investments
- cross-border trade in services
- temporary employment of persons
- financial services
- maritime transport.
Standstill and ratchet clauses mean that a contracting party may never go back on any liberalization or deregulation that was effective at the time of signing the agreement. Nor can any liberalization be done retrospectively, unless explicitly provided for during the negotiations. Any evolution in legal provisions can only be in one direction: that of liberalization – like a rack and pinion railway that can only go forward, never backward. Whether it is funding highways by means of tolls in Germany and France, municipal energy supplies or local transport companies – in these and many other sectors, all that remains is the one-way street of deregulation.
The standstill and ratchet clause apply specifically to market access: all sectors and subsectors will be liberalized, except for those that are expressly ruled out.
It is interesting to note that the standstill and ratchet clauses regarding the free movement of people is restricted to the category of "key personnel" (such as senior managers and CEOs) and highly qualified temporary workers. On the other hand, the contracting parties may rescind the freedom of movement of less qualified people – thereby favouring or enabling "multi-speed migration."
It will only be possible to gauge the full extent of changes expected from CETA when it becomes clear how much will be automatically regulated, unless excluded by means of reservations. The cross-border sale of medicaments, for example, will be regulated under relevant CETA chapters, even if it is currently subject to restrictions. It is worth recalling that under the GATS, the EU did not accept such a commitment because the trade in medicaments was regulated by means of a positive list.
It will only be possible to gauge the full extent of changes expected from CETA when it becomes clear how much will be automatically regulated, unless excluded by means of reservations. The cross-border sale of medicaments, for example, will be regulated under relevant CETA chapters, even if it is currently subject to restrictions. It is worth recalling that under the GATS, the EU did not accept such a commitment because the trade in medicaments was regulated by means of a positive list.
Lastly, it is also interesting that the standstill and ratchet clauses exist only in the trade agreements. This contrasts with agreements on the environment, labour and human rights, or on data or consumer protection, where contracting parties may at any time roll back advances in national legislation. They can, for example, eliminate capital punishment or reintroduce it without incurring any risk of sanctions or lawsuits by individual persons or organizations.
Canadian bank could legally challenge EU regulations
Another alarming aspect of CETA is that an "investor" – which may be a natural person or an enterprise – can bring an action against a state. The prerequisite for such an Investor–State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) action is the allegation that the investor has suffered damage as a result of the non-application of CETA. This mainly concerns alleged national preferential treatment, breaches of the most-favoured-nation clause or of equal treatment provisions or in the event of indirect expropriation. We recall the suit filed by the Swedish energy multinational Vattenfall against Germany over its decision to phase out nuclear energy. On the basis of the Energy Charter Treaty, Vattenfall is seeking US$ 4.7 billion in compensation. We also recall the suit filed by Philip Morris against Uruguay. The world's most renowned cigarette manufacturer, headquartered in Switzerland, is irked by Uruguay's new anti-tobacco legislation and sees it as a form of indirect expropriation within the meaning of the investment protection agreement between Switzerland and Uruguay. The action is being brought specifically against the article of law prohibiting the sale of more than one brand (i.e. Marlboro red, gold and green) and stipulating that 80 per cent of a cigarette package must be covered by the warning against the misuse of tobacco. Uruguay is being sued for US$ 25 million and the ruling is expected this year.
Moreover, CETA contains no exceptions in social and labour matters. Only the most inadequate exceptions are being taken over from the GATS.
A substantial new element on the other hand is that ISDS arbitration is applicable not only under the chapter on investment but also under that on financial services. It is conceivable that a Canadian financial institution could challenge any new regulation of financial services by the EU.
CETA thus contains a series of commitments into which the EU and its Member States intend to enter for the first time. And they are not just individual far-reaching clauses; they are numerous and are all expected to enter into force as a package.
CETA: the Trojan horse amongst the new agreements
The impact of CETA is potentially explosive owing to the system of negative lists, the standstill and ratchet clauses and the question of the ISDS dispute settlement mechanism. One may well fear that EU Member States are not yet aware of the fuller implications of the agreement. CETA is paving the way for TISA, which admittedly is to be limited to services and may not contain any ISDS arrangements. And it is preparing the way for TTIP, where the inclusion of the ISDS mechanism has now been put on hold because of civil society protests. ISDS is a serious threat to the sovereignty of states: it is much easier for an investor to file a suit directly against a state than to persuade its country of origin to launch a costly action against another state. This is current practice in the WTO and is expected to be adopted under TISA as well.
Even though Switzerland is not directly concerned, CETA does represent an alarming development. Berne and Ottawa are considering adding some clauses to the existing free trade agreement and CETA could serve as the template. That would be a major paradigm shift for Switzerland, which has never ever implemented standstill and ratchet clauses and has no investment protection or ISDS arrangements with industrialized countries. Switzerland does have investment promotion and protection agreements with developing countries, and they include a very clear definition of investment.
CETA is breaking dangerous new ground. The EU Member States and the EU Parliament should refuse to ratify it.
Isolda Agazzi, Alliance Sud
Isolda Agazzi, Alliance Sud
CETA – the ingredients of an explosive cocktail
- The definition of investment is geared exclusively towards the interests of capital.
- The mere intent to invest is enough to enable an individual or enterprise to bring an action against a state for breaching CETA.
- National regulations on environment and health protection and on worker or consumer rights can also be challenged by prospective investors before a non-state court (Investor-State Dispute Settlement, ISDS)
- Standstill and ratchet clauses prevent states from being able to re-regulate in the field of investment.
- Should a new service come onto the market, a foreign investor can turn to the ISDS (Investor–State Dispute Settlement) mechanism to prevent any regulation of that service.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Until late in the middle ages.....
Until the late middle ages, marriage consisted of two ceremonies which were marked by celebrations at two separate times, with an interval between. First came the betrothal; then, later, the wedding. At the betrothal the woman legally married, although she still remained in her father's house. She could not belong to any other man unless she was divorced from her betrothed. The wedding( the second ceremony) meant only that the betrothed woman, accompanied by a colorful procession...celebrated and the legal tie with him was consummated.
In the Mosaic Law the prohibition of incest and licentiousness was promulgated as a prerequisite for sanctifying oneself and being holy( Lev. 20). You would depart from any errant practice in advance of your matrimonial union. Thus, the betrothal celebration was accompanied by a benediction proclaiming the purity of married life as a divinely ordained institution.
At this period the original meaning of the redemption had been almost forgotten, and it was observed merely as a symbol of devotion to God. Many kohanim, especially if they were rich, returned the money to the father. Such instances are mentioned as early as the end of the first century (c.E.)
Notes from, The Life Time of a Jew by Schauss, copyright 1950.
Until the late middle ages, marriage consisted of two ceremonies which were marked by celebrations at two separate times, with an interval between. First came the betrothal; then, later, the wedding. At the betrothal the woman legally married, although she still remained in her father's house. She could not belong to any other man unless she was divorced from her betrothed. The wedding( the second ceremony) meant only that the betrothed woman, accompanied by a colorful procession...celebrated and the legal tie with him was consummated.
In the Mosaic Law the prohibition of incest and licentiousness was promulgated as a prerequisite for sanctifying oneself and being holy( Lev. 20). You would depart from any errant practice in advance of your matrimonial union. Thus, the betrothal celebration was accompanied by a benediction proclaiming the purity of married life as a divinely ordained institution.
At this period the original meaning of the redemption had been almost forgotten, and it was observed merely as a symbol of devotion to God. Many kohanim, especially if they were rich, returned the money to the father. Such instances are mentioned as early as the end of the first century (c.E.)
Notes from, The Life Time of a Jew by Schauss, copyright 1950.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
of the one part, and
EU/CA/en 3
EU/CA/en 4
of the other part,
hereafter jointly referred to as the "Parties",
resolve to:
FURTHER strengthen their close economic relationship and build upon their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation;
CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment;
ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment;
EU/CA/en 5
REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security;
RECOGNISING the importance of international security, democracy, human rights and the rule of law for the development of international trade and economic cooperation;
RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve the right of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity;
AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support;
RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories;
EU/CA/en 6
REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions;
ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct;
IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters;
RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities;
of the one part, and
EU/CA/en 3
EU/CA/en 4
of the other part,
hereafter jointly referred to as the "Parties",
resolve to:
FURTHER strengthen their close economic relationship and build upon their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done on 15 April 1994, and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation;
CREATE an expanded and secure market for their goods and services through the reduction or elimination of barriers to trade and investment;
ESTABLISH clear, transparent, predictable and mutually-advantageous rules to govern their trade and investment;
EU/CA/en 5
REAFFIRMING their strong attachment to democracy and to fundamental rights as laid down in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, done at Paris on 10 December 1948, and sharing the view that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses a major threat to international security;
RECOGNISING the importance of international security, democracy, human rights and the rule of law for the development of international trade and economic cooperation;
RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement preserve the right of the Parties to regulate within their territories and the Parties' flexibility to achieve legitimate policy objectives, such as public health, safety, environment, public morals and the promotion and protection of cultural diversity;
AFFIRMING their commitments as parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done at Paris on 20 October 2005, and recognising that states have the right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions, and to preserve their cultural identity, including through the use of regulatory measures and financial support;
RECOGNISING that the provisions of this Agreement protect investments and investors with respect to their investments, and are intended to stimulate mutually-beneficial business activity, without undermining the right of the Parties to regulate in the public interest within their territories;
EU/CA/en 6
REAFFIRMING their commitment to promote sustainable development and the development of international trade in such a way as to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions;
ENCOURAGING enterprises operating within their territory or subject to their jurisdiction to respect internationally recognised guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and to pursue best practices of responsible business conduct;
IMPLEMENTING this Agreement in a manner consistent with the enforcement of their respective labour and environmental laws and that enhances their levels of labour and environmental protection, and building upon their international commitments on labour and environmental matters;
RECOGNISING the strong link between innovation and trade, and the importance of innovation to future economic growth, and affirming their commitment to encourage the expansion of cooperation in the area of innovation, as well as the related areas of research and development and science and technology, and to promote the involvement of relevant public and private sector entities;
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