WEB Du Bois' writing is a fulsome recollection of the truth of being American regardless of race in America. Martin Luther King was a second generation West Indian somewhat like Malcolm Little except both of MLK's parents were first generation immigrants born in Montego Bay unlike Little's parents. Martin Luther King's parents outlived their son and they both preached and taught happily although MLK's father had a very respectful and diligent two year Degree in Divinity. LBJ and MLK's father preferred an unofficial Darker Black Relative Sympathy Act with maximum sympathy as there were Black owned banks in America before the Civil Rights Act was passed. LBJ didn't mind being sympathetic with his relatives but felt a draw back in his soul when it came to Black people or Black relatives owning businesses. MLK's father was very reluctant about his ancestry and would prefer to say that he came from the Latin West Indies if pushed to answer. It was a death bed secret. The issue with the Civil Rights Act is that it was an emotional and spiritual divorce for some people who felt a segregation in paper as for the first time in the former British Colony, a visually Black man or woman had status as a Black person while Crispus Attucks was free and Black, lived freely and died freely as a man; a British colonialist man without any further racial qualification. We hold these truths to be self evident. As such, all of Washington's and Hamilton's descendants should be hunted down and given an award for the racializing and deceitful radicalising of English puritan psychology as West Indian Creoles who were prone to more divisive thinking and who refused to read the English legislation while arguing that it did not relate to their daily lives and was tyrannical and oppressive if they had to follow it. These are the Creoles who were quietly more a bit more Catholic in an Anglican colony and a bit more passionate with most thing in their lives. The women know. These Creole radicalizers were knowingly or unknowingly the descendants of Conquistadors and more loyal to a fully Catholic world than an Anglo Catholic world. The evidence is in their fraternizing with a newly liberated but still France. Vive le egalite. But, in the end the dna harkens back to the intention of the colonizing conquistador and that is to achieve an extermination of the native or black self that lives within the Creole being. Have you seen the movie El Cid? This is the tension that is driving the world. It's in the people but, unlike El Cid, these people have a war within themselves to ascribe to a Catholic, non-English Hegemon unknowingly while carrying a burden of multiple identities. Their logic in spite of the multiple identities is evident. White or whiter is the goal subconsciously with the native dna in the Creole veins while Puritans have no such internal conflict as they only aspire to Heaven in loving their white, black or Native neighbor as they love themselves as indicated in the common law once everything had settled down and it was agreed the Puritans would share and be thankful. Unlike the conquistadors, the Puritans goal was peace; not conquest and extermination. As such, the 13 English Puritan colonies barely grew and hardly moved west in more than a hundred years. They wanted peace and a society that resonated the quiet of God. The conquistadors would offer the natives money if the natives gave them children and grew quickly in conquest. When the natives would bring them the money, the conquistador would give them a potato so the natives decided to keep the children and grew their own potatoes. The conquistador would teach and assimilate the children, severing the natural lines of the native cultural progression. It's in the people. The Puritans, however, had the answer like El Cid; pluralism and tolerance in faith and culture and the dock rules and rules of court would operate on the Puritans "love thy neighbor" principle where no one will suffer pre-emptive detention or any detention only on a presumption without trial. Obalmy as a demo brought the world the first jurisdiction that will tolerate pre-emptive detention while it offends the U.N. Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They use this law to investigate and enter Muslim immigrant homes just after they take ownership of a car dealership in places like Oklahoma. They also entered 3rd-10th generation homes of Americans and as such, it has brought uncertainty to the economy. It is in an unreported depression due to the Democrats. Then, the wife and children of the new Americans immigrate elsewhere to places like the West Indies or Canada while the father eventually goes back to Iran. Then, the families rendezvous once a year in places like the West Indies with embassy direction. The U.S. has become an illegal nation state domestically while we may celebrate its new approach to defining war and combatants outside of the U.S. and also that this takes place preemptively. You only have the final answer when you accept as a Creole that you are not White and that pluralism is the answer and this entails your own self acceptance. It's as if you don't know what to do with yourselves whether you are driving the ship or sitting in the ship except but to tell the Catholic Hegemon to come after you as you waste and rend peace in your Heavenly opportunity for quiet and that means starting another war as you attempt to continually kill people , other Creoles, accepted by and taught by the Puritans in public schools to prove that you are white enough to your other Catholic, Conquistador self and to the Catholic Hegemon in your dna but the Puritan did not ask for this tension that brings attention. This is the Polemics of social disaster and you did not take your Puritan free education on the basis and myth that you would have authority while you kill the Creole who did take the education and who will not approximate "White enough" in appearance to be the dupe and court jester in this generation only since you are also instructed to commit suicide once you get the wrong order at the "sit down" fast food restaurant since they are coming for your type that is "white enough" in your imagination, that confesses to being native but not wanting to be native and you would do anything not to be native although to any black or white person, you appear and would have to be white except for your confessions and the killings. So, the polemics is that you have "less native looking" natives killing natives and you have been enumerated with your refusals to education and your confessions. Nobody owed you anything as you ate 3 square meals a day that you would think you could risk not having education. Nobody owes you anything today. You could have acted "great and terrible" with or without the education. You Catholic hegemon dna should also know that you will never be white and accepted by the hegemon unless you speak a continental European language. They don't need the killing. They don't need attention. Go and get a pizza with egg on it in Provence. English as a language is a Creole construct and it is not enough even for a Royal West Indian(they could exist because of all the !@#$# in the world but its very secretive and they took the wrong calculation that says skin only is my passport to royalty. A claim of royalty is not enough to be a social and economic terrorist for authority) living in Battersea on the park. Shouldn't you be able to at least acknowledge with respect your French counterpart if you are a real Royal? You are by calling in birth an official ambassador. You should have some respect for your forebears, ancestry and immediate surroundings. You can always joke that your french is improving and no one expected you to be bilingual at birth. But, you can enjoy learning. Tu est ecouter quand tu est parler mais tu est tres bon. Est tu Antillais?( You must know this phrase)! Go buy some French patais at Lidl and receive salvation! Now you know what happened to King George. He was killed by his servants who had no lands while he sailed to the new world to see it once with his eyes as the servants were offered tracts of lands by the Creole colonialists and they dumped George in the water. Louis the 16th took off to sit as George with much powder on his face and they faked Louis' death with a polite revolution although the estate of Versaille clearly exists today with gold leaf paint on the bridges in Paris while Versaille and the bordering lands were never turned into streets and Row houses as who would want it? You should have taken the free education instead of being a burden, living in resentment. Evidently, every Creole could be Catholic or maybe not but some have achieved self acceptance and acceptance of the system of peace that already outlined its pitfalls such as the DUI offence where it is quite clear as to the answer in addition to the offence of perjury, fraud on the court and misleading the court with falsified evidence. This applies to civil matters and criminal matters. The Puritan only asked for Heaven on earth just as it borders the Potomac or any where that you allow it to rest without being unsettled and not war which is what you feel like as you project "otherness" to the rest of the world. You never did read the prayer of Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan. Your society can work like clock work. This is all the Puritans wanted. It does not feel like war in Virginia that looks and feels like Heaven where no professionals regardless of race are ever threatened with anarchic treatment by a state body. Don't ask Virginia to join you in the ineptitude of the dunce. Our sons and daughters in the various commonwealths of the world that include Virginia, Quebec and Scotland fought and died for this peace. Quebec is a territory in a larger commonwealth. The hunting down is not really necessary since Washington and Hamilton may be fictional as some say but I believe in them while we are certain about Haym Solomon, Samuel Adams with his beer and Benjamin Franklin with his almanacs. We also know that because of Bourne Identity (the movie), Obalma was never really President and represents a technological and media coup d' etat. He is illegitimate. His picture appears in the movie on the wall depicting him as a Demo President. He his "Michael Lee Chi" in origin and shot the African father at twelve years old that was called to raise him while he lived in Canada with a White Jamaican mother. He confessed afterwards and asked if he could be his mother's husband because his father is dead. It was decided that he had a quality they could use since he was evidently confused, twisted and incestuously bent as a usurper.
http://jewishcurrents.org/august-22-the-artist-of-manifest-destiny-39060 |
“Imagine twenty odd men, 600 miles from the frontiers, at the commencement of a severe winter, deprived of their animals, on an open prairie, surrounded by Comanches, Pawnees and other tribes of hostile Indians. I am fully convinced that but for the ‘watchfulness’ of Col. Fremont, we should have been placed in this awkward predicament.” —Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1897), a Sephardic Jew born in Charleston, South Carolina. |
A 1/4 Black person like a LBJ had lots of sympathy but was now officially white for the first time. He told those West Indians, his ancestral compatriots, like Stokely Carmichael and others in his own way that they better be thankful if they need to be independent in any Act. He emoted and spoke in the most authentic Southern drawl that cloaked and suffocated any foreignness or blackness. LBJ had partially Hyderabad dna like other West Indians including King. Crispus owned property as an American colonialist and was a man, regardless of complexion or racial classification who was certainly created as an equal. We hold this truth to be self evident; innit love? The West Indian dna's expectation of life in the majority begins with cockroach and murderous Hyderabad incest victimized orphan or chattel for sex for cash; not as a human being like Attucks or Du Bois but you will go up if you participate in their (West Indian) dehumanization...and then you go up, go up! King read Ghandi and he may have also read Du Bois but he popularised Ghandi and his teachings that may have ignited an identity conflict that rested quietly and thankfully in the Baptist hymns of American pie. The real question is what happened to the quiet wisdom of a new yet old America remembering itself in books as read by less enfranchised whites and blacks since the education is one factor, the key factor, to avoid polemic times instead of having two world wars to wipe out God fearing, book reading black folk who are only hoping for a brighter day in the south instead of those who will choose survival in a world where the secret foreign hegemon promotes less Christian, Jewish or "God fearing" mores to the point of the survivalist having to watch sex, think "sex to live" and listen to music that says "sex whenever I want." The secret hegemon south of the U.S. in the West Indies(possibly in Trinidad) built a temple to Magog as a symbol of its opposition to God while America sent missionaries to proselytize so the Magog worshipers thought to take the proselytizing soul of America in certain steps. The Northern U.S. found the South an oddity and it is almost as if the South normalized its illness over the years by purporting the quaint virtues of its hospitality although Batman had his own big house and estate and so did Charles Xavier. The South promoted skin colour over basic physics once the camera became involved and their women were much more determined to get out of Toto and Auntie M to make it to the Wizard of Oz. So, you would end up having Polemic times once the white folks pulled their "childrens" out of the schools attended by Black folks and attended the other schools for Whites only. The Whites knew how to say "inferior" on graduation day and not much else when a bible reading black people showed up to buy a soda at Walgreens and they also knew how to feel it since general and proficient education was a general qualification for social acceptance in Southern culture even if you were the heir of a blessed barn burner although with less "educations" since a Creole wanted to tell the world that "white" or blackish with a mole maybe (if you will get on your knees right away) is all you need to the decimation of the economy but to the benefit of the north who comes to buy it all up and ensure the till is running correctly and not uniquely in the yearly right off allowance with bank robberies for the "Getaway 1972" Creoles and this is how the war was won by the north while God favored you with some oil lands and the "I don'r really need to understand anything but a good pair of shoes at nordstrom !@#$# you money." Jim Crow was Polemic to ensure that regardless of your rank at birth, you would be loyal to "white" if you were white and everybody would pitch in for the commune. As such, commune or communism is not really a bad word. The only people who would worry about this and who would foster this polemic are the people who enjoyed the notion of a long lost palace of absolute authority as depicted in "Gone with the wind". It is gone because it never really existed and even if it did, it was the plenty that you grew and ate with ten cows, ten chickens and one bakery on the plantation with ten servants. You were an economy unto yourself and also a commune that had to feed and house your servants who you treated with some dignity since they were also your security guards and soldiers (Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben knew how to grab that rifle to fight for you and for themselves after you raped the neighboring farmer's daughter down by the riverside (@#$#$ing in the water as you dragged her to the river as a Barn burner with your big right arm David Byrne said) and started a whiteman's quarrel, defaming your neighbor's honor in that he should have offered her to your son by the time she was 30 years old but she was waiting for Mr. D'arcy who she was told to write for a wedding by her Grandmother and addressed the letter to his address at Stoke Park but she didn't know who he was. It creates tremendous tension;living with beauty without simplicity but with great anger, ignorance and forced complication in the ignorance since no one argues with a smart phone that is quite complicated but also very simple in it's clock work efficiency. Her grandmother was 1/4 Black Snow White who understood how there is no match for beauty except beauty with ignorance or a very long vehicle that should be an indication of a family's hard work. They may have hired King to popularize the essence of their culture of more menial expectations for the black folk across the entire world since the measure of a man according to MLK is the value of a bar of soap in the physical realm but an angel in the spiritual realm. It helped to popularise the notion of a Black struggle anywhere north of the Mason Dixon line where the population was quite content with lots of raisins in the rice or bread pudding. The MLK occupation with Black struggle re-educated old and new generations as the old generations might have told him to buy a book store or to just ask to be a dentist or lawyer like Miles Davis' father but then they realised that was the point. Davis' father and grandfather owned a substantial ranch near Pine Bluff Arkansas and then Miles came north for musical education on the east coast. MLK came north for education as well on the east coast. Miles continued in his expectation and is the more accurate leader. MLK graduated and his life indicates that a man is worth more than a bar of soap with or without education since he has the ability for learning, creativity and communicativeness at any age generally speaking. The issue is that MLK might have been what they call a wick in a larger whiter or white culture or a spot light; not for equality and higher expectations but lesser Black expectation stamped on people's minds forever with water canons and dogs chasing Black Christians but with the virtue realized after the struggle of the immediate re-integration of a more rooted population regardless of race and the integration of an immigrant population that did not have the historical experience of living hand in hand, fighting shoulder to shoulder like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben for the communal house with a white people in America. It meant being able to buy gas or shop anywhere in the urgency of convenience in any location which was good for the white shop owners who got wealthier faster and told the clan to !@#$# off when they could start a bank after owning a Walgreens in a good location with lots of customers regardless of race since you had to rob a bank once a month with a small white customer base prior to that and the bank owners needed to tell you something, showing you a more excellent way like Paul the apostle in 1 Corinthians 13. King and the notion of struggle is not policy but it is indelible imagery to stoke the pattern of intellectual and economic dependence with lower self esteem on camera in Hoover's recorded world as a post war bench mark of white hegemony for Hoover's recorded history; lest the Tuskegee airman and other black GI's get the wrong political idea since the movies would depict no black GI's on the beach in Normandy while history demonstrates that there were at least 12 GI's on the beach and maybe only 7 returned to the U.S. per infantry. Some of them went to Africa or stayed in France, Germany or other parts of Western Europe for Bugs Bunny's wisdom and the French bread. Some of them were casualties of Hoover's superiority complex in the greatest charade in history. He did not pass away until the 60's. J. Edgar; he was Herbert Hoover's son ( a WW1 participant) and the son that was sired in spite of the zyclone b that father Herbert encountered in war time Belgium. Hoover was White Jamaican and said he needed to be superior. He is known to have written his thinking on such issues in English and it seems to have been published as Mein Kampf. It was entitled as such since people would read it thinking of sex. Well, the measure of a man is limitless. He could design ascii computer code by accident in a grade 10 computer class but should get reasonable compensation in life and own a brand new Chevy once or twice since these are the days of our lives as the world turns. He may also suggest that airline fuel, as a chemical formula, could help to rebuild ozone in its final bi product as engine exhaust.1 Souf or norf of du mason dixon line, dey speak english; innit? If you have sympatee, den give dem somfing to do. Assemble Samsung dishwashas in Amerikuh. Is it that you buy them but you resent the name so you don't want to build them? It's rather unusual actually and is the cause of great consternation.

1. Airline fuel, as a chemical formula, could help to rebuild ozone in its final bi product as engine exhaust. All rights reserved in an airline fuel that rebuilds ozone belongs to Warren Augustine Lyon.
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