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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Precursor To An Inquisition When Everyone Is Adopted. The crucifixion of the law and the prophets of the year 1240 due to a misunderstanding of the authority.

Before Constantine adopted the faith of Christ that is, in fact, the faith of Moses and of Abraham, there were synagogues throughout the Roman empire. Many citizens of the empire or individuals within other systems elsewhere in the world, were familiar with the Jewish laws and customs and would readily call to Rabbi for advice.  Roman soldiers would do this quite often and it is evident that they called upon Yeshua as a Rabbi. A Rabbi's social and religious authority on these questions as based on the Talmud and Torah was of no doubt and all the citizens of the empire lived in peace with Rabbis doing their job with respect to the Talmud and religious teaching. Jesus or Yeshua is accepted here as the Messiah. But, what happens if everyone adopts and is adopted into the faith of Abraham by virtue of their acceptance of the new Christian faith under Constantine?  Whether you have a Torah or Talmud at home, you can't say Jesus walked on the water without saying Moses walked through it. You are an implicit believer in the faith of Abraham and of the Jewish people if you say you accept Christ. So, who could be offended by the Talmud if you are a Christian in the year 1240? I don't really know but apparently, this is a matter of actual history.  It could be that if everyone is adopted into the faith or is channeled into it to remain current and acceptable in the new paths of the emperor, then there could be some individuals who may stop and think about how they feel in the presence of individuals who have more than oral teachings about the law and the prophets. But, the law and the prophets is what Jesus(Yeshua) represented.  It was not customary for the adherents of the faith other than priests to have access to a talmud, torah or the letters of the early Christians that now comprise the new testament. So, one might say that he is now under the law and the prophets but not able to understand it or to access it, so he is intellectually and socially unequal to the people who do have access to it. But, it is simple enough for a child to understand. It is devotion and trust. There will be individuals who wish to rob the innocent of their innocence. It is best for the innocent to stay innocent and never join them in abuse that does not fit wholesome discipline but contradicts it. There is an evident difference as in refusing to tell children to do their home work. The Jews are the bigger brothers in the faith if everyone is adopted. Recognizing Christ as the Jewish Messiah does not change the law and the prophets or the opportunity for grace under the law. There are new additions based on faith for the gentiles only such as the consumption of different foods. But, it was not an instruction to Peter to kill and eat, doing anything wanted and thereby abandon the law and nor was it an instruction to abandon the law concerning food but not to reject the gentiles as unclean but to offer them the ministry of salvation in sharing the faith of Abraham as Jesus taught it; that is to teach the faith in a way that is inclusive of the Pikuach Nefesh. See Romans 9, 10 and 11. See also Hebrews 7 and 8. They benefit if people understand since there is more salt and light in society and the human beings need the bread of the word since man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.   They do not have to talk but, there is an obvious spiritual deficit in the medieval Christian's life who is following Yeshua as a symbol of the right answer (the pikuach nefesh) in the law and the prophets but who does not have access to it.  The Talmud could not cause anyone and certainly no Christian any offence except that if he does not have any access to it and its blessing in the year 1240 although Yeshua certainly did and represented its peace accordingly. A Catholic Church official was not likely to show public offence at the existence and teaching of the talmud but possibly a disgruntled peripheral member of the Jewish community who may not have had sufficient Jewish ancestry for the year 1240 without a Jewish mother may have decided to adopt Christianity whole heartedly but did not wish to feel less respect than anyone else in society who would have a superior understanding and access to knowledge to teach a Christian about the faith the Christian is following. But, if anyone was genuinely concerned about understanding and access to the Talmud to end any sense of offence, he would have asked for a translation  that he could read in private if he was capable of reading. Maybe he would commission a translation or take time to translate it.   As the story goes, A Christian individual in France in the year 1240 expressed his concern with the Talmud and how it cause  A Christian individual in Christian society offence. Louis the 9th was King and he apparently approved the destruction of several Talmuds in the name of Christendom at the time and  a wagon full of Talmuds were collected and burned with the knowledge and authorization of the Pope.  These would have been historical treasures as art work in the valuation of the Vatican so they may not have been burned but a wagon full of rolls of paper that looked like the Talmud may have been burned as a demonstration.  Those who attempted to defend the Talmud and Jewish faith had to leave France and go to the Holy lands ironically around the time of the crusades where they could find an abandoned estate and leave peaceably in lands.  But to prove and say what exactly in the end when Yeshua or Jesus( the Messiah)  was a teacher of and an embodiment of the law and the prophets.  As a Messiah, is he not also a prophet but different from others in that He is the messiah when He actually rose from the grave with the assistance of 100's of pounds of spices that were wrapped around his body, healing him so that he could get up again in a cool and dry cave in three days?  There is no evidence that He actually stopped breathing. Is there any such evidence? This is so although we say He did die on the cross and He was certainly wounded for our transgressions. In any event, wounds and near death experiences after the heart stops are often reported these days. It sometimes to new borns after being pronounced dead.    The heart stops but after ten minutes, they breathe again.   It seems that anyone who was offended by the Talmud but who wanted to claim identity and association as a Christian had only one particular kind of inspiration.  The motive or inspiration was not understanding but authority, social position and anger.  Paul the Apostle's approach was love for his people. See Romans 10.   But, Paul already had the understanding and Yeshua opened his understanding further when he asked Paul, "...why are you persecuting Me?"  Wasn't Yeshua the law and the prophets?  Apparently, the Talmud was not to be taught any longer in France after that incident in 1240 and it would take Martin Luther's arrival 300 years later to bring the scriptures to the people: Scriptures that includes the law and the prophets.  

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