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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

There are soo many graduates and academics that the well spoken man may have met over the years. They came from various backgrounds including his own black ancestry.  However, if the graduate was much younger he struggled to understand or accept it or if the graduate was from within his own family. So, he would customarily obtain copies of their work and essays and sell them to other black families who would use them.   Sometimes, he would give them to well-respected schools for free. They were pretty good standard papers but they could not possibly answer every structured essay question. It seems that someone may have wanted a generation that was more emotional than an earlier, more stoic generation.  His influence enabled him to encourage some post secondary schools to accept the copied papers contrary to the usual policies on plagiarism or cheating.  But, who would ever know? His relative was to be killed and this is just how he wanted it but his relative could not have known this is what could have happened.  Some would argue, how does anyone really know who the author is or if it was the said relative. But, this is what the relative wanted. The emotions behind his efforts was evident. But, no one can live forever and you can always write your own essays any day of the week. I think he wanted to see if his relative, not anyone else, was, uh umm, favored but there was no special favor other than to follow the guidelines, the syllabus and show some genuine passion for the subject.   He may have accused the atmosphere of positive ethno-cultural social progress and the appropriate human perspective it provided with equal treatment. Why shouldn't some generation benefit from all of the attention he earned campaigning for equality or is it that social attention and showey power is all he wanted?  This is not so. It is just that Uhura was a black woman and sometimes David Carradine could pass for "ishness." The four tops were black as well and they wore pants like the Bee Gees sometimes. Barry Manilow had a syncopated rhythm some times so why not take a chance on a good kid or two who decided he should know what it is to be a citizen in the culture first; a student second.  So, it helped a usually racist type of teacher take a blessed bet on a good, bible reading student and church member.  That is all the favor any student requires. You could wear some good cologne as well as it may help.  The relative is still writing today actually.  He's also a black guy or blackish church going guy. But, what does it really matter? Skin tone is irrelevant to scholarship.   This is also the case for cheating. 

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