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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Sunkel and Re distributive Capitalism.

By Warren Augustine Lyon.

The reason why Sunkel was right is because there was a world economic system already in place and one which already made its plans for the future with foresight 100 years in advance. This evidenced in certain historical treaties that were formed in 1901 and near the turn the turn of the century for example.   This involved energy, trade routes, families, technologies, science and various alliances; all of which was initially supported by the countries in Eastern Europe and Russia historically; countries that eventually celebrated and needed the domestic socio-economic wisdom of Marxist thinking to ensure a minimum well being for the majority of the population that endured a very cold, harsh climate. Marxism did not deny these historical systems but addressed the need for balance between man and the machine. Machines do not buy bread so displacing the worker entirely renders the entire system null and void as the most important factor and purpose of any human endeavor,the human being, is overlooked. The worker is a consumer. The baker and candle stick maker need jobs if machines remove them from the market place. They need a certain degree of assurance as employees and this lends the large industrial bread company a certain degree of stability as families can buy their bread and product. So, Marxism and capitalism are not at odds. The worker is also referred to as the consumer that is celebrated in both systems. This Marxist thinking was re-branded as communism( a less pure Marxist socio-economic outlook); one that could stand in its own right to answer domestic socio-political and economic reality with good social programs in that region but that had to reflect on the appropriate balance and make sufficient raw and also finished products to maintain the country's or a region's viability in a hard bargaining and intransigently immutable world economic system that is resistant to significant change but is  necessarily responsive to changes in technology like a tv.  Every government has a certain degree of governmental orthodoxy that seeks to ensure a certain degree of uh accord and a minimum degree of uh dissent. This may mean your children have to go to school and say the Lord's prayer. There is nothing wrong with that in a Judeo-Christian society. These changes are the benefits of Marx' foresight. There is no argument but there is opportunity to respect how different environmental realities demand different social welfare and economic policies.  This respect of environmental realities is the real justification of the Marxist/Communist domestic social welfare policies. However, internationally, Marxist/Communism domestic economic policies have to code switch and navigate the realities of the international economic system that has no social policy per se other than the most basic economic dynamics of supply and demand.  This reality is evident today with huge, really huge amounts of finished goods being shipped from Shanghai and Asia to the rest of the world every day. and also available at  It is also evident in Byblos cologne available at Macys and Stolichnaya vodka at the local hotel for happy hour. The adds for this happy hour poison are in popular magazines.   All the same, Locke requested life, liberty, health and property as the common denominator for any government or social contract as Rousseau would put it.  This is the basic purpose of Marxism; that is to guarantee or safe guard this basic minimum for the majority of the population also referred to as the less privileged. This basic minimum also included free education and also health care possibly. If your ancestors died hoping for a better life, you cannot deny them any thing less than a B average or the requisite B and above average on leaving free high school if you say you honor those ancestors.  They may have had to get home schooling in their day and then had to possibly run as refugees to another land for your eventual benefit.  Your father would not covet the potentially better opportunity that you have enjoyed in his home in that other land or did he cut your cheek and deform you in the fear that you would have social authority? This is not good economics if he did. He could be very selfish. All the same, Sunkel made his point that domestic Marxist social policies cannot become international policies over night or at all in a pre-existing world economic system( sometimes called capitalist system that is really just a market driven system) but they could be informative and aid the market driven international economic arena in that the worker and consumer is saved from "the desert of the real" as phrased by Baudrillard.   Marxist/communist social  policies do not have to deny the vote either; the vote that is consistent with democracy.  The write to vote does not diminish the validity or humane efficacy of marxist/ communist domestic economic policy that protects the consumer who is the purpose of all market endeavor.  This is evident in Modern Eastern Europe. It is still cold outside and as such, certain policies are needed; the common denominator policies.  Voting on who runs the government does not affect the guaranteed minimum common denominator  for every citizen that is maintained, forever more, by the state forever in a constitution or other written agreement with its citizens.   As such, the notion of a promised land in safe, free and competitive markets are maintained for both the huge and the tiny entrepreneur, the tiny entrepreneur who may only have one coffee shop with cookies baked in the spirit of  molecular gastronomy that just bring in a few cooking articles a month. Marx saw in his foresight the consequences of the practical formation of the  Amazon and Sears Roebuck with their ability to shut down the tiny candle stick maker on the basis of economies of scale with mechanized labor and modern distribution strategies using large retail environments; the Sears Roebuck could shut down 40 shops in an old town main street. It might be so noticeable today but the Amazon effect has caused some retail displacement as witnessed with Sears Roebuck at the turn of the 20th century.  The candle stick maker has become a worker and as such, he remains the purpose of the process as the consumer. His life, liberty, health and basic property remain essential to the industrialists equation since the worker(former candle stick maker) is the coveted consumer buttressing all economic enterprise; Long live the consumer and may he shop 24 hours a day on the world wide web for the newest and coolest gadgets.   The point of Marx' work in summary is to save the system by saving the consumer. The average consumer or the majority of consumers in the modern age is a worker. Save the worker with the appropriate balance in light of the machines and mechanized labor.  The worker is your consumer. He is the heart beat building the Chevy.  Sunkel's reflections on communism were quite precise when considering the historical realities of pre-existing world economic systems. Communism had to answer this historical reality with the appropriate balance. Communism should now be referred to re-distributive capitalism. The evidence of the balancing is seen today in what is referred to as new communism or authoritative capitalism. As already noted, China and Shanghai is an example of this balance. Communist/Marxist domestic policies and capitalism are not in disagreement. The vote is not an issue and can exist freely in any socio-economic reality with the guaranteed common denominator. They can certainly balance and answer the common denominator.  Communism, also referred to as Redistributive capitalism, will provide a one bed apartment for every adult who completes high school. If you want equity, you can hope to get a job and buy the unit. Then, you will be a land owner.

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