So, Judaism was the founding major faith at Roman Londinium. It was also the major faith prior to the Roman presence where old Gaelic French was the predominant language. The story, rumors about or the message of the Messiah would have existed at the time of the Roman occupation in 43 A.D. but the major monotheistic religion was clearly Judaic. Christianity is Judaic in essence but would not become a faith in its own right until much later on.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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