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Sunday, 20 September 2015

Acceptance of grace...

So, Jesus came to fulfil the law and the prophets. As such, He directed us to take further reference in what is understood as the old testament that is comprised of the Torah and other books.   We cannot presume that the New testament was intended as any book of reference. They are actually letters for which we are very thankful but they are not the message of the gospel in themselves. They are commentaries on the gospel of the Christ and are certainly accepted and respected as scripture. As such, all scripture is God breathed( inspired by God). The point remains, however, that the message being communicated in the new testament is consistent  with the Gospel. Christ came to remind us of relationship as opposed to idolizing anything given to us by God; that is including the commands, the law and the prophets. It might not be of any issue today as it was during the teachings of the Christ.    The Christ only reminded us to remember the importance  of humane love and of the value of human life as being the very center of the law and the prophets.  See Mark 3.  The law and the prophets were not intended to supersede personal relationship with  El Shaddai.  God tested Abraham accordingly.   The gospel was to remind us of the importance of grace and of grace to save life as underwriting the law and the prophets and that nothing that God gives, including children or the law, should supersede our relationship with El Shaddai.  As we read the new testament comprised of letters and the synoptic gospel accounts, it points us to Christ. Christ points us to the law and the prophets.  He came to fulfil the law and the prophets.  He chastens us not to forget life and love in any chastening that we believe is due to make someone feel as we think they should feel in our personal religious and cultural experience with religion. Let us not forget that religion is not relationship and every soul may not feel as we feel since they may understand a different language or two or they may not take grace as you do; that is to watch the naked news and then ask for forgiveness afterward. Maybe that is why some people feel different.  They don't want to watch the naked news as a parishioner, deacon or possibly as a Pastor.  Different is ok and people should not be abused to the point of  letting go of what they believe is good for them in their acceptance of grace.           

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