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Thursday, 4 December 2014

Horkheimer and Adorno said that civilization is becoming more barbaric. They made these observations during the 1940's when the phenomena of multimedia and societal visualization via movies, television and magazines became a significant phenomenon. Society could not begin to suffer a devolution toward barbarism without barbarism in the media. Barbaric societal feedback via multimedia outlets leads to societal barbarism. Seeing vomit in a movie or on a side walk instead of not seeing it in the privacy of someone's toilet is quite barbaric; isn't it?  We should meditate on media that reflects only the essence of  psalms, hymns and spiritual things and society should follow in terms of its enlightenment instead of its devolution toward barbarism.  I have to go and watch the movie "Force 10 from Navarone" and "Crazy Stupid Love". You were taught that Hitler won an election to obtain political power in Germany. That is factually impossible. But, you never know. Essentially, there was a Nazi Germany in place prior to any election so that a Nazi Germany could exist electorally.   But, Germany is a Christian nation. You must have heard of Martin Luther and Dr. Diesel.

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