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Sunday, 5 October 2014

There is an old middle eastern story or Asian proverb about a man who contracted a disease while drinking waters and visiting women of the night under tents. He lived with the disease as he could not agree with himself to change his pass-time. He moved to a new city but needed a sense of family and acceptance so he told every ex-pat member of his national community that he needed a sense of welcome. The community decided to allow him to sleep with a female member of every family within the community so he would never feel alone. The families agreed since they decided they had enough class as they defined it, non religiously, to agree. Everyone wanted to feel as if they were classy enough to be accepted by the remainder of the community by showing the community that they understood and were a part of this "welcome" plan. So they put their usual faith aside. Everyone in the community ended up with the man's "woman of the night" disease. But, someone finally asked what does disease have to do with class or acceptance since there are many classy people in and outside of the community who do not have any disease? The daughters of the families were buying a bottle of aspirin a week to deal with the residue of someone's welcome. Certainly, wouldn't God prefer that you seek His acceptance and His class as you honor your health and body as His temple? Read John 5. The man will have acceptance in due course with Jesus who will never leave him nor forsake him.

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