God wants you to have oxygen.
He wants you to have blessed relationships.
He wants you to have water to drink.
The woman at the well in John 4 just did not go to the source of living water to satisfy her deepest need.
She had hoped to find it in a husband or a human being and she could not. It is not possible. Google "the woman at the well".
No human being can satisfy the deeper inner longing that is set to be fulfilled by God alone.
Enjoy your life and the friendships that He provides with members of the opposite gender until the time is right and you are totally topped up with His living water.
Forgive who needs to be forgiven before you recreate the scenarios from your family's past by finding the perfect partner who can help you play out those scenarios and situations that you have refused or that you failed to forgive. Instead, you need the perfect partner to recreate new scenarios that reflect your healing and your forgiveness. But, without forgiving those in your past, you will end up abusing in some way, shape or form that perfect partner designed by God's grace so that you can enjoy your present and your future.
A spouse is a permanent fixture like a blood cousin, aunt or uncle. Those roles are permanent and you cannot divorce yourself from such a person. You should not conceive of yourself as being able to divorce yourself from a spouse. If you do, then your level of tolerance and acceptance for this specially designed person wont rise above the level appreciation given to a pair of running shoes or a disposable razor. You want to throw those out like most other disposable items once they let you down or they get a little worn in. You don't divorce a spouse if they get old or worn in or for any other reason except adultery. Read Matthew 19 and Matthew 5. Human beings are not like ice cream flavors or collectible baseball cards that afford you a sense of pleasure, value or acceptance that you should covet such a one with brown hair or some other hair color simply because your younger or older brother had a series of dates with that person. That is just out of order to think of anyone in that way. It might explain why you covet your neighbors coke bottle or can collection. It's easy to find your own brown haired girlfriend with the right attitude. It's easy to find a collector's coke can if you mean to find one. It's in the usual place on the shelf in the shops. You just failed to appreciate it. Drink the coke and throw out the can again.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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