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Sunday, 31 August 2014

Rejecting a ship but then defending the ship and risking the use of your big muscular arms.

A shipyard rejected an old floating cruise ship and told the captain who wanted to join the newer cruiseline to simply return his ship to the original builder and cruise line since the new line could not afford it. He refused and the original builder could not stand to see the ship floating around without direction and in need of funding. The old but modernizing cruise ship threw rocks at the old ship builder and he had to defend himself and the lease that he had on the territory. The newer shipyard decided to complain about the old ship builder and called him a bully while continuing to reject the old floating cruise ship and its desire for acceptance and support. The newer shipyard was rejecting a ship and then defending the rights of the ship to have sovereignty and with forceful language yet they said they could not afford the old floating cruise ship but they seem to be able to afford the time and money to have an argument about an old cruise ship's sovereignty. Money is being spent in either case. The new ship yard could just fund the old ship because its about to sink and the old ship builder who built it has an interest in old and existing leases on the old craft. It's not a bad old ship and just needed a little paint, a shipyard and support instead of floating around, feeling vacuous without any orbit or backing.

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