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Sunday, 10 August 2014

David gave Solomon a mule to enter Jerusalem. Jesus took a mule as confirmation of the historical record and of His family's ancestral tradition. It was not just a demonstration of humility. It was a sign of respect for tradition.  Is hoping for the end of the world as proof of the veracity of your faith the same as saying like Thomas "...unless I see the nail prints in His hands..."? You are not supposed to see it or be here to see it, believing in a rapture as a sincere believer.  See Matthew 24.  Your goal is to be salt and light and to occupy your time until He comes, it says,  instead of hoping to see  the end as proof of your faith and of the truth of the word. That hope to see the end is doubt; not faith in the historical record. Praying for His return and encouraging His presence as salt and light is, instead, faith that encourages.  Hoping for the end of the world is the antithesis of faith in Him. See Matthew 24. The end, in light of human intelligence, is the collective work and agenda of humanity, a natural occurrence such as a meteor or asteroid hitting the earth  or the collective denial of human wisdom and intelligence.  Men can communicate and resolve problems. If you need to have authority, this is the only place so have some authority and make the world beautiful. Salt saves. Salt preserves.

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