New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Sunday, 31 August 2014
Rejecting a ship but then defending the ship and risking the use of your big muscular arms.
A shipyard rejected an old floating cruise ship and told the captain who wanted to join the newer cruiseline to simply return his ship to the original builder and cruise line since the new line could not afford it. He refused and the original builder could not stand to see the ship floating around without direction and in need of funding. The old but modernizing cruise ship threw rocks at the old ship builder and he had to defend himself and the lease that he had on the territory. The newer shipyard decided to complain about the old ship builder and called him a bully while continuing to reject the old floating cruise ship and its desire for acceptance and support. The newer shipyard was rejecting a ship and then defending the rights of the ship to have sovereignty and with forceful language yet they said they could not afford the old floating cruise ship but they seem to be able to afford the time and money to have an argument about an old cruise ship's sovereignty. Money is being spent in either case. The new ship yard could just fund the old ship because its about to sink and the old ship builder who built it has an interest in old and existing leases on the old craft. It's not a bad old ship and just needed a little paint, a shipyard and support instead of floating around, feeling vacuous without any orbit or backing.
Marriage is sacred. Read Matthew 1:19- the betrothal provided conjugal rights. It says Joseph took Mary as his wife. A betrothal provided conjugal rights. It does say seek understanding and not frustrate yourself under the peace of the law.
Read Matthew 1:19- the betrothal provided conjugal rights. It says Joseph took Mary as his wife. A betrothal provided conjugal rights. It does say seek understanding and not frustrate yourself under the peace of the law. A ceremony can come later. No one is judging you. But, you were taught that a couple is living in sin unless they have a ceremony. How can you cheat on a girlfriend unless there is a contract involved? Everyone will agree you cheated if you cheated. Are you living in sin to have a girlfriend whose mother will accuse you of cheating if you are nice to a waitress? Are you living in sin to have a girlfriend that you live with if you are genuinely committed? You would be sinning if you cheat on her. Some say have a ceremony in due course if you wish. But, it is not God's law judging you if you don't and some say register a marriage license as soon as you are ready but when playing "rock, paper, pen" the pen wins every time. If you have no ceremony and just stay blessedly faithful to each other, you are certainly a blessed testimony. In either case, marriage is sacred. See Matthew 5.
Friday, 29 August 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Monday, 25 August 2014
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Sunday, 17 August 2014
The Lord said "... The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." See Mark 2:27. But, it is still the Sabbath and the only day on which the Lord would have ceremonial rest while also working in service. The Lord worshiped on the Sabbath. The Apostles shared the message of salvation first and foremost, relaxing the Jewish Sabbath custom to ensure that the message of salvation was communicated. The message is salvation and grace in the law and also a message of relationship so that the relationship and experience of Abraham as taught by Christ would be shared with the children of Abraham and also the Gentiles. As such, relationship precedes a life by the law. But, the law remains and is maintained with the understanding that following the law in its entirety without sincere relationship will not amount to anything but a dead, formulaic religion and not relationship. There has to be sincere relationship to accompany respect for the law and also the Sabbath. If someone chooses to worship on the Sabbath and has become convinced that this is his or her day of worship, let them be at peace and convinced but those who worship on some other day can recognize that the Sabbath will always be the Sabbath. The Sabbath will not change and in either case, let those who recognize Christ as their savior remain in sincere relationship. See 1st John 1.
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Friday, 15 August 2014
The parameters of relationship between a man and his girlfriend or wife cannot be the same as that of relationships with in-laws but one would be thankful for a mate who can get along with the in-laws generally speaking. There is no loyalty issue. He was yours so long as you appreciated him. The only reason why he was around was because you brought him home.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
We forgive...
Grandfathers are very important people and deserve to be forgiven for any misgivings like anyone else. They took the time to live and love long enough to ensure that one of your parents had children. Forgive them. When you do, you honor your self. You honor your family and you will, in all likelihood, play your video games much faster. Try it.
Monday, 11 August 2014
In the movie "The Grey", a man with the dedication of a church servant observes modern social mores and behavior. Many of the people in the local bar are from various backgrounds; including his own. He ends up in a plane crash on his return home and tries to survive this horrible incident with men who share his background either fully or partially. He tries to save everyone. He is the last survivor by virtue of fate and experience. But, it could have been one of the other individuals who, like him, barely survives the plane crash. The movie is an altar call of sorts. Everyone can relate to the protagonist. The end does not confirm his survival but it is hoped that the protagonist, in fact, survives. He faces a wolf and the elements. The movie is an altar call in many ways.
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Everyone has a journey in life. At any stage, there is opportunity for a testimony if you maintain your faith. Paul was shipwrecked but that is not to be considered a "fall" as some call it in more modern concepts of faith. It is an opportunity to either keep your faith or deny your faith but ultimately it is an opportunity to count it all joy in faith when you suffer certain tribulations, challenges or tests. Jesus fell carrying the cross but He did not "fall". He followed His faithful journey although He could have run away. Instead, He chose to die and to stand. Did Jonah "fall"? Did Abraham "fall" when he did not wait for the Lord's promise? Read Matthew 7 and choose how to accept the Lord carrying your burden and stand in quiet and sincere faith. Your mind is your temple. Honor the Lord in what you watch, hear and digest. Your body and mind is the temple of the living God.
David gave Solomon a mule to enter Jerusalem. Jesus took a mule as confirmation of the historical record and of His family's ancestral tradition. It was not just a demonstration of humility. It was a sign of respect for tradition. Is hoping for the end of the world as proof of the veracity of your faith the same as saying like Thomas "...unless I see the nail prints in His hands..."? You are not supposed to see it or be here to see it, believing in a rapture as a sincere believer. See Matthew 24. Your goal is to be salt and light and to occupy your time until He comes, it says, instead of hoping to see the end as proof of your faith and of the truth of the word. That hope to see the end is doubt; not faith in the historical record. Praying for His return and encouraging His presence as salt and light is, instead, faith that encourages. Hoping for the end of the world is the antithesis of faith in Him. See Matthew 24. The end, in light of human intelligence, is the collective work and agenda of humanity, a natural occurrence such as a meteor or asteroid hitting the earth or the collective denial of human wisdom and intelligence. Men can communicate and resolve problems. If you need to have authority, this is the only place so have some authority and make the world beautiful. Salt saves. Salt preserves.
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Friday, 8 August 2014
He spent three years saying " is written."
Jesus said He had come to fulfill the law and the prophets with Psalms and Proverbs available to Him. But without this collection of writing, would he have found it necessary or important to summarize the law and the prophets into two simple points? If He did not have such a great collection of writings, what would have been His source of learning and wisdom and would He have written His own book of wisdom? We have His summary and teachings on the law and prophets from those who lived and worked with Him, nothing more, because He(Jesus) said the law and the prophets were enough. They are enough to inspire and any gospel must be consistent with the law and the prophets in the old testament. Jesus rose from the tomb as a Jew. Read John 4 and John 17. He quoted nothing else and taught from no other source. They are enough to inspire faith in a human community based on Jehovah's natural law. See Ecclesiastes 12. The teachings of Paul the apostle and the disciples confirm this.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Try a different point of view.
When you are married or committed in dating(betrothed), you are not committed,dating or married to the image in your mind. You are enjoying companionship. The photos will always turn out quite smashingly if you keep this in mind. How many women break up over a photo or photos only to realize it was just the wind in his hair? Two days later, the wind was right or the hair sat well for the photo. Try again or keep going through the same cycle, wondering how you look with someone as you walk down the road. You are comfortable with him as you watch superman or x men in private so that is a good companion. Enjoy your companionship. The audience on various busy streets should not determine who you love or how you feel about the person you are dating and that you have come to call a friend. They already emptied the cat litter and brought Pizza Hut a few million times. You have an extensive check list to keep you shopping for a new friend and husband etc but you could win with thankfulness. Everybody has an opinion and so do you. Who do you love? You watched movies with him for six years. He could be the answer. Take more photos and walk in peace.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
They could use a muted laser weapon as a shield on black hawks to defend against rpgs. In addition, a small phalanx type anti-missile defense could be matched with an infrared night/day vision camera that could use a computer to target the trajectory of any sam or rpg and repel the incoming threat. See the new report coming up soon on military channel.
They could use a muted laser weapon as a shield on black hawks to defend against rpgs. In addition, a small phalanx type anti-missile defense could be matched with an infrared night/day vision camera that could use a computer to target the trajectory of any sam or rpg and repel the incoming threat. See the new report coming up soon on the military channel.
Monday, 4 August 2014 Click the link.
The Striving of the Soul
“The soul of man is a lamp of G‑d” (Proverbs 20:27). Just like the flame of the lamp strains upwards, seeking to tear free of the wick and rise heavenward—though this would spell its own demise—so, too, does the G‑dly soul in man constantly strive to tear free of the body and the material existence, and be nullified within its source in G‑d.
—Likkutei Amarim 19
Internal Battleground
The body is likened to a small city. Like two kings who wage war over a city, each desiring to capture it and rule over it—that is, to govern its inhabitants according to his will, so that they obey him in all that he decrees for them—so do the two souls, the G‑dly and the animal, wage war against each other over the body and all its organs and limbs. The desire and will of the G‑dly soul is that it alone should rule over the person and direct him, and that all his limbs should obey it and surrender themselves completely to it and become a vehicle for it, and serve as a vehicle for its ten faculties [of intellect and emotion] and three “garments” [thought, speech and action] . . . and the entire body should be permeated with them alone, to the exclusion of any alien influence, G‑d forbid. . . . While the animal soul desires the very opposite . . .
—Likkutei Amarim 9
Two Types of Pleasure
There are two types of pleasure before G‑d. The first is from the complete nullification of evil, and its transformation from bitterness to sweetness and from darkness to light, by the perfectly righteous. The second [pleasure] is when evil is repelled while it is still at its strongest and mightiest . . . through the efforts of the “intermediate man” (beinoni). . . . As in the analogy of physical food, in which there are two types of delicacies that give pleasure: the first being the pleasure derived from sweet and pleasant foods; and the second, from sharp and sour foods, which are spiced and prepared in such a way that they become delicacies that revive the soul . . .
—Likkutei Amarim 27
The Striving of the Soul
“The soul of man is a lamp of G‑d” (Proverbs 20:27). Just like the flame of the lamp strains upwards, seeking to tear free of the wick and rise heavenward—though this would spell its own demise—so, too, does the G‑dly soul in man constantly strive to tear free of the body and the material existence, and be nullified within its source in G‑d.
—Likkutei Amarim 19
Internal Battleground
The body is likened to a small city. Like two kings who wage war over a city, each desiring to capture it and rule over it—that is, to govern its inhabitants according to his will, so that they obey him in all that he decrees for them—so do the two souls, the G‑dly and the animal, wage war against each other over the body and all its organs and limbs. The desire and will of the G‑dly soul is that it alone should rule over the person and direct him, and that all his limbs should obey it and surrender themselves completely to it and become a vehicle for it, and serve as a vehicle for its ten faculties [of intellect and emotion] and three “garments” [thought, speech and action] . . . and the entire body should be permeated with them alone, to the exclusion of any alien influence, G‑d forbid. . . . While the animal soul desires the very opposite . . .
—Likkutei Amarim 9
Two Types of Pleasure
There are two types of pleasure before G‑d. The first is from the complete nullification of evil, and its transformation from bitterness to sweetness and from darkness to light, by the perfectly righteous. The second [pleasure] is when evil is repelled while it is still at its strongest and mightiest . . . through the efforts of the “intermediate man” (beinoni). . . . As in the analogy of physical food, in which there are two types of delicacies that give pleasure: the first being the pleasure derived from sweet and pleasant foods; and the second, from sharp and sour foods, which are spiced and prepared in such a way that they become delicacies that revive the soul . . .
—Likkutei Amarim 27
Read Isaiah 54 and see that every life has a purpose. To be a parent is not just to give birth. The act of giving birth is a function of parentage and parenting. Raising or training a child is a life-saving function and those who are entrusted with this duty are parents to the many children they have raised. Share with the children a parable on betrayal and disloyalty. It is in the gospels. It is in the story of Moses and his journey.
You will find that fables can be quite instructive. There was the fable by Aesop about the donkey and the grasshoppers. It demonstrates that health tips may not be universally applicable or at least that they should be applied with wisdom. See Proverbs 3:5-6. Also, there was the fable of the Lion and the Mouse. This confirms the principle in scripture of sowing and reaping and also doing unto others as you would have them do unto you as the Royal law( James 2:8-12). Also see Matthew 7:12.
Now, it does not take a doctorate to see the truth of the above fables. Jesus spoke in parables to get the point across in the same way. You saw the truth at work, in school and on the playground. Sometimes, we can reject wisdom because it was not in the gold wrapper or because of the speaker as he may not have an uptown or posh accent. Paul the apostle went through this. See 2nd Corinthians 10:1-7. He was judged for his appearance but those individuals judging you or your coat from DKNY as opposed to Perry Ellis have chosen their preferred designer but they do not have the key to Heaven and the choice of coat should not lead them to reject wisdom as you may write it or speak it with a little accent or not. Watchman Nee made many recordings on Christianity as his chosen faith in 1920's China. He may have been criticised by some but his approach to teaching has stood the test and many people still listen today. There are others. I knew a man who ran a growing church and his writing was quite instructive. But, sometimes his printer may have made errors or maybe his apprentice. He taught often on Jeremiah who proclaimed the "...Lord is my righteousness." You can google that. Even if there was a spelling error, the lesson or truth was not diminished.

We put on Christ's identity in exchange for our own identity and our own sense of right, accepting what He did on the cross. To say, the "..Lord is my righteousness" is to cast sincerely your cares and burdens on Him and receive grace as explained or set out in Romans 8. After that, reading Matthew 4,5,6,7 is a good foundation. The bible holding the wisdom might be old with an old cover but the truth inside is younger than anyone you know. Jesus is the youngest person you know. Read Psalms 92 and by staying close to Him, you are young and vital even in your old age. I was not the apprentice but I certainly went back to visit. It was good teaching to hear but more importantly to receive. If you are sincere in Christ, then everybody is a journalist concerning the good news. There is no competition in that popularity contest since we are joint heirs in Christ and everybody receives equal reward. He said His father has many mansions and His promise to be with you and provide is evident. Do not forget that the earth is His footstool. He also said the Kingdom of God is at hand. Read Mark 4 to also be reminded that not everyone will agree nor will they receive.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
It's been thirty years since that abortion. You would love to believe your son or child was saved. It is a worthy hope but that young man at the dmv has parents although he sort of looks like you. You had one abortion. The doctor performed many. Forgive yourself and adopt a young person who catches your attention at church and be an additional grandparent or parent to them. Read 1st John 1:9. Attend a good messianic Jewish meeting when you get a chance. Read Matthew 7 and 1st John 1: 9
It's been thirty years since that abortion. You would love to believe your son or child was saved. It is a worthy hope but that young man at the dmv has parents although he sort of looks like you. You had one abortion. The doctor performed many. Forgive yourself and adopt a young person who catches your attention at church and be an additional grandparent or parent to them. Read 1st John 1:9. Attend a good messianic Jewish meeting when you get a chance. Also, if you have peace in your soul eating pork, be at peace with your conscience as God gives you an indication. Let your neighbour be at peace in his conscience. You eat pork etc for cash. He or she does not. Read Matthew 7 and 1st John 1: 9-15.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
So, after figuring out how to destroy the world in one night sometime around 1951, the men behind the green curtains who work at Oz decided to ask Jehovah( the one and only Lord and Maker), what to do now. They read Psalms 82, Matthew 24 and the verse that says "...come now; let us reason together."
Friday, 1 August 2014
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