King John (1199) gave everyone a big promise. It's like an extension of the ten commandments with a sovereign's guarantee in a more modern and contemporary era with cell/data phones that can access the King James bible from any national guard/police officer detachment? Should it be easier or harder to guarantee this promise with Why was it necessary? Why was it necessary for the People Israel to leave Egypt after Joseph had sat there as governor? There may have been a change in Egypt of some significant proportion. Joseph seems to have thought a lot like King John, Abel, King David and Isaac. But, there was a promise given to two of Abraham's children. It was quite an authoritative promise. Absalom may have been part Ishmaelite as well as Amnon in that Amnon showed an anger toward acknowledging his father's headship. In his worst moments, David acknowledged the man in position and his shield. David, though, was not without sin. The Egypt under Ramses may not have shown honor for the Egyptian version of the ten commandments of communal living and, no doubt, such a code existed. But, there may have been a lack of honor or faithful commitment toward maintaining such a code. The question is why? The code represents honor for a household, homes and possessions and that of your neighbours'. But, there is emotional difficulty in doing this if much of your formative life as Abraham's son, Ishmael, may have been spent in a wilderness alone with a rejected mother fighting off wild animals and traders although she received an excellent promise that came to pass. You might have had to steal too many running shoes or apples from a caravan passing by. But, this was just preparation for Ishmael’s greatness. It seems that Ramses was an Ishmaelite who faced an adopted son of Isaac in his home. His name was Moses. Akhenaten was certainly a pharaoh who honored the one God and the natural laws given to men for commodious living. Abraham met such a Pharaoh while traveling with his wife; Sara. He was one of Akhenaten's ancestors most evidently since the fear of this G-d is not common but it is leadership for the greater good of the population and all of mankind.
By the time King John gave his promise, it was to all citizens regardless of their essential ancestry( Isaac or Ishmael). This was to ensure that all citizens could benefit from the promise. Such a promise celebrates balance and shuns absolute rule except for the absolute rule to enforce the code of communal living(Leviathan). Louis the 16th and Herod( in the bible) seem to show similar tendencies on the issue of codes or commandments of communal living. It's as if they want to kill King John or his happy people who wish to benefit from the promise of codified communal living. They may have been children of Ishmael or partially so. They may have been children of Absalom.
Our current order celebrates codes of communal living, parliaments, senators and elected representatives to govern by rules. Officers take oaths to uphold bills of rights. Bills of Rights might provide more certainty in the end.
When you see sudden shifts in attitudes or systems failing to honor their own codified laws, maybe Ramses or one of his grand children showed up again. Arguably, Ramses may have been just as adopted as Moses but from the house of Ishmael. They may not have been related to Akhenaten and his line and if they were, it is likely that Ramses and Moses would have had peace. But, everybody has the promise now under Balfour or King John or some act of some legislature. Where is Leviathan to save his computers designed for the citizens' safety (as numerated and monitored) from being hacked? In the alternative, Ramses ancestors may have been partially or fully Ishmaelite. Moses took power into his own hands to protect a Hebrew wife and husband from being molested by an Egyptian officer. The Egyptian officer broke the laws(the code) of Egypt . They certainly had a code. The Hebrews fled abuse in Egypt , a land where their ancestors with Joseph had actually found peace and safe prosperity for hundred's of years. It is likely that Hitler was an Ishmaelite( it is said that he was part North African. It is not clear what import this would have on his psyche but he was clearly a very angry student of Nietzsche and not of Christ) and also partially a son of Isaac but in a world that celebrated pure breeds, he was like to get very angry with being genetically on the fence and not appreciating the promise of Christ to be a joint heir. He should have hired Bonhoeffer. Let's review the promises given to King David. Was it that his ancestor's would design a system for everyone's commodious living regardless of ancestry maybe and someone would come along as a hireling( like Herod) to sort of frustrate the efficient working of the system and ignore its slow and sure dismantling? Watch Hanna( the movie) with Eric Bana. By the 12th century, many sons of David may have been living in Arab lands and also they may have been very good students of the Koran , the Torah and the Latin Vulgate. It is quite likely but who knows?
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