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Sunday, 9 March 2014

She seeks someone to love her while she is abuses them in fact. But, instead, she should seek to love someone who will love her in return. Use a phone. Call someone and see how it goes after the second date. He might be a great friend and husband for you. 2 can dine for $8.99 at Carl's Juniors.Otherwise, It's very difficult to share a domestic environment as a spouse with anyone who has not healed from any negative or dysfunctional experiences in childhood. They are not ready for any relationship of permanence as they see every situation through the prism of their past hurts and negative experiences and effectively recreate them. Not having healed sufficiently, they take any impasse on agreement on any issue as an opportunity for an exit from the domestic relationship. In recreating their negative experiences, they apply double standards since the whole transaction for such individuals is based on power and the loss of it on issues of minutia and pedantry. They are abusive people; always trying to win the power match of the dominant parent that they prayed would die or that they actually killed. While, for those who appreciate the actual purpose of companionship, little issues are opportunities to give and to receive with the expectation of equal forbearance. No one is a Saint every day but try 1st Corinthians 13. It's a good take or model on how to stay together.

It's very difficult to share a domestic environment as a spouse with anyone who has not healed from any negative or dysfunctional experiences in childhood. They are not ready for any relationship of permanence as they see every situation through the prism of their past hurts and negative experiences and effectively recreate them. Not having healed sufficiently, they take any impasse on agreement on any issue including laundry soap as an opportunity for an exit from  the domestic relationship. In recreating their negative experiences, they apply double standards since the whole transaction for such individuals is based on power and the loss of it on issues of minutia and pedantry. They are abusive people; always trying to win the power match of the dominant parent that they prayed would die or that they actually killed. While, for those who appreciate the actual purpose of companionship, little issues are opportunities to give and to receive with the expectation of equal forbearance. No one is a Saint every day but try 1st Corinthians 13. It's a good take or model on how to stay together.

Warren A. Lyon

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