New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Friday, 28 February 2014
I met a nice family from some Asian country while standing in the Airport waiting for a flight...They asked a question in some other language. I could at least understand their smile. How can we put this theory into practice corporately? Jeremiah 9:23
Hinduism: This is the sun of duty; do naught onto
others what you would not have them do unto you" (Mahabharata 5:1517)
Judaism: "What
is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire law; all the
rest is commentary" (Hillel, in the Talmud for the Sabbath 31a)
Zoroastrianism: " that nature alone is good which refrains from dong
another whatsoever is not good for itself" (Dadisten-I-Dinik 94:5)
Buddhism: " Since others too care for their own selves, those who care
for themselves should no hurt others" (Udanavarga 5:20)
Jainism: " A man should wander about treating all creatures as he
himself would be treated"(Sutrakritanga 1.11:33)
Daoism: Regard your neighbour's gain as your gain, and your neighbour's
loss as your own loss" ( Tai-shang Kan-ying P'ien)
Confucianism: "Do not do to others what you would not like your-self.
Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the
state" (Analects 12:2)
Christianity: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to
you, for this sums up the law and the prophets"
Matt 7:12)
Islam: No one of you is a believer until he desires for this brother that
which he desires for himself'( Hadith of al-nawawi 13)
The key consideration underlying the ethics of restraint in all of the
world's religions is the avoidance of doing harm to others. In that sense, at
this basic level, the fundamental value that underpins the moral precepts in
the faith traditions is really compassion in that there is a conscious regard
for others. If one looks at the various list of sins-by which I mean actions
that one ought not to do, such as killing stealing, adultery lying and so
forth-they all involve varying degrees and kinds of harm against others.
Clearly, the ways in which these precepts are grounded or justified in the
faith traditions will differ.
-Dalai Lama: Toward a True kinship of faiths....
For a full summary, read 1st Corinthians 1:18-31.
For a full summary, read 1st Corinthians 1:18-31.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
You had the feeling of Perfect love...You feel this with the entire audience when you watch movies you like; such a fan of your own feelings!
You had a feeling of perfect love when you met someone at 16 or 19 who
was on the same page as yourself with respect to most of life. You met someone
with whom you had a similar
feeling when you were 14. But, you were too young to get married. You will also notice that there are a
lot of people who appreciate the movie “The Vow” or “The Kingdom of
Heaven”. You do not have
enough time in life to make every individual who appreciates such movies and
who is of the opposite gender your life partner. But, they must understand what
you understand and appreciate most of what you appreciate. There is not a
lot of time. They say that in movies quite a lot. The feeling you have with
such individuals was first experienced in a sand box with a member of the opposite
gender. You were 4 or 5 years old and you were the last two individuals in the
sand box once or twice a week. You had the same feeling at 14 and 16. You do not have to look for the person
you met at 5 years old to believe the feeling. You could appreciate anyone and
enjoy a relationship but, you must recognize that a relationship is a mutual
decision to grow with someone and to spend time with someone, forgiving,
giving, receiving and communicating. You
could do that with anyone but you decided that you would not forgive yourself
for failing to appreciate someone some time ago when the test for longevity in
relationship came to the fore. You went with someone else to the Ball while you
resented your sandbox friend for choosing to finish his home work or pray to
the Lord for direction. That is ok. The point is that there are many sandbox
friends around you that you can enjoy. But, you have not enjoyed them since you
are not yourself; living in a self-rejected and self-protective state of mind.
Why did he not do exactly what you wanted and come out to play as requested?
You could have waited for that "sand box" friend at 16. He had not
decided anything. But, you did in the end. You kept rebuffing him. He
said he was able to play tomorrow or you were told he chose someone else to
attend the local piano concerto but he did not. The Cosmopolitan outlook and
its strategies are written from a point of view of anger. If you are angry, you
cannot help but agree with the “them” vs “us” stratagems in relationship in
Cosmpolitan. But, a true relationship that is loving and balanced is based on 1st Corinthians 13 where there is a
continual “US ”. Appreciate the next person with whom you have that
inexplicable feeling that says they share the same appreciation for 4/4 timing in good pop
songs. It is possible.
There is not a lot of time. You can only live for 100 years approximately. Why
spend it turning your home into a cosmopolitan?
If a population and its congressmen or MPs( representatives) refuse to acknowledge an election result unless there is a recount, can the winning dictator actually be sworn into office prior to the actual and necessary recount? Why is there any such phenomena as a recount? The entire country keeps itself employed but refuses to bend down to polish the dictator's shoes. It is quite goreish. The country is a corporation.
If a population and its congressmen or MPs( representatives) refuse to acknowledge an election result unless there is a recount, can the winning dictator actually be sworn into office prior to the actual and necessary recount? Why is there any such phenomena as a recount? The entire country keeps itself employed but refuses to bend down to polish the dictator's shoes. It is quite goreish. The country is a corporation.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Jesus paraphrased proverbs. He also paraphrased psalms. The Holy Spirit did not leave men entirely but, with God, was always searching for willing listeners and servants. It says " Wisdom crys...". It sometimes says wisdom calls. It is personified as a woman. The Shekinah glory is personified as the feminine heart of God. The Holy spirit is referred to as a comforter. Jesus was not a "Yoda" but He certainly came to fulfill the law and the prophets. He may have provided, in essence, a simple life of lessons in 30 years that can be summarized as "How to be a Prophet by J--- Of Nazareth.-at book stores now!!!" Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Read the gospels and you have your manual. If all else fails, ask Yoda.
So, what did Joseph, the King of Israel do when asked to act like an Egyptian King? David was asked to act in the same fashion ironically. God provided judges. The people asked for kings. The people must have had some image in mind or expectation of such persons. What did David do when rejected by his first wife? He seems to have taken many. David had as many wives as God instructed. Solomon had one too many. What did Joseph (the adoptive father of Christ)do as King of Israel? He kept his covenants.These days, every man born south of Florida is bothered by some old Jezebel woman some where to act like an Egyptian King. She teaches her daughter to expect the same. Are you an Egyptian King or a Jewish King? A Jewish boy may not be a king but can any obedient Jewish adult ( Messianic or the like) male in any desire to be a husband and family man with one wife be a boy?
So, what did Joseph, the King of Israel do when asked to act like an Egyptian King? David was asked to act in the same fashion ironically. God provided judges. The people asked for kings. The people must have had some image in mind or expectation of such persons. What did David do when rejected by his first wife? He seems to have taken many. David had as many wives as God instructed. Solomon had one too many. What did Joseph (the adoptive father of Christ)do as King of Israel? He kept his covenants.These days, every man born south of Florida is bothered by some old Jezebel woman some where to act like an Egyptian King after he turns 14. She teaches her daughter to expect the same of such men. Are you an Egyptian King or a Jewish King?
So, there is theory and practice. Leviathan, Rousseau, King John and the Magna Carta provide good classical theory quite similar to the ten commandments; commandments for communal living. May the Lord help us to love our neighbour and to love Him as He helps. You need to buy yourself a kitkat sometimes. Jesus came to teach us how to practice the various theories. He was an urban prophet who had to go out into the wilderness. He lived in a pretty big urban center with lots of human interaction; like a modern day subway rider. Ou est le metro?
So, there is theory and practice. Leviathan(Hobbes), Rousseau, King John and the Magna Carta provide good classical theory quite similar to the ten commandments; commandments for communal living. May the Lord help us to love our neighbour and to love Him as He helps. You need to buy yourself a kitkat sometimes. Jesus came to teach us how to practice the various theories. He was an urban prophet who had to go out into the wilderness. He lived in a pretty big urban center with lots of human interaction; like a modern day subway rider. Ou est le metro?
Your neighbour married a doberman? He was the first in history with lots of public attention and news footage. He felt soo accepted.
In a new movie plot, Gay marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage is a covenant between
a man and a woman. There are recorded and unrecorded marriages existing in
society. Everyone, however, is entitled to social acceptance. Everyone is
entitled to a sense of respect upon the demise of their loved ones. Everyone
hopes to receive some sort of recognition for their long suffering. This
recognition should be mutual in spite of contributions. No one wants the
uneducated female house wife to leave a marriage without support. What about
the gay uneducated partner who has established a common-law union according to
the prevailing laws of a certain country? The common-law union is recognized by
the courts. It can be recorded or at least recognized by claim after the requisite time period(20+years is
it?). In some jurisdictions, it is recorded by the mutual signing of a document
by the gay partners on a certain date without the need for 20+ years of
cohabitation. You can take photos and share wine with your colleagues and
family members. You may feel better calling it a marriage. You may feel better
if the state calls it a marriage. Do you have to feel angry and rejected if you
do not get what you want exactly? Your gay partner is happy to give you half of
his pension either way; whether it is called a marriage or not. Just sign the
document. Call it a formal cohabitation document with rights to claim part of a
pension. You can still pass the ball and live in society. What will you do when
your neighbour claims to be married to his Doberman? It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Your body is the temple of the Living God. Some people try to obtain a sense of respect or approval by having sex. This could only be possible if you are living in a continual state of self-rejection. God did say He loves you. However, you could obtain the same sense of respect or approval by having intercourse(dialog) with Christ. Your body is the temple of the living God.
Ask yourself if Jesus hurt the Eunuchs mentioned in Matthew 19. Read 1st Corinthians 13. Ask yourself about what He said to the woman at the well in John 4 and the woman caught in Adultery. Be convinced in your own mind. Jesus is gentle, leaving judgement to His Heavenly father. Your mother may have been looked at by her parents as if she was a boy or should have been one. She was the second child and the boy her family had wanted. She may know the pain of rejection that the women in John 4 and John 8 encountered. Forgive and read Psalms 27:10.
Ask yourself if Jesus hurt the Eunuchs mentioned in Matthew 19. Read 1st Corinthians 13. Ask yourself about what He said to the woman at the well in John 4 and the woman caught in Adultery. Be convinced in your own mind. Jesus is gentle, leaving judgement to His Heavenly father. Your mother may have been looked at by her parents as if she was a boy or should have been one. She was the second child and the boy her family had wanted. She may know the pain of rejection that the women in John 4 and John 8 encountered. Forgive and read Psalms 27:10. She is truly a woman.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
The Medical doctor that you attend for joint aches or High blood pressure might believe that the world is more than six thousand years old but as a fundamentalist Christian, you were told that such beliefs amounted to doubt in the biblical account. Did you read that " a day unto God is like a thousand years"? Your Jewish forebears in faith always believe consistently that the world is older than six thousand years. But, what does it matter? Your problems are timeless. They are as old as Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel. The answers to such problems are also timeless. Forgive and ask for the power to forgive. More importantly, you can take your timeless answers and apply them to your little and brief time here on the earth. You only have 100 years approximately. You have spent soo much of it trying to tell everyone how you feel and how you were abused and how you need to avenge yourself with power and negative influence over others. There is this incessant need for control. We know you. You are soo afraid of potential. Your character is displayed in Snow White and the Dwarves. It is also displayed in Sleeping Beauty. Your purpose was appearance and you feared that someone else may have both inner and outer beauty so you hoped to spoil and felt challenged by their simple love of life and for the gospel. You hope to kill and teach others that your killing and maiming will justify your version of the world and your apprehension of success. But, you are not happy. So, believe something and stop trying to be right about everything. You are not a scientist but you are smart enough to have faith in your doctor's prescriptions. You should have had faith in the Lord who told you to throw out those free twinkies given to you at the church function. Your feet started tingling just as you ate them in the young doctor's Mazda while he gave you a free ride home.The Lord spoke to you for free as well since you keep saying the Lord spoke to you. You told the Doctor. You said you didn’t listen. So, take your pills and agree with some love of neighbour, self and of the Lord. You can trust and believe for free and respect the fact that the Doctor believes in DNA and carbon dating. Rome is not as old as Egypt . Egypt is not as old some other less organised civilizations. Can you see that there is an organised and educated oligarchy of a homosexual or morally permissive( anything goes) ten percent of the population than can tell you what the political agenda is for any election? Somehow, they can make it law. Also, zero emissions fuel formats may not have been so important to them. See the new Ray Ban ads. But, you never know. Anyway, those other less organised civilizations existed. You don’t have to continue to impress others with your capacity for faith in the unknown. We know. You ate the twinkies.
The Medical doctor that you attend for joint aches or High blood pressure might believe that the world is more than six thousand years old but as a fundamentalist Christian, you were told that such beliefs amounted to doubt in the biblical account. Did you read that " a day unto God is like a thousand years"? Your Jewish forebears in faith always believe consistently that the world is older than six thousand years. But, what does it matter? Your problems are timeless. They are as old as Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel. The answers to such problems are also timeless. Forgive and ask for the power to forgive. More importantly, you can take your timeless answers and apply them to your little and brief time here on the earth. You only have 100 years approximately. You have spent soo much of it trying to tell everyone how you feel and how you were abused and how you need to avenge yourself with power and negative influence over others. There is this incessant need for control. We know you. You are soo afraid of potential. Your character is displayed in Snow White and the Dwarves. It is also displayed in Sleeping Beauty. Your purpose was appearance and you feared that someone else may have both inner and outer beauty so you hoped to spoil and felt challenged by their simple love of life and for the gospel. You hope to kill and teach others that your killing and maiming will justify your version of the world and your apprehension of success. But, you are not happy. So, believe something and stop trying to be right about everything. You are not a scientist but you are smart enough to have faith in your doctor's prescriptions. You should have had faith in the Lord who told you to throw out those free twinkies given to you at the church function. Your feet started tingling just as you ate them in the young doctor's Mazda while he gave you a free ride home.The Lord spoke to you for free as well since you keep saying the Lord spoke to you. You told the Doctor. You said you didn’t listen. So, take your pills and agree with some love of neighbour, self and of the Lord. You can trust and believe for free and respect the fact that the Doctor believes in DNA and carbon dating.Rome is not as old as Egypt . Egypt is not as old some other less organised civilizations. Can you see that there is an organised and educated oligarchy of a homosexual or morally permissive( anything goes) ten percent of the population than can tell you what the political agenda is for any election? Somehow, they can make it law. Also, zero emissions fuel formats may not have been so important to them. See the new Ray Ban ads. But, you never know. Anyway, those other less organised civilizations existed. You don’t have to continue to impress others with your capacity for faith in the unknown. We know. You ate the twinkies.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
The Medical doctor that you attend for joint aches or High blood pressure might believe that the world is more than six thousand years old but as a fundamentalist Christian, you were told that such beliefs amounted to doubt in the biblical account. Did you read that " a day unto God is like a thousand years"? Your Jewish forebears in faith always believe consistently that the world is older than six thousand years. But, what does it matter? Your problems are timeless. They are as old as Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel. The answers to such problems are also timeless. Forgive and ask for the power to forgive. More importantly, you can take your timeless answers and apply them to your little and brief time here on the earth. You only have 100 years approximately. You have spent soo much of it trying to tell everyone how you feel and how you were abused and how you need to avenge yourself with power and negative influence over others. There is this incessant need for control. We know you. You are soo afraid of potential. Your character is displayed in Snow White and the Dwarves. It is also displayed in Sleeping Beauty. Your purpose was appearance and you feared that someone else may have both inner and outer beauty so you hoped to spoil and felt challenged by their simple love of life and for the gospel. You hope to kill and teach others that your killing and maiming will justify your version of the world and your apprehension of success. But, you are not happy. So, believe something and stop trying to be right about everything. You are not a scientist but you are smart enough to have faith in your doctor's prescriptions. You should have had faith in the Lord who told you to throw out those free twinkies given to you at the church function. Your feet started tingling just as you ate them in the young doctor's Mazda while he gave you a free ride home.The Lord spoke to you for free as well since you keep saying the Lord spoke to you. You told the Doctor. You said you didn’t listen. So, take your pills and agree with some love of neighbour, self and of the Lord. You can trust and believe for free and respect the fact that the Doctor believes in DNA and carbon dating.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
There were THREE types of ancient humans: 30,000-year-old fossils prove Neanderthals and modern humans were not the only species on Earth.
There were THREE types of ancient humans: 30,000-year-old fossils prove Neanderthals and modern humans were not the only species on Earth
A mysterious new species of human being who lived alongside our ancestors 30,000 years ago has been discovered by scientists.
The cavemen, called Denisovans, were identified from DNA taken from a tooth and finger bone found in a cave in Siberia.
They walked the Earth during the last Ice Age when modern humans were developing sophisticated stone tools, jewellery and art.
The finding means there were at least three distinct members of the human family tree alive at the time - modern humans, Denisovans and Neanderthals.

DNA taken from this tooth belonging to a young girl was found to be neither from early human nor Neanderthal, and was from a previously unknown species
The bone belonged to a young girl nicknamed the X-Woman.
Provisional tests published earlier this year suggested she belonged to an entirely new species. Now a fully DNA analysis has confirmed her place on the increasingly muddled human family tree.
The discovery follows the controversial discovery of another 'new' species of 3 ft tall human called the Hobbit on an Indonesian island in 2004.
However, many researchers have dismissed the Hobbit, claiming the bones came from a modern human with a growth disorder.
The little finger belonged to a girl aged around five to seven and was found in the Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains in southern Siberia in 2008 alongside ornaments and jewellery.
The Denisovans were physically different from the thickset Neanderthals and modern humans although they also walked upright two legs.
The tooth resembles much older human ancestors - such as Homo erectus - which died out one million years ago.

The Denisovans were similar in looks to homo erectus, pictured, a species which dies out more than one million years ago
The Denisovans lived at a time when our ancestors, and the Neanderthals, were fishing and hunting, wearing jewellery, painting caves and making animal carvings.
The DNA test show that the tooth and finger bone came from different people, the researchers report in the journal Nature.
It is only in the last decade that scientists have been able to retrieve DNA from fossils. Before that they could only identify bones from their shape and size.
The study found extracts of Denisovan DNA in modern day inhabitants of Melanesia - the islands to the north and east of Australia which include New Guinea. That suggests the Denisovans interbred with the ancestors of Melanesians and may have been widespread in Asia.
'This is an incredibly well-preserved sample, so it was a joy to work with data this nice.
'We don't know all the reasons why, but it is almost miraculous how well-preserved the DNA is,' said Dr Richard Green from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
The new species appears to have been a 'sister group' to the Neanderthals and its discovery paints a complicated picture of human evolution and migration out of Africa - the cradle of mankind.
Dr Green believes one group of early human ancestors left Africa between 300,000 and 400,000 years ago and quickly split up.
One branch evolved into the Neanderthals who spread into Europe, while the other moved east and became Denisovans.

Both the Neanderthals and the Denisovans started in Africa but, around the same time, the Neanderthals moved out to the west and into Europe, while the Denisovans headed East

Archaeologists excavate remains Denisova Cave in Siberia. Scientists have discovered a third type of ancient human in the caves
Around 70,000 years there was another wave of migration when modern humans quit Africa.
These were our ancestors and they first encountered and interbred with Neanderthals - leaving traces of Neanderthal DNA in the genetic code of all non-Africans alive today.
One group of modern humans later came into contact with Denisovans, leaving traces of Denisovan DNA in the humans who settled in Melanesia.
'This study fills in some of the details, but we would like to know much more about the Denisovans and their interactions with human populations,' Dr Green said.
'And you have to wonder if there were other populations that remain to be discovered. Is there a fourth player in this story?'
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Mary and Martha demonstrate the same relational tensions as witnessed in the life of Joseph with his brothers. Mary and Martha demonstrate the same tensions as witnessed in the relationship of Cain and Abel. What are you going to do? Now, what if Mary and Martha had a little brother favored by the Daddy in the home?
Mark chapter three mentions family. This is a very powerful statement. However, it is good to remain thankful for those who provided you oatmeal, school trip fees, skates and soccer shoes. They are your parents; your family in spite of their struggles in faith and in understanding. They might even reason like a Darth Vader sometimes. You need to know when to hear like an Abraham and follow Proverbs 3:5-6. There is no confusion with thankfulness in terms of family and in obeying the leading of the Lord.
There is a reason why there are billions of men on the planet for billions of women. There are several answers to your needs. But, you need to appreciate the answer. The real-life GI Joe and Ken doll with a size 8-11 shoe get old. You asked for an erect right triangle but you keep screaming and seeing a square. Be thankful for the answer. God was thankful when he made you. He saw a child and called you his child.
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Calvinists and Baptists find their origins in the foundation of the church in the book of Acts. See Acts 2. They do not claim a stratified Heaven. In their fear of the Lord, they do not judge other denominations. See Matthew 7. What is the point? Every soul is subject to the Lord's judgment. Every church is subject to the Lord's judgment. The Seventh Day Adventists find their origins in the Millerite revival of Low Hampton, New York in 1798. Mr. Miller enjoyed the winter of upstate New York and may be related to the company that sells beer. He read Matthew 7, John 5 and John 8 quite a lot. He also read Galatians. William Miller was a Baptist. The town's population in 2010 was 938 people. They read a lot there. Every church is judged by the Lord. See Revelations 3. What you can do is love your neighbour and confess your sins one to another.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
A new article will address the concept of neo-serfdom or neo slavery. Slavery exists to create and perpetuate human indignity. Neo slavery seeks to create this indignity in institutions designed within liberal-democratic and Judeo-Christian societies where such institutions were designed, funded and expected to be bastions of education and organisations were designed to safeguard liberties and perpetuate the virtues of humanity and human understanding. These fundamental expectations are sometimes forgotten by those who live in such societies and are trained by the fundamental institutions. They forget because they witnessed the indignities suffered by their peers. The message in the latter end is to abuse who you can to feel better about the abuse you suffered in these hallowed institutions. Human indignity is set aside when the purpose for such institutions is remembered and if you want to feel better than someone else based on culture, race or language you can manage to do so in private. Just maintain the rules of the social poker games and the scrabble. You invited people to play and the only Kings in the bible who broke the rules of their own Kingdom ( the Ten commandments) and abused people are those who sinned in some horrible way, killing to circumvent their fear of loss. This includes Herod. It also includes David. There are soo many Kings to remember and a few Judges of Israel who did their best in the Lord's sight to live by and maintain the commandments of the Kingdom. They did this in and through relationship with the Lord and by His grace. There is a royal law.
Friday, 21 February 2014
You drove the Kia to the score touchdowns and goals so don't worry about her.
In a new movie plot, Hello Mrs. American Pie. Drove the Kia to the levy but the levy was dry and the good old boys are drinking Hot chocolate and chai; so there is no need for you to be single. The only issue is that there is this notion of mating that involves you obtaining enough chattel to keep the reasonably pretty girl focused. This is what happens. She likes you for your smile and your genuine Christian demeanor and your reasonable Kia or Hyundai. But, then Biff who is an idolatrous jack off sees her and says that he wants to compete so he shows up next week in his friend's two door coupe from Dodge and he bluetooth's her phone with his number. He actually gets his own Dodge or long wheel base Hyundai and then she says she wants to think about things since you have a Veloster; not soo long and uh size matters as she is taught. He seems to act like he is the biggest in town as well; oooh! So, she has a night with Biff but does not tell you and then she waits to see if you will change your vehicle but you don't change it. She takes Biff and says she got an offer to go on a cruise two days just before your scheduled cruise. Remember that she chose you for your smile to begin and said you were really genuine. You are now single and the local Pastor calls you sort of gay but you had character. You did not play the game and compete in the genuine arena. But, the arena is not so genuine if you've read Matthew 4,5,6 and 7. The truly genuine arena is not based on mammon. Mary did not choose Joseph for his chattel. Jacob and Rachel did not choose each other based on mammon. Biff is happy so long as she feels like she was someone else's just a few days ago. He might even suggest that you put up your ex's picture and then take it down so he gets the drive to compete again. What do you do since everybody in the Town seems to know? You choose purpose. She was not the wife and just have more hobbies. Date the first genuine girl on the local church softball team or in the choir. The Veloster is hot. But, every time a girl has a date or boyfriend, the culture of competing and winning means that she is a game. Biff would rather chase your girl than focus on his. So, play Wheel of Fortune and let nothing diminish your knowledge of self and self-esteem. Choose good friends. This includes a spouse. Do not let your esteem decay in direct proportion to the age of your vehicle. Your neighbour may not agree though. You are not old and keep your passtime as much as she demands attention. When you let go of the passtime or ministry, she will loose interest. It is a part of what makes you vibrant. The right one will support you. Da bears!!!! It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Click the link.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
Click the link.
Super girl?
Now, Super Girl was raised by a single mother. She gave
grace to her mother who she realised was just human and capable of mistakes as
she witnessed her mother's humanity everyday. But, when it came to her
expectations of a father, the expectations were founded on images and ideals of
what a man ought to be. The father was not around. While, Eight is Enough and Happy Days depicted fathers
apologizing sometimes in a family and home environment, Super Girl usually
gravitates to the strongest and most powerful images of a man. This would
include the Western movie hero( Strong, Silent, type) or that Super Hero who
always shows up to save; like Jesus but this Super hero has a perfect hair
cut, never gets old and is always perfect like a Ken Doll. The super hero does
not have to die and rise again to prove anything usually. Have you seen
Superman Returns? Super girl wants a husband but treats every potential suitor
with the scrutiny that is skewed by unrealistic expectations. She may spend
sometime with a church Bishop or Deacon( they have to be married) in the bible
study class, but she does not get to hear about how he forgot to bring home the
milk or the eggs or to take the son to soccer practice. He is sometimes late
while he is praying with Super girl to forgive her absent father. She needs to
realise that the average father does not have a cape and boots; nor will her
humble husband who understood the grace that was required by a single mother.
There is no need for a double standard in expectations. Batman fell down
sometimes; I hear. But, he got back up again by grace. Super girl should take
her cape off and just carry a bible in her back pocket, hand bag or her
gendarmerie uniforms. She is here to help and not perpetuate a cycle of anger
and unrealistic expectations of perfection that engineer disappointment.
The best thing to do in the alternative is to find out how many times the
Western movie hero misses before killing the baddie. This way, you will see
they are not perfect and that the image of perfection is just as human as the
single mother.
See first Corinthians 13. If everyone was perfect, you would
not need the love. What do you say to a coke or a Fanta with some forgiveness?
Thursday, 20 February 2014
The motivation for the average soap opera and the anthropological underpinnings are found within the cave. You could look over your shoulder at night and see your husband from earlier this afternoon, taking advantage of your sister. She said no but he decided she needed to be close and she agreed since her husband from a meeting in the bush two days ago is with someone else's wife an hour ago. Everybody can see it. It's a soap opera. The psychological foundations for a soap opera finds its origins in the cave. It could also be a slave plantation or a French penal colony in Louisiana. It gets soo hot down by the bayou; eh?
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
You are a 5' 7 " running back and doing quite okay. You are fertile and you have a nice offer from the cafeteria server every soo often. You are a graduate now but your parents suffered a bad divorce. You witnessed some domestic spousal abuse. You fear encountering it in your own life and so you spend a lot of time with the team where the 6' 8" line backer is giving you winks but you do like that cafeteria girl but....the risk of experiencing some spousal abuse and rejection because you ordered the uh wrong toppings on the pizza is just too much. What do you do?
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Symbols...Without Christ, the cross is a symbol of death. Christ, however, as the way, truth and the life, overcame the cross. The cross is not synonymous with life. Christ, however, is synonymous with life. All things are made through Him. The symbol is only as good as its intention. Without Christ, what does the cross mean?
Read Isaiah 44 -46. A fish was used to symbolise the "Way" of the belief that Christ was the Messiah at the very beginning of this faith in Christ as the definite Messiah. It is a faith that makes you feel good. The miraculous stories stir the soul. But, the faith is not a call to feelings of superiority over others and games of judging others whether they are believers or not. This is not Christ's message. It is not a message that has room or opportunity for one church's doctrine to claim superiority over another church and its doctrine. We cannot have the attitude that we have already attained it. We see in part and know in part; right?-1st Corinthians 13:9. The hope is that every believer will stay faithful to the truth of the word; nothing more. About the habit or tendency for judgement of others, read Matthew 7 and Jeremiah 9:23-24.
Thus says the Lord: y“Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but zlet him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. aFor in these things I delight, declares the Lord.
Thus says the Lord: y“Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but zlet him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. aFor in these things I delight, declares the Lord.
Aldous Huxley had a vision but it was more of a nightmare; a nightmare exemplifying a modern society of apathy. A school teacher cannot control your choice of movies currently available at the box office but, alongside politicians, they could help to influence the movies being produced. "Batman Begins" was great in addition to Quantum of Solace, "Living Daylights" and the Vow.
Strip clubs, massage parlours and porn film producers are among those able to claim Government cash under a Department for Work and Pensions scheme.
The DWP’s youth contract allows employers to claim wage incentives of up to £2,275 for each new recruit aged 18-24 who has been receiving benefits for at least six months through Jobcentre Plus.
Strip clubs are not allowed to claim the subsidy for the actual performers, but the establishment can receive the cash for any bar staff, door staff, receptionists or cleaners they employ, according to guidelines for DWP staff posted to The same applies to saunas and massage parlours.
For part time employees a company can claim up to £1,137.50.
While a glamour model, pornographic actress and webcam sex performers are not eligible under the scheme, those who take the pictures and do the filming are. Directors, producers and sound people who work in porn are also covered.
‘Mud wrestlers’, ‘cat fighters’, ‘topless cleaners’ and burlesque performers are explicitly excluded from the subsidy.
Confirming that the guidelines are genuine, the DWP told theHuffington Post UK: “This Government took action to ensure jobs in the adult industry which might exploit jobseekers were not advertised through Jobcentre Plus.
“We also ensured that to be eligible for our schemes jobs must not exploit vulnerable jobseekers.”
In a statement to The Sunday Times, the department added that jobcentres had been “guided” to only discuss jobs in the adult industry when young people asked about them.
Labour MP Fiona Mactaggart, who has called for the subsidy to be axed for the sex industry, told the newspaper: “I do not think parents would welcome this government-sponsored recruitment into the sex industry...These are entry-level jobs into a world of gross exploitation and violence.”
God does not have Grandchildren. Everyone is called to be a servant-to be conformed unto the image of His son. Romans 8.
The Lord had relationship with Adam. But, Abel and Cain had to decide for themselves. Joseph had visions that he could not explain and also his father's approval; maybe because he was the newest potential soccer forward in the family. He excited his old father's hopes for the family's extended future. David had a servant's heart but lacked his father's approval. David and Joseph both experienced family rejection. They were also given opportunities to serve by the Lord.
The simple summary is of the acceptance or rejection of men is God's fulcrum or loving estate. Read Psalms 27.10. The Lord wants servant-children; not grand children and the space to create and call His servant in spite of man's rejection or approval. Joseph chose to serve the Lord and ran from Potiphar's wife who was Jezebel's great great grandmother quite potentially. Each soul as created must choose for himself. Christ chose as did Satan. Satan could have chosen the hope of forgiveness and to stay in that frame of mind. But, instead, he chose rebellion. Cain did the same in an abundance of impatience. David chose the hope of forgiveness and repentance and trusting in the Lord's power to restore relationship.
The simple summary is of the acceptance or rejection of men is God's fulcrum or loving estate. Read Psalms 27.10. The Lord wants servant-children; not grand children and the space to create and call His servant in spite of man's rejection or approval. Joseph chose to serve the Lord and ran from Potiphar's wife who was Jezebel's great great grandmother quite potentially. Each soul as created must choose for himself. Christ chose as did Satan. Satan could have chosen the hope of forgiveness and to stay in that frame of mind. But, instead, he chose rebellion. Cain did the same in an abundance of impatience. David chose the hope of forgiveness and repentance and trusting in the Lord's power to restore relationship.
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Rejectionism for some Tide Cold Water. Just go and shop on your own.
The Palestinians have followed a pattern of rejectionism over the
centuries when it comes to Israel . This is mentioned in news reports and
documentaries. Ironically, a pattern of rejectionism was noticed socially in
homes and communities in North America and elsewhere where
the wife was raised by a single mother; a generational tendency of some kind.
The message to the husband is that nothing will be good enough or acceptable
unless it is touched, bought or some how under the mother’s influence. You may
buy the best dishes from the most exquisite department store but she will not
accept them. She will tell you to return them and three weeks later, she will
buy the same dishes from another department store at the same price. It has
nothing to do with her reward points either. So, what is the terrible issue?
The issue is the experience of rejection and the fear of it and an environment
that must be within her control or else, there is a sense of personal
diminishment and reminder of a terrible experience of being left. In some
homes, they might just say “thank you” for the dishes. It has nothing to do
with building a nest or some other pattern of emoting. This pattern of
rejectionism is seen in some communities over several generations when the
father had to leave and work over seas or the mother of a certain child was
truly the family’s baby sitter and caregiver for that particular family’s
children born to the wife of the home. It is the experience of Hagar and
Ishmael over and over again; Hagar and Ishmael.
What does a man do when every young woman in his hometown will tell him
to take that $100.00( $39.99 on sale at$29.99 at auction on
stainless steel glamorous set of pots and return it? He will tell his son in
such a home to do whatever she says since every other woman in the hometown is
the same way and he knows from experience because he was hoping for a June
Cleaver(regardless of race ) who might have just said “thank you”. The message
to the daughters is that the male is not to have any authority in such issues
and certainly there will be moments when her decisions are correct quantifiably.
There are other instances when it should hardly matter. It is just soap or the
very same plates that the husband said he hated this time. She bought them just
for that reason. He loved them actually.
You may tell a child raised in a single family
home to forgive and buy the father a good gift but the mother should also call
the father and advise the father that a child has arrived. The mother may have chosen to keep the child
a secret in fear of a loss of control. Forgive that experience and its origins.
A man says he has to have a sense of authority over his children. He failed to recognise that authority is love. God is love; not simply power to control and abuse. How do you envision God as a loving father(1st Corinthians 13)? He does not choose all of the musical notes as you express the God-given gift of creation. There are occasions, though, when He may inspire very precisely. The earthly father is not called to try and play God.
A man says he has to have a sense of authority over his children. He failed to recognise that authority is love. God is love; not simply power to control and abuse. How do you envision God as a loving father(1st Corinthians 13)? He does not choose all of the musical notes as you express the God-given gift of creation. There are occasions, though, when He may inspire very precisely. The earthly father is not called to try and play God.
Noah would have been a child of Cain instead of a child of Abel if
he had built a canoe, boat or raft according to his own specifications.
Abraham, Noah and Moses are children of
Abel in that the respected the call to communication and relationship with the
Lord. This is the faith of Abraham. It is the faith of Abel. Cain said that
Daddy said that God said, ".. you shall till and live from the
earth." He must have become confident reciting this old command of the
Lord given to his father but this command did not exclude daily relationship
and this is where Cain fell short. The Lord invited Him to such relationship
and he rejected it in favor of his impatient, angry feelings. What
explains Cain’s reactions to Abel? He was just as favored in terms of his
invitation to relationship. Choose to walk in the faith in Abraham( “I am a
messianic Jew..I am walking in the faith of Abraham”) and recite this choice a few times. It is like submitting to
the fact that you do not know what day you will die.
The rules of relationship are as follows:
1. Give what you wish to receive;
2. Wait for your partner in all things in the same way you would want him to wait for you. Everybody knows you are generally and often do get hot and its hard to wait sometimes in spite of traffic jams;
3. Live and practice 1st Corinthians 13;
4. Ignore anyone who tells you not to be patient and to just get handy help from the closest male who is willing. Those who tell you not to wait will be upset if you do not agree with them as you may end up happily involved in a God honoring covenant relationship. It is contrary to their personal expectations and wish that you will join them;
5. Repeat what you hope for often since the androids are not ready yet for attendance at movies or on ocean going cruises;
6. There are always many willing hands to help turn off your uh faucet but this is also true for your uh betrothed husband and his uh faucet; and
7.Do what you expect of him when it is uh hot and uh hard sometimes to be patient. Life is not a soap opera( a long weave of intertwined plots about adultery in everyday life) and you do not have to agree to defraud yourself and others.
1. Give what you wish to receive;
2. Wait for your partner in all things in the same way you would want him to wait for you. Everybody knows you are generally and often do get hot and its hard to wait sometimes in spite of traffic jams;
3. Live and practice 1st Corinthians 13;
4. Ignore anyone who tells you not to be patient and to just get handy help from the closest male who is willing. Those who tell you not to wait will be upset if you do not agree with them as you may end up happily involved in a God honoring covenant relationship. It is contrary to their personal expectations and wish that you will join them;
5. Repeat what you hope for often since the androids are not ready yet for attendance at movies or on ocean going cruises;
6. There are always many willing hands to help turn off your uh faucet but this is also true for your uh betrothed husband and his uh faucet; and
7.Do what you expect of him when it is uh hot and uh hard sometimes to be patient. Life is not a soap opera( a long weave of intertwined plots about adultery in everyday life) and you do not have to agree to defraud yourself and others.
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