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Friday, 31 January 2014

M. Scott Peck and a few music writers referred to a concept of mental slavery. It is said by some writers also that black people were created during the Atlantic passage. It is an interesting statement. Either way, one question is whether being black is synonymous with mental slavery. Before this question is answered, there is an interesting new rap song about Juan Carlos( An American gold medalist). I was just wondering if there are any rap songs about a few Black doctors or Judges like Dr. Bell Hooks or Dr. Ben Carson. They constitute good material for rap songs as well. Juan Carlos is a solid historical figure evidently.  Shani Davis should have a rap song some day maybe. Rap is fun sometimes. It is rather true Bill Cosby or some British artists rap sometimes.  Anyway, lets us try an answer.  Moses was a slave but the Lord called him and said;" are now my child and always were." He was given the ten commandments as an inheritance and this was provided to the children of Abraham by birth and by faith. Moses' Moabite wife was included.  Do you see?  David is a descendant of ex-slaves and the message is the same.  See Psalms 82 and Psalms 27:10; God's child. Christ reminded them of the message and all who choose to believe. It is an open invitation.  Paul reminded them further in that he wrote Romans 8 and recognized that every child of God is a Joint Heir; a joint heir of Christ. In this, you have your freedom from mental slavery. You are a joint heir in Christ. So, just follow the royal law and enjoy your new identity. Moses did. Forget the fault of your birth if you want to think of it as a fault because a high school diploma is handed out to black and white kids to the extent of their diligence( the black ones are usually told to work twice as hard though to hedge against the risk of racist factors. Either way, you can't rest on your laurels. A public school graduation does not guarantee a high school diploma or a Doctorate).  Maybe some of these black kids know only freedom in their ancestry. Maybe the black free ones joined the ones who thought of themselves as ex slaves in the school parking lot while other kids who think of themselves as ex slaves sat in the library with some free ones-who knows? High School graduation is a free choice and its virtually free except for the trip to Washington D.C. in your junior year. Regardless of how you conceive of your birth, stop trying to drag everyone of your neighbours or your children into your experience  of negative Slavic self perceptions by damaging their property to see if they have attached themselves to material that decays and any associated pride to the same extent as yourself. Of course they have pride or else they would damage their own vehicles and chip at their mail boxes( something you do to see if they have pride- no one understands this backward justification for self hatred.) Washing a vehicle as required or once a month should be enough for most sane people.  

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