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Wednesday, 4 September 2013


In a new movie plot, Jesus said pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow Him. So why would anyone want to say something bad about that type of ministry or about Jesus or His disciples? Read John 8. In the era that recognises officially sanctioned gay marriage and the official end to racial intolerance, it does not mean that the spirit of Cain is not alive in many. Read the parable of the four seeds in Mark 4. There is still need for the ten commandments( also known as the ten commandments of communal living). Cain was the only person who, in such brief words, was promised that sin would not have dominion over him if he chose to be accepted. God had no other intention for this Cain but acceptance. He could have tried again. But, he fell down as did Moses. Jesus sent the helper(John 20)so that anyone who accepts the faith of Abraham (Romans 9,10 and 11) can stand in the face of shortcomings(John 8:11) and receive forgiveness(John 8:11) in a sincere faith of repentance(John 8:11). The key word is receive. Read 1st John 1: 9. Shall sin have dominion over anyone? Will it be the coke, sprite or Light tea? At the end of du day, Moses was not given a Hammond organ but he had a drum probably; innit? So, make some music and praise the Lord.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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