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Saturday, 14 September 2013

In a new movie plot, it is not that God did not want people to design registry offices to file marriage documents, but it was not necessary to achieve the absolute purpose of a union according to His plan which are two fold: 1. To have a mate with whom you can enjoy dvd's on Friday night about the bible or at least a war or Batman while deciding how to enjoy God's intrinsically beautiful creation together on an all-inclusive cruise with flights in the price; and 2. To procreate. It is just that no one was around to judge and criticise anyone for failing to file a document. God knows who is married. A document does not make a marital union legal. It is the consummation and without it, the marriage is annulled. You could judge your neighbour for buying the v6 Toyota instead of the 3 cylinder diesel with 180 BHP and the electric engine recharged with regenerative breaking. God is the judge. So, society and human interaction has evolved such that a marriage documents allows for an ease of communication and the preservation of history. I am not sure if Joseph and Mary filed any such document but the Lord was in a legitimate household with his parents supported by the community as a married couple. Betrothals, then and now, entitle a couple in the more traditional and fundamental ancient cultures to enjoy conjugal rights before a ceremony. So be at peace respecting the fact that God created the institution of marriage and also transportation. But, he did not design traffic by-laws for camels or for your Toyota. You did that and you can judge your neighbour who has remained in a common law union with certain written agreements as to property, insurance and nominations as to pensions for a very long time; 35 years. He is not separated and nor is he divorced. God says He gave you ten commandments while making it clear that he hates divorce. If you want proof that someone is not going to leave you, then the only proof is your decision to overcome the fear of rejection. Just worry about your side of the bargain and make sure that you give while expecting some reciprocation. You have caused the breakdown of every relationship you have entertained because you have not forgiven some absentee grandparent, older relative, father or your mother. So, break up and sign the divorce papers with good ink. At least you avoided the suggestion that you were living in uh sin. Your neighbour avoided it also. He just saw your ex-spouse at the Keg with the female gardener. All this time, you thought it did not matter when you told your wife repeatedly that you thought her sister was kind of unique and you appreciate her care for the kids by coming around to uh support the union. You meant what you said and you never had an affair with the sister. But, the sister was your best female friend. Be happy because you can live only for 100 years approximately so why spend time being angry? Her sister is two years older and one inch shorter. Apart from that, you don't know anything about her but you spend soo much time talking on the phone and shopping together. Be happy because you are a lucky man and you are surprised. You never bothered to ask why the sister never had a husband. You have all the time to ask her now. She is an excellent listener and will always buy the same dish washing liquid and hand soap as you do whether you live together or not. She is a good female friend. She agrees and can only find good, sweet things to say about you. Her favourite hobby is to be home alone on Friday night eating popcorn. She is definitely a good girl. Read Malachi 2 as you might have been divorced on your wedding night when your wife's sister caught you in the passage heading to the washroom and kissed you passionately. She did say sorry and she promised to ensure that it would never ever happen again. She has a picture of herself fully nude on her cell phone because she likes that feeling of whorish attention but who knows what is on her phone except God himself? The very act of taking such a picture must tell the entire creation something about you. It's like a pebble in the bog of human emotions. Everybody feels it. She also promised to tell your wife. You must have been certain that she did. Well, she did. She is your best female friend. Well, it least you made a decision to bargain for intimacy with a woman. So, you can say you are not gay. What's the difference anyway since a touch is a touch. Apple, Blackberry and all Androids devices know. But, with a member of the opposite gender you might get some youngins to whom you can will the family bible and that personal music server device with Credence Clear Water, Miles Davis, Sonny Rollins and the Eagles digitally remastered; of course.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

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