Can you eat pork? I don't know. Can you? Well, it might be the best for you and you blood type and the optimum functioning of your temple.
Do you not know that your body is the temple of the living God and the spirit of God dwells within you? If those twizzlers in your mouth make you feel as if you are dishonouring God, then don't suck them or eat them. Have you ever wondered why donuts have holes in them anyway and not danishes or dutchies or cruellers?
Honor your temple then. There is a man who wrote a book called "One Man's Food" focussing on the right foods for your blood type. I know you are really smart; right? But, maybe you should take some advice. Paint a fence, walk through a field and pick some wild flowers. It might save you some botox cash; right? Is someone trying to control you because they shared with you some Godly advice or Godly principle like read a bible study manual at least and see the structure? They only said it once and you said "...Sure. ok" and you had a good evening and morning. You rested on his shoulder. But, you keep bringing it up as if you are arguing with yourself over it; not him or her who said it. You are free to break up that fellowship. Don't feel as if you can't do what you want. There is no obligation and it is God's fruit in you. One water's the seed and one may plant it but it is God who causes the growth. God is a horticulturalist of souls and He works through His disciples( Your training is over soldier girl GI Jane; or is it? Maybe God is speaking to your conscience and then you asked them to never say it again. He or she said it more than 24 hours ago. Maybe he does need a woman who wants to volunteer in a church like you suggested. Maybe he will tell you what type of man you need. You needed some reassurance you said, so here it is again Just ask more honestly; maybe? No one is just an empty alabaster box of self-justifying yet illogical emotions or has a right to live by them -self-justifying yet illogical emotions- or to think of themselves as a social commodity in their new repentance (Does someone think of you that way? Is it just attention and seeming authority you seek? What about the authority of true servanthood to Jehovah?) because you can choose with your mind what you want like you do a fountain soda(sprite, Dr. Pepper or the house brand like Sonic). Whether she was born again or not or delivered from her own ancestral damage and hurt is one question, but your mother was your emotional text book and still is your emotional text book on how to be a wife or a very determinedly single female with children. That's okay because you can have your choice of sides and we only want your good growth. The only problem is that you are continually asking for reassurance but your friend or husband does not invite anyone else to his soccer rehearsals and church choir practising. You have a habit of self-rejection but it is somehow everyone else's fault. But you confirm this and your self-doubt in what you do and where you go to do what you do in secret; to feel better among the angry herd. Ask Jackie Brown( the movie) where her friend reminds her that she is old enough beyond 18 years old to take responsibility for who she is and what she becomes. Are you dull? That includes that baby you have been mourning. Keep testing but next time look at the card he bought you or the receipt for the cologne. For whom does he buy that female Dracula Mark Isaac cologne called "love you Lulu"? Would he buy you Lola by Alfred Sung; is it? The truth is that no one is rejecting you but you are twice-self rejected. The bible talks about people twice rejected but this is not the same although why would you reject your self and twice (look at the reassurance he gave you-was it a dress, a card, a honeymoon or a friendship?)? As you have believed it, then so shall it be. Now your mother may have put a horoscope in your hand at six but what is her faith now? It looks like she put her horoscope away and cannot even think about it in light of her repentance and the word in Isaiah 8 or Jeremiah 8. I think it is the second one. I am almost pretty sure now or it could be the both but it is for you to choose what you want. Ask her and see what she says. Trust her now child. She loves you now little child. You can follow who your mother is now. She attends church every Sunday and sings in the choir now child. Ok? Just believe it. . You need a man who can understand where you are right now. He is probably right beside you. God will certainly provide so let go of where you were. You might have broken up again out of your fear of rejection. You say he was too advanced. But God has the right man for you even if he is currently with his wife. He loves to support you and just don't lick your lips that much when his wife is not around. You can go international with your ministries. What does Charles Stanley say about horoscopes? You like him too now; right? It is just that God is not the author of confusion now child. Your new husband will only use 3m tape when it is evident that something is broken ( this is not an indirect reference to your behaviour now although anything is possible if you believe) and you would apparently understand that when you might be the one to have broken it again. What strife you stir up?
Here; watch this.
Now Jesus said it is not what goes into the man that defiles him but the evil thoughts, the adulteries; the murders( Matthew 15 ; Mark 7:14-15 ).
Now Peter had a vision but even if he didn't my dear, what Jesus said should reassure you of His point; that you need to have righteousness like that of a Noah or Abraham that exceeds and that is relational( see Hebrews 11) and believe God because you said you are seeking Him. There is no point if you cannot digest sincerely Hebrews 11:6. It is the seeker's verse.
Hebrews 11:6 is the seeker's verse.
Have some pulled pork if you want. Watch the sums and the _____es. Feel guilty for the right reason afterward when your body says "so sorry" if it does. I don't because it just does not agree with me but I won't offend my cousin or friend if that is all she or he prepared for Sunday dinner. Actually, I might tell them I am experimenting with being a vegan or having a partial fast all of a sudden and eat more of the potatoes and salad. I'll have piece but it's not in my shopping basket. I might feel better if they fed pigs like they feed chickens and cows. Does a pig become a cow with cow flesh if all it eats is grass and hay like a cow? Is a pig now a clean animal if all it eats is grass and hay? If you want to feel superior for not eating pork, then tell Jesus. It does say "owe no man anything but love" and just be at peace with your culture now. Maybe feel superior for "loving" more or maybe more obedience.
Abraham and Noah were at peace. Why did Noah save that pig couple anyway? Was it just so that Peter could have a vision? This is not about doing what you want. Read Matthew 12 and John 8. Now, lets get it on( three rounds-nothing below the belt).
So, owe no man anything but love. That means you won't put tar in his or her soccer, basketball or curling shoes just because the way he plays makes you feel insecure in your imagination or in the slot you wish to envision him in your imagined, self-designed, emotional totem poll; the one you imagine in your bed at night. He wasn't thinking about you or your family. Are they really yours after all? Did you technically lose them some how?; if they only knew who you were when they are at school or work? No one is thinking about you.
Remember your friends are giving you everything that you are willing to receive. A promise to be a friend for life should not be that frightening but it seems to have caused you soo much doubt when they said it. You started cussing and doing very hurtful things at that moment. You have his prayers and thankfulness for your kind and polite questions. He encouraged you to have the chicken and not the pork but only because you did not notice the offer with a pint included. The other mates concurred but not for religious reasons. He ordered chips and a diet coke because he had to go and do some studies with his mates or was it choir practise with that pretty girl at the Baptist Church near Sloane Square near Brandywine( she had a son with the pastor's adoptive live-in personal protege )? I remember it now clearly. You have some good business attire; not too fussy and expensive enough to betray your choice of hat for the races. Your dog's pedigree shines through! He, the mate, may have gotten almost a 60% on an "after high school graduation" practise chemistry exam; so I might have heard at the pub down Purple Abbey Welding Lane.
Its quite clear though. Faith is being sure of what you hope for. So at least be sure of where you want to go? Do you know where you are going? You should at least have a sincere hope. Is it a train and bus ride to the Royal Symphony Orchestra with a set of free pictures included for $59.99? Did someone encourage you to go when you felt doubtful and you did not know how to read the tube map? Well, before you start the journey you should at least have and hold a sincere hope. Read the book of Jude and do what it says in the positive maybe. That offer for a $400.00 dinner if you would just sit down and open your utensils was really just a fork in the road. What did Father(God; is it?) say about that eh? I was there once and the Holy Ghost inspired me to choose Jesus. So, read Proverbs 11:22 and be encouraged. Just stay with the man God sent you with whom you have shared soo much and have started to pour out your joy in ministies. Clean it up and preach the whole word now. His name is Chander Jamie Glass Rono Feedrman( as in Morgan Freeman). He offered you some tuition cash only for a small repayment monthly from your business once you graduate. That was an opportunity and one that was not in writing but maybe just in marital commitment. Who was going to pay for the hotel stays at Hotel Le Fagin anyway if he is paying for tuition? You should not confuse God( not the universe as you call it) with what you say and also confuse yourself. So find a better man or is it that you will tell him he needs a woman who will join a spanish language club as he suggested to you since you keep saying you want to be a spanish tourist guide. What is wrong with his suggestion to you? You keep bringing up the suggestion and he only mentioned it once now child. He did not obligate you to join the spanish club; why so fearful of a commitment in an environment associated with your confession of a profession as a tourguide? It was just common sense advice. Ok? Keep going and be God's child in public and in private. Chander came by for forgiveness tonight and it was just hugs and kisses. You opened your utensils until you thought someone might have noticed you and he might come again for $60.00 per week. Why not stay with him and just buy him the color tie you like for those special functions. He is good and tall. You used to argue with him a bit and you wanted him in your desire to be a bit caged in with his words. Its a desire you had with your father as well. Why don't you just forgive your father because after tonight, it looks like you are looking for another outlet for that deep seated "six year old girl" anger. But, there is the way the truth and the life. he said forgive and it will be forgiven of you. cast your cares and burdens upon Him. That is more important than worrying about pork as you cannot love without forgiveness and you simply try to pass the burden of your anger from one person to the next. They feel it and you say you feel used only because you are using them deep down inside for a little attention and comfort and nothing more. With your heart in two courses and your mind being double, you are unstable in all your ways and you could not feel anything else so you break up only to hope for the forgiveness you truly need to express at the route of it all because you are daddy's little boy( I mean girl). It's not soo bad after all. So, don't call again and keep the handkerchief or shirt he left there as a dog returns to its vomit. You called last night to say you love him and he called this morning to pray about the truth of forgiveness. Your neighbor called their dog Deliverance or was it Salvation? The name of a thing determines the purpose of a thing so be encouraged by her. We thank Christ for the parable of the four seeds as your words and behaviour in private bely your condition. As you grow you will learn that John 17 and Romans 8 make us free in Christ and there is the royal law which says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Read Mark 3 and put only grace in your neighbor's sugar cup because you reap what you sow. You said you thank him for his coaching and encouragement and you must mean it because you say it so often and then you have your breakdowns. You make many many good and nice public pronouncements and wear good used clothing from Happy Good Purpose Willfully Army on Shoebourne and sell your beads which is a very very nice and good beginning. Go forward and make a commitment. Mr. Offglass will be calling to finish your healing and Chander will hold you like before. He, Chander, will bring you toys.
Your security is the solid rock upon you stand(Matthew 7); the word of God and when you hold to that, you are sure and secure. The movie of the week is the Ledge.
Here, watch this:
Jesus has enough emotion for your burden. He said cast your cares and your burden on Him because He cares for you, resting in the womb of Heaven. Jesus had broad shoulders like Joe Theismann. Thiesmann is a Hebrew name and he could have looked a little like Jesus with longer hair and beard and a little more equatorial as well. Jesus is uh uh uh close. He was an old fashioned carpenter that did not attend B & Q or Loew's or Home Depot for lumber. He had broad shoulders as a carpenter who cut down His own trees as a lumber jack. He said, "he who abides in me and I am in him (uh(intimate)), they shall uh bear much fruit for apart from Him you can do nothing. Read the words and you are in Him(Mark 3-8).