Have you heard of rotten tomatoes.com? It is a website that glorifies bad acting and bad movies. The truth is that regardless of how bad or how revealing the actor is in their acting he or she still gets paid. Some actors take it as an art and some actors take it as an opportunity for money and attention but this does not mean there isn't skill involved. In some cases, you got to bend and take it as the director will have it. If you are not flexible in bending not once but many times over and then take it, you have not shown your desire to demonstrate your asset. This is the sign of true humility in your chosen profession albeit not the oldest one in the world but it is as old as the diesel engine at least which was displayed at the Paris World Fair in 1911 at the same time as moving pictures. Diesel engines are still here and the usefulness of the camera loving horders; that is hordes who use cameras for love of sharing the memory that they could actually do this on film shall always remain but don't let their mother know back home; nothing to worry about of course. It is all in the name of love. Arthur Miller's play called the Crucible was actually filmed with one of those 1911 cameras at an old old drama school but it broke down finally when the key actor cried out" tearing down the whore to raise up Heaven." He became a good Pastor after that of great renown. Let us see all you got under that cherry stem and we will have fun with this new website; rottencherries.com. If you see it online, let me know as it is coming soon. John 8; a sequel to John Q shall not appear on this site. It is just too good. Empathy is really really powerful on film as seen below in addition to Dunamis power; that you might believe.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bCjHCBQ-gI&feature=g-vrec The "John 8" trailer 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK2cKNB2aE0 The "John 8" trailer 2
See the comments made by Contributor 1 Corinthians 1:30-he signs in every now and again in various translations for the diverse audience.
See also the comment made by Romans 1:18-21-He is really popular right now on http://www.youtube.com/ and Google TV. Check it out!
The last thing you need is a determined actor who is always learning now child but never coming to any knowledge of the truth(google: "always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth"). It is simple enough for a child to understand; as in love the parents who feed you and who do not mislead or hurt you. If you are not sure how to let the hurts go or all that happened, just pray to forgive them for all that was less than God would have wanted whether it is known to you or unknown-whether you are an orphan or born to those who raised you because you manifest an expectation of rejection in light of all that you say about happiness in relationship. Forgive those birth parents (whether it is both or just the one-for abandonment) and also forgive what could clearly have been the adoptive parents for those known or unknown uh happenings. Pray it(forgiveness) over and over again and leave the company and culture of bitterness. It may feel like a village and community but it is the company of hell. Google: "Bitterness-bible". Read an article. Isaac, Abraham's son, understood. David understood as a man with God's own heart. He also understood when parent's may fall short and God will pick you up. Read Psalms 27:10. Put your hand in His. He will never tell you to do something contrary to His word like lie to your friend or spouse to feel respect from your cousins down home or the girls on your crochet team(thinking that you will have more power to wield over them(the friend/spouse) if you do not Honor God in being honest or that the power balance will turn to your friend's favour if you are honest-you just have not grown up at all-you have emotions for a 12 year old girl or Neanderthal alien like entity in a relationship) as if there is a battle of power in the small microcosm of your head if not the relationship. You lose. Don't you see he read a chapter from M. Scott Peck to you last night and Romans 7?
Now the point at the end of the day is that God's word shall not return back to Him void. This is revered old english spoken in celebration among the puritanical believers in the old clover filled countries who celebrated its writing. The Starbucks logo is of a mermaid and that is all. The virtue of the restaurant is not the topless logo outside the door or outside the cup but the civility inside. That is what we want and why we go. This does not mean a female or male preacher can disrobe and be photographed topless while hoping the virtue of the word in his heart or in his public sermons will mete out the inconsistent and sham-like possibility that he or she will keep preaching with those topless photos taken and distributed after their last altar call and collection of an offering. What about the video in the train-like studio and for what now really? What did you want at the end of the day and why not really bargain for that? I would have a hard time trusting that preacher. There is a description of a deacon and of a pastor in the word. I think its in 1st Timothy 3:9 or 10 and uh umm 1st Timothy 6:8. Good pastors are gifted with the ability to bridle their tongue and they don't cuss with dirty shameful bad words to their spouses, husbands and children and on that moment of imperfection if they do one day, they would probably apologise in such a way to ensure their child's or spouse's confidence that the confession of sin and not just the gospel was meaningful; come on now really? Now even if you did abuse your husband and leave your phone at home all day at 44 years old just to see if he would come and find you, you can say sorry because if he did that you would go crazy and break up. Now get back up again and preach the word, bridle your tongue in public and private and know you are serving the Lord; not seeking attention. The righteous man falls seven times and gets back up again. This does not mean you abuse God's grace; no. Read Jude and know its God's decision and not yours. There is a point beyond which you cannot go and still be in the fold; right? Didn't you take your son's or daughter's house keys or sell their xbox maybe once- out of the parental love instilled within you?
Vent the anger toward your family or parent's on a pinata or punching bag in the closet where you keep your 751 pairs of shoes ( three trips to TJ MAXX every weekend) and not on your spouse.
The movie of the week is "Letting Life In"- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=fnXv-yZPRPU ; Get it ? But, it might be up for tonight only.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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