Cosby Politan.
If you want an example of a Good Economy, try the Republic of Ireland: Republic of Ireland Tourism.
This is an Angel Ronan Toshokan(TM) Research proposal:
This article is copyright protected. It is in the process of completion; however.
A good question is why the UK economy emerges into the 21st Century so differently in comparison to its European forebears. It is unusual after the many centuries of Dutch, Norwegian and French influence. It is unusual after so many treaties and alliances in both economic, military, genetic and also familial ties. The Royal family is not leaving and we say this when we ask what is the motivation for such a divergence in economic policy and also in fulfillment. When measuring such indicators like average deposits on hand per citizen, we see that the English are quite behind comparatively. We see that there is very little independently owned industry in the UK also. We do not want to look into this as the subconscious working of angry young 30-40 year old Barons who lost their trust account papers at Gwillimbury music festivals and want everyone else to suffer with them in some kind of trickle down Anglo human devaluation so that we will all be equal; disenfranchised and mugged by Government employees at the Job Centre who allege falsely that your ID is not real and then call the authorities on you. That is mad! That is like someone has gone off; innit..literally!!
Something has to live in North America and eat, shop and buy the vehicles. There is nothing wrong with a half Ukrainian/Half Black Hawk human. So, lets pay every North American without an income support directly from Bulgaria or from Moscow and then we can debit the Fed since sovereignty as we know it is over; look on the roads and see the hegemony and also ask who owns every television news network. Let's feed all the North American Eastern European/part North American Aboriginal people regardless of complexion. Then, we can travel to Europe and learn the ways of our European ancestors and take a quick tour through Africa also and see how old civilization really is. Maybe the North American will also seek to impress with the real Amerindian-Eastern European gospel of brotherly North American love and not only with their Gillette and Revlon. Impress us with cooperation; not fruit loops because you keep going around in economic circles like the people Israel in the WILDERNESS. Sovereignty begins with people and ensuring all the people have an income support. We know you don't want to feel like you did not do anything, that you are not being defensive since you want the people to think that you were tough with the Russians but we don't have a total income support for every citizen like the Russians. You don't want to feel like you are not international enough. So, how do we solve your emotions? What would you like us to do to please your Muddle House emotions? You are running around the constitution and any rule or law a 5000 rpm but you never read the document. That is ok. What about being motivated by love in your effort to end classism or are you trying to say you have joined the upper class to be a part of them once while you want to feel the hurts of others below you? What about being motivated by national defence when you understand all Asians and all Russians have an income support? What about being motivated by competition in a finance race, an income support race that would be fought like an arms race? If the Russians have an income support of $62,000.00 per year, then we will have $62,500.00 per year. But, how can the Russians have any moral authority over North America if they don't stop taking the money we send as cover for our financial sins? But, maybe the money is received as evidence against you in your refusal to accept the simple non genocidal solution to managing your economy. You call your "do nothing" approach aboriginal innocence and resistance of foreign authority. It is genocide. Let us not forget that we are not being lending our permission to someone to starve us. The constituent element of any government is its people. Each Alusra(TM) idea is on sale for $4999.99 per month.\ for 70 years. Don't say I did not work hard nor should you try to say I will be dead before I can enjoy my own ideas and just sell them. You have the money. Make an offer. Would you prefer to steal the ideas; Yes or no? We can negotiate. If you try to register Alusra(TM) it is not a sin but its already in use as a business name so it cannot be registered. Its in public use in the public domain. It is forgiven. You want to know why you did not think of the ideas and want to blow up the world. Are you the punk leader who claims to be the star politician of the Ukraine? But, you are only 12 years old. Maybe take the full high school next time and read the whole bible to ask why you did not think of it and maybe the bible in the Orthodox language will teach you how to deal with your emotions. So, now buy the idea with your Ukrainian income support and respect your nice leader who is about 40 years old; nice young man who is pretending to be at war.
The neat thing about newscasters is that they resonate a success and an achievement that you associate with skills expected of a good Social Science graduate of some kind and their pundit colleagues can wax lyrical about all kinds of things without an hour of experience in any realm of actual employment discipline but they are now national financial experts; on the news but its kind of fun if you are to imagine they could be your children or in some job your school friend, you think, should be in if he wasn't doing things the hard way, trying to help people with their consulting or lawyering. Does it say that the only success your grand family could ever want is a news caster? But, they have never moved left or right to take a bullet or taught anyone how to understand criminal law jurisprudence and the standards of proof safeguarded and enshrined by the constitution. As a news caster, all you have to do is read the prompter and talk about the problems no one is prepared to really solve because they don't have time to read the constitution while they are on their way to the Gala opening of a new Kia dealership. But, we can keep discussing it on the news. I am now a pundit. My name is Mr. Deove Enzattorne'. I'm only joking. You shouldn't take yourself so seriously. The news is a lot of fun.
Maybe we can all be news casters. In fact, I think the modern news journalism industry says anyone can do it; anyone who can just read a tele prompter. This is not a bad thing and maybe we can move the Law Firm into the Television Journalism studio but we would have to get the law right before we discuss it on the news before we are construed as giving legal or financial advice just before we get sued or arrested for aiding and abetting and legitimizing Federal crimes in a South Carolina Court House. Sorry about that!
Why would the banks fail when maybe a supermarket could buy them? There is no point raising the interest rates if insufficient numbers of people can qualify for a loan when insufficient numbers of people have an income support or a salary due to the job famines caused by Automation. In fact, low interest rates or zero rates would have given banks a great opportunity to take 1% to 59.99999% interest on loans to customers when the actual cash from the Fed cost KO them 0%. A 0% rate is good for a feeder bank that relies on the Fed for cash circulation. Its bad for the Fed as a 0% rate does not consider the cost of paper or is the Fed relying on sales by hi pp tax collection to pay for the cost of paper, metal and security? Why aren't the banks reporting record profits with such cheap money as made available by the FED? You can have cheap beef also but if the citizen cannot afford the burger, it is makes little difference if the beef, itself, was cheap to acquire. It is because the average US citizen cannot pay for the burger or qualify for the 1% deal as they do not have a salary and nor do they have an income support. Every Russian has an income support and so does every Ukrainian and every Asian. Insufficient numbers of citizens have an income support in North America. Playing with interest rates and hoping that the economy will improve although there is no national minimum income support is like gearing up and down in a vehicle that has already shut off due to an absence of fuel in the gas tank. Without a national income support for all citizens, there is no fuel in the national economy. See the Russian economy. It is glorious and the Russian leader cannot be a War criminal. They say this about all Russian leaders using fictions as evidence. Their economy is totally UN compliant. The current discussion about any Russian leader and the ICC is a cover for the Jeffersonian shenanigans to say that the Russians cannot have any moral authority over Jefferson and his Dissident, resistant politics and economics that turns the US Economy into a loss operating, Genocidal phenomenon. The Ukraine has a deal with Russia for military protection, dating back to the age of the USSR. The rogue Ukraine politician in 2009 suggested that the Ukraine would be joining the EU. This caused a dispute on existing allegiances with Russia and Russia pays the bill for every hour of electricity that is utilized in the Ukraine. The Ukraine is a de facto Russian state and it cannot leave. Where is the Ukraine going? Europe cannot even manage France with any normalcy. The refugee and the asylum seekers are subjected to mistreatment by those entrusted with protecting them on several occasions while those abusing decision making powers hide behind officialdom and they are not legally entitled to carry out such decisions with such impact on any life. They are speculating on the lives of some. These individuals pretending to be official are fugitives who should not be mishandling EU matters, affecting Refugees or Asylum seekers and as affecting the integrity of the EU. They have a right to be happy some where but how are they in France, hurting people? Who or what mob of fugitives is running France? The Ukraine is freer in Russia than it would be under the EU and it is also more stable. If they want more Doritos, the Ukraine can import them. I they want more new buildings constructed over the next five years in some of the old Ukrainian towns, they can invite Russian builders or international developers such as Concord Adex etc to build them.
There is a clause in the USSR agreements with its member states after the creation of the Russian Federation. The Ukraine was a part of that Federation. Ukraine has refused to recognize exclusive Russian claims to succession of the USSR and claimed such status for Ukraine as well, which was codified in Articles 7 and 8 of its 1991 law On Legal Succession of Ukraine. Since its independence in 1991, Ukraine has continued to pursue claims against Russia in foreign courts, seeking to recover its share of the foreign property that was owned by the USSR. The Ukraine claims to be more Soviet than Russia and refused to sign the agreements that created a fully independent Ukraine. Technically and legally, it has not left the USSR.
Of the two other co-founding states of the USSR at the time of the dissolution, Ukraine was the only one that had passed laws, similar to Russia, that it is a state-successor of both the Ukrainian SSR and the USSR.[98] Soviet treaties laid groundwork for Ukraine's future foreign agreements as well as leading to the country agreeing to undertake 16.37% of debts of the Soviet Union for which it was going to receive its share of the USSR's foreign property. Russia's position as the 'only continuation of the USSR' that became widely accepted in the West, as well as constant pressure from the Western countries, allowed Russia to dispose state property of USSR abroad and conceal information about it. Due to that Ukraine never ratified 'zero option' agreement that Russian Federation had signed with other former Soviet republics, as it denied disclosing of information about Soviet Gold Reserves and its Diamond Fund.[99][100] The dispute over former Soviet property and assets between the two former republics is still ongoing: As such, the Ukraine is an internal USSR matter and Putin cannot be a war criminal. The USSR, because of Ukrainian claims on gold reserves etc is not dead.
All Europeans regardless of complexion, all Scandinavians regardless of complexion and All Russians have an income support regardless of complexion. All Asian citizens regardless of complexion have an income support. This preserves the Asian and the European during the job famines caused by Automation and enables them to enjoy offers from Banks. As such, before raising interest rates we would have to regularise the income support and ensure every citizen is receiving a guaranteed and sufficient income support to end the regional inequity or the gender inequity in such income support payments and policy. This would make any discussion on interest rates worth while when there is, first and more most in importance, an ATP- ability to pay. This ability to pay is the essence of the success of free market capitalism so that the consumer stimulus/demand will match the abundant, robotically made supply. The inequity, if any, violates every Constitution. So, who is the architect of the North American NAFTA economy with the absence of a total income support and an equitable income support for all citizens? Its illegal if it is not equitable. Clinson says so in his own policies. See Egan and Nesbit v. Canada, 2 Thibaudeau v. Canada (M.N.R.), 3 and Miron v. Trudel.4. See also Fraser v Canada and Griggs v. Duke Power. Frazer and Griggs confirm that all discrimination in policy is illegal; not just in the employment context.
See also the 14th amendment. The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law.[1][2][3]
A primary motivation for this clause was to validate the equality provisions contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which guaranteed that all citizens would have the guaranteed right to equal protection by law. As a whole, the Fourteenth Amendment marked a large shift in American constitutionalism, by applying substantially more constitutional restrictions against the states than had applied before the Civil War.
The Equality Act 2010 safeguards against inequality in the UK and also Canada; not only in the employment context but in the provision of Government services. The Act is directly applicable in Canada based on the BNA 1867.
Long title | An Act to make provision to require Ministers of the Crown and others when making strategic decisions about the exercise of their functions to have regard to the desirability of reducing socio-economic inequalities; to reform and harmonise equality law and restate the greater part of the enactments relating to discrimination and harassment related to certain personal characteristics; to enable certain employers to be required to publish information about the differences in pay between male and female employees; to prohibit victimisation in certain circumstances; to require the exercise of certain functions to be with regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and other prohibited conduct; to enable duties to be imposed in relation to the exercise of public procurement functions; to increase equality of opportunity; to amend the law relating to rights and responsibilities in family relationships; and for connected purposes. |
Citation | 2010 c 15 |
Introduced by | Harriet Harman |
Territorial extent | England and Wales; Scotland; section 82, 105 (3) and (4) and 199 also apply to Northern Ireland |
So, we are swimming in laws and codes that enshrine equality but we need the purposeful enforcement to achieve national goals. Equality is the law and so is clean water. If you saw brown water running out of your tap and the community centre taps, how long would it take to solve the issue with the immediate cooperation of your neighbors? It's just solved by dinner time as soon as you notice the problem. But, economically we have been going around in circles. An income support for all citizens that is equal in benefit and amount is legal. An unequal income support is illegal. An income support for all citizens is where standard national and global compliant Monetary policy begins since 1857. Maybe Lincoln observed this after his readings on Karl Marx. There is some evident delay in the widespread uptake in the Western hemisphere with respect to this policy.
We cannot blame anyone for this persistent unusual anthropology in this North American financial stalemate. But, executive orders that allow for effective loan rates above 60% are Illegal no matter who signs it. Is that a high crime and misdemeanor if all proceeding administrations tolerate any laws based on the executive order? But, its not any one's fault. It's just a Jeffersonian spiritual stronghold or did Jefferson insist on rules of evidence that balance against the risk of wrongful convictions or was he the Creole Anglo West Indian Judge and clone of Christopher Columbus who sat at the Salem Witch trials in his own unique pursuit of happiness? It's all broken. He took one of your horses at night or one of your dogs and if you don't call to complain or show how you can prove it, he says you need to pretend to be happy so that he can feel his personal Mulatto hegemony over the law. Is it transgender hegemony? Was he transgender? But, how can we worked together and enjoy our North American experience when we are all hyphenated Americans and this includes the Aboriginal American or what we say is the Native American. We have our documents and formal identities. We can enjoy ourselves much more and travel better as we seek to enjoy the evidence of our reports and kind of experience a more practical, traveling Native residential school in public.
Apparently, PM W. Churchill was also transgender and related to the Hadrian Pretender. As it's a spiritual stronghold, then no one is responsible when the economy capsizes so why not try something completely different? It's not his fault or her fault and let no one hesitate in solving it for the fear that it would incriminate them as if there is something to solve. There is nothing wrong or there is. It seems there is a problem. People are talking. It's in the news.
The problem might be that the economy is affected by a misapplication of human energy on the wrong economic variable. It's not the interest rate since what would an increase or decrease matter if the average citizen did not have any real ATP-ABILITY TO PAY. The economic variable of essential priority in addressing consumer stimulus is always the income support. Finance with interest payments is a means of spending one's ability to pay but it's not actual ability to pay. It's debt. Insufficient ability to pay is the key issue at the moment as impacting consumer spending stimulus. Consumer stimulus will continue to be a problem regardless of the interest rates if the Consumer population does not have real ability to pay and also a sufficient amount as maintained by an adequate, equal income support per citizen. You are not running a Government but a Resentment of Logic; a resentment of good motivation with respect to achieving national defence as defending the lives of the population and in achieving realisable economic goals.
Appealing oil company subsidies and Interest rates on loans or the cost of insulin is helpful in addressing the cost of living and everything helps in working to together but the key priority is ensuring that every citizen has a sufficient amount of income support that is their ability to pay in spending money to satisfy their Maslow needs. But, when would you just fix the brown water pouring out of the economy? I don't want your job. But, it would help if we address the priority. But, if we don't fix this brown water, this is where the idolatrous façade of white and unconditional virtue has ended. Have you seen the movie Public Enemies? All the villains are white; White as in the muddled identity of North American creole aboriginal-ism. Ukrainians are not dipped into this muddle white as they have a culture that exceeds wonder bread and twinkies or the fear of being identifiably Aboriginal and nor is any other European willing to be identified as white. They have a culture. White is Marilyn Munroe who cannot really say what she is except that she is certainly not European really but she is certainly Cheyanne. But, you ask how is she not European when look at her skin? This is the point. She says she does not know who or what she is( when the identity is Pangea man or woman) and you say the same thing but you both have L'oreal or Revlon and a recipe book. There may have been seven Marilyns and some of them could have a baby. Did you see the Rockettes? They were all identical. Skin is not indicative of culture when their are Mongols whose first language from time immemorial is Norwegian. He is a Mongol Pangea man. You blend him with a Brown Brown cheddar a little further south and you may call the offspring white but he is Norwegian. What is white to a Norwegian? Its a Bandage culture of no culture to heal the wound of being a North American aboriginal; a global cultural orphan when, to many globally speaking English and singing Wesleyan hymns is not enough. Do you know Mozart or the Barber of Seville? You say as an American that you have never been to Seville. This conversation no longer serves any purpose, you say, as it indicates some kind of European cultural hegemony.
Kasinski, Montoya or Kawasaki, we need a safe place to roost as North Americans. We cannot imagine we will be welcomed as heroes in Europe or elsewhere if we fail to solve the economic problems endured by Americans if we have the power to solve it. The economy is under siege in North America, affecting global sales and there is something that has to be done about it so that the economy approximates the functionality of all other competitor economies such as in Asia, Europe or Russia for global benefit. We do not see government but the unconditional reign and rule of a soul in different bodies and skin every 4-8 years of a rather selfish character in some on- going ducking and diving of constitutional and legal administrative duty with involvement in a global catastrophe of war to hide the evidence that starts on North American soil if it's Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Essentially the North American system is asking for association while resisting rules, systems and equations that, if followed, would achieve the association desired but instead we have a North American global voice that says "I don't want anything or anyone to have authority over me; especially not Europe" but you want them to sit down and eat with you and let you into their confidence and involvement. The catastrophe could still happen if you really need one; even if the North American economy was less of a loss operating phenomenon where there is more profit and less theft with an income support for every citizen and with a sufficient sales tax to cover all costs of operation.
Quote: All your ridiculous, pitiful antics won't change a thing. You and I, we're the same, we're puppets in the same sick play. We serve the same master, he's a lunatic, he's ungrateful and there's nothing we can do about it. You and I are the same. - A quote from Lucky Hank S1 Ep1 or it's a quote from the Dirty Black Bag S1 Ep8 or its Kasinski Go Fight himself- S1 ep1.
We wonder if US President Kasinski or Governor Kasinski is locked in to a subconscious misguided loyalty to his Eastern European origins in some misunderstanding of what the Eastern Europeans really want. Globally, it's accidentally and unwittingly Kasinsksi v. Kasinsksi. (JC) The EU producer Kasinsksi needs well funded NAFTA consumers (JC). US President Kawasaki will save us from the subterfuge. The US will comply for global interests, ensuring a safe and viable market. We do not want the US to fall apart into any chaos when economic facility and peace on the income support issue is easily achievable in the next five minutes with an income support payment system for every North American under NAFTA jurisdiction. You make payment to every Citizen, refugee and permanent resident. You debit the Central Bank(s).
Jesus is still coming but he did say to feed the people. In so doing, you hasten His arrival. The Europeans and Russians make a large percentage of the goods made and sold in America so they do really want North America to have an effective income support that covers all Maslow needs.
This was the early advice of the United Nations after WW2 and membership was based on a written commitment to enforce the UDHR. We can see today who is actually complying. We also see that the Anglos in the world have lowest rates of deposit holdings as compared to citizens from other Euro language groups. The Anglos are not receiving the income support as they should be per capita. Sales tax collection is what pays for the income support. Sales Tax can run as hi as 100% theoretically to achieve your priorities paying every citizen no less than $5,000.00 per month. Your $2.00 loaf of bread becomes $4.00 with a limited tax of only 9% on vehicles. A sales tax of 23% will cover the income support obligation. This is not an issue if it is used to fund a sufficient and reasonably plentiful income support that satisfies all Maslow needs and thereby satisfying the UDHR Article 25.
The UDHR Article 21 and Article 25 says:
Article 21
- Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
- Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
- The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Article 25
- Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
- Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
- A guaranteed Income Support for every citizen that satisfies the right to these various needs is the most efficient means of compliance(proposed amendment)
This is the Pinch: As we think out of the box as a nation or NAFTA trading block, regardless of the might of the F15 or the F22 to feed us and guarantee economic stimulus, the irony of failing to comply with a guaranteed income support for every citizen is that YOU die and the other nations or trading block populations live. It is only a matter of time before they overwhelm us and take over our territory. They have learned to play baseball and basketball. Is that a first generation Ukraine or is that a 5th gen Lebowski who never seems European enough with his small Wisconsin $48,000.00 per year as income support. It is only a matter of time when you have to start talking about the slow but certain extinction of the North American as you know him but there will be lots of other dna from around the world that is probably 1/8 Cheyanne to make up for America's sins in failing to just implement an income support after the evidence of an ongoing industrial revolution or what is now referred to as automation and the joblessness caused by these Automation processes.
The Federal Bank / Reserve is where all the fun begins. It is the locomotive and the caboose. It begins with good intentions.
Your first intention in FED Bank/Central Bank policy is really dictated by National defence to save and secure the population from all threats caused by any job famines caused by Automation or any other kind of financial threats occasioned by ongoing and consistently present risks of micro or macro fiscal uncertainty encountered by the citizen.
According to Market Watch, "...By now, it's widely known that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures many bank accounts with balances of up to $250,000 (full details below). And with the average bank account sitting at around $41,600, according to Bankrate, it's safe to say many Americans are covered in the event of a bank failure."
Remember that the rumor of a fire might be just as powerful as smoke. There is no fire yet. Hyundai or Huawei bought the bank for what is Hyundai pocket change or maybe Senjaku Candy bought the bank that is about to fail.
Angel Ronan Toshokan(TM) Research. The Porsche photo is a free photo. The McDonalds photo is free.
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Angel Ronan(TM) is dedicated to honoring the Irish dead who succumbed to the famines of 1847. Enjoy the free photos. |