American Capitalism has moved to Mandingo, Tandoori Masala and Sushi where those cultures have complied with a universal minimum income support for every citizen. Potato chips, Kia vehicles and Capitalism don't care what is the colour of the ass disposing of the food waste once the chips have been purchased and consumed. Capitalism does not care about the colour of the ass sitting in the vehicle. Capitalism only sees interest, money and sales. The only way to please, as a performer, the most powerful stakeholders in the world who are interested in the North American economy is to implement the universal minimum income support for all citizens. The Book of Eli was written about your dying Urban landscape, disappearing malls, schools and other buildings. Obviously, if you hired every American and every 16 year oldies as a citizen and viable potential soldier like other major countries, giving them $40,000.00 per year as universal minimum income support like other major countries then the Malls all over America would always be busy. You dont have any current enemies. You are the largest consumers of Russian Vodka and Asian vehicles or you use to be up to 2001. Every enemy nation and every allied nation has a universal minimum income support for all of their citizens except Canada and the United States. As the usefulness of a wheel and a universal minimum income support are evident, it seems opposing the evident os just an aboriginal defence mechanism. But, the writer of this article is certainly aboriginal. He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the white aboriginal people and their businesses.
He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the black, red and beige and yellow aboriginal people and their businesses.
You have to be honest in that all kinds of nuts, including coconuts, grow indigenously in the uh...we do respect are the us how you do it..teach us oh great Neanderthal nation who argues hatefully with simple answers...United States. Arguing about the usefulness of the universal unconditional minimum income support is like arguing about the usefulness of the wheel. Who would do that? If the quality of my tap water rendered it undrinkable and the local mayor and governor did not have any sympathy on the issue, who do you call? You call Superman or the most powerful man on earth; Obalma who still says Yes We Can!!! He should say it if the other President on payroll is stuck asking why he, as the current building manager, country manager is being asked to solve it, fix it; the problem but he asked to help. He campaigned and said he could do it. The leaders of car companies have sat down and asked you to implement the universal minimum income support for all of North America to stimulate demand, permanently secure demand, permanently insure market demand. An old lady who is afraid she will be jealous sitting on a hill in the Caribbean tells you to be afraid that you will feel like you are the poor people president. But, every citizen is the recipient; including you. This is how it works in Europe and Asia where all the Car company presidents and airline employees and car mechanics and plumbers get some with waitresses and all kinds of people that include retired soldiers and teachers and people who just turned 16. You now act like you dont know why people expected you would solve the economy. But, you are the onkg person who could write executive orders to do miraculous things like change sales tax to 0% and raise a dead consumer economy also with a universal minimum income support. You could ask Ford to keep manufacturing in North America. But, what is the point if there is no market with enough buyers like Mexico? What is the point of a shopping mall if there are not enough buyers? What is the point of a subway if the there are not enough riders?
But, you seem to be a Louis the 10th who never got his crown and who presumed he would be President but he did not realise that the current office holder was just as much of a pirate as he is who would steal supermarket shipments with former police and take a ransom of about $30000.00 per person for 10 people from the supplier and the supermarket when they could have told the governor to implement a universal minimum income support once they knew it was a legal requirement that pays $50000.00 per citizen. There are many diseases around the world. Automation is likened unto a global disease. North America except for Mexico is the largest territory without the cure that is the unconditional minimum income support. This is the disease affecting your North American market. You have been challenging authority. The authority has given you the office of President to see if you would give the population the money; the money that you seek in holding their shipments to department stores and grocery store hostage. You covet 19 supermarkets and cereal companies. Batavia is evidence of how, in the same way, you hold the entire economy hostage.
Louis 10th with the 1430 dna may have been banished to Sans Souci to see what he would do. He seems to have been eventually blended with Columbus dna. Whether or not he is blended or pure, he says he has to have all the authority such that a post master who suggests machines that could save money will probably end up dead when the Louis dna will say that "...if I am the king president of everything, then who are you to help me with any efficient proposal or insight that I take as a form rivalry to my authority? What is a Court? What is a lawyer? Am I not the only AUTHORITY?" What about the socioeconomics involving a universal unconditional minimum income support that will save the country? It will aid your authority, save your country. Your anthropology is only challenging the wisdom of your own European forebears since being Castaway was tremendous punishment in the year 1480. If you want them to see you like they saw the last set they appointed named FDR or Carter, then they see you and your resentment in your current resistance; resistance for being banished as the murderous potential heir of a European throne. This is evident when the solution is so simple. It is evident when the architecture in New England bespeaks order and quiet. But, your tax policy and socioeconomic policy indicates inhumanity and a bitter, selfish chaos. It nuh make no sense. Now, it is time for you to be a son of France and do what will help the market for French goods; in North America.
You fought a war. Today, every German has shelter, food and clothing with a minimum income support of $EUD 40,000.00 and is ready to bare arms against your ignorance. They have a stable, consistent internal consumer market that is secure from new upswings in automation and as such, they do not suffer recessions or depressions as in the case of obstinate, more inhumane but cinematically popular American economics. They build cars all over the world. You buy them twice as often as you buy your own due the fact that their use of automation provides a more durable, reliable and dependable product. Now, you feel a foment of frustration. You look to more Closing malls in America. You look to Europe. You look to Asia. All of their citizens are covered with a minimum income support of $USD 70,000.00. They own and manage more restaurants in the world than any other culture.
You do not have this minimum income support for your citizen. What divides you is an ill psychology that resents the non-racialised truth of your history. That I'll psychology is foreign to you and should not be accommodated; as if a universal minimum income support for every citizen regardless of race would devalue a white man or white; as if respecting the logic of a universal minimum income support would say your leadership was associated with the poor people, making you the poor man's champion. But, every shoe salesman wants more customers and so does every car company and rental building manager. But, you could have a functional economy. Every economy needs people. Every economy needs a market. Every economy needs a market with people that have money to spend and buy on a regular, consistent basis. The solution helps you; the wealthy. The Civil war and WW2 are now properly summarised as a foment of socioeconomic frustration at home and a sense of rejection and lack of respect from others abroad. If Congress can declare war, Congress can declare an economic solution for all of North America and show their POWER to get this country to hum again. I am sure the Americans will feel good again if they do. America can solve it without the use of executive power. It is already law. See Article six. It is just to understand that this 1430 dna does two things: 1. It seeks and takes authority and intends to be the only one deciding everything in his leadership style but there are rules that must be followed. Deregulation is sometimes the Trojan concept to defeat all the rules intended for the protection of the public good; intended for the protection of the people; 2. He also says quietly , subtley that he does not believe America should have the AUTHORITY so the roads are half as good and have to be resurfaced twice as often. You see this across the infrastructure that includes the train system where everything is really old. About authority, he is a murderer and will find subtle ways to take authority over you. This os what you get from 500,000 orphan kings of France spawned every ten years from the pools of Sans Souci and eventually they spawned this cloned temperament in the waters of Runaway St.Ann's Harbour. They migrate with families all over the world just to see if they will fit in and accept their chances in life; with a little hard work instead of the theft and covetousness of others. You have a minimum income support so you have no need of parasiting on the creativity of others or holding economies and cereal and food shipments ransom. Who is the Bill the Butcher? Who is the joker. These tendencies lends themselves well to the resistances of the new people's still trying to understand when these Europeans with their constitutions and laws will go home; Like the Iraqis told America to go home. What is permitted and what is not permitted in our culture since if she is a woman in our culture, the Ancient Israeli Law School asks a Rabi, why can't you just spit in her and make her pregnant? Obviously, there was a man and a woman caught in the act of adultery. But, it seems the man who was caught in the act with her dragged her before Christ to ask his question and retire the stone he was going to use to murder her in his need to be accepted. He obviously had help; the dropout that he had to have been. There are so many new arrivals to our offshoot Egyptian culture and if you are the only authority as an aboriginal who needs to see his own authority and determination, what is a graduate? Ask the Teacher or Rabi. He knows. His name is Jesus.
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