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Friday, 22 May 2020

The Kings of Sans Souci aspiring to unqualified unconditional love, social power and authority would have you follow them instead of Moses, the Kings of Europe and the U.N. This is a global love level civil war; a war in globalization on the issue of solutions to automation. Cora called Moses a crazy man when he brought down the ten commandments of communal living from the mountain. He told the people to follow him; that they would have more wealth and authority with him. The founding fathers saw the Magna Carta and told the Americans to follow them; that if they, as a people, were patient they would have more wealth, more ownership of America, other people's property(OPP) like Angel Ronan™ and more authority if they followed them as pirate children from the West Indies since they could be their fathers. Click here.

The word of God is like a man running along a blade; a blade sharper than a two edged sword.  The Kings of Sans Souci aspiring to unqualified unconditional  love, social power and authority would have you follow them instead of Moses, the Kings of Europe and the U.N.  This is a global love level civil war; a war in globalization on the issue of solutions to automation.   Cora called Moses a crazy man when he brought down the ten commandments of communal living from the mountain.    He told the people to follow him; that they would have more wealth and  authority with him.    The founding fathers saw the Magna Carta and told the Americans to follow them; that if they, as a people,  were patient they would have more wealth, more ownership of America, other people's property(OPP)  like Angel Ronan™ and more authority if they followed them as pirate children  from the West Indies since they could be their fathers. Click here.  
There may have been some discussion in the history of a young man who presumed he would be President or  a King Louis 10th or Louis 1-th.  We are not sure but like Absalom, he allegedly killed a sibling and certainly confirmed that he would not wait for his family to decide who would be King. But, certainly all would inherit.     The Lord Humongous Cop and the Joker social worker say they are afraid they will not have enough work to do if everyone is given an economic  life support of $50,000.00 per year until death to survive Automation. It is not taxed.  It is paid for by sales tax.  He will not have enough work to do if there are no people.  The temperament in the current mobile phone  makes you refuse to do as you are told.  We need to find out who could ask the WHO( Warwick  Health Organisation ) to lie to the world.   The real purpose  behind the universal minimum income support is to maintain a population for national defence!  Without it, they can never buy enough health insurance or car insurance! The market, the people are disappearing due to automation.  The malls, also, are closing.   There are not enough people with money to be happy viable consumers.  There is no motivation to find the new fashion to seek the grade 10 educated office manager's favor at work. There is no work.  So, because of causality the mall has shut.  But, with enough money maybe you seek the Resort manager's favor on Egypt's Mediterranean coast. We promise to arrive as tourists a we know you have the authority to help. Prayer began in Egypt. Remember Pharaohs conversation with Abraham;  God's rules and Pharaoh's  obedience  on marriage that He respected. Prayer began in Africa. Batavia is evidence you are going in the wrong direction.      The key plague facing the programmatic legal end game in our economies is constitutionally resistant humanity. You know the concept of antibiotic resistance and uh..logic resistance by now. 
The Kings of Sans Souci aspiring to unqualified unconditional  love, social power and authority would have you follow them instead of Moses, the Kings of Europe and the U.N.  This is a global low- level civil war; a war in globalization on the issue of solutions to automation.   Cora called Moses a crazy man when he brought down the ten commandments of communal living from the mountain.    He told the people to follow him; that they would have more wealth and  authority with him.    The founding fathers saw the Magna Carta and told the Americans to follow them; that if they, as a people,  were patient they would have more wealth, more ownership of America, other people's property(OPP)  like Angel Ronan™ and more authority if they followed them as pirate children  from the West Indies since they could be their fathers.   The disbursement was stolen and sent to the Kings of Sans Souci.   The temperament pirating your constitution may see the reality of  automation and the life changing nature technology as a certain threat to their hegemony and position.  This reaction to technology is witnessed  in the likeness of a glass of water,    They are likely to say what is a glass  when you can follow them and dip your hands in the river? The difference in a glass is time saving technology. The same response was seen in the move to HVAC systems with forced air gas and  away from boilers and oil heating. Many of these people chipped the wires and through oil on the floors while they asked the architect to bring them a boiler.   The Constitution and the ten commandments are understood as communal technology. I know I am safe to enjoy my Dutch chocolate, pizza and coffee.   You know you are safe to buy,  own and sell your home and enjoy the proceeds without molestation. Look; there is a smiling general, a cop, a President, Vice President and former Vice President who wave in reassurance.     All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, so then we are all equal and then who are you to tell anybody how to clean the population with a minimum income support or that they have too much authority if they have a library card? There is a 20% probability that your biological father may not be the person who raised you. Maybe learn some Italian. Did you know the word "Desiderata" is an Italian word?   But, as you say everyday that you honor your father wherever they may be, you honor the people who are the official, nominated parents in front of you.  Maybe he is your mother's great grandfather down the road.  But, we honor our father and the probability that he may not be the person taking time to buy you shoes so you feel accepted at school.   There is  a disease my friend. We have been trying to understand why the world is going backward instead of forward in spite of all of our technology and various written constitutions and charters that envelope our concepts of God and our fragile, perishable human nature.  We could look to the Bible or John Locke. But, what is it that humans need in light of the power of robotic automation?  They need a Constitution that guarantees and ensures their dignity with a financial commitment paid to each citizen bi-weekly that enables the citizen and human  to cover all of their Maslow needs in the Maslow hierarchy.   You are in a situation; a scripted one to teach you not to covet 19 happier truly literate economies around the world.  How does it all end? They have had a universal minimum income support, most countries, to cover all general human needs since 1927. You don't. You have continual recessions and depressions with every upswing in automation.   They don't.  They have feelings and empathy for themselves.  You are supposed to.    In spite of the Castaway 1430 Dna, in spite of the later, more determined Columbus iteration of the  dna, you are all just American.  You are still European. Isn't it Europe's plan to sell goods,appliances and vehicles in a settled, safe  North America with a universal minimum income support paid to every citizen?  There is something tremendous going on here when you could have had several founding fathers who were upstanding deacons in the colonial community and maybe several  were carriers of this 1430 dna that some say was castaway at Sans Souci allegedly around 1480.    But, who says the majority of the population, The majority, was not composed of people who were also castaway,  sent to North America as a  punishment for crimes against communities in Europe; for rebellion against the Magna Carta and the King?   You came because you wanted opportunity; more money so in forming a government wouldn't you make money for every citizen a priority? Wasnt there a disbursement or income support  that the Europeans tried to pay to you in the 1700's? The disbursement was stolen and sent to Sans Souci and Port Royal.  They disguised this theft as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre along with the disguising of the theft of shipments of food, tea and other goods.  American  tea growing and cultivation began around this time. The Liptons brand is actually Scottish.   Some came to America for religious freedom but certainly for economic new beginnings.    New troublemakers arrived every day.  So,  if man could step out of his hunter, gatherer nature and become a  settled farmer, could a population step out of a broken democracy with only  candidates that are monstrously, officially  unresponsive to the power of automation and start again maybe by sending the U.S. Constitution to the largest manufacturing company in America; for the people by the people when the people need  guaranteed money(the income support)  in addition to clean water and universal health care?  The additional question then is who would politicize these issues?     They are not the Americans America would need at this man-made critical hour.  Now who, as a white West Indian immigrant in Europe from the West Indies, would in 1908, spit in the milk he was allowed to deliver as a milk man in Germany?      They kept a bottle.  No one was killed right away when the victim families thought it was a bad batch and they would drink some strong tipple to kill the disease. It got worse as they brought more people from the West Indies. Sometimes they spat in the coffee.   You seem to do these things to ask if you will be accepted or is it to interrupt our  civilization; our Brit Milah atmosphere?  All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There is one human family but maybe it will take you a thousand more years before we can agree on the universal minimum income support, washing the fish, the lamb, our hands and the vegetables before we eat so you need to have your own family.  We cannot argue over vehicular  fuels any longer.  There is only one ocean and one sky in this house providing us all oxygen. This planet is God's House!!   But, we can nod to each other and thank God for the constitution together in the subway transit  system.   Like  diseases involving anthrax and HPV or Gonorea,  automation is an invisible enemy affecting the entire world.  Some countries have had a cure since the 14th century or since the days of Rome or since Hezekiah as seen in the disbursement known as the minimum income support.   It saves lives; helps us buy soap, strong cleansing potions and clean water.  We have to accept that Leviticus is a summary of many discoveries in human communal living; problems with diseases and the need for the washing of hands after your commune grows to 10 or more in number.   Then he prayed for understanding.  Then, he became a King or a Pharaoh.  The world maybe is more humane concerning the plight of the average North American than you realise.  At the same time, an America that argued about the blessedness of hydrogen as a fuel and the efficacy of a universal minimum income support and also the fuel injector is lame.  Liquid fuel does not provide more power or thrust.  But, you could charge people the same amount of money. Yet, it costs you less pollution and less resources and money to produce 300 km worth of propulsion.    It means they. Would have argued about the usefulness of the  wheel. They will not be given the chance to argue any longer where we have to sit and think about the illogical, inhumane motivation.  It does not seem to be racism but an American aboriginal  inclination to resist anything new and technological. It has nothing to do with race.   This is evident when the railroad was resisted with rocks and stones being throne and tracks  being destroyed.   Not every son of Oldsmobile, Chrysler, Budweiser or  Levi's carries the family name.  They are now maybe 5th generation Americans.    So the key word here is symbiosis.  This is true not only in terms of population but also in terms of global water supplies, fish stocks, air quality and food in general.  Your lack of compliance on this small issue and failure to rectify the problem is the deceit.   Just follow Massachusetts socioeconomics that provides a universal unconditional minimum income support to every citizen and roll these policies out across all of North America where it is necessary.  Why are we here?  We are here to understand Bill "Louis the 10th" the Butcher whose son was president in 1980.  Will you be the leader who will give AMERICA BACK HER TRUE SELF? If you were a  four feet tall Scottish cowboy and America was a wild mustang, couldn't you heal and rule America to a glorious profitability?     You could encourage the merchant classes of the world from China, Japan and Russia,   Russian tourists to spend money in North America  with their Minimum income support and Asians or Africans to come and spend money with their Minimum income support who will stay for about six months at a time while your own people die off and the soldiers and police will defend and protect the tourists and the Capital Buildings. You will not have a population from which you can raise a large army or any army in due course.  Soldiers die and police die at twice the rate of the average population due to inherent job hazards.    You will not have a population that will provide a sufficient consumer market to match the usual expectations of a  North American market with the dancing clowns with burgers,fries and shakes lurking behind every street sign and beckoning consumers with disposable cash to spend money in the gratification of convenience.  If you implemented the solution, the towns  like Rochester and Batavia should grow instead of dying off and becoming increasingly dilapidated and underpopulated. We see the  living evidence.  
American  Capitalism has moved to Mandingo, Tandoori Masala and Sushi  where those cultures have complied with a universal minimum income support for every citizen. Potato chips, Kia vehicles and Capitalism  don't care what is the colour of the ass disposing of the food waste once the chips have been purchased and consumed.  Capitalism does not care about the colour of the ass sitting in the vehicle.  Capitalism only sees interest, money and sales.  The only way to please, as a performer, the most powerful stakeholders in the world who are interested in the North American economy is to implement the universal minimum income support for all citizens.  The Book of Eli was written about your dying Urban landscape, disappearing malls, schools and other buildings.   Obviously, if you hired every American and every  16 year oldies as a citizen and viable potential soldier like other major countries, giving them $40,000.00 per year as universal minimum income support like other major countries then the Malls all over America would always be busy.  You dont have any current enemies.  You are the largest consumers of Russian Vodka and Asian vehicles or you use to be up to 2001.  Every enemy nation and every allied nation has a universal minimum income support for all of their citizens except Canada and the United States.  As the usefulness of a wheel and a universal minimum income support are evident, it seems opposing the evident os just an aboriginal defence mechanism.  But, the writer of this article is certainly aboriginal.  He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the white aboriginal people and their businesses.  
He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the black, red and beige and yellow aboriginal people and their businesses. 
 You have to be honest in that all kinds of nuts, including coconuts, grow indigenously in the uh...we do respect are the us how you do it..teach us oh great Neanderthal nation who argues hatefully with simple answers...United States. Arguing about the usefulness of  the universal unconditional minimum income support is like arguing about the usefulness of the wheel. Who would do that?  If the quality of my tap water rendered it undrinkable and the local mayor and governor did not have any sympathy on the issue, who do you call? You call Superman or the most powerful man on earth; Obalma who still says Yes We Can!!! He should say it if the other President on payroll is stuck asking why he, as the current building manager, country manager  is being asked to solve it, fix it;  the problem but he asked to help. He campaigned and said he could do it.    The leaders of car companies have sat down and asked you to implement the universal minimum income support for all of North America to stimulate demand, permanently secure demand, permanently insure market demand. An old lady who is afraid she will be jealous sitting on a hill in the Caribbean tells you to be afraid  that you will feel like  you are the poor people president.  But, every citizen is the recipient; including you. This is how it works in Europe and Asia where all the Car company presidents and airline employees and car mechanics and plumbers get some with waitresses and all kinds of people that include retired soldiers and teachers and people who just turned 16.  You now act like you dont know why people expected you would solve the economy. But, you are the onkg person who could write executive orders to do miraculous things like change sales tax to 0% and raise a dead consumer economy also with a universal minimum income support.  You could ask Ford to keep manufacturing in North America. But, what is the point if there is no market with enough buyers like Mexico? What is the point of a shopping mall if there are not enough buyers?  What is the point of a subway if the there are not enough riders?   

But, you seem to be a Louis the 10th who never got his crown and who presumed he would be President but he did not realise that the current office holder was just as much of a pirate as he is who would steal supermarket  shipments with former police and take a ransom of about $30000.00 per person for 10 people  from the supplier and the supermarket when they could have told the governor to implement a universal minimum income support once they knew it was a legal requirement that pays $50000.00 per citizen. There are many diseases around the world. Automation is likened unto a global disease.    North America except for Mexico is the largest territory without the cure that is the unconditional minimum income support.  This is the disease affecting your North American market.  You have been challenging authority.  The authority has given you the office of President to see if you would give the population the money; the money that you seek in holding their shipments to department stores and grocery store hostage.    You covet 19 supermarkets and cereal companies. Batavia is evidence of how, in the same way,  you hold the entire  economy hostage.  
  Louis 10th with the 1430 dna may have been banished to Sans Souci to see what he would do. He seems to have been eventually blended with Columbus dna. Whether or not he is blended or pure, he says he has to have all the authority such that a post master who suggests machines that could save money will probably end up dead when the Louis dna will say that "...if I am the king president of everything, then who are you to help me with any efficient proposal or insight that I take as a form  rivalry to my authority? What is a Court? What is a lawyer? Am I not the only AUTHORITY?" What about the socioeconomics involving a universal unconditional minimum income support that will save the country?  It will aid your authority, save your country.  Your anthropology is only challenging the wisdom of your own European forebears since being Castaway was tremendous punishment in the year 1480.    If you want them to see you like they saw the last set  they appointed named FDR or Carter, then they see you and your resentment in your current resistance; resistance for being banished as the murderous potential heir of a European throne.  This is evident when the solution is so simple.   It is evident when the architecture in New England bespeaks order and quiet. But, your tax policy and socioeconomic policy indicates inhumanity and a bitter, selfish chaos. It nuh make no sense.  Now, it is time for you to be a son of France and do what will help the market for French goods; in North America.   
  You fought a war.  Today, every German has shelter, food and  clothing with a minimum income support of $EUD 40,000.00 and is ready to bare arms against your ignorance.   They have a stable, consistent internal consumer market that is secure from new upswings in automation and as such, they do not suffer recessions or depressions as in the case of obstinate, more inhumane but cinematically popular American economics.   They build cars all over the world. You buy them twice as often as you buy your own due the fact that their use of automation provides a more durable, reliable and dependable product.   Now, you feel a foment of frustration. You look to more Closing malls in America. You look to Europe.  You look to Asia. All of their citizens are covered with a minimum income support of $USD 70,000.00.  They own and manage more restaurants in the world than any other culture.  
 You do not have this minimum income  support for your citizen.  What divides you is an ill psychology that resents the non-racialised truth of your history. That I'll psychology is foreign to you and should not be accommodated; as if a universal minimum income support for every citizen regardless of race would devalue a white man or white; as if respecting the logic of a universal minimum income support would say your leadership was associated with the poor people, making you the poor man's champion. But, every shoe salesman wants more customers and so does every car company and rental building manager.   But, you could have a functional economy.    Every economy needs people.  Every economy needs a market. Every economy needs  a market with people that have money to spend and buy on a regular, consistent basis.  The solution helps you; the wealthy.   The Civil war and WW2 are now properly  summarised as a foment of socioeconomic frustration at home and a sense of rejection and lack of respect from others abroad. If Congress can declare war, Congress can declare an economic solution for all of North America and show their POWER to get this country to hum again. I am sure the Americans will feel good again if they do. America can solve it without the use of executive power.   It is already law.  See Article six.  It is just to understand that this 1430 dna does two things: 1. It seeks and takes authority and intends to be the only one deciding everything in his leadership style but there are rules that must be followed. Deregulation is sometimes the Trojan concept to defeat all the rules intended for the protection of the public good; intended for the protection of the people; 2.  He also says quietly , subtley that he does not believe America should have the AUTHORITY so the roads are half as good and have to be resurfaced twice as often.  You see this across the infrastructure that includes the train system where everything is really old.  About authority, he is a murderer and will find subtle ways to take authority over you.  This os what you get from 500,000 orphan kings of Louis Sans Souci spawned every ten years from the pools of Sans Souci and eventually they spawned this cloned temperament in the waters of Runaway St.Ann's  Harbour. They seek to inherit; turning your grade 12 science project or your high school track jacket into inheritance or your McDonalds coupons or your photos from your

family vacation.      They migrate with families all over the world just to see if they will fit in and  accept their chances in life; with a little hard work instead of the theft and  covetousness of others.  You have a minimum income support so you have no need of parasiting on the creativity of others or holding economies and  cereal and food shipments ransom.  Who is the Bill the Butcher?  Who is the joker.    These tendencies lends themselves  well to the resistances of the new people's still trying to understand when these Europeans with their constitutions and laws will go home;  Like the Iraqis told America to go home.  What is permitted and what is not permitted in our culture since if she is a woman in our culture, the Ancient Israeli Law School asks a Rabi, why can't you just spit in her and make her pregnant? Obviously, there was a man and a woman caught in the act of adultery.  But, it seems the man who was caught in the act with her dragged her before Christ to ask his question and retire the stone he was going to use to murder her in his need to be accepted.  He obviously had help; the dropout that he had to have been.   There are so many new arrivals to our offshoot Egyptian culture and if you are  the only  authority as an aboriginal who needs to see his own authority and determination, what is a graduate?  Ask the Teacher or Rabi.  He knows.  His name is Jesus.     


Wednesday, 20 May 2020

There is a disease my friend. We have been trying to understand why the world is going backward instead of forward in spite of all of our technology and various written constitutions and charters that envelope our concepts of God and our fragile, perishable human nature. We could look to the Bible or John Locke. But, what is it that humans need in light of the power of robotic automation? They need a Constitution that guarantees and ensures their dignity with a financial commitment paid to each citizen bi-weekly that enables to cover all of their Maslow needs in the Maslow hierarchy. You are in a situation; a scripted one to teach you not to covet 19 happier truly literate economies around the world. How does it all end? They have had a universal minimum income support, most countries, to cover all general human needs since 1927. You don't. You have continual recessions and depressions with every upswing in automation. They don't. They have feelings and empathy for themselves. You are supposed to. In spite of the Castaway 1430 Dna, in spite of the later, more determined Columbus iteration of the dna, you are all just American. You are still European. Isn't it Europe's plan to sell goods,appliances and vehicles in a settled, safe North America with a universal minimum income support paid to every citizen? There is something tremendous going on here when you could have had several founding fathers who were upstanding deacons in the colonial community and maybe several were carriers of this 1430 dna that some say was castaway at Sans Souci allegedly around 1480. But, who says the majority of the population, The majority, was not composed of people who were also castaway, sent to North America as a punishment for crimes against communities in Europe; for rebellion against the Magna Carta and the King? You came because you wanted opportunity; more money so in forming a government wouldn't you make money for every citizen a priority? Wasnt there a disbursement or income support that the Europeans tried to pay to you in the 1700's? The disbursement was stolen and sent to Sans Souci and Port Royal. They disguised this theft as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre along with the disguising of the theft of shipments of food, tea and other goods. American tea growing and cultivation began around this time. The Liptons brand is actually Scottish. Some came to America for religious freedom but certainly for economic new beginnings. New troublemakers arrived every day. So, if man could step out of his hunter, gatherer nature and become a settled farmer, could a population step out of a broken democracy with only candidates that are monstrously, officially unresponsive to the power of automation and start again maybe by sending the U.S. Constitution to the largest manufacturing company in America; for the people by the people when the people need guaranteed money(the income support) in addition to clean water and universal health care? The additional question then is who would politicize these issues? They are not the Americans America would need at this man-made critical hour. Now who, as a white West Indian immigrant in Europe from the West Indies, would in 1908, spit in the milk he was allowed to deliver as a milk man in Germany? They kept a bottle. No one was killed right away when the victim families thought it was a bad batch and they would drink some strong tipple to kill the disease. It got worse as they brought more people from the West Indies. Sometimes they spat in the coffee. You seem to do these things to ask if you will be accepted or is it to interrupt our civilization; our Brit Milah atmosphere? All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There is one human family but maybe it will take you a thousand more years before we can agree on the universal minimum income support, washing the fish, the lamb, our hands and the vegetables before we eat so you need to have your own family. We cannot argue over vehicular fuels any longer. There is only one ocean and one sky in this house providing us all oxygen. This planet is God's House!! But, we can nod to each other and thank God for the constitution together in the subway transit system. Like diseases involving anthrax and HPV or Gonorea, automation is an invisible enemy affecting the entire world. Some countries have had a cure since the 14th century or since the days of Rome or since Hezekiah as seen in the disbursement known as the minimum income support. It saves lives; helps us buy soap, strong cleansing potions and clean water. We have to accept that Leviticus is a summary of many discoveries in human communal living; problems with diseases and the need for the washing of hands after your commune grows to 10 or more in number. Then he prayed for understanding. Then, he became a King or a Pharaoh. The world maybe is more humane concerning the plight of the average North American than you realise. At the same time, an America that argued about the blessedness of hydrogen as a fuel and the efficacy of a universal minimum income support and also the fuel injector is lame. Liquid fuel does not provide more power or thrust. But, you could charge people the same amount of money. Yet, it costs you less pollution and less resources and money to produce 300 km worth of propulsion. It means they. Would have argued about the usefulness of the wheel. They will not be given the chance to argue any longer where we have to sit and think about the illogical, inhumane motivation. It does not seem to be racism but an American aboriginal inclination to resist anything new and technological. It has nothing to do with race. This is evident when the railroad was resisted with rocks and stones being throne and tracks being destroyed. Not every son of Oldsmobile, Chrysler, Budweiser or Levi's carries the family name. They are now maybe 5th generation Americans. So the key word here is symbiosis. This is true not only in terms of population but also in terms of global water supplies, fish stocks, air quality and food in general. Your lack of compliance on this small issue and failure to rectify the problem is the deceit. Just follow Massachusetts socioeconomics that provides a universal unconditional minimum income support to every citizen and roll these policies out across all of North America where it is necessary. Why are we here? We are here to understand Bill "Louis the 10th" the Butcher whose son was president in 1980. Will you be the leader who will give AMERICA BACK HER TRUE SELF? If you were a four feet tall Scottish cowboy and America was a wild mustang, couldn't you heal and rule America to a glorious profitability? You could encourage the merchant classes of the world from China, Japan and Russia, Russian tourists to spend money in North America with their Minimum income support and Asians or Africans to come and spend money with their Minimum income support who will stay for about six months at a time while your own people die off and the soldiers and police will defend and protect the tourists and the Capital Buildings. You will not have a population from which you can raise a large army or any army in due course. Soldiers die and police die at twice the rate of the average population due to inherent job hazards. You will not have a population that will provide a sufficient consumer market to match the usual expectations of a North American market with the dancing clowns with burgers,fries and shakes lurking behind every street sign and beckoning consumers with disposable cash to spend money in the gratification of convenience. If you implemented the solution, the towns like Rochester and Batavia should grow instead of dying off and becoming increasingly dilapidated and underpopulated. We see the living evidence. American Capitalism has moved to Mandingo, Tandoori Masala and Sushi where those cultures have complied with a universal minimum income support for every citizen. Potato chips, Kia vehicles and Capitalism don't care what is the colour of the ass disposing of the food waste once the chips have been purchased and consumed. Capitalism does not care about the colour of the ass sitting in the vehicle. Capitalism only sees interest, money and sales. The only way to please, as a performer, the most powerful stakeholders in the world who are interested in the North American economy is to implement the universal minimum income support for all citizens. The Book of Eli was written about your dying Urban landscape, disappearing malls, schools and other buildings. Obviously, if you hired every American and every 16 year oldies as a citizen and viable potential soldier like other major countries, giving them $40,000.00 per year as universal minimum income support like other major countries then the Malls all over America would always be busy. You dont have any current enemies. You are the largest consumers of Russian Vodka and Asian vehicles or you use to be up to 2001. Every enemy nation and every allied nation has a universal minimum income support for all of their citizens except Canada and the United States. As the usefulness of a wheel and a universal minimum income support are evident, it seems opposing the evident os just an aboriginal defence mechanism. But, the writer of this article is certainly aboriginal. He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the white aboriginal people and their businesses. He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the black, red and beige and yellow aboriginal people and their businesses. You have to be honest in that all kinds of nuts, including coconuts, grow indigenously in the uh...we do respect are the us how you do it..teach us oh great Neanderthal nation who argues hatefully with simple answers...United States. Arguing about the usefulness of the universal unconditional minimum income support is like arguing about the usefulness of the wheel. Who would do that? If the quality of my tap water rendered it undrinkable and the local mayor and governor did not have any sympathy on the issue, who do you call? You call Superman or the most powerful man on earth; Obalma who still says Yes We Can!!! He should say it if the other President on payroll is stuck asking why he, as the current building manager, country manager is being asked to solve it, fix it; the problem but he asked to help. He campaigned and said he could do it. The leaders of car companies have sat down and asked you to implement the universal minimum income support for all of North America to stimulate demand, permanently secure demand, permanently insure market demand. An old lady who is afraid she will be jealous sitting on a hill in the Caribbean tells you to be afraid that you will feel like you are the poor people president. But, every citizen is the recipient; including you. This is how it works in Europe and Asia where all the Car company presidents and airline employees and car mechanics and plumbers get some with waitresses and all kinds of people that include retired soldiers and teachers and people who just turned 16. You now act like you dont know why people expected you would solve the economy. But, you are the onkg person who could write executive orders to do miraculous things like change sales tax to 0% and raise a dead consumer economy also with a universal minimum income support. You could ask Ford to keep manufacturing in North America. But, what is the point if there is no market with enough buyers like Mexico? What is the point of a shopping mall if there are not enough buyers? What is the point of a subway if the there are not enough riders? But, you seem to be a Louis the 10th who never got his crown and who presumed he would be President but he did not realise that the current office holder was just as much of a pirate as he is who would steal supermarket shipments with former police and take a ransom of about $30000.00 per person for 10 people from the supplier and the supermarket when they could have told the governor to implement a universal minimum income support once they knew it was a legal requirement that pays $50000.00 per citizen. There are many diseases around the world. Automation is likened unto a global disease. North America except for Mexico is the largest territory without the cure that is the unconditional minimum income support. This is the disease affecting your North American market. You have been challenging authority. The authority has given you the office of President to see if you would give the population the money; the money that you seek in holding their shipments to department stores and grocery store hostage. You covet 19 supermarkets and cereal companies. Batavia is evidence of how, in the same way, you hold the entire economy hostage. Louis 10th with the 1430 dna may have been banished to Sans Souci to see what he would do. He seems to have been eventually blended with Columbus dna. Whether or not he is blended or pure, he says he has to have all the authority such that a post master who suggests machines that could save money will probably end up dead when the Louis dna will say that "...if I am the king president of everything, then who are you to help me with any efficient proposal or insight that I take as a form rivalry to my authority? What is a Court? What is a lawyer? Am I not the only AUTHORITY?" What about the socioeconomics involving a universal unconditional minimum income support that will save the country? It will aid your authority, save your country. Your anthropology is only challenging the wisdom of your own European forebears since being Castaway was tremendous punishment in the year 1480. If you want them to see you like they saw the last set they appointed named FDR or Carter, then they see you and your resentment in your current resistance; resistance for being banished as the murderous potential heir of a European throne. This is evident when the solution is so simple. It is evident when the architecture in New England bespeaks order and quiet. But, your tax policy and socioeconomic policy indicates inhumanity and a bitter, selfish chaos. It nuh make no sense. Now, it is time for you to be a son of France and do what will help the market for French goods; in North America. You fought a war. Today, every German has shelter, food and clothing with a minimum income support of $EUD 40,000.00 and is ready to bare arms against your ignorance. They have a stable, consistent internal consumer market that is secure from new upswings in automation and as such, they do not suffer recessions or depressions as in the case of obstinate, more inhumane but cinematically popular American economics. They build cars all over the world. You buy them twice as often as you buy your own due the fact that their use of automation provides a more durable, reliable and dependable product. Now, you feel a foment of frustration. You look to more Closing malls in America. You look to Europe. You look to Asia. All of their citizens are covered with a minimum income support of $USD 70,000.00. They own and manage more restaurants in the world than any other culture. You do not have this minimum income support for your citizen. What divides you is an ill psychology that resents the non-racialised truth of your history. That I'll psychology is foreign to you and should not be accommodated; as if a universal minimum income support for every citizen regardless of race would devalue a white man or white; as if respecting the logic of a universal minimum income support would say your leadership was associated with the poor people, making you the poor man's champion. But, every shoe salesman wants more customers and so does every car company and rental building manager. But, you could have a functional economy. Every economy needs people. Every economy needs a market. Every economy needs a market with people that have money to spend and buy on a regular, consistent basis. The solution helps you; the wealthy. The Civil war and WW2 are now properly summarised as a foment of socioeconomic frustration at home and a sense of rejection and lack of respect from others abroad. If Congress can declare war, Congress can declare an economic solution for all of North America and show their POWER to get this country to hum again. I am sure the Americans will feel good again if they do. America can solve it without the use of executive power. It is already law. See Article six. It is just to understand that this 1430 dna does two things: 1. It seeks and takes authority and intends to be the only one deciding everything in his leadership style but there are rules that must be followed. Deregulation is sometimes the Trojan concept to defeat all the rules intended for the protection of the public good; intended for the protection of the people; 2. He also says quietly , subtley that he does not believe America should have the AUTHORITY so the roads are half as good and have to be resurfaced twice as often. You see this across the infrastructure that includes the train system where everything is really old. About authority, he is a murderer and will find subtle ways to take authority over you. This os what you get from 500,000 orphan kings of France spawned every ten years from the pools of Sans Souci and eventually they spawned this cloned temperament in the waters of Runaway St.Ann's Harbour. They migrate with families all over the world just to see if they will fit in and accept their chances in life; with a little hard work instead of the theft and covetousness of others. You have a minimum income support so you have no need of parasiting on the creativity of others or holding economies and cereal and food shipments ransom. Who is the Bill the Butcher? Who is the joker. These tendencies lends themselves well to the resistances of the new people's still trying to understand when these Europeans with their constitutions and laws will go home; Like the Iraqis told America to go home. What is permitted and what is not permitted in our culture since if she is a woman in our culture, the Ancient Israeli Law School asks a Rabi, why can't you just spit in her and make her pregnant? Obviously, there was a man and a woman caught in the act of adultery. But, it seems the man who was caught in the act with her dragged her before Christ to ask his question and retire the stone he was going to use to murder her in his need to be accepted. He obviously had help; the dropout that he had to have been. There are so many new arrivals to our offshoot Egyptian culture and if you are the only authority as an aboriginal who needs to see his own authority and determination, what is a graduate? Ask the Teacher or Rabi. He knows. His name is Jesus.

There is  a disease my friend. We have been trying to understand why the world is going backward instead of forward in spite of all of our technology and various written constitutions and charters that envelope our concepts of God and our fragile, perishable human nature.  We could look to the Bible or John Locke. But, what is it that humans need in light of the power of robotic automation?  They need a Constitution that guarantees and ensures their dignity with a financial commitment paid to each citizen bi-weekly that enables to cover all of their Maslow needs in the Maslow hierarchy.   You are in a situation; a scripted one to teach you not to covet 19 happier truly literate economies around the world.  How does it all end? They have had a universal minimum income support, most countries, to cover all general human needs since 1927. You don't. You have continual recessions and depressions with every upswing in automation.   They don't.  They have feelings and empathy for themselves.  You are supposed to.    In spite of the Castaway 1430 Dna, in spite of the later, more determined Columbus iteration of the  dna, you are all just American.  You are still European. Isn't it Europe's plan to sell goods,appliances and vehicles in a settled, safe  North America with a universal minimum income support paid to every citizen?  There is something tremendous going on here when you could have had several founding fathers who were upstanding deacons in the colonial community and maybe several  were carriers of this 1430 dna that some say was castaway at Sans Souci allegedly around 1480.    But, who says the majority of the population, The majority, was not composed of people who were also castaway,  sent to North America as a  punishment for crimes against communities in Europe; for rebellion against the Magna Carta and the King?   You came because you wanted opportunity; more money so in forming a government wouldn't you make money for every citizen a priority? Wasnt there a disbursement or income support  that the Europeans tried to pay to you in the 1700's? The disbursement was stolen and sent to Sans Souci and Port Royal.  They disguised this theft as the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre along with the disguising of the theft of shipments of food, tea and other goods.  American  tea growing and cultivation began around this time. The Liptons brand is actually Scottish.   Some came to America for religious freedom but certainly for economic new beginnings.    New troublemakers arrived every day.  So,  if man could step out of his hunter, gatherer nature and become a  settled farmer, could a population step out of a broken democracy with only  candidates that are monstrously, officially  unresponsive to the power of automation and start again maybe by sending the U.S. Constitution to the largest manufacturing company in America; for the people by the people when the people need  guaranteed money(the income support)  in addition to clean water and universal health care?  The additional question then is who would politicize these issues?     They are not the Americans America would need at this man-made critical hour.  Now who, as a white West Indian immigrant in Europe from the West Indies, would in 1908, spit in the milk he was allowed to deliver as a milk man in Germany?      They kept a bottle.  No one was killed right away when the victim families thought it was a bad batch and they would drink some strong tipple to kill the disease. It got worse as they brought more people from the West Indies. Sometimes they spat in the coffee.   You seem to do these things to ask if you will be accepted or is it to interrupt our  civilization; our Brit Milah atmosphere?  All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There is one human family but maybe it will take you a thousand more years before we can agree on the universal minimum income support, washing the fish, the lamb, our hands and the vegetables before we eat so you need to have your own family.  We cannot argue over vehicular  fuels any longer.  There is only one ocean and one sky in this house providing us all oxygen. This planet is God's House!!   But, we can nod to each other and thank God for the constitution together in the subway transit  system.   Like  diseases involving anthrax and HPV or Gonorea,  automation is an invisible enemy affecting the entire world.  Some countries have had a cure since the 14th century or since the days of Rome or since Hezekiah as seen in the disbursement known as the minimum income support.   It saves lives; helps us buy soap, strong cleansing potions and clean water.  We have to accept that Leviticus is a summary of many discoveries in human communal living; problems with diseases and the need for the washing of hands after your commune grows to 10 or more in number.   Then he prayed for understanding.  Then, he became a King or a Pharaoh.  The world maybe is more humane concerning the plight of the average North American than you realise.  At the same time, an America that argued about the blessedness of hydrogen as a fuel and the efficacy of a universal minimum income support and also the fuel injector is lame.  Liquid fuel does not provide more power or thrust.  But, you could charge people the same amount of money. Yet, it costs you less pollution and less resources and money to produce 300 km worth of propulsion.    It means they. Would have argued about the usefulness of the  wheel. They will not be given the chance to argue any longer where we have to sit and think about the illogical, inhumane motivation.  It does not seem to be racism but an American aboriginal  inclination to resist anything new and technological. It has nothing to do with race.   This is evident when the railroad was resisted with rocks and stones being throne and tracks  being destroyed.   Not every son of Oldsmobile, Chrysler, Budweiser or  Levi's carries the family name.  They are now maybe 5th generation Americans.    So the key word here is symbiosis.  This is true not only in terms of population but also in terms of global water supplies, fish stocks, air quality and food in general.  Your lack of compliance on this small issue and failure to rectify the problem is the deceit.   Just follow Massachusetts socioeconomics that provides a universal unconditional minimum income support to every citizen and roll these policies out across all of North America where it is necessary.  Why are we here?  We are here to understand Bill "Louis the 10th" the Butcher whose son was president in 1980.  Will you be the leader who will give AMERICA BACK HER TRUE SELF? If you were a  four feet tall Scottish cowboy and America was a wild mustang, couldn't you heal and rule America to a glorious profitability?     You could encourage the merchant classes of the world from China, Japan and Russia,   Russian tourists to spend money in North America  with their Minimum income support and Asians or Africans to come and spend money with their Minimum income support who will stay for about six months at a time while your own people die off and the soldiers and police will defend and protect the tourists and the Capital Buildings. You will not have a population from which you can raise a large army or any army in due course.  Soldiers die and police die at twice the rate of the average population due to inherent job hazards.    You will not have a population that will provide a sufficient consumer market to match the usual expectations of a  North American market with the dancing clowns with burgers,fries and shakes lurking behind every street sign and beckoning consumers with disposable cash to spend money in the gratification of convenience.  If you implemented the solution, the towns  like Rochester and Batavia should grow instead of dying off and becoming increasingly dilapidated and underpopulated. We see the  living evidence.  
American  Capitalism has moved to Mandingo, Tandoori Masala and Sushi  where those cultures have complied with a universal minimum income support for every citizen. Potato chips, Kia vehicles and Capitalism  don't care what is the colour of the ass disposing of the food waste once the chips have been purchased and consumed.  Capitalism does not care about the colour of the ass sitting in the vehicle.  Capitalism only sees interest, money and sales.  The only way to please, as a performer, the most powerful stakeholders in the world who are interested in the North American economy is to implement the universal minimum income support for all citizens.  The Book of Eli was written about your dying Urban landscape, disappearing malls, schools and other buildings.   Obviously, if you hired every American and every  16 year oldies as a citizen and viable potential soldier like other major countries, giving them $40,000.00 per year as universal minimum income support like other major countries then the Malls all over America would always be busy.  You dont have any current enemies.  You are the largest consumers of Russian Vodka and Asian vehicles or you use to be up to 2001.  Every enemy nation and every allied nation has a universal minimum income support for all of their citizens except Canada and the United States.  As the usefulness of a wheel and a universal minimum income support are evident, it seems opposing the evident os just an aboriginal defence mechanism.  But, the writer of this article is certainly aboriginal.  He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the white aboriginal people and their businesses.  
He believes in the fruition and prosperity of the black, red and beige and yellow aboriginal people and their businesses. 
 You have to be honest in that all kinds of nuts, including coconuts, grow indigenously in the uh...we do respect are the us how you do it..teach us oh great Neanderthal nation who argues hatefully with simple answers...United States. Arguing about the usefulness of  the universal unconditional minimum income support is like arguing about the usefulness of the wheel. Who would do that?  If the quality of my tap water rendered it undrinkable and the local mayor and governor did not have any sympathy on the issue, who do you call? You call Superman or the most powerful man on earth; Obalma who still says Yes We Can!!! He should say it if the other President on payroll is stuck asking why he, as the current building manager, country manager  is being asked to solve it, fix it;  the problem but he asked to help. He campaigned and said he could do it.    The leaders of car companies have sat down and asked you to implement the universal minimum income support for all of North America to stimulate demand, permanently secure demand, permanently insure market demand. An old lady who is afraid she will be jealous sitting on a hill in the Caribbean tells you to be afraid  that you will feel like  you are the poor people president.  But, every citizen is the recipient; including you. This is how it works in Europe and Asia where all the Car company presidents and airline employees and car mechanics and plumbers get some with waitresses and all kinds of people that include retired soldiers and teachers and people who just turned 16.  You now act like you dont know why people expected you would solve the economy. But, you are the onkg person who could write executive orders to do miraculous things like change sales tax to 0% and raise a dead consumer economy also with a universal minimum income support.  You could ask Ford to keep manufacturing in North America. But, what is the point if there is no market with enough buyers like Mexico? What is the point of a shopping mall if there are not enough buyers?  What is the point of a subway if the there are not enough riders?   

But, you seem to be a Louis the 10th who never got his crown and who presumed he would be President but he did not realise that the current office holder was just as much of a pirate as he is who would steal supermarket  shipments with former police and take a ransom of about $30000.00 per person for 10 people  from the supplier and the supermarket when they could have told the governor to implement a universal minimum income support once they knew it was a legal requirement that pays $50000.00 per citizen. There are many diseases around the world. Automation is likened unto a global disease.    North America except for Mexico is the largest territory without the cure that is the unconditional minimum income support.  This is the disease affecting your North American market.  You have been challenging authority.  The authority has given you the office of President to see if you would give the population the money; the money that you seek in holding their shipments to department stores and grocery store hostage.    You covet 19 supermarkets and cereal companies. Batavia is evidence of how, in the same way,  you hold the entire  economy hostage.  
  Louis 10th with the 1430 dna may have been banished to Sans Souci to see what he would do. He seems to have been eventually blended with Columbus dna. Whether or not he is blended or pure, he says he has to have all the authority such that a post master who suggests machines that could save money will probably end up dead when the Louis dna will say that "...if I am the king president of everything, then who are you to help me with any efficient proposal or insight that I take as a form  rivalry to my authority? What is a Court? What is a lawyer? Am I not the only AUTHORITY?" What about the socioeconomics involving a universal unconditional minimum income support that will save the country?  It will aid your authority, save your country.  Your anthropology is only challenging the wisdom of your own European forebears since being Castaway was tremendous punishment in the year 1480.    If you want them to see you like they saw the last set  they appointed named FDR or Carter, then they see you and your resentment in your current resistance; resistance for being banished as the murderous potential heir of a European throne.  This is evident when the solution is so simple.   It is evident when the architecture in New England bespeaks order and quiet. But, your tax policy and socioeconomic policy indicates inhumanity and a bitter, selfish chaos. It nuh make no sense.  Now, it is time for you to be a son of France and do what will help the market for French goods; in North America.   
  You fought a war.  Today, every German has shelter, food and  clothing with a minimum income support of $EUD 40,000.00 and is ready to bare arms against your ignorance.   They have a stable, consistent internal consumer market that is secure from new upswings in automation and as such, they do not suffer recessions or depressions as in the case of obstinate, more inhumane but cinematically popular American economics.   They build cars all over the world. You buy them twice as often as you buy your own due the fact that their use of automation provides a more durable, reliable and dependable product.   Now, you feel a foment of frustration. You look to more Closing malls in America. You look to Europe.  You look to Asia. All of their citizens are covered with a minimum income support of $USD 70,000.00.  They own and manage more restaurants in the world than any other culture.  
 You do not have this minimum income  support for your citizen.  What divides you is an ill psychology that resents the non-racialised truth of your history. That I'll psychology is foreign to you and should not be accommodated; as if a universal minimum income support for every citizen regardless of race would devalue a white man or white; as if respecting the logic of a universal minimum income support would say your leadership was associated with the poor people, making you the poor man's champion. But, every shoe salesman wants more customers and so does every car company and rental building manager.   But, you could have a functional economy.    Every economy needs people.  Every economy needs a market. Every economy needs  a market with people that have money to spend and buy on a regular, consistent basis.  The solution helps you; the wealthy.   The Civil war and WW2 are now properly  summarised as a foment of socioeconomic frustration at home and a sense of rejection and lack of respect from others abroad. If Congress can declare war, Congress can declare an economic solution for all of North America and show their POWER to get this country to hum again. I am sure the Americans will feel good again if they do. America can solve it without the use of executive power.   It is already law.  See Article six.  It is just to understand that this 1430 dna does two things: 1. It seeks and takes authority and intends to be the only one deciding everything in his leadership style but there are rules that must be followed. Deregulation is sometimes the Trojan concept to defeat all the rules intended for the protection of the public good; intended for the protection of the people; 2.  He also says quietly , subtley that he does not believe America should have the AUTHORITY so the roads are half as good and have to be resurfaced twice as often.  You see this across the infrastructure that includes the train system where everything is really old.  About authority, he is a murderer and will find subtle ways to take authority over you.  This os what you get from 500,000 orphan kings of France spawned every ten years from the pools of Sans Souci and eventually they spawned this cloned temperament in the waters of Runaway St.Ann's  Harbour. They migrate with families all over the world just to see if they will fit in and  accept their chances in life; with a little hard work instead of the theft and  covetousness of others.  You have a minimum income support so you have no need of parasiting on the creativity of others or holding economies and  cereal and food shipments ransom.  Who is the Bill the Butcher?  Who is the joker.    These tendencies lends themselves  well to the resistances of the new people's still trying to understand when these Europeans with their constitutions and laws will go home;  Like the Iraqis told America to go home.  What is permitted and what is not permitted in our culture since if she is a woman in our culture, the Ancient Israeli Law School asks a Rabi, why can't you just spit in her and make her pregnant? Obviously, there was a man and a woman caught in the act of adultery.  But, it seems the man who was caught in the act with her dragged her before Christ to ask his question and retire the stone he was going to use to murder her in his need to be accepted.  He obviously had help; the dropout that he had to have been.   There are so many new arrivals to our offshoot Egyptian culture and if you are  the only  authority as an aboriginal who needs to see his own authority and determination, what is a graduate?  Ask the Teacher or Rabi.  He knows.  His name is Jesus.     


Monday, 6 April 2020

Ronin 2: It's black second generation Nazi season like duck season. You killed him while you do evil things to stay youthful.Other people eat whole salmon.

The movie Ronin 2 starring all of the actors in the existing movie is being proposed right here. This includes all of the actors whether or not their character died. It will be called Ronin 2: Resurrection. This time, they won't be chasing an unusual metal brief case but a book that contains the original formula to clean coffee with clean water. But, nobody knows what's in the book. Everyone in the world is willing to pay for it. The SAS wannabe returns as a real SAS who served in Afghanistan and says the color of the boat house is certainly titanium. He takes more of a leading role and drives the new Audi s3. Instead of saying "Raspberry" after buying some weapons quietly from some Americans in Sweden who wish to meet them in an alley with no exit( "I wouldn't go in there...") but who also get shot in a double cross, he says BlackBerry and then drives off in Bugatti Chiron, saying " too tight to owe me english,french,trigonometry and a knee cap lost in Afghanistan. You will never hide Limbo Fagurciti as a Black Nazi again and use us who read the Guardian and the bible.   Limbo Fagurciti is being trained to shoot a Canadian Pm while training with aiming at the British Pm in that they want to hold every British or Canadian direction up so that he will feel equal. His adoptive Uncle asked that he would feel equal with theft, impersonation, bank robbery and deception. He shot His Uncle who was a former driver and who was put over the son of a Bishop and who is killing any relative of the Bishop who graduates without cheating. After killing the Uncle, he went on a killing spree that included the death of his sisters and anybody who ever helped him or showed him any kindness such as Jessixa who he wanted to take to Cuba.  Get your cash and run! He seems to have hoped to be more powerful in the afterlife than everyone he knew."   The SAS knew the Black girl in the Zagato was Felix Lighter's daughter (she was Cia). Her father taught her the ways of Raizo and the 9th clan.    The alley involved the protagonists being shot at by the Americans who have snipers in windows. The Americans did not succeed since certain Swedish ex special ops were hired to sweep the adjacent buildings by the Ronin team and to take the snipers. After that, there is a chase for the book that is being held by some rather wealthy Europeans who look like they live in Mirabella. No one drives a Citroen, Audi or a Chevy in Mirabella. But, they may sometimes drive a Volkswagen beetle. A Benz  S-Class with 14 spoke wheels crashes into a nice costal town's fish stall and the movie is all about the excitement. Gendarmes with balaclavas jump out of a van to say "where's the fish?" as they attempt to quell the public disturbance engendered by the secret book. It's really just Genesis though that says "...out of water came life" and that also records the basic laws that separate us from neanderthals in terms of civil, human behavior. Didn't God tell the Pharaoh to leave that man's wife alone? God certainly told David the same thing but he started to struggle in hearing. We are blessed with Psalms 50 and Psalms 51.     The manager at the private villa where the protagonists stay is a Chinese-ish Jamaican who is closer to the black side of the dna because his cheek was cut at near birth and sand from Brazil was put in his cheek with a little dna from a black english football player who played in the 1800's but was not allowed to appear in team photos. His dna was kept alive in certain fish that fed on his gluteus flesh from a cut and his toe nails ground up in some fish food.  Some tall French girl in his school abused him by telling the teachers that he had called the Ministry of Education on them but he never did. Then, she told the local transit bus driver that he filed a complaint about the driver because her mother told her this is what we do with the Chinese-ish in the West Indies if their parents act like they can't believe they had a Chinese-ish son with their 1/4 Chinese genes.  He says "You marry a maiden in arrangement or your own betrothal; ga rangement, ga betrothal" and "Very good my friend" or he says "Deux Eau avec gazeuze ton vous" when asked a question. He drives in a four door Porsche 1998 and a devout, racially blind Hyderabad Orphan Jamaican Christian girl with some Ancient Jewish ancestry opens the door when he comes home from work. She is his arrangement with the local priest.  She asked him if he knows Londinium and he said "...Do you know the Apostle Peter?  What about Peter, the black slave master in..that French Speaking Island ? Anyway...Londinium is about a city that is set on a hill; innit?; and the Ronin will come for him. He is always trying to taunt people to come for him.  They better go soon before he is selling those surgical nukes that fit in a thermos and stolen from some American military base where his cousin is a 2-star female general. They sometimes also buy ethnic minority lawyers sold by the mafia minded  ( not the real God fearing Mafia) for military food; $200,000.00 as the first payment even before he or she is dead since they feared loosing their licence if they let the court, the law or the client down.  It happened in Arkansas."  The Arrangement have a two level one bed apartment designed in Belize but that sleeps four ( two renters who sleep on the floor) so that they will have a sense of shanty town community. The people who sleep on the floor spit in the fridge so that they will feel equal. The owners of the home did not argue after the spitting began and just tolerated it as it spread across the whole entire continent as the spitting was practiced in coffee shops and eateries. "S" was an insecure weirdo who thought he had to spit to "feel" everybody and wanted to feel associated as if he had no family; like an orphan.  He always thought people would try to kill him because he killed his uncle in the West Indies who was a politician; an uncle that he talks about all day.  Everybody said, maybe the spitting is just communion for a "free sex videos on mobile phones" generation. It is an angry and some what infertile( infertile because of all of the acetaminophen  due to the spit) world  where sex addicts always want to borrow other people's ideas and sell it as the bum apostates that they are while getting criminal records for possession of stolen property and deception offences.  One tenant was named Lindiker and the other is named "S"; "S" because he refused to claim his father's ancestry but killed his son for doing so when given the chance although the son was named correctly and then renamed in error by the "S". The son joined more humane and sane relatives in the end and took their name with their derivative since, with the name or regardless of the name, they loved the Grandfather.  "S" and Lindiker looked at silencers for removing inhumane vermon in society that watch beheading videos.  They identified themselves all day by googling their weapons.  Removing them was to avoid a war .  They kill customer service reps for a living any where in Europe who thought the gay court judgement in the U.S. was a declaration of inefficiency, customer abuse and embezzlement on any citizen who did not watch sex or who was formally educated. After that, much of the movie is the same with amazing car chases that make people think they can get a job without joining something other than an alumni association.  Some of the actors play innocuous roles such as Priests. Larry, the driver, is a Priest who is asked for permission so that they  can do the work in some old Roman town in Southern Europe where the supermarket food labels are printed cheaply in England in three languages where any Amazon merchant account holder could afford them while printed according to entrepreneurially accessible  E.U. regulations.  The movie entertains as usual.  This is because it is evidently a sufficiently educated world population in need of constant reminders about what their time and money is paying for such that it makes sense to make movies as economically profitable, educative and meaningful as this. High School graduates and post-secondary graduates need a job to buy nice shoes, slacks and jackets to take a terrorist's reformed orphan daughter out to lunch.  Once the movie is over, you are reminded that excitement has its place in civilizations that date back thousands of years in Asia and Europe and that people are fighting to maintain it since, like Jerusalem, it is everything. Do you understand? Tu Comprend?   James Bonde  the commonwealth super hero) shows up at the end with a native eskimo girl on his arm and says "..Now you understand. We don't really need.  We have basic income. We have the readies since the Anglo humans and Anglo troglodytes decided to respect technology and the ultimate capitalist efficiency.  There is no point in talking about American aggressive economics if you don't produce anything and if you do, it is offshore where other economies benefit from your false notions of racial hegemony where they are using automation to produce the RCA television in your living room.  If you produce it domestically, you seem to want to use slave labor and slave has no obligation or capitalist motivation (you must have forgotten  )to do anything with quality except but to say F@$#ck you you damn illiterate White Black hypocrite(with a secret Black relative) and fool where there are insufficient people in the economy to buy any goods and then in your hatred, you quietly accept the truth and then you have to bring people from another economy or economies where they receive basic income and where they produce all the basic consumer goods you use in addition to your washers and dryers; all built outside of the United States. So, maybe you have an old head alive that is still demanding to see his version of capitalism that seems to believe cheep off shore labor will save you money while the labor off shore is actually automated. Maybe he also denied his black grandfather on graduation day from  Oklahoma University; Oralal Roberts? Are you there? The truth is hatred and denial of your ancestry opens the mind to something illogical. The odds are quite likely that Abraham did not have blonde hair and blue eyes.  The odds are more likely that Abraham had an afro and what does it matter if Moses had a Moabite wife? What does it matter as Pharaoh respected natural law and the unwritten ten commandments in not touching Abraham's wife? What does it matter if Jesus preached the answer that was causing Israel to kill its rabbinical graduates year after year in ancient Israel while the Herodians were not required to attend School but were given position? What does it matter?  You want to be needed but what do you think James Bonde demonstrates? Is it resentment against his grade school teachers and the universities and all authority? Do you think the organisation for which he works is Herodian; that they just put people in for looks? Do you know how to start a fire or speak at least one language without resenting a journalist?  The people for whom he works are not "People magazine" types.  They are geeky looking but maybe old fashioned hansom. A $10.00 automatic watch is the best jewelry for a man.,searchweb201602_3_10152_10065_10151_10130_10068_5010019_10139_10136_10137_10157_10060_10138_10155_10062_10156_437_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_303_100031_10099_10103_10102_10096_10147_10052_10053_10107_10050_10142_10051_5020019_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10178_10110_519_10111_10112_10113_10114_10182_10185_10078_10079_10073_10123_142,searchweb201603_13,ppcSwitch_5&btsid=38f076f8-6162-4d2c-879a-7f729022105f&algo_expid=53f3d05b-a2ae-43c0-bc6c-f634975e6653-39&algo_pvid=53f3d05b-a2ae-43c0-bc6c-f634975e6653
I have at least one. What about you? We needs them;  all kinds of people but we don't need people who can be willed with the slightest inkling to sink the majesty's sub as someone might suggest that "...they don't really love you Leefsland. Sink it and come home. Do not forget where you come from monkey boy!"          You should love the skin you are in and for the appearance, I would prefer if you could speak a language, understand some rules and just love yourself instead of drinking hotel toilet water, hoping to get more European dna. Now, you have aids. I'm at least 4 generations European and you are dying for the appearance. We gave Martin Luther King European association but truly it was for all of the black people including the Caribbean people since he had Caribbean ancestry but the White Caribbean American people standing beside him took it personally that he got the attention. So, now we have issued 15000 current and posthumously awarded "Noble" Peace prizes so that you would be equal ( noble; get it? How do you treat your children or family or do you just spend $100,000.00's of dollars on them to know where they are when you could know where they are for $60,000.00 per year plus benefits) and everybody will stop killing any West Indians who graduate in Europe or get some attention for being humane. There are about 10 dead West Indian graduates from European schools per year. I'm off to Sienna to kill a fake graduate who screwed everything up just to see if people were on to him.  For the future, James Bond will not be enough.   Learn some French or Spanish since Trinidad in the West Indies makes little sense as a predominantly english speaking Island less than 60 miles from Latin America.  Q'uest que tu fais dans le Autobahn? You are a poor blackish bum or white west indian or whiteish west indian bum or blackish american politician bum with a billion dollars if you will kill any of your country men whose essays you use and who is a graduate and who owns an old German vehicle just because they wanted to enjoy the reasonable cost of ownership and maintenance and you wanted to know what about him because of your lack of education as a "put up" school official  or something else; cuss up as we are just tired of you, you damn ignorant tossers who watch white people have sex for the association and you feel like it as you are carrying soo much shame and loathing !!!   I don't even need a black toilet but it might fit my ebony hardwood floors in the den. Now you understand. Now take our grace before I remind you about beatings and how you mistreat people about "help it" or is this what you want for the association?  If it is, you know what to do. Go and take your clothes off at a McDonalds and scream "help it"; Good. Now, there will be no more killing of Black people just because of education and hard work simply because you can't really understand being at the bottom. Call an Ethiopian professional. He will be glad to help and see where he sends his money to build his country but you could invite him to be an honorary West Indian and preach about the virtue of his culture after you have killed your own relatives for the authority;  good."  James Bond grabs the special book from the Americans, goes to the round about and six Aston Martin Zagatos turn on their lights.  He gets into the Zagato being driven by a really beautiful dark , dark, dark black girl (she delivered packages to all kinds of people including Jamaicans when she was told. She thought of herself.) while all the vehicles go around the round about once and then all the Zagatos drive off in different directions. The other five are driven by 2 Black priests 2 Indian Priests, 2 Chinese Priests and 2 Europeans Priests. One of the European Priests is half European (that is white or Colonial White/as in 1/4 black or somethingish) but looks really European as in 50 generations European. 2 of the Priests are Anglican. Then while sitting in the passenger seat, he says , "...I will give you a better version other than this ESV crap. It will be translated into his English and French from the original Hebrew, African, Ethiopian, Greek and  Aramaic texts. Now I will show you a more excellent way!"   He winks and says "..She thought of herself and who gave her the duty and promotion. She thought "human". She thought about the only community that mattered and that is anyone with whom she is likely have thanksgiving dinner in that her little community should grow for at least 10 generations. That is what White people do." The movie goes to the credits; so exciting!  This movie story idea is now a formal proposal as submitted to the producers.

By Warren Augustine Lyon ( all rights reserved).

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

If you would like to buy or Licence Londinium TV Channel(TM) as a trademark and television concept, please consider the following.

If you would like to buy or Licence  Londinium TV Channel(TM) as a trademark and television concept, please consider the following.

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