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Friday, 7 April 2017

The troglodyte in America cannot be satisfied that he is in opposition to Aliens. In fact, he is the target of the U.S. government. To placate them while killing them off and their tendency to have large families, the U.S. designed fictitious enemies to keep their angers and conversational m tribal energies riveted.; da bears! They also fictitiously designed media conflicts with the Russians.

The troglodyte in  America cannot be satisfied that he is in opposition to Aliens. In fact, he is the target of the U.S. government. To placate them while killing them off and their tendency to have large families, the U.S. designed fictitious enemies to keep their angers and conversational m tribal energies riveted.; da bears!  They also fictitiously designed media conflicts with the Russians.  The point is that the troglodyte that tends to be mostly of Guyanese and West Indian extract is just a problem for the quiet in America.  They are trying fictitious media fights with Russians again since the dumbing down of the educational system after 1985 in North America and again in 1999 has caused a recent flare up in the Menaces to society as presented by the more troglodyte population around us regardless of color.  Gillian Chery Cambell Thomas Warner has alluded to this in her recent analysis of the phenomena and has also noted that it is a particular issue in the Black community that is being rallied into a freedom but a freedom that is exposing the weaknesses of communal identity that seems to need an oppression for a coalescence.  The truth is that the community was diverse and fragmented among tribal lines as the people brought here came from various parts of Africa. Without an oppressiveness in experience, the community seems to break down again into a tribalism in larger forums and also possibly in churches and schools.Gayle and Harpo knows. They kill the people who harass and hinder the lives of black bonafide graduates.   They seem to be obsessed with playing King games once the freedom allows them to think they can get away with robbing a bank or killing a white of black graduate just because the graduate  believed something.  This is more of an issue among the new arrivals that came in the late 1960's from Grenada and St. Kitts it seems and who thought they were more sophisticated than the church going North American black who incubated and coalesced a culture and a peace for more than 400 years with whites and the Indians. Some of them even owned slaves. My ancestors did. Didn't your Black ancestors own slaves?  It's  not a big deal though.  IJ's ancestors owned slaves in Africa but they abandoned him at the airport in Africa 1936 and he has been very angry since that time. There will always be a missing link for the orphan but it does not give him the right to turn all of society into a pot hole of his her bitterness at the truth of his ten toes, ten fingers, two eyes, two arms and two legs; limbs that he removes from other people's children in Guyana and Grenada and also Cuba so that he might feel equal.     This is quite pungent analysis!    

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