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Sunday, 8 January 2017

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noun: grade; plural noun: grades
  1. 1.
    a particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, intensity, or value.
    "sea salt is usually available in coarse or fine grades"
    synonyms:category, set, class, classification, grouping, group, bracket
    "a higher grade of steel"
    • a level in a salary or employment structure.
      synonyms:rank, level, echelon, standing, position, class, status, order; More
      "his job is of the lowest grade"
    • North American
      a mark indicating the quality of a student's work.
      "I got good grades last semester"
      synonyms:mark, score; More
      "she got the best grades in the class"
    • British
      an examination, especially in music.
      "I took grade five and got a distinction"
    • (with specifying ordinal number) those students in a school or school system who are grouped by age or ability for teaching at a particular level for a year.
      "she teaches first grade"
      "he's in grade 5"
    • (in historical linguistics) one in a series of related root forms exhibiting ablaut.
    • Zoology
      a group of animals at a similar evolutionary level.
  2. 2.
    North American
    a gradient or slope.
    "just over the crest of a long seven percent grade"
  3. 3.
    a variety of cattle produced by crossing with a superior breed.
    "grade stock"
verb: grade; 3rd person present: grades; past tense: graded; past participle: graded; gerund or present participle: grading
  1. 1.
    arrange in or allocate to grades; class or sort.
    "they are graded according to thickness"
    synonyms:classify, class, categorize, bracket, sort, group, arrange, pigeonhole; More
    "eggs are graded by size"
  2. 2.
    pass gradually from one level, especially a shade of color, into another.
    "the sky graded from blue to white on the horizon"
    synonyms:blend, shade, merge, pass
    "the colors grade into one another"
  3. 3.
    reduce (a road) to an easy gradient.
  4. 4.
    cross (livestock) with a superior breed.
early 16th century: from French, or from Latin gradus ‘step.’ Originally used as a unit of measurement of angles (a degree of arc), the term later referred to degrees of merit or quality.

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