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Thursday, 1 December 2016

You cut your own throat. Was it just for hair texture? But, the infrastructure and the speed of certain payments allows you produce and waste again and again...then you start great spectacular international events to hide what you do in resenting your own tutelage. Finally, there is a point beyond which you realize uncertainty...don't you teach Charles Dickens, Austen, Macbeth and Hamlet by Shakespeare Didn't you teach Latin? Didn't you teach trigonometry?

So, we need legislative enforcement that makes not only schools and public services safe for orphans but that also makes  every aspect of life safe for every citizen and that also makes economic activity viable.  You seem to be displacing yourselves and you will never learn that Asian language fast enough in the North American plains to be viable. You thought South Asians in North America would camouflage the slaughter of Amerindians south of Mexico. It seems to have picked up again after the Last Samurai movie (2005).  It is the dyslexic people with weapons in the population who are paid to make unfortunate deathly mistakes. Do you speak a South Asian language? What is Rita or Dharma?  Answer the question? What is the color of the dock  or boathouse at Tonawanda? Do you know the map is not the territory?    Do you know Burb north of 7(TM) ?   It's a new trademark.  We know who you are now in terms of what you do. You are not thinking nationally but in terms of some kind of preservation in isolation and you fear your own capability in education.  You treat the educated in your socio-economic reality as discarded as you only think of social authority in a very unusual group psychology and fear that they might be promoted. Why would they be promoted if you are doing your job on aptitude only without education? You are the smartest people in the entire world! Look at your suicide rates in the abundance of free school and free health care. Do you know Sandy Otis White(TM)?  Hmm?  This is just friendly observation since I already took my Indian and Chinese approximation to enjoy the breadth of humanity. You are also being manipulated by your guilt in how you discard your own society's resources.  Society on a whole pays the debt when the citizen in which it invests as a student is strangle-holed by other citizens who only have one question after a hockey game or a customer service board meeting; who is his father ?  Why does he work so hard? It is natural aptitude?    What does it matter? School is free and you can get as much education as you choose to receive. You weren't listening during the school assembly. So who is your father?  If childish and unnecessary competition is taken out of the labor and employment market, the economy becomes more confident and stronger. We spend more money on public school students per year in the Western world than the average student is ever allowed to generate in sales tax revenues as a consumer. What is the point of formal schooling if it is not to generate a viable consumer and future employee?  If this is the purpose of governments funding education for 14 years at $400.00 per day per student to cover the cost of salaries for all the staff and the cost of maintaining the infrastructure in addition to school materials, then there is need for equal commitment in getting a return on the investment regardless of race. If you want to racialize the work force while an A + in chemistry has no racial import, then do so but do not waste.   You are displacing yourself. The mothers may call their children Kings and Queens at birth regardless of race. That is what white mothers do. But, I am just a citizen. Aren't you a citizen? The issue is not affirmative action in the racial sense but resource management.   The dyslexic girl only watched tv but somehow got a job in Government Policy. She wants the world to reflect what she sees on television. She was actually a Learning Difficulty and Special Education student. She has confessed her disability that was ignored in her sexual prowess. She is the uh uhm slag from the volcano ashes used by the Romans to make concrete. Look up the word "slag".   Everybody gets a job in the same way that everybody gets a school place in the class regardless of race. You could make all of the minority kids presumptively service workers while some will minority kids will aspire to certain callings based on academic performance.   If they do, you can see no one gave them any favor but you can continue to presume it.   However, Greatho is a now student of civilization although she used someone's essays at Gottawoe University.   Placing your own high school graduates in some position of any kind will achieve placement; not displacement.   The effort toward placement will, in itself, create jobs and avoid the civic waste. The energy and resources utilized in placement will create jobs and shore up the issue of tremendous financial waste following high school and university graduation since all university places are subsidized by government directly or indirectly. The issue is an unusual culture from the days of piracy on the high seas; a culture that wishes to express itself in taking authority by throwing people overboard while the entire ship is to turn a blind eye to the travesty and the person who had the opportunity to throw someone overboard foments his mutiny among all other passengers who live in fear during the journey if the captain does not restore order and save the life that someone attempted to discard.  

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